Forum for ex-members of Revival Churches
Revival_Centres_Discussion_Forums > Reviving from Revival > Freedom Forum Go to subcategory:
Topics Author Replies Views Last Post
The Freedom Forum's Reading List Ex_Member 0 1999 19/03/2010 6:21 AM
Article: Is Your Revival Centre a ‘Cult’? Ex_Member 0 3203 19/03/2010 5:54 AM
Article: Mind Control in The Revival Centres MothandRust 1 2665 08/12/2007 2:17 PM
Podcast: Let's talk about SECTS Uncoolman 0 62 22/11/2024 1:28 PM
Speaking in Tongues by Tom Tilley MothandRust 5 1409 Post Reply: Uncoolman
25/06/2023 5:06 AM
I was a Teenage Fundamentalis‪t MothandRust 0 1337 15/04/2021 12:51 PM
Facebook page Uncoolman 0 1536 03/09/2019 11:28 AM
Just left a Revival group. What now? mountainlander 7 2200 Post Reply: mountainlander
10/08/2016 1:24 PM
Still living in darkness. Biblianut 0 1451 24/01/2016 2:08 PM
Brisbane Church Sold Zamoz 0 1782 09/08/2015 1:13 AM
Yes! it is a mad world. Biblianut 0 2200 12/07/2014 11:04 PM
life after RCI/CAI Pfingstrose 1 2941 Post Reply: Didaktikon
13/05/2013 11:58 AM
Looking back Fallen1993 1 2610 Post Reply: Goodmen
28/03/2013 2:19 PM
I left the Revival fellowship Fallen1993 3 3339 Post Reply: paradisecitynow
28/08/2012 12:12 PM
Anyone there who knows about Pastor Jack Vicary's assembly in Perth? MovingPastIt 0 3398 21/02/2012 12:28 PM
You Know You're in a revival centre when.....? outforgood 0 3577 28/06/2011 9:28 PM
'After the dust settles' - where to from here? Ex_Member 7 4462 Post Reply: cfcmi_survivor
27/06/2011 4:32 AM
Sunday morning dogmafree 8 3400 12/08/2006 12:57 PM
TW is a liar Ex_Member 22 5577 02/01/2011 9:54 PM
Senator Boyce is requesting advice from the Australian Law Reform worriedmum 4 3964 Post Reply: Ex_Member
02/04/2011 2:40 PM
IMAGINE... dogmafree 6 1962 Post Reply: Didaktikon
24/03/2011 10:58 PM
Post-Revivalist Ex_Member 10 3100 Post Reply: Biblianut
03/01/2011 12:08 PM
Atheist Exit Counselling Support Australia Ex_Member 2 2790 10/04/2010 11:02 AM
Article: Individual Differences Affecting Recovery Ex_Member 0 2388 20/03/2010 1:48 PM
Article: It Hurts Ex_Member 0 1921 20/03/2010 1:25 PM
Article: Uncovering Churches That Abuse People Ex_Member 0 1660 20/03/2010 1:21 PM
"Behind the Exclusive Brethren" by Michael Batchelard outaegypt 5 2241 15/10/2008 12:33 AM
dreams about church people mf doom 11 2179 Post Reply: outaegypt
02/11/2008 2:47 PM
What we always knew to be true... Ex_Member 2 1779 Post Reply: outaegypt
25/08/2008 12:48 AM
Poll: A POLL for Prior/Post Church experiences outaegypt 16 1930 19/01/2007 11:26 PM
Can religion liberate you? worriedmum 5 1796 11/10/2007 2:35 PM
How did you Rescue your past relationships Ex_Member 15 1983 Post Reply: Didaktikon
07/05/2008 9:31 PM
Creating the Revival Monster Ex_Member 4 2142 Post Reply: Glad-to be out
04/03/2008 11:08 PM
Article: 10 things you need to know MothandRust 2 1913 Post Reply: singed but not destroyed
26/01/2008 9:15 AM
BOOKS - what do I do with them now ? Ex_Member 2 1591 21/12/2007 4:40 PM
How is your centre abusing your basic human rights? worriedmum 1 1587 08/10/2007 9:23 PM
God versus Religion bindi 9 1860 23/05/2007 9:30 AM
The insatiable taste of FREEDOM dogmafree 7 1713 05/05/2007 1:55 PM
Overcoming the hurt set free 3 1667 28/03/2007 11:15 AM
Advice when leaving Revival Anonymous 10 2045 02/03/2006 8:56 AM
Floating up Stream Anonymous 15 1926 26/02/2007 11:21 AM
Just closing the door on my way out no1home 28 1893 03/02/2007 4:02 PM
So what was it all about? no1home 9 1876 10/02/2007 5:49 PM
Do you know your rights? featheredserpent 10 1706 20/04/2004 8:19 AM
You Know You Are No Longer A Revivalist When.... Ex_Member 10 1758 22/08/2006 9:31 PM
will anything BAD happen if i leave Anonymous 7 1670 15/11/2005 11:30 AM
THE TURNING POINT... the ones that left - were they always going to? mf doom 4 1565 12/07/2006 6:30 AM
Getting out & moving forward...... dogmafree 2 1633 01/10/2006 6:18 PM
unsure of where to go Anonymous 7 1612 13/08/2006 6:58 PM
finally! mf doom 8 1679 12/11/2005 7:28 AM
Link to Freeminds web page featheredserpent 5 1655 02/09/2004 4:09 PM
Revival Euphamisms list
Page: 1 2
Jojo the Lion 51 4048 Post Reply: Anonymous
03/10/2005 3:05 PM
Article: Born or Raised in High-Demand Groups: Developmental Considerations Anonymous 8 1425 11/09/2005 8:29 AM
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