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  • Register:17/08/2007 9:04 PM

Date Posted:11/10/2007 2:35 PMCopy HTML

I value my freedom.In one of the threads one of the members stated that religion liberates people. I am really interested to hear from those who believe religion can liberate. If we don't talk about Revivalism alone, on a whole, Christianty or any other religion, how can it liberate? What is your understanding of liberty? This is not a critisism thread. I plead all members not to critiique each otherbut simply explain what they know about liberation by religion. MothandRust, I am looking forward to your answer.
If you attribute all your problems in life to God, and everything what you achieve in life to prayers, then you deprive yourself of a merit and deny yourself a chance of finding true causes of your problems and improving your present life and lives of the people around you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discover true Bible
MothandRust Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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Re:Can religion liberate you?

Date Posted:11/10/2007 4:32 PMCopy HTML

Reply to : worriedmum

I value my freedom.In one of the threads one of the members stated that religion liberates people. I am really interested to hear from those who believe religion can liberate. If we don't talk about Revivalism alone, on a whole, Christianty or any other religion, how can it liberate? What is your understanding of liberty? This is not a critisism thread. I plead all members not to critiique each otherbut simply explain what they know about liberation by religion. MothandRust, I am looking forward to your answer.

You know, I gave this topic a lot of thought earlier this week after watching 'The Island' by director Michael Bay,starring Ewen McGreggor and the freaking amazing Scarlett Johansson. There's very little else in life that is more important than freedom (apart from Scarlett Johansson) and those of us that have guts will die in war to make sure our children have it. We cheered and cried when Mel Gibson played out the last moments of William Wallace's life crying for FREEDOM and we shed a tear when someone loses it undeservedly in a Bankock prison. The euphoria we felt as teenagers when we got our licence to freely drive is similar to the joy of having a bank account where we're free to spend.

Freedom is frakking fantastic and we all love it and it's worth fighting for.

The curious thing about many churches is the power they have to steal freedom from individuals and repackage it as something else. The controlled and caged freedom of Churhdom is a fool's paradise, especially so with the likes of Revivalism where they are told by some idiot from the pulpit that they have MORE freedom than those outside their church because they have the 'freedom' to be in Christ - (blink blink) - This is like a goldfish boasting to the new members of the tank that they have complete freedom to swim 'anywhere' inside the tank. Complete freedom.

It's a very bastardised version of freedom. So bastardised and contrived that it's actually the opposite of freedom. Our forefathers died in wars and sacrificed themselves in huge numbers - blood flowed - so that we could live a free life without oppression and then we go and live under the thumbs of the likes of Noel Hollins and the Revival umbrella.

Yeah, I've said it before, they live in a fool's paradise. Big fish in their small little tanks and the reflection of the glass prevents them from seeing the great big beautiful world just outside their man-made universe.

Instagram and Twitter: @mothpete
worriedmum Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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Re:Can religion liberate you?

Date Posted:02/11/2007 8:44 AMCopy HTML

Wow, three weeks later and noone can offer an alternative to MothandRust 's explanation how we are liberated by religion/Christianity?
If you attribute all your problems in life to God, and everything what you achieve in life to prayers, then you deprive yourself of a merit and deny yourself a chance of finding true causes of your problems and improving your present life and lives of the people around you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discover true Bible
dogmafree Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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Re:Can religion liberate you?

Date Posted:02/11/2007 12:08 PMCopy HTML

Moth pretty much summed it up, WM.

Religious folk would probably offer the same old story about 'freedom from condemnation of sin' and soforth. It's a tired old story they play over & over. The facts before their very eyes are that they are subject to everything life can throw at them (the good and the bad) just like everyone else. But they cling onto this fairy story about them having a different relationship to their naughtiness, and so suppose they don't have the burden like everyone else. It is PURELY a cognitive concept, and has NOTHING to do with reality.

"for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" Shakespeare (Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2)
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Re:Can religion liberate you?

Date Posted:12/06/2008 12:38 PMCopy HTML

Only the truth can Liberate you.

If the religion offers truth it can liberate.  If the religion offers untruth, it will do the opposite.
But to use the term liberate and not qualify the word with a context, is a bit like asking how long is a piece of string.

Religion by it self is not able to liberate me from having to wear clothes in public.  But knowing the truth about nakedness and being part of a civilised society I can accept that having to wear clothes in that society is inevitable and for the good of the whole society.  Wierd exampl I know but it is 10:30pm.

Truth, not religion set people free. 

RCI prophesies
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