Forum for ex-members of Revival Churches
Revival_Centres_Discussion_Forums > Reviving from Revival > The Ex-Christian Chatroom Go to subcategory:
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Websites, Blogs and Other Reources For Non-Believers Ex_Member 0 1647 19/03/2010 12:14 PM
Some random off topic posts that the moderator has moved Ex_Member 21 2330 Post Reply: ColinXY
12/04/2015 8:53 AM
Speaking in tongues clap trap & bugbear ColinXY 0 1594 12/04/2015 5:53 AM
why is it that so many ex members still believe in Christianity? SummerRWeston 6 2784 18/11/2011 8:07 AM
HOW STUPID ARE OTHERS PEOPLES THOUGHTS?? Ex_Member 1 1619 20/05/2011 1:57 AM
Online Classic Games Ex_Member 0 1316 12/03/2011 6:44 AM
Online RPG Games Ex_Member 0 1358 12/03/2011 4:55 AM
Some good quotes... Ex_Member 22 2552 Post Reply: Ex_Member
10/03/2011 3:18 AM
THE END IS NEAR. no really this time it's real....yaaaaa! Ex_Member 2 1516 05/12/2010 4:04 AM
Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth... Ex_Member 17 2007 02/12/2010 8:51 AM
Has anybody seen the movie zietguist Wredsox 11 2670 19/07/2008 1:53 PM
A Life in & Out of Hillsong Ex_Member 2 1782 02/08/2010 11:55 PM
Life After Death Ex_Member 14 2054 11/07/2010 10:15 AM
Jesus is coming back! Quick, look busy!
Page: 1 2
Ex_Member 90 6490 18/05/2010 1:33 AM
The Argument from Authority Ex_Member 0 1486 11/07/2010 11:00 AM
Carl Sagan - Youtube video Ex_Member 1 1364 10/07/2010 10:54 AM
Beyond Born Again: Towards Evangelical Maturity Ex_Member 0 1330 03/07/2010 2:25 PM
New book: 'The Christian Delusion' Ex_Member 0 1564 02/07/2010 1:41 AM
Prime Minister Gillard says she doesn't believe... Ex_Member 0 1481 30/06/2010 10:55 AM
Pale Blue Dot MothandRust 2 1448 30/04/2010 3:31 PM
So what’s it like to leave Jesus behind? Ex_Member 2 1491 11/04/2010 2:37 PM
Funny animated Bible satire MothandRust 0 1395 02/05/2010 4:56 AM
Preachers who are not Believers Ex_Member 0 1461 28/04/2010 2:34 AM
Online Book - Why I Believed: Reflections of a Former Missionary Ex_Member 3 1532 20/04/2010 6:26 AM
Rationalists Opposed to Speaking in Tongues Ex_Member 7 1812 15/04/2010 2:05 AM
Near Death Experiences, Universalism, and Christianity big_girl 0 1459 15/04/2010 3:54 AM
Atheist Exit Counselling Support Australia Ex_Member 0 1325 10/04/2010 10:59 AM
Happy Easter Ex_Member 5 1718 03/04/2010 5:07 AM
The Prince of Egypt Ex_Member 0 1488 29/03/2010 4:36 AM
Why I Left The Revival Fellowship Ex_Member 0 1534 16/03/2010 7:37 AM
Atheists ask: Why is their evil in the world? Frontslider 33 2748 08/08/2008 11:12 PM
CAI made me become an atheist. theshark 12 2351 Post Reply: Talmid
15/01/2009 9:11 AM
A good Read - "The God Delusion" anon1 15 2001 07/08/2007 5:40 PM
Controversial? theory of evolution worriedmum 25 1867 Post Reply: MothandRust
12/10/2007 8:05 PM
My search of God always stumbled in the first chapter of the Bible. worriedmum 30 1757 22/08/2007 1:23 PM
athiest????? Ex_Member 2 1510 29/07/2007 2:12 PM
Which one of the following statements is false? MothandRust 30 1975 22/04/2007 3:04 PM
Why Would Anyone Leave Jesus or His Church? Ex_Member 3 1569 23/04/2007 12:19 AM
You Can Trust the Bible...because it's really, really old Ex_Member 36 2559 20/03/2007 9:55 AM
god vs God kahushna 34 2178 10/02/2007 8:21 PM
Help with research...ex GRC Ex_Member 5 1417 18/02/2007 11:37 PM
You Know You're A Fundy When ...... MothandRust 4 1345 11/11/2006 5:33 PM
The Ex-christian Monologues MothandRust 3 1375 08/11/2006 8:19 PM
Jesus' Ethics (Jesus predicted his own return within the Apostles' lifestimes) Ex_Member 37 1359 14/04/2006 1:57 PM
For Steamylee: Biblical Absurdities Ex_Member 1 972 13/07/2006 12:37 AM
18 Old Testament atrocities allegedly committed by God or the Godly Ex_Member 37 2009 02/01/2005 11:29 PM
If God is REAL and sits IDLY by and does NOTHING, I hold THAT God in ABSOLUTE CONTEMPT. Bones1960 27 1181 Post Reply: Anonymous
14/06/2006 2:36 PM
Fully God and Fully Man? Ex_Member 8 1052 21/04/2006 9:43 AM
Quotes - "In Christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with reality at any point" Anonymous 5 1025 21/07/2005 12:00 PM
4 Gospels...1 Jesus? Ex_Member 5 1076 30/11/2005 11:37 PM
Reply to free oh free regarding the existence of god. Anonymous 3 832 12/11/2005 1:58 AM
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