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Title: Reply to free oh free regarding the existence of god. | |
Revival_Centres_Discussion_Forums > Reviving from Revival > The Ex-Christian Chatroom | Go to subcategory: |
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Date Posted:12/11/2005 1:58 AMCopy HTML $%*'`[Backslider]%*'`@Hi there free oh free, I've read your posts and agrre with what you're saying and i know where you're coming from. Like you I also was let down by the empty words of the bible. I don't blame Hollins because he was a man like many others before him who took up the bible and preached it, so the book is to blame, it controls people by fear, shame and guilt, and that is what Hollins ended up doing. How convenient an answer from the bible to talk abouty faith and that by it we will know god. Of course the book had to use this line of thought to convimce the reader because if it didn't then people would work out that there is no reality in the words. What a convenient way to expalin why there is no real power of god. Galien I was very much moved by your story and hope that you continue to do well and if reading the bible helps you good luck but it doesn't prove the existence of god because i know non christians who have had a shit life and have helped themselves to overcome those obsticles, just like yourself and they will tell you that they did it without the assistance of god.The bible is like the mormon religion when you ask them to view the golden tablets from which the book of mormon was translated they conveniently tell you that it was taken back into heaven, how very convenient. And so it is with the bible when you ask someone to show you the risen christ you are told that he was taken back int heaven, oh how so convenient. Just imagine the history of the world if jesus after he had risen had stayed in Jerusalem and ruled and rained the earth. There would have been no confusion, no religion, no war, no need for police, no need for hospitals,and the list goes on. Or even if he had of made a regular visit to the earth, say once a year since his ressurection, what a diference that would have made to the history of man kind. There would not have been a chance for the first world war, a chance for Adolf Hitler to have done what he did, all of the attrocities of history would have been prevented, just imagine how it would have been if jesus had of stayed on the earth as an eternal being. Now iknow what you will say to this that it's not up to us to say how god should have done it, but that is just another convenient way to not see reality.So there you go free oh free i feel the same as you that if god wants the confusion to go then the ball is in his court not ours, and i'll be very happy to bend the knee when he comes down to talk to me direct and rebuke me if need be infact i look forward to it as i'm sure you would also.cheers hope to meet you some day.....
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Re:Reply to free oh free regarding the existence of god. Date Posted:12/11/2005 8:16 AMCopy HTML Imagine
Imagine there's no heaven, It's easy if you try, No hell below us, Above us only sky, Imagine all the people living for today... Imagine there's no countries, It isnt hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too, Imagine all the people living life in peace... Imagine no possesions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man, Imagine all the people Sharing all the world... You may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one, I hope some day you'll join us, And the world will live as one. Writen by: John Lennon |
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Re:Reply to free oh free regarding the existence of god. Date Posted:12/11/2005 8:37 AMCopy HTML $%*'`[Backslider]%*'`@
Hi Anonymous thanks for your reply, I love it. I didn't think of the John Lennon song when I responded to Free oh Free but it was very apt I guess, I think John Lennon might have been proud of me. But just imagine how human history would have turned out if the risen christ had of stayed on the earth or made regular visits to the earth, what a place this would have been. Of course the christians will have to respond with the common argument that we needed evil so that we as humans can be tested so that the true followers would have been revealed but I won't accept that type of argument any more because it's just excuses to not face up to the real facts. There would have been another way for god to have made it clear and that is the way it was explained to me when i first attended the GRC and that was the the true power of god would be manifested through the true church of the Lord, that being the GRC. But in reality there was no power and all the churches of the earth make excused for the lack of the power of god. Imagine how world history would have been changed if the true church of god had of demonstrated gods power, not i word but in deed. You would not have hidden that church and there wouldn't have been 100s of diferent christian religions all saying something different, causing heaps of confussion. The fact that there are so many relgions just stengthens the argument that the true church of god is not on the earth today. The true church of god on the erath would just shut all the others down, convert the muslim and the jew, there would have been no excuses. That would have been a fair system of deciding which church to follow because if you had of rejected it then you had no excuse. So again I say JUST IMAGINE...................... |