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Date Posted:05/09/2010 6:09 AMCopy HTML

cruel twist Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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Re:(Animated) Using the spiritual 'gifts'

Date Posted:05/09/2010 11:54 AMCopy HTML

Good to see Wally is wearing his tie.
"Try not to burn the toast"
dogmafree Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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Re:(Animated) Using the spiritual 'gifts'

Date Posted:09/09/2010 1:25 PMCopy HTML

 I find it really funny when these characters speak in tongues.  Maybe there could be a 'spiritual gifts' video, featuring a tongues speaker with some of the common repetitious 'phrases' etc.  Then some groan worthy 'interpretations and 'prophesies'.

I reckon that almost all revvers silently disbelieve that these 'gifts' are inspired.  But it would be a big no-no to even hint that among themselves.  So everyone just goes along with it, pretending to agree with this special time when God speaks to his church. :-X

"for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" Shakespeare (Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2)
MothandRust Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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Re:(Animated) Using the spiritual 'gifts'

Date Posted:09/09/2010 2:26 PMCopy HTML


Yeah, I can imagine an animated 'gifts' session! That would be soooooo sacrilegious to them, and therefore HAS to be done! heh.

Those strange sessions used to seem to go on forever, as we swayed on our feet waiting for them to end so we could get some coffee. And it was always exciting when someone accidentally 'operated' a fourth gift! We'd all look around and either smirk or be shocked that someone would dare break the god-to-man treaty of exceeding the three-only quota.

I can still remember the first time I used the 'gift' of prophesy when the 'Lord' magically used my mouth to share an incredible message to the church:

"Yay, my children ye shall goeth out into the world and preach my pure gospel. Yay. And Yay, thou shalt not fear that my word wouldest go out void because, yay, I shalt be with you and through you as you walk down that narrow road, yay. And yay my saints, ye shalt be steadfast until the end for my spirit shall quicken you, and yay you will surely be blessed as I ordereth your steps, like the righteous men, and women that ye are... Oh Yay... ye are my chosen saints! saith THE LORD"

I used to say 'Yay' a lot, instead of umm.

*Since this post a 'Spiritual Gifts' animation has been made and is in the first post
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dogmafree Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #4
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Re:(Animated) Using the spiritual 'gifts'

Date Posted:10/09/2010 2:32 AMCopy HTML

LOL indeed Mothman,

I remember many years ago.  A new woman had been coming to the assembly for a few weeks.  She was seen as a bit of a 'pente butterfly' and we were sort of trying to assimilate her (you know what I mean).  Actually the lady (I think) was quite mentally unstable.

Anyways, she started speaking in prophesy, and after a few sentences, her message was seen to be a bit 'off'.  Everybody started "hallelujahing" to drown her out, but she was a persistant bird.  She just shouted louder and LOUDER, til she was literally SCREAMING..... "LISTEN TO ME MY CHILDREN"........

Needless to say, she was straightaway taken off to be 'counseled' and I don't think she was around much longer after that.

"for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" Shakespeare (Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2)
Glad-to be out Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #5
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Re:(Animated) Using the spiritual 'gifts'

Date Posted:10/09/2010 3:38 AMCopy HTML

 As this is a follow on to Dog's post ,- I have to start  , 'There was this one time at Band Camp'-- some people will know what I am talking about.
We had a lady who used to go on and on--'My People this and My People that'. 

You could actually hear the groan when she started.

A small sigh uttered by about 600 people becomes a really loud groan.

The prophecies were repetitious, boring and always admonishing--not encouraging.

I went on holiday with one woman to a foreign country and actually heard her practising her 'prophecy?' to be brought forth when she was touched by the Lord in a meeting some 5 hours later.

On reflection, I think she was just 'touched'.

Still, all the straws were piling up on the 'camel's back' which helped me make my decision to leave.

"Faith is not about everything turning out OK; Faith is about being OK no matter how things turn out."
Glad-to be out Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #6
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Re:(Animated) Using the spiritual 'gifts'

Date Posted:10/09/2010 3:54 AMCopy HTML

Reply to MothandRust


Yeah, I can imagine an animated 'gifts' session! That would be soooooo sacrilegious to them, and therefore HAS to be done! heh.

Those strange sessions used to seem to go on forever, as we swayed on our feet waiting for them to end so we could get some coffee. And it was always exciting when someone accidentally 'operated' a fourth gift! We'd all look around and either smirk or be shocked that someone would dare break the god-to-man treaty of exceeding the three-only quota.

I can still remember the first time I used the 'gift' of prophesy when the 'Lord' magically used my mouth to share an incredible message to the church:

"Yay, my children ye shall goeth out into the world and preach my pure gospel. Yay. And Yay, thou shalt not fear that my word wouldest go out void because, yay, I shalt be with you and through you as you walk down that narrow road, yay. And yay my saints, ye shalt be steadfast until the end for my spirit shall quicken you, and yay you will surely be blessed as I ordereth your steps, like the righteous men, and women that ye are... Oh Yay... ye are my chosen saints! saith THE LORD"

I used to say 'Yay' a lot, instead of umm.

Sigh... Revivalists are so very very retarded. Sorry, but honestly... semi-retarded.

My husband asked 'WHY are the prophecies in such old fashioned language?'

He never got a good answer, just something like you say to kids!!! 'Because it is, that's why!!!'

Does any one know WHY it is so stilted and uses Ye and Yay and Shalt etc.

Were they ALL just made up from over active, wannabe minds.

"Faith is not about everything turning out OK; Faith is about being OK no matter how things turn out."
MothandRust Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #7
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Re:(Animated) Using the spiritual 'gifts'

Date Posted:10/09/2010 3:59 AMCopy HTML

There were certain 'gift' hogs that would induce those groans... such groans were as if a MIGHTY wind had rushed across the hall :P

People were always amazed that the gifts seemed to be synchronised with the topic of the talks! Not a real shock as usually the 'gifts' were AFTER the repetitive 50 odd minute talk we had just managed not to sleep through.

God, I wish I had an ipod back in those days. Imagine all the games I could have played, or digital books I could have read, sitting in the back row of the hall, while the talks were rambling on.
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MothandRust Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #8
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Re:(Animated) Using the spiritual 'gifts'

Date Posted:10/09/2010 5:28 AMCopy HTML

There is an interesting discussion on this topic started HERE
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Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #9
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Re:(Animated) Using the spiritual 'gifts'

Date Posted:10/09/2010 5:40 AMCopy HTML

Hi, Glad.

Chock it down to the thoroughly mistaken belief that Elizabethan English (a la the cadences of the KJV) is somehow intrinsically "spiritual", I suppose.

Speaking to the larger issue, what I find interesting about the practice of Revivalist "spiritual gifts" is that they never conform to Paul's teaching about such subjects in 1 Corinthians 12 through 14.  Consider, for example, Paul states that "tongues" constitutes praise from the human spirit to God. One can rightly assume, then, that the "interpretation" should similarly represent praise from the human spirit to God. But it never is; what we invariably find is a supposed message coming the other way! Similarly Revivalist "prophecies" are so thoroughly dry, sterile and completely uninspiring as to be comical. Where is the immediacy of a "timely word" from the Lord to his congregation? Why is it that the "prophecies" never contain words of rebuke to assembly leaders, about whom James said, "they will be judged more strictly"? Why is it that they never correct mistaken opinions, teachings or attitudes? Why is it that they stick to the same sorts of banal issues? The New Testament is clear that when God spoke to his Church, people didn't yawn, fidget or stare out the window hoping the service would be over quickly!

As an aside I once offered a "tongue" in a large Revivalist meeting, which was immediately "interpreted" by a very well known senior pastor. Unfortunately, his "interpretation" didn't match my spoken words of praise in Hebrew ... not even tangentially. Go figure

In conclusion, the "spiritual gifts" of Revivalism are a sham. My experience of the real thing in real Christian churches is poles removed from the delusions that I inevitably encounter in the various Revivalist sects across Australia.



Glad-to be out Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #10
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Re:(Animated) Using the spiritual 'gifts'

Date Posted:10/09/2010 7:03 AMCopy HTML

 Ian- thanks for taking the time to reply.

As usual it makes PERFECT sense when you spell it out.

I would have loved to have been in the meeting when you prophesied.

Did you point out to the pastor the error of his ways?

I always did think they were a sham, they fitted different sets of circumstances or followed from 'the word' just given too neatly.

Even to the point of fobbing off eager young souls because the 'gift of tongues' was too short and Hollins couldn't  make his manipulative interpretation look legitimate when the 'gift' consisted of so few words.


"Faith is not about everything turning out OK; Faith is about being OK no matter how things turn out."
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Re:(Animated) Using the spiritual 'gifts'

Date Posted:10/09/2010 8:39 AMCopy HTML

"My husband asked 'WHY are the prophecies in such old fashioned language?'
He never got a good answer, just something like you say to kids!!! 'Because it is, that's why!!!'
Does any one know WHY it is so stilted and uses Ye and Yay and Shalt etc.
Were they ALL just made up from over active, wannabe minds.

I thought that, as it was explained to me  was because of reading the King James Bible, with all the thees and thou's etc etc. Its funny you dont find that in other churches where they use the NIV and other such translations that most can understand.
 I also found it ironic that some of the more cold and unfriendly ones (being polite here!!!) used the gifts so as to look really spiritual, holy and pretentious.

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #12
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Re:(Animated) Using the spiritual 'gifts'

Date Posted:10/09/2010 12:47 PMCopy HTML


Ha, ha, ha, ha! That was the best one yet



Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #13
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Re:(Animated) Using the spiritual 'gifts'

Date Posted:10/09/2010 12:57 PMCopy HTML

Hi, Glad.

Happy to be able to help. To answer your question, 'no', I didn't let the pastor concerned know (at the time) what a goose he'd made of himself. I'd brought a Christian friend along with me that Sunday (who understood Hebrew), and he nearly wet himself trying to keep from laughing when pastor X "interpreted" my "tongue"! Anyway, a chap sitting next to me later asked which assembly I was from, so I told him that I'd formerly attended the Brisbane RCI, but that I'd long since repented. I don't think he got the joke, somehow



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Re:(Animated) Using the spiritual 'gifts'

Date Posted:10/09/2010 4:08 PMCopy HTML

"for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" Shakespeare (Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2)
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Re:(Animated) Using the spiritual 'gifts'

Date Posted:11/09/2010 5:16 AMCopy HTML

Well done Mothus --- now that is the funniest yet !!!


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Re:(Animated) Using the spiritual 'gifts'

Date Posted:11/09/2010 8:20 AMCopy HTML

Brilliant Brilliant, Moth,   should do one of Simon and Glenn blamming each other while in jail for ripping off folk for 60 Million. 

Im_Out  (and will never look back).  
MothandRust Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #17
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Re:(Animated) Using the spiritual 'gifts'

Date Posted:11/09/2010 11:31 AMCopy HTML

Thanks Im-Out
The Duker of Hazard?

Damn, now you got me thinking again.
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Re:(Animated) Using the spiritual 'gifts'

Date Posted:11/09/2010 7:59 PMCopy HTML

Reply to Didaktikon


Ha, ha, ha, ha! That was the best one yet



Morning Ianos,

Am having a little quiet read of 1 Cor 14:26 and 27 with my nestle in front of me.. my my my well I'll be gobsmacked.  The revivalist 'claim' of their particular use of the gifts are not in accord per a literal interpretation of the text after all. The imperative 'sigato' pulls the rug right out from under the revivalist position. What seems more telling is that the 'diepmeneutes' is, in this verse, an established gift and how can someone supposedly exercise a 'gift of tongues' if there is no certainty of an interpreter being present. The imperative runs contrary... completely contrary to the revivalist practice!!

It therefore seems that Paul was issuing these imperatives, perhaps as a safeguard against the sort of thing we have witnessed within the revivalist 'gatherings'..

Blessings Ian

RCI prophesies
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