Title: (Animated) Revival Wally meets Jehovah W: Cults collide! | |
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MothandRust | |
Date Posted:04/09/2010 3:00 AMCopy HTML As a revivalist I used to relish 'socking' it to the Jehovah Witnesses who would come to my door. I loved pwning them with my amazing bible knowledge and thought I was zinging their 'silly' doctrines. Looking back at it now, my doctrines were just as silly, and perhaps even sillier in some cases. At least the JWs didn't speak Double Dutch to appease their god; they just had to address him by his 'Christian' name.
Instagram and Twitter: @mothpete
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Re:(Animated) Revival Wally meets Jehovah W: Cults collide! Date Posted:09/09/2010 12:24 PMCopy HTML Meta: Before I head off... I must say after seeing
your Rev vs Jw animation, I feel you may be closer to the knuckle than
you realize.. The theological position of bothe the RC and JW are almost
in many appearances identical, except one pushes glossolalia as the
basis for salvation whereas the other doesn't. However both deny the
Trinity and both deny among many things, the Divinity of the Son. But
really they are very much alike, even in governance of the body. Both
proselytize 'their' message and yep they are both so alike in so many
ways. That animation was well done..