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Title: You all seem like nice folks so... | |
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Date Posted:18/08/2009 1:56 AMCopy HTML I thought I'd stop in and say hello. I say this knowing full well that this is how many horror movies start, where in the end everyone turns into werewolves and, well, there you go.
Yet in spite of the potential danger, I press on. I was exploring the vast expanses of Aimoo, land of the somewhat English language challenged moderators, and came across your site. On reading through some of the topics, I recognized the terms, the phenomena, and sadly, many of the stories. What I didn't recognize were names, places and none of the alphabet soup abbreviations. Then it dawned on me. These folks are not from the US, God's little joke on gift to the world. They are, in fact, from some strange far away land. Grabbing my handy Wal-Mart, $8.95 whirling Globe, I discovered a whole big continent on the bottom of the world. "So that's where they are!" I cried. And then I wondered why they didn't fall off, but I digress. Okay, seriously, after reading Drew and Ian's posts, their stories and why they started this forum, I got the same sort of feeling as when I read Frank Peretti's The Visitation. Not so much of a "been there done that" as we all watched the same movie. My experience was at once the same and different. I didn't find the Baptism and the gifts and all the trimmings through a main line organization. Before I knew who Kenneth Copeland was or got to know anyone from a Pentecostal or AOG church, I was confronted with pretty much the whole ball of wax starting one afternoon kneeling at a coffee table in the house of a piano teacher in 1971. In a few short weeks, having had no contact at all with Charismatic or Pentecostal influences, I experienced the power of God in undeniably supernatural manifestations, prayed in tongues, participated in the casting out of demons, and received word of knowledge and/or prophesy that proved to be dead on accurate as time went by. In fact, it continues to be in ways that I could not have dreamed of back then. I wasn't looking for it. It was a couple years after I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord, and I was starting to feel like there had to be more than an intellectual argument for why I believed or even what I'm doing here. It's funny, I was aware of the "nut jobs" in the United Pentecostal Church (where later I went to be baptized in Jesus' name), but never connected what they were doing, to what happened to me. And then, It was pretty much over. Of course I continued pursuing the experiences, traveling all over the country to various meetings held by all the usual suspects in the US. I even attended a Katheryn Kuhlman service shortly before she died. But for me, it all dried up. Yes, I did it all. Threw away my glasses and positively confessed my head off. And no, He didn't. I tried to get slain in the spirit, but even though I went over a few times, it never happened. Watched the same people in wheelchairs prayed over with no results, and gave what I could to get the hundred fold return. All that was a long time ago. I did my own Bible studies, as you all obviously have, and discovered the errors and out of context quotes that the positive confession doctrine and "God wants us all to be rich" are based on, but I cannot deny my own experiences. The gifts that I observed in operation and benefited from were real. I still pray in tongues. The way God introduced me to it was personal and obviously intended for me to understand that it was important for my life. The Lord's hand continues to be on my life, even after I have failed Him time and again. I don't know why, but I can't wait to find out. I know God heals, but I think what we missed back then is why He heals. It is always for a witness and His glory. When you watch the slick spectacles on TV that the current purveyors of the pursuit of experience put on, you have to wonder for who's glory. What I know is that God is sovereign. His thoughts are not man's thoughts. I can no more truly understand His purposes than an ant can understand the sixty story skyscraper next to his hill. May God bless. [FONT family=Arial color=red size=14px]There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
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Re:You all seem like nice folks so... Date Posted:18/08/2009 3:19 AMCopy HTML Hi, EmRon.
Thanks for sharing, but a minor correction if I may? Drew Dixon and I are not responsible for this web forum. Our progeny can be found at www.pleaseconsider.info. At this forum we are simply guests. God bless, Ian email: didaktikon@gmail.com
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Re:You all seem like nice folks so... Date Posted:18/08/2009 9:53 PMCopy HTML Hi Emron (although he does use scripture to back this up and seems to put things in a better grounded scriptural way then some of the other extreme teaching out there), He did some brilliant talks on marriage, like a Dr Phil but with scripture to back up what he says *grin*. Enjoy looking around, we left our last big church (mentioned on this site ) because of the corruption, & regulation permeating the place, as Andrew Strom on his site he writes about the Monster becoming the church and having a life in itself, It's been an interesting walk since then, a lot re-evaluation and reassessing of old thoughts an interesting time. |
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Re:You all seem like nice folks so... Date Posted:18/08/2009 10:20 PMCopy HTML "Out",
If you're seriously a fan/follower of Keith Moore, then you've simply swapped one unbiblical error for another. Both are equally grievous. Ian email: didaktikon@gmail.com
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Re:You all seem like nice folks so... Date Posted:20/08/2009 11:39 PMCopy HTML Hey Ian,
Thanks for the thanks. May I say you do a lousy impression of a guest, as you seem to be everywhere. And whoever is in charge here, this is an impressive forum with a lot of information and viewpoints. Hello Mr. Out, may I call you Im? To answer your question about Keith Moore & Monica Dennington, I don't know who those people are, so I can't comment on what they teach. You asked about how I discerned the differences in prosperity teaching. For me it wasn't a matter of discernment. It was a matter of conviction. Understanding what the Lord has done for me, and how important it is to be a witness to this, how could I have ever wasted all that time chasing after wealth and health and experiences? Hello Galien, Reading your comments, I suspect we share similar observations but maybe not entirely the same conclusions, if that makes sense. You bring to mind the fact that man (that's the universal Mr. and Ms. man) is a fallen creature. Our fleshly nature causes us to do and say some of the darnedest things. It's very easy to get frustrated, angry, bitter, and fill in here anything I left out. I'm told when Gandhi was asked what was wrong with Christianity he replied "Christians." bye bye ya'll [FONT family=Arial color=red size=14px]There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation."