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Date Posted:09/02/2011 1:26 PMCopy HTML


Can anyone give an update on the court proceedings?

I am on the other side of the world and anxious to know how things are going in this respect?

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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:19/04/2011 7:46 AMCopy HTML

Are there absolutely no information what so ever about the court proceeding? It really should be possible at least to give a update why every thing is delaying to such an extent. Is Mr. Guru still diseased? Is there no new hearing? I unterstand  very well that no one who ist involved  will give information about his witnessc on this forum. But I can't see why this questions couldn't be answered. I am wondering anyway how it is possible that a Mr. Williams can take the australian court of justice for a fool.
so long
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:19/04/2011 9:34 PMCopy HTML

Hi 'Hydra_777' & 'escaped'

my hint: get in contact with people in Coffs Harbour who left the cult.

I can't tell you the latest details, as I am not from Australia myself - but: It looks very harsh for Williams.

He most certainly will spent much of his remaining life in jail before he'll be dragged to where he belongs.

There is legion of witness against him.
Fortunately those several cases have been put together into one trial. Thus it is much easier to convict him as they do not have to undergo the long process of witnessing in multitudes of single incidents again and again.

So there's hoping after all that he will be hindered to go on with his perversions.

Pray for the remaining people in the cult: they are still maked believe that satan is persecuting... On a funny side: Williams is sitting in a wheel chair! The fool wants to make everybody aware how sick he is... guess he jumps up like a rocket when it is about screwing Finke or whoever is his current pillow biter... miracles! 

So: don't give in - our persecutor will be recompensed.
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:26/04/2011 1:30 AMCopy HTML

In matters of court, always be aware that it is not what you know to be true but rather what you can prove to be true.

In Australia, since it follows the English common law legal system, the burden of proof lies with those bringing the accusations and they need to be sure of a finding on their side.  To have come so far is testament to their belief in the case but it is not tantamount to a conviction.

At this point in time, irrespective of what we all may know, ASW is still - in the court's eyes - innocent and is therefore still afforded the rights of an innocent man the same way as you or I would be outside of the court.

And even if ASW is convicted, it doesn't mean that the CAI will cease to be!  His petty acolytes will still be around, will still produce thier propoganda and ASW will surely be a model citizen in prison and get time off for good behaviour.  No doubt he will be in minimum security due to his age and 'health'.  He will probably take up teaching again within prison or study for another degree to add those he already possesses.  He will write to the faithful followers outside the prison walls of his persecution.

Be aware that even if he goes to prison and that may be 'justice', it will unlikely to be the end of ASW and I know from many others, that we may be creating a bigger problem by having him behind bars (where he does truly belong) and giving him the persecution that in his mind he so richly craves and which will provide further ammunition for him.

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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:27/04/2011 7:24 PMCopy HTML

Thank you very much for your thoughts, dear Guest.

Yes - think as well that he will sale the "justice against him" as an example, how "persecuted" he is - - the poor-lovely Scott. His marketing will not be stopped by being in prison.

By the way - I remember that Scott always told about his family background his own story of course.

Think it would be interesting if anyone can find out the truth about his real family background. Does anyone know about this? Did anyone have the possibility to talk with direct Brothers/Sisters/uncles etc. ... of Scott ?


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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:27/04/2011 9:37 PMCopy HTML

"Poor little Scott", but he has no conscience, and he will call himself a Christian, but he is the opposite. The world is crazy. Scott did it.
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:28/04/2011 4:18 PMCopy HTML

Yes, Scott will go down the persecution route and is already doing so but I don't know that he is going to "enjoy" his time in prison as such.

You have to remember that this is a man who has been waited on hand and foot and had his every whim catered to for nigh on 30 years - he is going to miss that very much in prison. No more holidays in California and Hawaii, no more shopping at Tiffanys, no more excessive meals, no more toyboys - I personally think that prison could be what breaks his spirit. Yes, there are plenty of twats around to fill his place when he goes but I don't really see him being able to cope with plain food, a bunk bed, a small cell, prison work and having to take rather than give orders. Add that to his failing health (self-induced) his future does not look bright.
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:28/04/2011 8:53 PMCopy HTML

Ha !  I guess he didn't get  an  invite to the  wedding (this week!).... what a shame...
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:01/05/2011 11:12 AMCopy HTML

 oh of course he did but the evil Australian government wouldn't let him out of the country. 
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:02/05/2011 1:44 AMCopy HTML

 Wedding? What wedding? I'm intrigued.

And no, he's out on bail so he can't even leave town and had to make everybody sit (again) through a rainy Easter Meeting in Coffs Harbour to share his plight of 'religious persecution'. Cause that's what he sells it as. Satan is out to get him because of the impending revival he will cause (yeah, right) and is therefore resorting to using people to conjure up all sorts of lies just to get an 'innocent pastor who devoted his entire life to the service of God' (ie. his god = lucre) behind bars.

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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:10/05/2011 12:51 PMCopy HTML

Kate and Wills of course- his intimate connection with the royals would ahve gotten him a front row seat- but of course the persectution meant he had to give his apologies:)
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:10/05/2011 8:52 PMCopy HTML

CAI is lost, and I think it´s good. Noone will ever miss them.
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:12/05/2011 1:45 AMCopy HTML

 [quote]Kate and Wills of course- his intimate connection with the royals would ahve gotten him a front row seat- but of course the persectution meant he had to give his apologies:)[/quote]

lol ... of course, how could I forget? I'm sure the British royals wept buckets of tears that they were missing out on his much desired company indeed.
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:16/05/2011 7:43 PMCopy HTML

Scott Williams has destroyed so many people´s lives, and he is not even sitting in jail yet. This world is unjustice and unfair. People like Scott Williams can escaped the justice and avoid the court, it´s awful! I hate this situation. It´s soo bizarre.
ThePilgrim Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #14
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:16/05/2011 8:15 PMCopy HTML

Hello Guest,

this world might seem unjust but God is still in control. I am sure that if you looked at the parable of Lazarus and the rich man again, it would help you not only to get peace about this and any other unfair situation in this life, but possibly even to the state of Jesus... where he pleaded for forgiveness for the people who smote and crucified Him.

Was is some natural act of strenght on Jesus' behalf that enabled him to pray like this, or was it possibly the understanding of their blindness and the terrible eternal consequences they (we) could face, if we do not repent and gain forgiveness?

Men have power to bring hurt to us in this life, but please do not allow them to bring bitterness and unforgiveness into your eternal future.

Love in Greetings, Torben
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:17/05/2011 12:38 AMCopy HTML

Well put Torben and look forward to yur next video.
Guest, this world often does seem unfair. Check out Psalm 73.
¡uıɐƃɐ ʎɐqǝ ɯoɹɟ pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ƃuıʎnq ɹǝʌǝu
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:17/05/2011 12:47 AMCopy HTML

 Thanks prezy. I posted part 6 and 7 this week. Need a short break - my father lies in coma in hospital.

Greetings, Torben
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:17/05/2011 1:29 AMCopy HTML

Reply to ThePilgrim

 Thanks prezy. I posted part 6 and 7 this week. Need a short break - my father lies in coma in hospital.

Greetings, Torben

Hope things work out for your Dad. Nearly 2 weeks ago my 8 year old son got a head injury at school and was lucky to survive. Very stressing!
¡uıɐƃɐ ʎɐqǝ ɯoɹɟ pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ƃuıʎnq ɹǝʌǝu
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:17/05/2011 9:58 AMCopy HTML

 Hi Prezy,

I hope all works out well for your son. Horrible feeling when it hits the kids.
Actually - yesterday was a little prayer answer. The doctor was just about to remove my father's stomach, as it had been without blood for a long time and was dying off... or looked beyond recovery to him. Just before they wanted to start cutting, the blood came rushing back in  and they were able to abort. God is a good God! We were of course all praying for him at the time.

When I think back to CAI times, when we tried to raise our dead born baby from the death for several hours and next day again... we could have saved ourselves a lot of pain, not believing the 'everybody is a miracle worker' indoctrination. Yesterday was simply an answer from God - so nice.

Keep it up prezy!  Oh by the way - I noticed your St. Andrews flag - do you still stay in Scotland? Ferrybouts ;)

Greetings, Torben
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:17/05/2011 10:07 PMCopy HTML

Hi Torben, good news about your father. God does answer prayer if its His will. To put condemnation on those who to human eyes seem to not have prayer answered is just not Biblical. As far as the St. Andrews flag on my profile, I have never been out of Australia. Started in the RC church, then GRC and now, thanks be to God, the Presbyterian Church. Thats why the user name of Prezy, and John Knox on my profile. Bit of a joke when I didn't want my real identity out there, although from my posts GRC folks could work out easily who I am.
Regards Rob.
¡uıɐƃɐ ʎɐqǝ ɯoɹɟ pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ƃuıʎnq ɹǝʌǝu
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:18/05/2011 12:04 AMCopy HTML

Thanks Prezy,

what a shame. I thought I meet you for a coffee, but uhmm might be a bit far for lunch :)

How is Presbyterian Church life treating you? You sound happy - Do you have some relationships with the church members beyond the official meetings?

Greetings, Torben
prezy Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #21
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:18/05/2011 2:58 AMCopy HTML

Hi Torben, your welcome to pop in for a cuppa or a meal but yeah it is a bit of a trip! Very happy in the Church I attend. Apart from sound biblical teaching I also attend and sometimes conduct a weekly Bible study and I am also our parish youth leader. Have made some wonderful friendships. I have a severly disabled son and church members help with looking after him which is the kindest thing anyone could do for me at the moment, as I am his primary care giver. We also have ongoing offer of financial assistance from the church and also from one of the elders, who has also given me part time employment whenever I want it, knowing I wont take money for nothing. Its also interesting that my wife for reasons she hasnt really explained no longer attends any church, yet is treated with the same love and friendship by the parisheners as when she attended. Thats a nice change after GRC! I love the church structure of the Prezy church and the total reliance on the Bible for our direction, as well as the ability to change if anyone in the church can show anything we do as a church is not according to the word of God. Im not knocking other denominations and we are even taught if witnessing to someone to not neccessarily direct them to the Presbyterian part of the Church. If they are a person who really likes lots of singing of contemporary songs with a modern band for example, we are maybe not for them! We also have speakers from other denominations which I so far have found excellent, especially those that happen to be Baptist I have liked.
¡uıɐƃɐ ʎɐqǝ ɯoɹɟ pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ƃuıʎnq ɹǝʌǝu
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:18/05/2011 3:32 AMCopy HTML

Thanks for your comments!

But, CAI is like a cancer in the socitities. You, obviosly can´t get rid of it so easy. You have to live with it, year after year. It´s only hurting, is painful and stressing. Ok, I understand, one have to forgive, as Jesus did, but to forgive evil actions by these men are so hard to do. You can try, but it´s not so easy. And they never stoppes, they abuse all the time over and over again, and nobody stoppes them. It´s horrible.
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:18/05/2011 11:33 AMCopy HTML

Hi prezy,

many thanks for all your answers. Baptist Church was something I wanted to study a bit (nowhere close to joining them yet though). Sofar I hesitated a bit to look into Presb. because of the not small number of freemasons in its leadership. I wondered how that can be. But what you discribe sounds very nice.

May I ask (and not in a provocative way, but out of sincere interest) How do you know that they would make changes if they would be pointed out to them... have you tried or somebody you know? I was very naive and 100% sure that Pastor Scott would immediately change anything if only pointed out from scripture. What disillusionment hit me when I found out he either does not know the bible or simply does not want to.

Love and greetings, Torben
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:18/05/2011 11:26 PMCopy HTML

Hi Torben, the prezy church here also had some freemasons in leadership, but near impossible for that to happen now. It is a church that is constantly improving which I think is very important. One example of changes is that for a time women were being ordained as elders. This was brought to session and proved by the Bible to be wrong. The practise no longer takes place. With the way the structure is any member can approach the elders of their parish with a problem and it must be looked into. The elders even have the ability in extreme cases to remove a pastor. As a parish we decide on who is to be an elder. The moderator general which is the highest office in Australia cannot make autonomous decisions and can only remain in his position for 2 years. Being a denomination that directly came from the reformation much is in place to prevent the problems that the RC church had and still has. We use the Bible as our absolute final say on any issue and recognise the Westminster Confession of Faith. Its worth googling prezy church history and structure. Its not perfect but is very good. I certainly dont take your comments as provocative, we have all been in a wrong religion and most can see that. Only a fool would jump into anything without carefull thought after being caught once. Of course though mainstream orthodox religion doesnt use the tricks and pressure to recruit people and then fear to keep them. My advise would be prayerfully visit different churches, you may find some real treasure.
¡uıɐƃɐ ʎɐqǝ ɯoɹɟ pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ƃuıʎnq ɹǝʌǝu
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:19/05/2011 1:46 AMCopy HTML

I can´t believe somebody can be that evil/sick as ASW is. He has done all this evilness with purpose and he has calculated with it. I think he had, in some way anyway, figured it out many years ago. He has planned all this.
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:19/05/2011 12:42 PMCopy HTML

Thanks a lot prezy, for your comments and advice.

Greetings to the sunny side of life... (as in  not Scotland :)   even though I can't complain at the moment... see the sun several times today...
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:25/06/2011 12:23 AMCopy HTML

Still anybody out there? Maybe WW3 has wiped you all out and nobody told us in Scotland? :)
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:26/06/2011 3:53 AMCopy HTML

Reply to ThePilgrim
Still anybody out there? Maybe WW3 has wiped you all out and nobody told us in Scotland? :)

Nice to hear from you again Pilgrim.

I'm not CAI or ex CAI but from what I've read that man Williams is bad news.  Let's hope that along with the Scottish "Bravehearts"  the Christian Assemblies Internationally will all be eagerly awaiting the cruel rule of "Longshanks" Williams to end permanently....and soon. 

Just checked out the CAI website where I saw the same Longfield founded heresy that they all promote and which is unlikely to end any time soon.

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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:30/06/2011 12:57 AMCopy HTML

Does anyone know what is going on with the court case. Is no news good news. Some of us, many miles away, would like an update please.
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:09/07/2011 2:07 PMCopy HTML

Torben & Prezy: I am a freemason (beyond the 3rd degree) and I I cant help but post.

Freemasonry is not a religion or path to salvation, ask any mason. Freemasons have a right to belong to any religion they wish because there membership in the craft in no way conflicts with their religion. It was initially the catholic church which started this silliness with freemasons being satanic devil worshipers and from there in Australia the Anglican church has taken up the idea and run with it.

Before you run with an idea (considering the website we are at) take some time to look into it and find out what the it actually means.

Sincerely: Nathan (CAI member 2001)

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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:10/07/2011 2:52 AMCopy HTML

Hello, Nathan.

A Freemason and a member of the CAI? I hope you'll forgive me for pointing out that such associations cause me to question your understanding of Scripture.

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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:10/07/2011 7:10 PMCopy HTML

You can be a freemason and of course a descent human being. That so called Christian churches demonize freemasons is horrible. And CAI also sins in that matter. Many of the so called Christian churches, and Christians, are hypocrits.
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #33
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:10/07/2011 10:17 PMCopy HTML


You can be a freemason and of course a descent human being. Of course you can. One can also be a Buddhist, a Muslim, a Zoroastrian or an atheist too, and still be a decent human being. But 'being a decent human being' isn't the issue. That so called Christian churches demonize freemasons is horrible. Do they? And is it? But why? And CAI also sins in that matter. The CAI isn't a Christian church; it's many sins are far more grievous than marginalising a bunch of old men in large cuffs and leather aprons. Many of the so called Christian churches, and Christians, are hypocrits. I'm sure that's true enough, but many more aren't.

Just so that you know, my issue has nothing to do with ill-informed 'conspiracy theory' speculations about the Freemasons. What's important to me is that Freemasonry functions in much the same way as did early Greco-Roman trade guilds/mystery cults. Just as Christians were to have no part in such organisations then, neither are they to have involvement in such organisations now.

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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:11/07/2011 6:07 PMCopy HTML

Thanks Ian! Of course there are a lot of good churches and many good Christians out there. But you are so "CAI-transformed", so you will be very angry against CAI and see faults in, probably incorrect, in Christianity, but Christianity is really innocent, that is CAI which is so incorrect.

But I see Freemasons as a good force who sometimes see the blindness in some Christianity. I believe in Darwin and the evolutionary theory, for instance.

I wish you all a happy evening, I will myself take a small whisky and relax. Now I understand why Winston Churchill drank whisky, just to endure the evil forces in the world.

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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:11/07/2011 6:29 PMCopy HTML

CAI = "Crazy Apartheid Inc." They do business in offending decent people. And to hunt them in their daily life.
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:11/07/2011 10:55 PMCopy HTML

Good morning, Guest.

Thanks Ian! Of course there are a lot of good churches and many good Christians out there. Indeed. But you are so "CAI-transformed", so you will be very angry against CAI and see faults in, probably incorrect, in Christianity, but Christianity is really innocent, that is CAI which is so incorrect. Ummm, I've never been in the CAI so I can hardly be accused of being 'CAI-transformed'. Further, I have no 'beef' with Christianity, quite the opposite in fact.

But I see Freemasons as a good force who sometimes see the blindness in some Christianity. I believe in Darwin and the evolutionary theory, for instance. Do you though ? Which bits, and why?

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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:11/07/2011 11:17 PMCopy HTML

Hi Ian!

But when I wrote about "CAI-transformed" I meant myself and not you. I have earlier read that you have not been a member of CAI. You misunderstood me.

I think the human-being is an animal and not come from God. I don´t believe in God anymore. I believe in science and in the Big-Bang theory. And I don´t belive that the devil exists. All these things are only man-made theories which come from your inner religious-centre in your mind and body, I think.

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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:12/07/2011 12:12 AMCopy HTML

Reply to Guest

I wish you all a happy evening, I will myself take a small whisky and relax. Now I understand why Winston Churchill drank whisky, just to endure the evil forces in the world.

Need more than a few whiskys to counterract that mate :)
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #39
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:12/07/2011 1:58 AMCopy HTML

Hi again, Guest.

But when I wrote about "CAI-transformed" I meant myself and not you. I have earlier read that you have not been a member of CAI. You misunderstood me. Cool. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

I think the human-being is an animal and not come from God. Okay. I don´t believe in God anymore. Okay. I believe in science and in the Big-Bang theory. I do too. But I also believe in the Christian God, given that theistic belief and scientific belief aren't mutually exclusive propositions. And I don´t belive that the devil exists. Okay. All these things are only man-made theories which come from your inner religious-centre in your mind and body, I think. Do you? Why?

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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:12/07/2011 12:16 PMCopy HTML

Thanks Ian!

I can´t really believe in a Christian God, it´s so supernatural to me, just now anyway. I hope a justice God exists, because then all matters, but I think I´m an atheist today. But, I wonder and can´t explain where everything comes from then. It´s a mystery, and life is a mystery as well. Where does everything come from? In which direction are we heading towards? I think there are questions that never really can be answered. Maybe I´m more towards the Buddhist thought now. But I believe in justice, and in moral and I think life is good. Life can be very hard sometimes, if you are unlucky in your life, but you have to endure. Hopefully it will be better later. You have to never give up. Life can be a struggle, but in the end I hope the life is worth living, anyway. But sometimes it seems so hard, I know that.

Seize the day, if you can.


Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #41
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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:12/07/2011 11:08 PMCopy HTML

Hi, Guest.

From what you've shared I get the distinct impression that you don't really know what you believe, or don't believe, for that matter ;)

In reading your latest post I found it interesting that you claimed not to believing in the (undefined) 'supernatural', but that in an earlier post you stated that you believe in the 'Big Bang' theory. I trust that you understand this particular theory posits 'creation out of nothing'? That the 'Big Bang' understanding of the origin of the universe is compatible with Christian belief; furthermore, that this theory replaced 'the universe is eternal' belief championed by atheistic science until the 1950s? Next, you claimed to believing in morality and justice, yet these are human attributes which fly in the face of the dominant scientific theory of origins. No other animal is 'wired' in this way, but if we share a common 'genesis' (please pardon the pun), then why are we?

Finally, could you please explain to me how 'life can be worth living' if nihilism is operative in the background?

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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:13/07/2011 4:24 AMCopy HTML

Hi Ian!

If a Christian God exists then it´s good, because then life has a meaning, is justice and worth living. But I can´t really believe now. But I believe in science, anyway.

Then you can believe in good, but not believe in God. You can believe that the human-being know what is good and not so good. You can believe in human goodness. I don´t believe in God at the moment, but I have been a Christian for ten years before.

Have a nice day!

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Re:Update on Court Proceedings

Date Posted:25/07/2011 11:12 PMCopy HTML

Reply to Guest .

But I can´t really believe now. But I believe in science, anyway.

You believe in science? What science? Which discipline or classification exactly?

Very few of the sciences disagree with the Bible - only certain theories which have massive holes in them disagree.

scientia means knowledge - so you are saying that you believe in the truth?

Show me a real science that disagrees with the Bible - please. I have yet to find one.
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