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Date Posted:30/06/2007 3:41 PMCopy HTML

Hey Dog, copied your post here on the benefits of meditation = prayer

That is tempting for a christian to think they are pretty similar, but no, not really!...... I spent years praying (Speaking in tongues and otherwise). What is totally missing there is any teaching of technique or discipline in practice.

It sort of goes like this........ You get down and close your eyes, then start speaking in tongues. You try to think wholesome and godly thoughts as you do, perhaps think about the problems you'd like him sort out, maybe think of the blessing you'd like him to bring you, a good amount of adoration and nice thought about god etc. The main thing is, you are not taught how to train your mind at all. It is simply assumed that if you are speaking in tongues, you are tuning in somehow, (but really, you've spent about 13 of your 15 minutes with your mind racing around from "oh shite, did I leave the airconditioner on" to "man, I'm so horny, I want a wife soooo bad" to "gotta take that library book back this arvo" to............. You know the deal!

The mind is a wild bull most of the time. You can spend a half hour in tongues, and all you've done is blabbered away and are in as much stress as you were when you began. You make an enormous assumption when you think that meditation is just like that. I'm not saying there's no benefit in tongues, but what is DEFICIENT is the training and understanding of technique. With a bit of meditation training, you actually could speak in tongues as a meditation mantra if you wish, but you have to understand the practice first. Meditation has distinct benefits.

Stress is one of the most destructive and damaging things in our lives (physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually). Unless we learn practices of relaxation, we may be stressed around the clock and not even be aware of it. Meditation can be a tremendous antidote to stress, bringing awareness, clarity of mind, peace, and many health benefits. To focus on some principles of practice, meditation is about getting out of our mind and into our senses, becoming aware of what is right here, right now. Most of us allow ourselves to be prisoners of our mind, being stuck in the past and the future. Hopes and aspirations for the future can be a real trap (like a will-o-the-wisp). The only thing that is real is HERE and NOW. To experience (taste, hear, see, feel, touch) what is here right now is an immeasureably beautiful and transcendant state to be in, and it is available to us so freely. Many feel that this itself is the kingdom of god. It is right in front of us, right under our noses, and people ignore this and instead chase pipe dreams of some future place they hope to go to after they die!............UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!

The benefits of meditation are scientifically proven, and are known to have many positive physiological affects. One of the most absurd notions I have heard of is when christians try to demonise the practice of meditation as somehow 'occult like' or sinister. Just one more form of fear and mind-control I expect! There is absolutely no threat or risk to the faith of a christian to practice meditation. Associations of meditation with other religions are purely irrelevent.

You say that the dif is "God hearing us, not buddha". OK, whatever turns you on!. For the record, buddha doesn't hear, because he was a mortal man like you and me. He never was (or claimed to be) a god. He was a guy that sat under a tree and contemplated a few things. The realisation he came to was "I am awake" and......(well that's a whole other story)! Your other comments were about the HOPE offers in the bible for an afterlife. I maintain that nobody knows. I guess if there's a god then he does, but he has made nothing unquestionably clear to that affect. All there are are promises in an ambiguous book-nothing more. Well, many will cling on to hopes as they believe in certain promises or theories of an afterlife. The focus that I referred to above (being aware etc) is what I subscribe to..... APPRECIATE THE KINGDOM OF GOD HERE AND NOW.

See the beauty that is all around us. I live in awe of the spectacle of life that presents itself everyday, in all sorts of places and people. I reckon that's where its at, right under our noses all along. Not wrapped in a thousand layers of paper that you have to wade through before you experience the majesty of our creator. We just have to tune in!

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SintaxError Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #51
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Re:Tongue speaking? - anyone can do it

Date Posted:21/01/2012 2:31 PMCopy HTML

  It would make an excellent topic, just not in this particular thread :P 

Ian, can you cut'n'paste the free will posts into a new thread? Then we could continue the discussion..
MrGrits Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #52
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Re:Tongue speaking? - anyone can do it

Date Posted:28/01/2012 1:56 AMCopy HTML


I don't think it really matters if the subjective side comes before the objective side just so long as both are involved. I also don't think you are in any position to comment OBJECTIVELY on what took place when I received the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues because I was there but YOU weren't. Fact: The Bible clearly mentions speaking in tongues. Fact: I can speak in tongues. Conclusion: my experience is biblical. It seems logical enough for me.

Your last comment was fairly insensitive so I believe you can keep your invisible Jesus and I'll keep my visible ability to pray in the Spirit :-)

Mr Grits
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #53
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Re:Tongue speaking? - anyone can do it

Date Posted:28/01/2012 2:40 AMCopy HTML

Hello, Grits.

I don't think it really matters if the subjective side comes before the objective side just so long as both are involved. I'd like to suggest that your defence is a little like saying, "... it doesn't matter whether or not a car stops at red traffic lights and starts at green, so long as both are involved". Clearly there will be a difference in what results, based on the distinction between the two considerations. I also don't think you are in any position to comment OBJECTIVELY on what took place when I received the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues because I was there but YOU weren't. You might like to think so, but let me put it to you that I didn't need to be present. The objective element in the equation is what provides the subjective element with its credibility. In our discussion the objective element is Scripture, whilst the subjective is your personal 'tongues' experience. More on this shortly. Fact: The Bible clearly mentions speaking in tongues. Agreed. Fact: I can speak in tongues. 'Shortly' :) Let me suggest to you that your claim doesn't qualify as being a fact at all, but an opinion. Why? Because you've simply assumed that what you 'do' is the same as what Scripture describes, yet where is the correspondence between the two events? For example, why is it that Scripture described a range of preconditions and co-requisite events that were altogether absent from your personal 'tongues' experience? And what would this infer about the validity of your claim? Conclusion: my experience is biblical. It seems logical enough for me. Except for the fact that your conclusion is neither 'conclusive' nor 'logical', as I've just now pointed out :)

Your last comment was fairly insensitive so I believe you can keep your invisible Jesus and I'll keep my visible ability to pray in the Spirit :-) Absence from view doesn't necessarily equate to absence from reality, and 'vicky verca'.


Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #54
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Re:Tongue speaking? - anyone can do it

Date Posted:28/01/2012 10:14 PMCopy HTML

Good morning, IHOP.

I will persist to try to help and God willing I may be of some help to someone. I've noticed you online here a few times in recent days; consequently, I've been wondering: when can I expect to see some of your promised, 'helpful' pro-Revivalist apologetic? After all, how difficult can it be, convincing me from Scripture? ;)


MrGrits Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #55
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Re:Tongue speaking? - anyone can do it

Date Posted:29/01/2012 8:20 AMCopy HTML


I disagree.

Mr Grits

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #56
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Re:Tongue speaking? - anyone can do it

Date Posted:30/01/2012 9:12 PMCopy HTML

Good morning, Grits.

Your latest pair of responses to me might better be thought of as 'non-responses'. I troubled myself to provide you with sufficient reason to explain my disagreement with your positions, and like one or other recent correspondents here, you did little more than dismiss them untested.

Dialogue requires engagement, my friend.

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