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Date Posted:19/01/2008 9:20 AMCopy HTML

Ok... let's see what's going on behind the scene of CAI... just to show you how poor people in CAI are lied constantly by the leadership... People like Michy, Lars, Drew, Andrew (yep Andrew, you've become a very good liar as one can see below again)...

What about Sam Barber.??? Still there Sam, lost your conscience?

Anyway... let's go back to that "VERY" anointed report from the last XMAS AGM in Switzerland [EMOTE]smiley-wink.gif[/EMOTE]:


.... "Then Andrew made an announcement which for all of us was a great joy to hear. The KG and RG had approached Pastor Scott and asked him to take up again the office of Pastor and Overseer of these Christian Assemblies International. Scott was very moved and accepted his position again...."


Ok... reading this, you think that ALL KG and RG asked the sexual abuser Scott Williams to take up his office again????

Well, here is an other side of the story from some elders of CAI who were asked their opinion on the matter:


"Over the past few months Scott has been indicating to and encouraging a few senior officers to restore him and implicating that the brethren are a little slow in doing so. He also indicated that the Lord has shown him that he has been restored a month after everything happened and that the Lord never showed him to resign in the first place. Nevertheless on at least 2 occasions Scott "stepped back" out of his own accord consulting only with a few brethren which we were not part of."


I am not inventing here!!!... This has been sent to the secretaries on the 23rd of December by some elders of CAI who were asked their opinion on the fact that Scott should be back as the Overseer and Pastor of CAI. No wonder why they refused Scott's "promotion"!... They had the gust to front the other KG / RG with some quite disturbing facts. No wonder why more people are leaving CAI!!

This proves clearly - AGAIN - how Scott Williams is pulling the string of all the arse lickers officers like Lars, Drew, Andrew in order to do what he wants!!! [EMOTE]smiley-innocent.gif[/EMOTE]

Those poor pharisees believe Scott like mad, but it will be a shock when they realise one day that the Lord who is "showing" things to Scott Williams is not Jesus Christ!!!

Until then... give the money to uncle Scotty!!!... and of course to "VERY" humble Michy as well!!! [EMOTE]smiley-money-mouth.gif[/EMOTE]

May the Lord Jesus Christ have mercy to all the CAI members as he did with us... and may He also hear our cries and do justice to all those who have been abused, lied and destroyed by Scott Williams. Amen!

In the mean time, let's continue to spread the truth to all CAI members, so they realise how they are being lied to and abused by a bunch of wolves with white clothes!

Sam R.

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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:11/02/2008 7:26 AMCopy HTML

this is al friggin rubbish! lets go on with the namecalling
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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:11/02/2008 11:32 AMCopy HTML

okay name calling here goes !!! 
another  abbreviaton for you:    .... "Cunts Aren't Interesting" !
ho ho !

your turn 'frig'  - whoever you are.

sorry "just my 2cents here" - nice post....  a woman's place is DEFINITELY NOT in the CAI....   hope you are able to  enjoy life post-CAI.  all the best.

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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:11/02/2008 12:45 PMCopy HTML

Thanks for the post!

You know, when I got recruited (I deliberately avoid using the word "saved") into the CAI I was quite confused at so much anti-German thetoric... I asked one of the Scots - why do your hate German people? Have they bombed your house or what? The answer was "it is their satanic mentality"... How ridiculous.

Did God make a mistake that you were born in (I presume) Germany or I in Moscow? Is it a mistake that your parents gave you your name? I was born Dimitri... and I would like to die Dimitri. Not with some nonsense name that German people get given in Scotland by Vidler (where does he get these names from anyway?! Cecil, Archy, Berty, Daisy or whatever...)

Do you remember ravings that Jesus was blond and blue-eyed? I very well remember...  It was in one of the hqls. Anyway, I dont want to go into all this.

As for Australia? I hope the Australians will forgive me, but I was so negatively shocked when I visited your country...  everything is just somehow made of cheap material, sub-standard. EXPENSIVE - more expensive than Germany. And the people do not earn as much. No social security. No proper child-care as we have here in Europe. Heat... All the creatures from whos bite you'd die in a blink of an eye... Beaches? Yeah, right... You get them in France, Spain and North Germany too.

oh yes, I forgot - the people are FRIENDLY. well, you know - they are friendly here too. But when I am doing my shopping or commuting on the train I am not interested in conversing or socialising with strangers. I dont want to... I found Australians really annoying in that respect. I do not want to talk to shop assistants (not that I look down on them). I just want to do my shopping, pay (if I have to...) and GO. I dont want my children to talk or be friendly to strangers! There are plenty of William's-type sodomites walking around. They have to be polite though (my children, I mean).

It is a pity your child (children) do not speak your language... I only speak Russian to my boys, Corinna only German. And we forbid Swedish at home, so that they can communicate in either German or Russian. I remember a family of Germany missionaries in Russia was told to speak Russia at home to each other...

Oh, these flashbacks... So glad this nightmare is over.

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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:12/02/2008 1:26 AMCopy HTML

Dima, I side-step "saved" also. Salvation is an on going process and indeed we joined a coersive cult which is very remote from "getting saved"! Jesus blond haired and blue-eyed....hadn't heard that one.....but I am not surprised. Scott's version of history is a quadzillion miles away from what happens/happened in the real world.

There is no need for you to apologise with regard to your experiences with Australia and Australians. If you had had a chance to get better jobs rather than be slaves, perhaps life might have been easier. Don't start me on Australian workmanship. When I find a good carpenter, machanic, electrician etc, I hang on to him with all the fervour of a pit bull terrier. Successive governments of all kinds (including the Australian Democrats who seem to want only to murder babies in the womb or old people) have let our health system slide into oblivion.

If you had lived in the civilised part of Australia you would not have been exposed to the critters. I went to Coffs Harbour once. Once was enough. It should be called Peasants Mock Paradise. Sorry if that offends some, but I found it to be cheap and nasty with sub-standard beaches and tacky tourist shops.

The Rabies (Tollwut) signs at the entrances to German forests and in other places, didn't exactly make me feel warm and safe! Besides you don't die from being bitten by Australian critters in the blink of an eye. That's not true! There have been cases reported of some people lasting for at least a few hours....... Anyway, you can eat sharks and snakes. You can't eat rabid wolves, dogs and squirrels! You Europeans have no idea about cuisine (sigh)!

Australians friendly. You are not getting off that lightly. I want a list of names and addresses. You were lucky they allowed you to talk to them within their sub religious, ethnic, colour or age group! One of our historians refers to us as a "nation of tribes". The comedian Barry Humphries once said about Australia that the best thing about it is, that within twenty-four hours you can travel to somewhere that's civilised.

The second language (German) ceased to be spoken in my family the better part of a century ago, with only traces surviving. What a shame. At 59 I am struggling to learn German with all its articles etc, when English is so "lazy" in that regard and those basic building blocks are absent. And of course I could do with a younger brain!

It is sad that your flashbacks are nightmares. But unlike other plastic Australians I won't apologise for the misgivings of others I had no control over, but offer a my hand of friendship with no hidden agendas. Perhaps one day I might meet you in Europe and you might find me to be different to the status quo. I hope so.

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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:12/02/2008 4:13 PMCopy HTML

John, thanks for your post and your kind words!

I would love to re-visit Australia again.. and the UK too. It is just that after 10 yrs of Williams' British propaganda I have no desire to visit these countries at the moment. Guess it is a bit of a withdrawal syndrom... 

Funny that you write about English and German languages... German does not necessarily have to be a barking language - if you read Göthe or Schiller - it is such a beautiful melodic language! It is all these cliches...

Blond blue-eyed Jesus... oh yes! I was also told never to marry a German woman. Can it get any more ridiculous than that?

What I find quite ironic is that people who for 15odd years fervently preached all that junk (racism etc) suddenly see the light, so to say, and as fervently now preach something completely the opposite. Have to somehow come to terms with that one. Seeking justice... revenge.... attacking Guenther, who I do not think is exactly enjoying his life at the moment... Where were they all before? Oh well. Maybe it is just me. I prefer to re-assess things in quieteness, without jumping like a teenager into different extremes. All of that just does not add these people any credibility, really.

-Little- Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #56
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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:04/06/2011 9:27 AMCopy HTML

I was reading through this topic here and as well wrote another topic some times ago:

"Who are the physical relatives of Scott?"

So I'm still interested about this matter in where he was biological born, who are / where his biological (physical) relatives of Scott (sisters / brothers etc.).

Does anyone know?

If you do not directly like to reply here then sign in and then you can write me a private message.

Thank you.


Justien Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #57
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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:04/06/2011 11:03 AMCopy HTML

 Hi Little,

I don't agree that Scott never spoke about his actual physical relatives - he did quite a lot, again in an attempt to show how well-brought up he was in comparison to the peasant population of the CAI.

His dad was in the army although not of the rank that Scott claimed. His mum died when he was 15 and supposedly on her deathbed told him to always pray to JC. Don't know if this was true or if he just made it up in an attempt to convince himself that his mum might somehow have been saved before she died. I can understand that as my mum died when I was 15 too and I had a very hard time in the assembly with the fact that she had supposedly gone to hell before I was "saved" and I could do nothing about it. It may have been easier for him to accept his mum's death by making her out to be some kind of deathbed conversion. 

He did not have any siblings and there was some aunt he was very fond of - I think she was his dad's sister, who also met several assembly members. I don't know if she's still around as she would have had to have been older than him and he's getting on as well. He did once send me something from his parent's wedding - something to do with a quote needed for the "official wedding video" and it was in a letter written by this aunt. Can't remember her name though. I always had to send her an HV video as well.

I think that about sums up his family. Ree did have lots of brothers and sisters but only went back to Australia about twice in all the time she lived in Europe so I doubt she has much of a relationship with them. 

Scott also claimed that he came from a very wealthy background and that he had frozen his assets when he left for Europe. However, one does not freeze one's own assets - they are frozen by people who doubt your entitlement to them, so either his money was taken away from him, or he never had any in the first place. Or he invested it in a longterm plan and could not touch it (preferring to resort to lying as he generally does and call this "freezing his assets")  - which would mean when this plan matures he could be very rich. Added to all the hard-earned cash that he's conned cult members out of he hasn't done badly for someone who's not done an honest day's work since 1974. 

But with all things that Scott says, you have to remember that embellishment is the name of his game. There is info on the CAI website about his supposed army upbringing, info that has been refuted elsewhere on this forum by Ian. 
-Little- Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #58
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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:06/06/2011 6:13 PMCopy HTML

So yes Justien. You are right. Think I have asked my question incorrect. Of course Scott told many things about "his" personal history. But I rarely belief any word of him. Therefore I'm interested in some reliable information from "ouside".

BTW: Thank you very much for your detailed reply you sent above.

Best regards.


Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #59
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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:11/07/2011 4:00 PMCopy HTML

oh yes, I forgot - the people are FRIENDLY. well, you know - they are friendly here too. But when I am doing my shopping or commuting on the train I am not interested in conversing or socialising with strangers. I dont want to... I found Australians really annoying in that respect. I do not want to talk to shop assistants (not that I look down on them). I just want to do my shopping, pay (if I have to...) and GO. I dont want my children to talk or be friendly to strangers! There are plenty of William's-type sodomites walking around. They have to be polite though (my children, I mean).

Oh, these flashbacks... So glad this nightmare is over.


That really does sound like some arrogant asshole of a Derman - but Dima is not a German name?

I met some very nice Germans while I was in Germany - but the majority are arrogant idiots.

I used to work as a shop assistant. What is wrong with helping us break up the day with a few friendly words? Of course, arrogant assholes would neither think to be normally friendly to a shop assistant or admit in any way that they are arrogant
-Little- Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #60
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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:11/07/2011 8:40 PMCopy HTML

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That really does sound like some arrogant asshole of a Derman - but Dima is not a German name?

I met some very nice Germans while I was in Germany - but the majority are arrogant idiots.

I used to work as a shop assistant. What is wrong with helping us break up the day with a few friendly words? Of course, arrogant assholes would neither think to be normally friendly to a shop assistant or admit in any way that they are arrogant

- "arrogant asshole of a German"

- "the majority <of the Germans> are arrogant idiots"

Did you really think about before you wrote your post?

  - "I used to work as a shop assistant." ... Really? I never like to meet you at any shop.  

Poor one you ...


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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:12/07/2011 9:56 AMCopy HTML

Reply to -Little-

Did you really think about before you wrote your post?

  - "I used to work as a shop assistant." ... Really? I never like to meet you at any shop. 

No, I did not try to think before I posted - just shot from the hip

Well, I do not work any longer in shops as my student days are now over. I was very glad to stop because I kept meeting arrogant idiots who could not even find the decency to have a chat during these few minutes I served them.

It was an intentional generalization about the Germans though. If they don't know you then you are shit to them.

But Russia was 1000 times worse, as Dima would know (being a common nickname of Dmitriy in Russia) so perhaps that explains his lack of enthusiasm towards making a lowly shop assistant feel any way appreciated.
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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:12/07/2011 8:30 PMCopy HTML

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"No, I did not try to think before I posted - just shot from the hip

Well, I do not work any longer in shops as my student days are now over. I was very glad to stop because I kept meeting arrogant idiots who could not even find the decency to have a chat during these few minutes I served them.

It was an intentional generalization about the Germans though. If they don't know you then you are shit to them.

But Russia was 1000 times worse, as Dima would know (being a common nickname of Dmitriy in Russia) so perhaps that explains his lack of enthusiasm towards making a lowly shop assistant feel any way appreciated."


So dear Guest, please step back a little bit for some thoughts:

My personal experience is that you will find the more arrogant people the more luxury live they have. Not meaning to be a millionaire. It simply is enough if one person "feels" to be "better" as another person. No matter of being part of one or another nation. It's simply pagan pride.

You can find this phenomenon everywhere in Europe (mainly western Europe incl. Great Britain) or in economically growing nations in Eastern Europe. And as well in other "prosperous" nations in the world in America / Australia / Asia.

On the other hand you will find the more hospitality where the people are poor. No matter where they live. Did you ever made the experience to see that they share with you their very last eating and drinking they have? I did.


As well it is a matter of being a "real" Christian or to be a "deceptive" Christian. Just test it in your own church. No matter which nationality they/you have ...

Bless you.


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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:14/07/2011 3:27 PMCopy HTML

I was in CAI for many years, and with a few exceptions (which you would find anywhere) always founds German people to be just as nice as folk anywhere else.  All these generalisations should stay where they belong, in CAI.

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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:15/07/2011 5:59 PMCopy HTML

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #65
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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:15/07/2011 10:24 PMCopy HTML

Of course you find nice people, and not so nice people, in every nationalities. In Australian, in German and so on. You can´t make it so simply that you categorises different nationalities in different types. The Nazis did that, and in such groups that CAI. They don´t have that kind of knowledge and intelligence that they can see that you can find different personalities in every country, in every religion etc.
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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:17/07/2011 8:56 AMCopy HTML

 Nationality has nothing to do with how nice people are or aren't. It's personality.

But Williams and his henchmen always needed to have a reason to make you feel bad about yourself so they could remain in control. If it wasn't your cooking or the fact that you didn't talk or look humble enough and even your kids were 'in order' then they just made you feel bad about where you were born. As if that's something any of us could choose, change or something anybody could be found 'guilty of'. But you know what, it worked. Even years later, I have moments where I feel uncomfortable admitting that I was born in Germany. Even though my brain knows it's rubbish. It's something that's become deeply rooted and something I hope I'll get over in time.

CAI has created many a prejudice against a lot of things and taken great care to foster these for the sake of control. Every day one of those prejudices falls, I regard as a victory.


BTW, thanks for enabling posts again when not signed in. I've by now made three or four log-ins on this forum but keep forgetting them as I've got too many others already.
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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:21/07/2011 11:42 PMCopy HTML

cia did not invent this - the german personality (or is it character?) is laughed at by very many people in the world - in many countries i have been to, there is the understanding that the germans are square heads with no sense for humor and no compassion for people they are not related to. I think they even have a word for a certain humor - shaden freude. Is there a way to translate this into english? There is none in Italian.

It may be that this church makes a big point of this discrimination but they are not the only ones who do this.

But this is strange, for in reading through this forum, it seems that most of the people in it are germans. So do they mock themselves?
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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:21/07/2011 11:58 PMCopy HTML

Unfortantely, I think all, or many, of the present CAI-folk will take suicide, fooled by Scott.

And then all the idiots who mock others for their nationality, race and so on, only reveal their own lack of knowledge when they are doing so. A real modern human-being doesn´t have that character and lack of tolerance. The racists only preserve unjustice, that the world has seen so much of, so far. You just have to ignore them, they maybe are to old to could change themselves to the better. They belong to the old dying world that will disappear and fade away.

I think of a bright future.

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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:22/07/2011 3:37 PMCopy HTML

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cia did not invent this - the german personality (or is it character?) is laughed at by very many people in the world - in many countries i have been to, there is the understanding that the germans are square heads with no sense for humor and no compassion for people they are not related to. I think they even have a word for a certain humor - shaden freude. Is there a way to translate this into english? There is none in Italian.

It may be that this church makes a big point of this discrimination but they are not the only ones who do this.

But this is strange, for in reading through this forum, it seems that most of the people in it are germans. So do they mock themselves?

Guess what - that's exactly what prejudice and rumors are all about.
I travelled a lot through many contries all over Europe and spent many months, sometimes even years in a respective country on business affairs.
I found the Germans in general quite freindly and helpful. The have their sense of humour, it differs from the sense of humour the British or the Italians have - but guess what: being an east european, I do not find the british humour really funny. So what?

On the other hand - I just came from Italy, where I found the shop assistants quite unfriendly to my surprise. They rather gave me the feeling the where only interested in my money and I personally was quite indifferent to them. I always thought the Italians are quite friendly? Or is this yet another prejudice?

Anyway, just my inpressions/experiences... 

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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:24/07/2011 7:07 PMCopy HTML

Scott Williams, in CAI, is a whore. He has whored with the world.
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #71
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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:24/07/2011 9:52 PMCopy HTML


If ASW is a 'whore' for 'whoring' with the world, what does that make all those people who were formerly in the CAI? Those who paid the 'whore' for his services?

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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:24/07/2011 10:32 PMCopy HTML

 That would make them a 'client, a punter or a John'.

OR you could call the ASW the 'whorer' and the others the 'whorees'

; )
ThePilgrim Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #73
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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:26/07/2011 12:37 AMCopy HTML

I'm a whorer too. Thank God for his grace and the blood of Jesus Christ. I hope all whorers repent and get covered by the blood of the lamb.
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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:24/08/2011 8:17 AMCopy HTML

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I found the Germans in general quite freindly and helpful. The have their sense of humour, it differs from the sense of humour the British or the Italians have - but guess what: being an east european, I do not find the british humour really funny. So what?

On the other hand - I just came from Italy, where I found the shop assistants quite unfriendly to my surprise. They rather gave me the feeling the where only interested in my money and I personally was quite indifferent to them. I always thought the Italians are quite friendly? Or is this yet another prejudice?

Anyway, just my inpressions/experiences... 

The people of Italy have never been very friendly. The men are friendly towards foreign women (for obvious reasons unfortunately) but the women in Italy are simply arrogant and whorish. I live there most of my life and have also seen it get worse over the last 10 years or so.
Being from eastern europe, you will never understand British humour, and a british person will never understand european humour. That's the way it is, how could it be otherwise.
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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:24/08/2011 6:28 PMCopy HTML

You WILL get over the bad experiences you've gone through in CAI - I've left in 2004 and now I'm happily married (thank God I never married inside CAI!) and we are blessed with a fantastic little child (4 years), who is a joy to be with.
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Re:The truth about Scott Williams "promotion"!!

Date Posted:05/10/2011 2:05 PMCopy HTML

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Reply to is_aimoo_guest (19/01/2008 3:20 AM).

Germany was and still is a very rich prosperous and pleasant country. ...I can understand why Germans, whom I have experienced as nice tolerant people

"pleaseant" ?? Your a fucking fairy mate.

"nice tolerant" ?? Your a real fucking poof mate.

I suppose you are the specky geek from russia - how come you are so well educated about germany - ever lived there ? Or just read a book.
Prick - germany is a fucking toilet - the people are so arrogant and still think that they know better

Wow what a troll, I loved my time in Germany (having grown up in Australia) and if I have my way I will move there with my family for a few years just to learn the language.

It was plessant and I really enjoyed the experiances I had.

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