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Date Posted:11/01/2010 6:08 AMCopy HTML

God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble

(-as mentioned in Peter's address to elders and young men all over the place in 1 peter 5 - and in other parts of the Bible).

How great it is to be humble and how ironic it is that Revivalists talk about it and sing about it yet can't stop their boastings about how they have it all right, yet their fruit, and specifically pride in this address has left them in such an esteemed place that they have nowhere else to go but to fall.

Of all the thieving things RF and associated demi-cults preach, I believe that one of the worst is how esteemed they (Revivalists exclusively) are in God's sight, because again, *God resists the proud*.

So, a proud state is a place we need to remove ourselves from if we want to remain in favour with God. 

Revivalist boastings namely stem from their unknown tongues gifting (just like those puffed up Corinthians) but furthermore, due to their belief that they have been 'made perfect in Christ', and also that they are infallible to the point where only a few days ago an RF member claimed that they are able to drink poison and it won't hurt them, they are able to pick up snakes and won't be bitten.
Of course we all know where that proof text springs from (if not: Mark 16).

SO, I believe, it is high-time to put the perfection delusion to bed.

Ian or anyone else, this is the topic I'd like to toss up for discussion:

What does it really mean to be perfected in Christ?

Yours in Christ,


p.s. dear moderator can you please delete the other unformatted post with the same title by 'Guest'? Thank you so much.
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Re:The Perfection Delusion

Date Posted:14/01/2010 9:46 AMCopy HTML

Hi, RDP.

The simple answer to the question, "what does it mean to be perfected (i.e. καταρτισ
ις) in Christ", is this: to be properly furnished, or fully equipped, or fully prepared for service. Importantly, the word is used in Scripture to describe traits of Christian character.

Such is the short answer. There is a longer answer, of course



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