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Date Posted:20/08/2010 12:16 PMCopy HTML

Good evening , all.

A work colleague of mine had just finished having dinner with his fiancee at a restaurant in Wagga last night, when he was approached by a young man. The fellow handed him what appeared to be a sheet from a newspaper with a "here, have this". As the young fellow turned and walked away, my friend looked down to see what he'd been handed. Lo and behold it was an RF 'tract', one jointly published by the Albury, Wagga and Tumut assemblies!

This, apparently, is 'street witnessing' RF style: (1) walk up to a stranger, (2) mumble something, (3) thrust a 'tract' into his or her hand, and then (4) walk away! No mention of Jesus, no signs of the slightest interest in introducing oneself, and no attempt at civility. Anyway, my friend (who is rather well acquainted with my Revivalist proclivities) handed me the paper this morning with a smile and a wink.

Having read the newspaper-ish tract (which was 'tabloid' rather than 'broadsheet' in content), I'm struck by a certain sense of irony. You see, on the back page was a photo and a first person account of a powerful work of deliverance. The author was man whom I personally know has not been a part of the RF for a few years. He and I corresponded for ages; he was even active here, once upon a time.

Time to update your sources Graham, Rob and Daryl. And time for me to spend a little effort prowling Baylis Street on Thursday nights, methinks!

Blessings one and all,

(aka מֹשֶׁה)
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Re:Street 'witnessing'

Date Posted:20/08/2010 5:30 PMCopy HTML

Reply to Didaktikon

Good evening , all.

Time to update your sources Graham, Rob and Daryl. And time for me to spend a little effort prowling Baylis Street on Thursday nights, methinks!

Blessings one and all,

(aka מֹשֶׁה)

Moshe, where do you get the time ??

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Re:Street 'witnessing'

Date Posted:21/08/2010 2:00 AMCopy HTML

Good morning, Eric.

Well, I don't sleep! But seriously, 'chock' it down to being very highly organised



MothandRust Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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Re:Street 'witnessing'

Date Posted:21/08/2010 7:58 AMCopy HTML

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