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Date Posted:10/09/2010 6:11 AMCopy HTML

We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
"Try not to burn the toast"
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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:05/12/2010 11:07 PMCopy HTML

"Religion is an invention useful to persuade men to murder each other for conveniently located lands without having to pay them what the job is worth."-- Michael Rivero

George Carlin - Religion is bullshit.
Mow this is not to say that all religions are wrong. Just the other ones

In the name of god

Jesse Ventura - Religion Is The Root Of ALL Evil!

have a nice day


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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:05/12/2010 11:16 PMCopy HTML

  This god guy really hates some people. Is this the reason that Australia get so many fires?
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:05/12/2010 11:20 PMCopy HTML


This god guy really hates some people. Is this the reason that Australia get so many fires? I imagine that if God was to 'hate' some people, it would probably be the profoundly 'stoopid' ones, those who 'say' profoundly 'stoopid' things.



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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:05/12/2010 11:30 PMCopy HTML

Let's analyze the popular indoctrination our culture puts our children through; let's look at religion. Western religions* are designed to break down a person's self worth and replace it with an esteem based on obedience.
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #5
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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:05/12/2010 11:42 PMCopy HTML


Let's analyze the popular indoctrination our culture puts our children through; let's look at religion. Western religions* are designed to break down a person's self worth and replace it with an esteem based on obedience. Really? If you're going to analyse 'popular indoctrination', then shouldn't you be looking at State run education first? But given that you want to engage in analysis, let's see something approaching the same, rather than just off-hand statements like the one above.

Up to the challenge?


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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:06/12/2010 12:17 AMCopy HTML


And then a miracle happens
Talmid Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #7
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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:06/12/2010 12:54 AMCopy HTML

Let's analyze the popular indoctrination our culture puts our children through; let's look at religion. Western religions* are designed to break down a person's self worth and replace it with an esteem based on obedience.

I'll leave it to Ian and you to discuss this analytically, but I'd like to offer some existential comment. Those who know me and my (professional) counsellors would describe me as having a chronically if not somewhat pathologically low sense of self-esteem. Biblical Xianity has actually countered this by showing me (intellectually and at gut-level by the actions of the Spirit and Xians) that God has assigned to me an inherent worth.

The evidence for Mann-made global warming is unequivocal.
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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:06/12/2010 12:59 AMCopy HTML

Religions are in the marketing game just like any other business.
Why you choose one over another is how well they sell you on the idea that they have all the answers. Or at least know who does and they will help you contact this being.

When you are shopping for one please keep in mind that in the end it's all about control of you and yours.
And money and how to get it from you.
Sure there are some who will say that it's just to keep the light on and to get the message out but it's still their message and not yours.

If you want to get a message out make it yours and not theirs. And if no one listens so be it. At least it's your life that you live and not to be controlled by anyone else unless you want them to. And if you want them to at least make sure it's still you in control in the end and don't drink the Kool-Aid

have a nice day
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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:06/12/2010 2:55 AMCopy HTML

It has been human nature to work together to get by.

This go along to get along thing has been one of our main survival tactic for ever. And it works more or less day in and day out except when it drives a group of people off the cliff.
So in order to get along we need to except the leadership of those we think and believe to be better than us.
Well at least in the aspect that we give in to them in.

But could it just be that we are hard wired to see things that are not there? To look into the sky and see Mother Mary in the Sun when it's just a mass hallucination?  Or to see Mother Mary in the tree bark on on a street sign or even in a grilled cheese sandwich?

And if you don't see it it's you and not the other billion people.
The same is for all religions and for most things we do in life.  We want to be part of something and not the outlaw. Not the one to be shunned or banned or put out or stood down.
Because of this need to see thing the way others see thing. And to believe things that others believe we spend our lives living in a childish state of being. And never really being what we could be.

When I read about people looking for "another religion" it's so sad and recognizable as this patternicity.

No one is going to learn all they need in their life time. And for those people who are to be (reincarnated) several life times will never be enough to learn what you need. I could mention that in the end there is death with no after life or reincarnation but I think when we sit down with a cup of tea and a bikkie and really think about this story we will do one of two thing. Get up and get on with life knowing it's the only one you have.

Or just go along to get along not wanting to be different.

Some times the thin blue line gets a little too think
have a nice day
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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:07/12/2010 4:15 AMCopy HTML


Is this the god that I'm support to follow? To worship? To fear? To get down on my knees and pray to?

When I was younger I had a job of watching over the cabins and homes up north. As I drove about doing odd jobs snow-blowing the snow form little old ladies drives-ways. towing car out of snow banks and fixing frozen water pipes and chopping wood as I passed a cabin I would make sure they were not freezing up and that no animals making a den in them and that included the odd squatter.

One night I got stuck in a cabin as the weathers changed before the forecasters had a chance to warn us. So I spend some time drinking coffee on the frozen dock watching the snow fall and the sun set.

I heard a noise to the left and behind me as I turn and watch a 4 by 4 after it hit the seasons accumulated snow bank (just like concrete) on the corner and half fly and half tumble down the embankment onto the thinning ice and slide on it's side 20 feet out until it hit a soft spot and started sinking.

I stood up and watched for about 30 seconds and sat down again.

She was drowning and there was nothing that I could. The ice was cracked up after the SUV hit it. She went under in less than a minute And it's damn cold water that would have killed both of us. No point being a dead hero. Unless you live in this place you will never understand how it is. If I thought I could have saved here I would have tried.

Heather (59) a good Baptist was coming back from shopping after spending the night with a friend in the city in order to feed her cat. A really stupid thing to do in that weather.

There was no phone and no cell phones at that time and it was in the middle of no where 8 miles from the nearest main road to far to walk at night before it got to cold. It gets down to -40 there in some winters. But even at -20 you just don't go for a 8 mile hike if you don't have to. But there was no rush she was dead. She saw me watching her drown. I was 120 feet from where she was.

The next day I walked out to report what happened and that was that. I did all I could do and that was still more than god did.

And the way that she was screaming she really didn't seem like she wanted to die and go to heaven. May be this heaven isn't as good as we read about.

So is this the god that you want me to worship? The one and only god that you want to to go back to? The only one that could help her when she needed it the most? I did my time believing in this god and for all the I gave it it gave nothing back but false promises.

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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:07/12/2010 6:36 AMCopy HTML

 What utter 'cods wallop'.

Lets blame God for EVERYTHING.....then we can sit back in our misery and feel vindicated that WE have NO Faith.
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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:07/12/2010 6:45 AMCopy HTML

I guess these people were right with the Lord.............and yours wasn't.
MothandRust Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #13
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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:07/12/2010 11:38 AMCopy HTML


That video clip was just amazing! Really creepy intro... 'eek'

It seems like sheer luck that we make it through the day when you consider how many things can go wrong. I think most of us could say we've had some very close 'death' moments. And It almost seems like 'god' set up a playlist and then set it all to 'random' to see what would happen. Is that it 'raining' on the just and the unjust?
Instagram and Twitter: @mothpete
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #14
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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:07/12/2010 12:06 PMCopy HTML

Good evening, Pete.

It seems like sheer luck that we make it through the day when you consider how many things can go wrong. I think most of us could say we've had some very close 'death' moments. Indeed. And It almost seems like 'god' set up a playlist and then set it all to 'random' to see what would happen. Is that it 'raining' on the just and the unjust? How would you prefer that God orchestrated matters?

In any case, when I've faced those 'near-to-death' experiences that you alluded to, I've found great comfort in the thrust of Ecclesiastes 3:1 through 8. But I've committed my finite faith to God's infinite majesty, so perhaps I'm not quite the 'fatalist' that you occasionally present yourself as being.

Blessings, dude.

MothandRust Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #15
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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:07/12/2010 12:44 PMCopy HTML

" How would you prefer that God orchestrated matters?"

I think he should give everyone super powers and 'Wolverine' invincibility... He should also give us 'Spidey' senses so we can get some psychic forewarning. That'd be cool... And he should make the ocean water fresh and drinkable. Also, chocolate should be good for you.

It stands to my reasoning that life should have a chaos element to it. It's just those times when people live and die in horrific torturous states that one wonders when a little more divine intervention would be nice.
Instagram and Twitter: @mothpete
Biblianut Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #16
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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:07/12/2010 2:47 PMCopy HTML

Ecclesiastes 3: certainly sums up mankind’s existence. The “preacher” sees the vanity of man’s activities but also points out God’s people find meaning in life when they cheerfully accept it from the hand of God.

We humans have little or no control over times and changes, but God determines all of life’s activities. (vv.2-8).*


I found the “vanity” at a very early stage in my life after a friend, I used to call him Uncle Bill, a bachelor (and a Christian) who in all his working life, for the local Council, saved his money and wouldn’t spend even a penny for a licorice strap so that he could have enough for a good life after his retirement.

After forty years of work the time came and Uncle Bill retired and was presented with a wrist watch for his faithful service to the Council. After the send off I asked him what was he going to do now he was retired and he said “Ralph, I’m going to go to Melbourne tomorrow and have a big spend up on clothes and stuff and to have a look around and really enjoy myself.”

The next day Bill took the train to Spencer Street then a tram to Flinders Street. Whilst he was getting off the tram he tripped and fell under a passing truck and was instantly killed.

There IS a time for every thing and as one gets older and looks back in life one sees there is too much time spent on things that do not matter and we need to be less dependant on external circumstances. You never know when your times up.

I thank my God he chose to set me free from years of ignorance in Revival and give revelation of what really matters in things eternal.




(*scource, NIV, ESV SBs,)

I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
Mr_Jingles Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #17
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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:07/12/2010 9:02 PMCopy HTML

Howdy Guest #10:  Reading your post I feel you make a naturally understandable point. Why does God allow such misery in this world?

I have read many more stories of good people being taken for seemingly no reason.

But here's the thing...When asked if I have a soul, I say No... I am a soul, "I have a Body" That is to say this physical existance is a mear shaddow of the real world...the eternal one awaiting us who believe.

There are plenty of examples of God's servants throughout history giving their lives for God...It's all about where your treasure is!

Moses died not entering into the promised land...indeed you could argue that God killed him...WHY???

Some say it was soley because he struck the rock rather than speak to it as instructed...I think not.

Moses was more meek than any other that had lived and only one other in the Bible was called meek (Jesus himself)

Moses was one who really understood the concept of placing his treasure in the eternal (Not the temperal)

This is perhaps the biggest lesson that God was going to teach Israel in their time in the nation of Israel under Joshua and the Judges.

My point is that this is one lesson that Moses did not need to learn as he already has passed that test with flying colours.

There are many unanswered quesations that we in the physical struggle with. But I tell you what...To those who endure to the end...There's is the kingdom.

Have a read of Isaiah chapter 11 and perhaps this may help to see things from God's perspective.


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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:07/12/2010 9:07 PMCopy HTML

Oh, for goodness sake, Guest! Why on earth are you blaming God for this poor lady's unfortunate accident? What did you expect to happen? God's overly large hand to come out of the sky to pick her huge car out of the freezing lake? And, so what if she was a Baptist? Does that give her special status in God's eyes? If she was driving around in terrible weather in awful conditions, then that's her fault! Not God's.

What about the elderly lady that was eaten by a shark in Egypt the other day? Are you angry with God for not saving her? Look at the issues surrounding her death - 1) huge boats containing carcasses from dead animals slaughtered in the Islamic way are being flung into the sea, yes, surprise, surprise, attracting the sharks. 2) maybe tourists shouldn't be swimming in shark-infested waters in the first place? Or do people nowadays not give a damn about reality? The waters look inviting - deep blue and riveting to the eyes - and full of sharks that might eat you!

Now, I'm sorry you experienced this, which must have in some sense been traumatic for you. But at the end of the day, every single one of us eventually dies. And we are all supposed to be 'ready', because we do not know at what time our Lord will come to take us. 

And if someone is screaming as they endure a torturous death, then that is natural, no? I'm sure that woman who was ripped apart by a shark was screaming too, but what about the soul???? Maybe, it was flying into the arms of her Heavenley Father. You don't know what happens when a soul leaves it's body. The earth is just a journey - eternity is forever. Earth is finite and worldly. The Heavenley Realm is infinite and Spirit-filled (Holy Spirit, in case you're one of those with funny ideas).

The problem here is your unbelief and whatever issues lie behind this. Just don't blame God for the silly things that humans do in the worldly realm, which is after all, largely controlled by the Evil One. Or have you conveniently forgotten that too?

People need to get a true perspective about God and Christianity on here instead of all this bleating.

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #19
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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:08/12/2010 4:23 AMCopy HTML


It stands to my reasoning that life should have a chaos element to it. It's just those times when people live and die in horrific torturous states that one wonders when a little more divine intervention would be nice. Sure, but God intervened divinely when he became incarnate in Jesus Christ. It's because of this intervention that, even though we remain a part of the created order, and as such that we're just as prone to the foibles of life (e.g. sickness, disease, disaster, tragedy and death) as are the other creatures; such isn't the 'end' of the story for us. For now, life lived this side of eternity inevitably brings with it trials as well as triumphs.


But here's the thing...When asked if I have a soul, I say No... I am a soul, "I have a Body" That is to say this physical existance is a mear shaddow of the real world...the eternal one awaiting us who believe. What you've just described is a very Gnostic way of viewing things: 'the soul is good and eternal, the body is bad and temporary'. Scripture teaches that the resurrection will be physical, and not simply spiritual. In point of fact, the 'new heavens and new earth' that Christians await is the outgrowth of the redemption of Eden motif that one finds peppered throughout both testaments. If you wish to be party to this redemption, then it's best that you become party to Christianity.

In short, the historic and orthodox teaching is that we will indwell physically resurrected bodies at the Parousia; we won't simply be disembodied spirits flitting about here and there.

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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:08/12/2010 8:17 AMCopy HTML

Reply to MothandRust

" How would you prefer that God orchestrated matters?"

I think he should give everyone super powers and 'Wolverine' invincibility... He should also give us 'Spidey' senses so we can get some psychic forewarning. That'd be cool... And he should make the ocean water fresh and drinkable. Also, chocolate should be good for you.

It stands to my reasoning that life should have a chaos element to it. It's just those times when people live and die in horrific torturous states that one wonders when a little more divine intervention would be nice.

Hi Pete,

This should interest you:



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Re:Quote of the day

Date Posted:08/12/2010 7:28 PMCopy HTML .....Where there is no proof of heaven God knows he messed up when she needed him most.
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