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Tiffany Roche
  • Rank:Member IV
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  • From:Unknown
  • Register:16/04/2007 12:27 PM

Date Posted:20/04/2007 10:12 PMCopy HTML

(For the introduction to my testimony...please scroll down to the end!!! It'll be in bright pink like this.)This is basically my life story.......I never really believed in God. I was raised a basic atheist. I never went to church except for a couple of weddings. My mum used to be embarassed of religious people- eg- once we were walking down the main mall in Geraldton and the Potter's House were singing... so she dragged us across to the other side of the street very promptly to avoid them!After becoming a Christian at the age of 20, I then found out that mum had been a "Methodist"- I don't know anything more then that. I also found out that my Dad was meant to be an Anglican because (that's what religion his mum was.) The bottom line is- they taught me nothing about Jesus. He or the Bible was never mentioned.They did try to raise us as best as they could- Good on ya mum and dad for trying ya hardest-( It issotough being a parent- I now have 3 of my own, aaagggh- help!)At school we got taught evolution like it was afact!I just kind of believed that- and didn't really think too much about it all. Then school finished- and I started "living it up." (If u could call it that!) I started smoking quite a bit of pot, and also cigarettes. I started fornicating (note* for the non-church people... that means having sex!) I was stealing, and had been for a while. I drank alcohol only to get drunk-for no other reason- I hated the taste of anything alcoholic. I used a variety of drugs- speed, heroin, pills,acid. note* I'm not proud of any of these things- I am simply giving a clear and indepth testimony.) I acted like a full on idiot for about 2 years.I got pregnant because I "crazily" wanted to. (note * My plan was to start having kids when I was 27- Im now 27 and I have already had 3 kids!) Anyway- I ended up choosing to have an abortion. What a terrible decision. Immediately after that I became very confused, emotional, and depressed. I think the other factors to consider were... having a boyfriend who was a compulsive liar, and stealer, dole bludger, and drug user... also that I'd just finished school-which gave my life routine... Id just gone to Brazil as an exchange student- but returned after only 3 weeks- (because I wanted to keep partying...( What a bad decision ))...I was using some drugs... we didn't have anywhere permanent to stay...etcAnyway, in the weeks and months after the abortion/murder of my innocent child, I tried to kill myself. I know some people out there think that is a selfish thing to do. From my experience- I will say that it was probably the most terrible time in my life- and I encourage you allnotto judge a person in that position- but to try to help, support andpersistin encouraging them -and tell them thereislight at the end of the tunnel. My "self" was gone. I was a shell of a person. I couldn't think properly, or talk much. I remember just saying " I dont know' to nearly all questions. I couldn't make a simple decision -eg-even about if I wanted salt on my food. How sad. My mum gave up trying to help me- she didn't know what to do. I wasn't even claiming the dole. I just hung around the house all day being a weirdo and thinking of dying.Enough of that. If anyone wants to know more- or talk about my suicidal experience- please let me know.The bottom line is-Glory to God who used my friend *-u know who u are-* to help me out of my terrible state- Gradually over the next few months I became un-depressed ( that's probably not a word! ahhaha) ...but I instead became hyper. - well at least I didn't want to kill myself anymore. But I went in the opposite direction- of living a very reckless life whereanythingcould have happened. I thank God for His protection of me during this crazy time. to be continued...On with it... So I was partying and carrying on- and then I ended up pregnant again. ( The poor dad- he must've thought I was the biggest weirdo ever- because I was- I'm pretty sure that I had rampant mental illness happening! Oh well- I'm not the only one... Anyway, He left me- (don't really blame him )- and I kept our baby. That steadied my life for a while. After the birth of my beautiful boy I started to drink and smoke and use drugs again. The first time he smiled- at 4 weeks- was after I'd been chatting to him in my arms all thru the night- ( I had taken a large number of dexamphetamine tablets- u know the ones they give to kids with ADD.)For the next few months I shopped and watched TV and many movies, etc. I just started thinking about how superficial life was...I wondered what was the point to life? Was it to have kids?... have fun???? make money??? get married??? party???? travel??? experience a bit of everything???... study??? get a cool job or career???? - and then I thought, what's the point of any of that?- because at the end u just die.I will also note that around this time I had some bad experiences with drugs- I felt like i was going crazy- I remember being very scared and I strangely started calling out to Jesus. I didn't know hardly anything about him at all at that time. I was comforted. ( I now know it was definitely Him!) He is the God who sees.I woke up on a sunday morning with a strong desire to go to church- this was strange, because I did not go to church. I had been a couple of times with a friend to the Christian outreach centre, and once to the Potter's house. That was over a year ago. That's all. So I went along to Sun city Christian centre- (AOG)( I picked that church because I had received a leaflet in the mail about a play they were doing- Heaven's gates and Hell's flames.) I didn't see that play, i just saw a normal sunday meeting I guess... I saw the people all being happy and clapping- and singing to "God". I didn't know who God was or why they were so happy about it all. So I went home and forgot about church for 2 weeks.I woke up on a saturday night- fully scared- i'd just had a bad dream/nightmare about satan- (not that I knew much about him) He was like a vivious big black human- bat creature flying in the sky and as I recall I think he swore at me. I think he said something simple like" what thef#@$are u looking at ?" It wasnt what he said- I was shaken very deeply with the intensity and hatred of his presence/voice/comment. The rest of the dream is sketchy now- eventhatpart is sketchy now.Where oh where has my memory gone?I know it sounds quite pathetic now- Butyou had to be there! When I woke up ( because of that nightmare) I was very frightened, and i just knew I had to get water baptised. ( A friend had previously told me a bit about water baptism- however I didn't know much at all.) So I went back to Sun City and told them I wanted to be baptised. They said that they'd put my name on the list- they were having a group of baptisms that next weekend. ( I now firmly believe that people should be baptised straight away- like they were in acts-eg- in the middle of the night etc.) Anyway- I didn't know that then- so I waited, and got dunked that next weekend at St. Georges beach in Bluff Point- Geraldton, WA. I was so embarassed as they sang..." Gimme a J...J.... now Gimme an E....E , S... U... S... and what have u got??? JESUS! I cringed a bit. Anyway, I confessed on that beach that I basically wanted to follow Jesus and obey Himifhe was real- that's why I was getting baptised- to see if He really did die for me. I got dunked, and I will honestly say- as I've said many times before..."My life changed that day- (the 14th of November 1999)- the day that I took a step of faith, and gave God a go.What happened next... I asked God for a desire to pray to Him, and to read the Bible. The next thing I knew, I was praying heaps and I couldn't stop reading the Bible! It was unreal. to be continued...ooohhh writing in this hot pink colour is cool!!!!Anyway, on with it... This is where it gets a bit tricky. I will explain as I go.So I'd just got water baptised. I had a friend who " spoke in tongues"- ( no offence to her but she was a bit different) but anyway- I wanted what she had. I thought that since I was now following God I wanted to do it properly, and get all he had to offer- so I asked some people how to get it- tongues. Finally, 10 days after my baptism a lady sat me down in a room and went over some basic Scriptures about Jesus dying for me.( I had heard them before- on TV etc but I used to just think blahblahblah- in one ear and out the other)- but this day I wasreallylistening and thinking deep in my heart "maybe Jesusreallydid die for me!" and I think I believed it. ??? Id love to go back to that time and be inside my brain to know what Ireallydid think all thru this time , andwhendid Ireallystart changing- and thinking differently...)The fact is that Ididgo from being an unbeliever to a believer in Jesus at this time- but I'm not sure that I can honestly pinpoint theexactmoment. Does it matter???Anyway... so in that room on the 24 th of November 1999, I was cut in my heart about Jesus dying for me- I either very nearly believed it- or I did- (I don't know!!!) Actually I think I really did confess that I did believed Jesus died for my sins and rose again for me. The lady said something like...(don't quote me!) " Jesus died to give us the Holy Spirit- so because you believe in Him- u now have the Holy Spirit."- I then got excited because I believed that God had given me this Holy Spirit. She then told me to just speak. I said " what do I say?" She said just speak. So I screwed up my eyes real hard and felt my head get all tight and tense- and tried to focus on God- then I just let myself say some sounds/words/syllables/whatever!??? - probably about 10, - I remember it sounding like a sweet little song. She said it didn't but anyway! ahhah. So I was very excited because for 10 days since my baptism I had been trying to get this "tongues" thing. - and I finally had it. Whooohooo!Since this time in November 1999, my lifedefinitelychanged. beyond a shadow of a doubt. I'm not sure of the exact moment that I became a Christian. Revival fellowhip would tell me it was when I spoke in tongues. The UPC would tell me I wasn't saved because I wasn't baptised in the name of "Jesus" only- The Armadale church of christ ( and others) would say because I didn't realise that my sins were washed away at my water baptism- that it was invalid-(and they think that tongues is not a gift for today.) Other Christians would say it was when I confessed Jesus died for me. There's probably another thousand views too!I think the turning point for me was stepping out in faith and being baptised. ( Somehow I knew that was what I was meant to do.) And I think actually believing in my heart and confessing that I believed that Jesus died for me was a huge point also. But what about tongues??????? I really don't know.Now on with it... So in November 1999 Afterbelievingin Jesus I started to change. One of the first things I noticed was that I suddenly had a heightened conscience! I started realising that my lying and stealing was very wrong, so soon I stopped doing that.LyingOne example is that I had lied and signed a false statement- to Centrelink and told them I did not know who the father of my baby was- to avoid the drama- I guess- I can't remember! After realising that I should tell the truth- I told them I had lied, and made a statement telling the truth. I knew it was the right thing to do.Stealing-I used to steal from some shops, and people- houses etc- and also claimed a bit of Centrelink money I was not really entitled to.(near that time I was still receiving a bit of $ for study that I had ceased. After reading the Bible I promptly rang them and told the truth. I just cannot steal or take things that do not belong to me anymore. My conscience hounds me over the smallest things. I thank God for the conscience He has given me- He leads me to live right.AbortionI also realised that the abortion I had previously was actually murder. Nobody told me this- I just knew that it was wrong- this was the 1st time I was actually aware that what I had done was wrong. (I stated that I became depressed and suicidal after my abortion- however at that time I still did not think what i had done was wrong.) Note- I'll never forget going to a friend's house and being given her sister's new baby to hold- I just started crying! note- I'm crying as i'm writing this!!! I remember it so clearly. I suddenly felt much regret about what I had done- even though I hadn't thought about it at all since the abortion- I feel sick in my stomach right now. My heart just broke within me when I held that baby and thought about my own that I had aborted. My heart still breaks as I think about what I did!... more tears! !!( Even though I had this experience- I was still so blind to the truth -that I later rallied outside parliament house in WA (pro-choice) for them to legalise abortion- because I thought it was the woman's choice- and I didn't really think that the embryo was really a baby yet.How sad and how blind.. I was basically taught that in school. Everyone I knew thought that abortion was ok. Only 2 people were sad on hearing that I had an abortion. I encourage people everywhere... DO NOT EVER HAVE AN ABORTION AND NEVER ENCOURAGE ANYONE TO GET ONE EVER!Smoking-I quit smoking on the 15th of Nov 1999- the day after my water baptism. I wanted to quit somoking but couldn't. Nobody told me I had to. I've never touched a cigarette since. I was quite addicted to smokes- Even though I knew it was wrong to smoke around my baby son- I couldn't seem to stop it- He ended up in hospital overnight with bronchilitis- I felt guilty about it, but i still couldn't stop it. I fully believe God helped me quit and took my desire to smoke away. Its been over 7 years now. Thankyou God!Alcohol-I also gave up drinking alcohol. I didn't want to drink anymore either. My last experience of getting drunk was at a friend's dad's birthday party- in the middle of the day!- on warm passionpop!- How embarassing. I was very ill- I just went home and crashed and my friend had to watch my son. How irresponsible! No body told me I had to stop drinking. In 7 years I have only- had one sip of a UDL at my mum's house- then regretted it- and stopped...and another time later I also drank a few UDL's and got slightly tipsy. I regretted that too. On both occasions I was very stressed out- about being a fulltime mum mainly- my 2 youngest kids are only 14th months apart- and I haven't had much help- It has beenextremelyhard for me. I guess I just momentarily thought that the drunk feeling would help me feel better. Well- halfway thru each of those events I pulled myself back together and realised that alcohol is definitelynotgoing to help me- it isnotthe answer to my stress. So they are the only exceptions in over 7 years- of not drinking or even wanting to drink alcohol. Note* I used tolovegetting drunk.Roadrage- impatience- angerI used to get very impatient when driving. Road rage! I'd stick fingers up and swear etc. I remember driving around a little roundabout and a taxi pulled out a bit in front of me- they were meant to give way, My hand went up a bit automatically- but then I realised I was calm and cool- and I did not pull a finger! I just got over it and felt no anger! I couldn't believe what was happening- it was amazing! I was becoming a calmer- gentler person.SwearingI used to swear- ever since 14- 15 years of age- every second word! Harsh and filthy language- all the really bad words. I swore around anyone. To teachers, parents etc It was a massive habit for me. After becoming a christian- (in the first week or two I think)- a guy told me that my swearing was a bit off- and that I should probably stop it. I was shocked a bit- I didn't realise how badly I swore. I was a bit distressed because I knew he was right but I knew there was no way that I could stop doing it. I said to God- "You've gotta stop me swearing- I just can't do it myself! - Help!" The honest truth is that before I knew it I had stopped swearing- It was a short time later that I realised I did not swear anymore. I firmly know that that was a huge thing for me- I knew God had done that!! Thankyou Jesus! Note# I still do not swear very much at all. On some rare occasions a "beep!" may come out. However- part of my old habit of swearing sparked up again over the last few years- specifically in my home- and specifically to my husband!- I think the huge factor was my mega stress levels- I just was not coping with my kids. I take full responsibility for allowing swearing back into my heart and mouth- I felt so bad after every bad outburst that I did- I repented and prayed to stop it again. I have struggled with swearing and anger at my husband, quite a bit- recently I have been behaving a lot better- I still have some bad times... but I seem to be a lot more in control then I was before. God is faithful and I know it is Him who helps me grow the fruits of the Spirit!- mainly self-control and love- in this case! So u can clearly see, I am not claiming to be totally free of anger and swearing. I do know for sure that I had severe anger and swearing problems before knowing Jesus- and I know that He has- and is still the One changing me and helping me grow into His image. Thankyou God!DrugsI used to use a variety of drugs as I've stated already. I loved the experience of certain drugs- mainly speed and acid ( when I had a good trip). In the latter part of 1999- I was having bad effects from drugs. After taking dexies I ended up at hospital with a friend- looping out a bit. I hallucinated for 3 days after taking 7 dexies for the 1st time! After smoking pot I'd feel a bit freaked out- and crazy like. After drinking alcohol- I'd feel stoned. I started getting paranoid a bit- and scared of taking drugs because I didn't know what effect they were going to have on me. I stated earlier that one time I was quite scared of going loopy - I called out to Jesus in my bedroom- and wrote His name down on paper. I did feel comforted. Thank you Lord. Since knowing Jesus I have had no real desire to use drugs again- I have not touched a drug in 7 years. I really do thank Him for that because I know- that with my eccentric personality- there's no doubt I wouldv'e used drugs many times more- ( even though I was getting a bit scared of them-) and who knows where I would be now. Probably in a mental hospital or dead. I am convinced of that.LoveGod showed me what lovereallyis- from His word- the Bible. I will never forget it- I'd always wanted to know these things. A young lad from Suncity Church talked about 1 Corinthians 13- The love Chapter. It was the 1st time I'd heard it- I was amazed. It was so good to finally know how we shouldreallybehave. My personality was- bossy, loud, mostly confident, sarcastic, rude, offensive, careless etc. I now could see what I was meant to be aiming for. Love is patient kind , not jealous, or self seeking, or rude, or proud etc look it up!! Its a beauty.
Tiffany Roche Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Member IV
  • Score:1490
  • Posts:58
  • From:Unknown
  • Register:16/04/2007 12:27 PM

Re:Poll: Shining for Jesus' testimony..(again) From atheist- to believer, to revival- to trustin Jesus for salvation(not tongues)

Date Posted:20/04/2007 10:12 PMCopy HTML

(For the introduction to my testimony...please scroll down to the end!!! It'll be in bright pink like this.)


This is basically my life story....... I never really believed in God. I was raised a basic atheist. I never went to church except for a couple of weddings. My mum used to be embarassed of religious people- eg- once we were walking down the main mall in Geraldton and the Potter's House were singing... so she dragged us across to the other side of the street very promptly to avoid them!

After becoming a Christian at the age of 20, I then found out that mum had been a "Methodist"- I don't know anything more then that. I also found out that my Dad was meant to be an Anglican because (that's what religion his mum was.) The bottom line is- they taught me nothing about Jesus. He or the Bible was never mentioned. They did try to raise us as best as they could- Good on ya mum and dad for trying ya hardest-( It is so tough being a parent- I now have 3 of my own, aaagggh- help!)

At school we got taught evolution like it was a fact! I just kind of believed that- and didn't really think too much about it all. Then school finished- and I started "living it up." (If u could call it that!) I started smoking quite a bit of pot, and also cigarettes. I started fornicating (note* for the non-church people... that means having sex!) I was stealing, and had been for a while. I drank alcohol only to get drunk-for no other reason- I hated the taste of anything alcoholic. I used a variety of drugs- speed, heroin, pills,acid. note* I'm not proud of any of these things- I am simply giving a clear and indepth testimony.) I acted like a full on idiot for about 2 years.

I got pregnant because I "crazily" wanted to. (note * My plan was to start having kids when I was 27- Im now 27 and I have already had 3 kids!) Anyway- I ended up choosing to have an abortion. What a terrible decision. Immediately after that I became very confused, emotional, and depressed. I think the other factors to consider were... having a boyfriend who was a compulsive liar, and stealer, dole bludger, and drug user... also that I'd just finished school-which gave my life routine... Id just gone to Brazil as an exchange student- but returned after only 3 weeks- (because I wanted to keep partying...( What a bad decision ))...I was using some drugs... we didn't have anywhere permanent to stay...etc

Anyway, in the weeks and months after the abortion/murder of my innocent child, I tried to kill myself. I know some people out there think that is a selfish thing to do. From my experience- I will say that it was probably the most terrible time in my life- and I encourage you all not to judge a person in that position- but to try to help, support and persist in encouraging them -and tell them there is light at the end of the tunnel. My "self" was gone. I was a shell of a person. I couldn't think properly, or talk much. I remember just saying " I dont know' to nearly all questions. I couldn't make a simple decision -eg-even about if I wanted salt on my food. How sad. My mum gave up trying to help me- she didn't know what to do. I wasn't even claiming the dole. I just hung around the house all day being a weirdo and thinking of dying.

Enough of that. If anyone wants to know more- or talk about my suicidal experience- please let me know.

The bottom line is- Glory to God who used my friend *-u know who u are-* to help me out of my terrible state- Gradually over the next few months I became un-depressed ( that's probably not a word! ahhaha) ...but I instead became hyper. - well at least I didn't want to kill myself anymore. But I went in the opposite direction- of living a very reckless life where anything could have happened. I thank God for His protection of me during this crazy time. to be continued...

On with it... So I was partying and carrying on- and then I ended up pregnant again. ( The poor dad- he must've thought I was the biggest weirdo ever- because I was- I'm pretty sure that I had rampant mental illness happening! Oh well- I'm not the only one... Anyway, He left me- (don't really blame him )- and I kept our baby. That steadied my life for a while. After the birth of my beautiful boy I started to drink and smoke and use drugs again. The first time he smiled- at 4 weeks- was after I'd been chatting to him in my arms all thru the night- ( I had taken a large number of dexamphetamine tablets- u know the ones they give to kids with ADD.)

For the next few months I shopped and watched TV and many movies, etc. I just started thinking about how superficial life was...I wondered what was the point to life? Was it to have kids?... have fun???? make money??? get married??? party???? travel??? experience a bit of everything???... study??? get a cool job or career???? - and then I thought, what's the point of any of that?- because at the end u just die.

I will also note that around this time I had some bad experiences with drugs- I felt like i was going crazy- I remember being very scared and I strangely started calling out to Jesus. I didn't know hardly anything about him at all at that time. I was comforted. ( I now know it was definitely Him!) He is the God who sees.

I woke up on a sunday morning with a strong desire to go to church- this was strange, because I did not go to church. I had been a couple of times with a friend to the Christian outreach centre, and once to the Potter's house. That was over a year ago. That's all. So I went along to Sun city Christian centre- (AOG)( I picked that church because I had received a leaflet in the mail about a play they were doing- Heaven's gates and Hell's flames.) I didn't see that play, i just saw a normal sunday meeting I guess... I saw the people all being happy and clapping- and singing to "God". I didn't know who God was or why they were so happy about it all. So I went home and forgot about church for 2 weeks.

I woke up on a saturday night- fully scared- i'd just had a bad dream/nightmare about satan- (not that I knew much about him) He was like a vivious big black human- bat creature flying in the sky and as I recall I think he swore at me. I think he said something simple like" what the f#@$ are u looking at ?" It wasnt what he said- I was shaken very deeply with the intensity and hatred of his presence/voice/comment. The rest of the dream is sketchy now- even that part is sketchy now. Where oh where has my memory gone?

I know it sounds quite pathetic now- But you had to be there! When I woke up ( because of that nightmare) I was very frightened, and i just knew I had to get water baptised. ( A friend had previously told me a bit about water baptism- however I didn't know much at all.) So I went back to Sun City and told them I wanted to be baptised. They said that they'd put my name on the list- they were having a group of baptisms that next weekend. ( I now firmly believe that people should be baptised straight away- like they were in acts-eg- in the middle of the night etc.) Anyway- I didn't know that then- so I waited, and got dunked that next weekend at St. Georges beach in Bluff Point- Geraldton, WA. I was so embarassed as they sang..." Gimme a J...J.... now Gimme an E....E , S... U... S... and what have u got??? JESUS! I cringed a bit. Anyway, I confessed on that beach that I basically wanted to follow Jesus and obey Him if he was real- that's why I was getting baptised- to see if He really did die for me. I got dunked, and I will honestly say- as I've said many times before..."My life changed that day- (the 14th of November 1999)- the day that I took a step of faith, and gave God a go.

What happened next... I asked God for a desire to pray to Him, and to read the Bible. The next thing I knew, I was praying heaps and I couldn't stop reading the Bible! It was unreal. to be continued...

ooohhh writing in this hot pink colour is cool!!!!

Anyway, on with it... This is where it gets a bit tricky. I will explain as I go.

So I'd just got water baptised. I had a friend who " spoke in tongues"- ( no offence to her but she was a bit different) but anyway- I wanted what she had. I thought that since I was now following God I wanted to do it properly, and get all he had to offer- so I asked some people how to get it- tongues. Finally, 10 days after my baptism a lady sat me down in a room and went over some basic Scriptures about Jesus dying for me.( I had heard them before- on TV etc but I used to just think blahblahblah- in one ear and out the other)- but this day I was really listening and thinking deep in my heart "maybe Jesus really did die for me!" and I think I believed it. ??? Id love to go back to that time and be inside my brain to know what I really did think all thru this time , and when did I really start changing- and thinking differently...)

The fact is that I did go from being an unbeliever to a believer in Jesus at this time- but I'm not sure that I can honestly pinpoint the exact moment. Does it matter???

Anyway... so in that room on the 24 th of November 1999, I was cut in my heart about Jesus dying for me- I either very nearly believed it- or I did- (I don't know!!!) Actually I think I really did confess that I did believed Jesus died for my sins and rose again for me. The lady said something like...(don't quote me!) " Jesus died to give us the Holy Spirit- so because you believe in Him- u now have the Holy Spirit."- I then got excited because I believed that God had given me this Holy Spirit. She then told me to just speak. I said " what do I say?" She said just speak. So I screwed up my eyes real hard and felt my head get all tight and tense- and tried to focus on God- then I just let myself say some sounds/words/syllables/whatever!??? - probably about 10, - I remember it sounding like a sweet little song. She said it didn't but anyway! ahhah. So I was very excited because for 10 days since my baptism I had been trying to get this "tongues" thing. - and I finally had it. Whooohooo!

Since this time in November 1999, my life definitely changed. beyond a shadow of a doubt. I'm not sure of the exact moment that I became a Christian. Revival fellowhip would tell me it was when I spoke in tongues. The UPC would tell me I wasn't saved because I wasn't baptised in the name of "Jesus" only- The Armadale church of christ ( and others) would say because I didn't realise that my sins were washed away at my water baptism- that it was invalid-(and they think that tongues is not a gift for today.) Other Christians would say it was when I confessed Jesus died for me. There's probably another thousand views too!

I think the turning point for me was stepping out in faith and being baptised. ( Somehow I knew that was what I was meant to do.) And I think actually believing in my heart and confessing that I believed that Jesus died for me was a huge point also. But what about tongues??????? I really don't know.

Now on with it... So in November 1999 After believing in Jesus I started to change. One of the first things I noticed was that I suddenly had a heightened conscience! I started realising that my lying and stealing was very wrong, so soon I stopped doing that.


One example is that I had lied and signed a false statement- to Centrelink and told them I did not know who the father of my baby was- to avoid the drama- I guess- I can't remember! After realising that I should tell the truth- I told them I had lied, and made a statement telling the truth. I knew it was the right thing to do.

Stealing- I used to steal from some shops, and people- houses etc- and also claimed a bit of Centrelink money I was not really entitled to.(near that time I was still receiving a bit of $ for study that I had ceased. After reading the Bible I promptly rang them and told the truth. I just cannot steal or take things that do not belong to me anymore. My conscience hounds me over the smallest things. I thank God for the conscience He has given me- He leads me to live right.


I also realised that the abortion I had previously was actually murder. Nobody told me this- I just knew that it was wrong- this was the 1st time I was actually aware that what I had done was wrong. (I stated that I became depressed and suicidal after my abortion- however at that time I still did not think what i had done was wrong.) Note- I'll never forget going to a friend's house and being given her sister's new baby to hold- I just started crying! note- I'm crying as i'm writing this!!! I remember it so clearly. I suddenly felt much regret about what I had done- even though I hadn't thought about it at all since the abortion- I feel sick in my stomach right now. My heart just broke within me when I held that baby and thought about my own that I had aborted. My heart still breaks as I think about what I did!... more tears! !!( Even though I had this experience- I was still so blind to the truth -that I later rallied outside parliament house in WA (pro-choice) for them to legalise abortion- because I thought it was the woman's choice- and I didn't really think that the embryo was really a baby yet. How sad and how blind. . I was basically taught that in school. Everyone I knew thought that abortion was ok. Only 2 people were sad on hearing that I had an abortion. I encourage people everywhere... DO NOT EVER HAVE AN ABORTION AND NEVER ENCOURAGE ANYONE TO GET ONE EVER!


I quit smoking on the 15th of Nov 1999- the day after my water baptism. I wanted to quit somoking but couldn't. Nobody told me I had to. I've never touched a cigarette since. I was quite addicted to smokes- Even though I knew it was wrong to smoke around my baby son- I couldn't seem to stop it- He ended up in hospital overnight with bronchilitis- I felt guilty about it, but i still couldn't stop it. I fully believe God helped me quit and took my desire to smoke away. Its been over 7 years now. Thankyou God!


I also gave up drinking alcohol. I didn't want to drink anymore either. My last experience of getting drunk was at a friend's dad's birthday party- in the middle of the day!- on warm passionpop!- How embarassing. I was very ill- I just went home and crashed and my friend had to watch my son. How irresponsible! No body told me I had to stop drinking. In 7 years I have only- had one sip of a UDL at my mum's house- then regretted it- and stopped...and another time later I also drank a few UDL's and got slightly tipsy. I regretted that too. On both occasions I was very stressed out- about being a fulltime mum mainly- my 2 youngest kids are only 14th months apart- and I haven't had much help- It has been extremely hard for me. I guess I just momentarily thought that the drunk feeling would help me feel better. Well- halfway thru each of those events I pulled myself back together and realised that alcohol is definitely not going to help me- it is not the answer to my stress. So they are the only exceptions in over 7 years- of not drinking or even wanting to drink alcohol. Note* I used to love getting drunk.

Roadrage- impatience- anger

I used to get very impatient when driving. Road rage! I'd stick fingers up and swear etc. I remember driving around a little roundabout and a taxi pulled out a bit in front of me- they were meant to give way, My hand went up a bit automatically- but then I realised I was calm and cool- and I did not pull a finger! I just got over it and felt no anger! I couldn't believe what was happening- it was amazing! I was becoming a calmer- gentler person.


I used to swear- ever since 14- 15 years of age- every second word! Harsh and filthy language- all the really bad words. I swore around anyone. To teachers, parents etc It was a massive habit for me. After becoming a christian- (in the first week or two I think)- a guy told me that my swearing was a bit off- and that I should probably stop it. I was shocked a bit- I didn't realise how badly I swore. I was a bit distressed because I knew he was right but I knew there was no way that I could stop doing it. I said to God- "You've gotta stop me swearing- I just can't do it myself! - Help!" The honest truth is that before I knew it I had stopped swearing- It was a short time later that I realised I did not swear anymore. I firmly know that that was a huge thing for me- I knew God had done that!! Thankyou Jesus! Note# I still do not swear very much at all. On some rare occasions a "beep!" may come out. However- part of my old habit of swearing sparked up again over the last few years- specifically in my home- and specifically to my husband!- I think the huge factor was my mega stress levels- I just was not coping with my kids. I take full responsibility for allowing swearing back into my heart and mouth- I felt so bad after every bad outburst that I did- I repented and prayed to stop it again. I have struggled with swearing and anger at my husband, quite a bit- recently I have been behaving a lot better- I still have some bad times... but I seem to be a lot more in control then I was before. God is faithful and I know it is Him who helps me grow the fruits of the Spirit!- mainly self-control and love- in this case! So u can clearly see, I am not claiming to be totally free of anger and swearing. I do know for sure that I had severe anger and swearing problems before knowing Jesus- and I know that He has- and is still the One changing me and helping me grow into His image. Thankyou God!


I used to use a variety of drugs as I've stated already. I loved the experience of certain drugs- mainly speed and acid ( when I had a good trip). In the latter part of 1999- I was having bad effects from drugs. After taking dexies I ended up at hospital with a friend- looping out a bit. I hallucinated for 3 days after taking 7 dexies for the 1st time! After smoking pot I'd feel a bit freaked out- and crazy like. After drinking alcohol- I'd feel stoned. I started getting paranoid a bit- and scared of taking drugs because I didn't know what effect they were going to have on me. I stated earlier that one time I was quite scared of going loopy - I called out to Jesus in my bedroom- and wrote His name down on paper. I did feel comforted. Thank you Lord. Since knowing Jesus I have had no real desire to use drugs again- I have not touched a drug in 7 years. I really do thank Him for that because I know- that with my eccentric personality- there's no doubt I wouldv'e used drugs many times more- ( even though I was getting a bit scared of them-) and who knows where I would be now. Probably in a mental hospital or dead. I am convinced of that.


God showed me what love really is- from His word- the Bible. I will never forget it- I'd always wanted to know these things. A young lad from Suncity Church talked about 1 Corinthians 13- The love Chapter. It was the 1st time I'd heard it- I was amazed. It was so good to finally know how we should really behave. My personality was- bossy, loud, mostly confident, sarcastic, rude, offensive, careless etc. I now could see what I was meant to be aiming for. Love is patient kind , not jealous, or self seeking, or rude, or proud etc look it up!! Its a beauty.

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Re:Poll: Shining for Jesus' testimony..(again) From atheist- to believer, to revival- to trustin Jesus for salvation(not tongues)

Date Posted:20/04/2007 10:14 PMCopy HTML


I know it sounds dumb, but I didn't know that having sex out of marriage was wrong. No body ever taught me that. My parents were divorced- and I didn't respect marriage- I thought it was a dumb idea and I was never going to marry! I couldn't believe people still practiced such an obsolete custom. I then learnt that marriage was God's plan! I started seeing what marriage was meant to be- and i started to understand the wisdom of His plan! I heard from that same youth meeting that we (unmarried christians) were not meant to have sex or the like- I was shocked!! ( it's true) I asked a girl after the meeting if she knew that? she's like derr" yeh, of couse!"

So I really thought about what I'd gotten myself in for- and asked God to show me why sex between 2 consenting individuals is wrong. I started to see that even though the 2 adults think sex is not affecting them in a negative way- it actually is- they are giving themselves to each other- and whoever else they sleep with- with no real lasting commitment-eg marriage. That if protection is used it can fail- and that a baby can very well be conceived- with the parents not being married there is little stability for the child. In these situations there is heart ache for all. I know my own story and many others that prove this. ( Yes, I do understand that marriages break up- and can cause much heartache too- but divorce is not God's plan either.) Also that u can get STD's. Too often, babies are murdered/aborted because of this. ( I know they are also aborted within marriages too.) And oftentimes sex out of marriage is just lustful- not loving. Please note- these are simply the reasons I started believing that sex out of marriage is wrong. I therefore didn't fornicate again! I obeyed the Bible's teaching. Thankyou God for that knowledge that no doubt saved me from more pregnancies to different men, STD's, and giving myself to people who I wasn't committed to. God is very wise.

One added point to make here is that I used to think it was fine to be homosexual. We got taught at school there was nothing really wrong with it. I used to watch Ricki Lake at the time and she was pro- gay- I started really believing that being gay was fine- and that people were probably born that way. After reading the Bible- my mind was totally changed- I can see that homosexuality and bisexuality are wrong. I will not condone that behaviour at all. I'm sorry if the Bible's view of homosexuality offends some people. But hopefully the offence one may feel -will turn into repentance of sin- and obedience to God. I don't think that people who practice these sins should be treated in a bad way though- why are they any worse then others who commit fornication or adultery? We are all sinners, and we all need God's grace, mercy and forgiveness for our sins. We should show love to homosexuals -because they too are being called by God into His truth. Jesus came to call the sinners to repentance- and by then trusting and believing in Him - and obedience to His teaching- we can receive eternal life.

Note- I've had my kids screaming at me during the writing of this- so there very well may be heaps of errors in there. sorry!

This is how I started going to Revival...

Ok, so- I became a believer in Jesus. I then moved to Perth from Geraldton- to attend University. I briefly went to Riverview , Southern River Christian Church- and Hope of God. I was suprised to learn from the discovery course at Riverview that they taught people to get baptised when they felt like it- not asap.

At this time I received an invite to a "coffee morning" from revival Fellowship. the first thing I thought was - this seems like an extreme church- it was talking about miracles and healings. I wasn't too sure about those things for today- ( and I'm still not sure!).

I probably would have forgotten to go- but 2 ladies knocked on my door.( These two are really nice ladies!) They encouraged me to go.

So I went on the Friday and watched the "healing" video of testimonies. I was impressed. I knew God was good- and I believed that He was responsible for these healings.

Now it gets interesting. They obviously got on the "tongues" subject, and I said that I had done that. Note# After I received "tongues" on the 24th of November 1999- I spoke for 1 minute or so later that same day- then- I did not speak in "tongues" again until this here day I am describing now. So for about 3 months I hadn't uttered 1 word in tongues.

Well, the coffee morning leader- got me to go into a spare room so he could see if I really did speak in tongues. I felt very pressured by him that day. I did choose do do what he said though. So I squinted my eyes up real hard again like I did at first- then my head felt all tense again- and I made noises/syllables/words again- He said I had the Spirit.

I went home and told my housemates- One friend immediately quoted- 1 Corinthians 12- Do all speak in tongues?" No. I thought yeh- that's right- so I rang them immediately. I spoke to one girl ( whom I am still friend's with- she has left Revival too). I read the Scripture to her - and she said "yes" "all speak in tongues". I knew that wasn't right. So I said so- She queried the leader- and then got back on the phone and told me- that Scripture is for in the church service. eg- yes all speak in tongues- just not in the church service. I didn't have much Bible understanding back then- so I just accepted that answer.

I was encouraged to go to their meetings- My van was a bit dodgy at that time- so people gave me a few lifts- PK told me that normally he doesn't let people go to any other churches- while they attend Revival. But he made an exception for me- until I figured it all out-( until I was brainwashed!!!!) So I went to all the churches I listed above and also Revival. Revival was the most involved with me- they were constantly teaching their beliefs to us and using Scriptures to back it up- eg- why tongues is the sign of the Holy Spirit- so therefore essential for salvation. They made a seemingly good argument by stringing together a heap of Scripures to "prove" their view was right. As anyone who attends revival knows- They constantly talk and teach that tongues- salvation message- they are fully convinced that if u don't speak in tongues you are not saved.

They also told me that Adam and Eve were not the 1st people. I started believing this- and I thought, well if the other churches have got this part wrong- then what else have they got wrong? I had only been saved 3 months!!! -gimme a break! hahaha

They gave me a lot of attention in regard to "showing" me stuff from the Bible. I was soon convinced/brainwashed -( after a couple of months I think) that their church's teaching was right. I can now see that I had no people helping me by stating opposing views to Revivals message. I needed the internet back then 7 years ago! Alas- I had no computer or internet. I'm pretty sure I never would have believed their message if I had access to other information and views. Oh well. Ya get that! It's all been for a reason- I'm sure that God has a plan!

Another contributing factor to my leaving the Hope of God church was that they sometimes- were all speaking in tongues in their meetings- I told a leader that the Bible says not to do that- 1st he said, "no new people are coming in- because it is near the end of the meeting..." ( that didn't cut it for me...) then he said " well that was written a very long time ago"- ( I can hardly believe that he really said that!)- So I told him straight away- that because of that- I am not going to their Hope of God church again! Now take note of this# ( if anybody's even reading this! hahahahaha) . That I was at Revival meeting in Morley one night- and they were all told to speak in tongues at the end of the meeting! Over a hundred people going for it. I couldn't believe it- That was why I left the other Hope of God church! Unbelievable. However this event happened after i'd been at Revival for years already! I was already up to my kneck in their doctrine. I asked a leader about it- they said that the doors were shut and were being manned. I still thought it was wrong, but held my peace.

Also, someone gave me some money- $100 or $150, it was probably (I'm not sure) a wonderful, loving man whom has passed away now. Everybody I know respected and loved that man. He was a rare exception in that church. I once saw a kid be sick over the hall's carpet during a meeting. He was not related to that child- yet he got straight out of his seat and got some cleaning stuff and proceeded to clean it up. What a servant! That incident brought tears to my eyes. I knew he wasn't just trying to save the old carpet- He was a wonderful man- full of love and - what a wonderful peace- maker. May God bless his soul for his love and good deeds. anyway.... back to my point- I thought what a wonderful thing for someone to give me that money- Thankyou whoever it was- (it may not have been that good man mentioned above.) So this act led to my attending Revival full-time too.

I also gave some leaders at that Hope of God church some papers explaining tongues salvation, and I asked them to tell me what they thought. Nobody bothered to read them or comment or help me or teach me. One man just said Revival was a cult- but would not go into detail. I wish that people would try to help others when they are so obviously seeking answers. It is not enough to just briefly talk with people- I needed an in depth bible study with others- I needed answers. I found none. The only people willing to speak about the Bible were the Revivalists. No wonder people end up there. I just didn't have access to other information- I guess I should've looked harder. Oh well.

So that's how i got into Revival.


Bible Numerics, British Israel, The Great Pyramid, Adam and Eve, the flood (local or world-wide), the thief on the cross (saved or not.)

Now, my point is... Why even teach these peripherals? I think they are a cause of contention to people. I have told this to PK who does not agree with me. He said Revival needed to take a stand on these issues, because they'd seem foolish if they didn't. Well- I think the opposite is true- they seem foolish by taking the stand for these non- essential issues. He said it's ok that I don't believe in their peripherals but I must not discuss my views and concerns with anybody but him and my husband. He said I was not even to talk to my friends about them.

Revival (Yangebup) taught us - and I heard Morely is similar- ...they teach these peripherals like they are facts!!! They mock others that believe differently to them- ( not realising that some of these people are sitting in front of them-(members of their own church!)) Why can't they just openly say that they don't really know if....point a is 100% true. ??? Why do they have to teach it like it's so right???

Some of the people I did talk to about some of these views- agreed with me about them...they said they'd studied it too and came up with their own -different view. I think PK needs to be aware that there are people in the church that don't agree with their peripheral teachings- I think he should ask around and see what people really believe. Instead everyone is told to keep their ideas to themselves-(the one's contrary to Revival's views.)

Other times I did raise valid questions about Adam and Eve, and the thief on the cross- I was looked down upon- " oh , the poor girl, doesnt even understand the basics yet..." ( that was the look!)ahhahaha Another person got very rude toward me and also said-" the next thing you'll be saying is that u don't need to speak in tongues to be saved! " Classic- And their words came true. ( much later though...) So is it true that if one doesn't agree with all the peripherals- then one will soon not believe in tongues4salvation??? hahahahaha.mmmmm.

Most people take it for granted that Revival's teaching on these issues is 100% truth ( just like their tongues- salvation message... NOT!! ahhaah) So if u do raise a point- most people just think the issue is so obvious- and they say" I'll pray for you..." mmmm. I had one lady tell me that God "revealed" the "truth" to her about a particular issue- My answer...I'm sorry- but I'm not really into that type of reasoning- as most of us know- there are many people that claim God told me this....point A and then another person says God told them that the same... point A is definitely not right!. So who do u believe??? None of them.

My main point about peripherals is... Who cares????? I really think that they are like" endless geneologies and fables" that the Bible says not to talk about- because they promote strife. I think Revival should let go of it's peripheral messages, and instead just preach things they know are true...( note# that's not tongues- by the way!) I was thinking more like- just reading straight-pure- Scripture out- and let it speak for itself. And all the people said....

I have my own views on some peripherals- but I still barely care about them at all, and definitely wont argue about them... I will share my ideas... but in the end each person should settle what he believes about these things-(if anything)- in his own heart- and then just relax. What I care about is that they can be a stumbling block to people. The bottom line (I've got a lot of bottom line points!) that nobody knows 100%(- except God-) that the flood was local-... people especially don't know 100% that people were created before Adam and Eve! ....No one knows 100% that Jesus was being sarcastic to that thief on the cross!- (and therefore he wasn't saved)(-note#this is what Revival teaches.).etc. So please just give ya strong stance on peripheral's up. Why does one have to take a stand on these issues? I think they have nothing to do with salvation.

One interesting comment I've heard come directly from PK's mouth... He was trying to talk my brother into staying at Revival- He wanted to leave because he had a problem with their "peripheral" ideas. (a note on those peripherals in a moment...) Anyway PK said ,"It is evil to leave Revival fellowship." Ooooohhhh , that is a very strong comment. I also met an ex-Revivalite who said that PK had said to her that if she left Revival she would go to hell. Well I didn't see/ him say that one- but I believe it's definitely possible- as it's similar to the comment he said to my bro. That person said they are happily serving God at another church. If he did really say that- I think that is a terrible judgement to put on someone! ( The person was not doing anything worthy of the comment-( not big- out-of-fellowship-type-sins )- all they wanted to do was leave Revival. PK please comment on these instances- correct us if we're wrong- or give us more context of the situations. ( I'm pretty sure PK wouldn't "waste his time"correcting us on here. -but I'm still hoping he will come in and comment one day- He can tell us what he thinks- can't he?) Will this blog site allow that?

So I attended Revival from about March 2000, until Jan-Feb(?)2007 Well, I think the Sunday meeting that they made TH a pastor was my last... I did not know it was going to be at that time though. So... 7 years of Revival roughly! Do I get a reward? ahhaahha

Well, overall my Revival experience there was pretty good. I certainly think that most people there- leaders and all- are sincerely "convinced" that their tongues4salvation message is right. . So that's one thing to their credit...they're sincere. But there are sincere people in many other religions too. I also think another bonus is that they do not try to suck money out of people from what I've seen. Once a year they give ya a talk on tithing...they tell ya Christians should tithe- 10%- because that's what they did in the Old testament apparently- Ive heard so many different ideas about this too... Nobody is ever told to give more- or ever told off for not tithing, nobody seems to even care if u do or not. They are very good in that sense- they pass the collecting bag around while the choruses are on - they don't ever make a big deal about it- like Riverview (and other churches) for example. They give a 5-10 minute spiel "to encourage you in your giving." This is another subject in itself. I'm not stating here that it is wrong for them to do this- they say they give their money to various charities and outreaching efforts- maybe they really do- and maybe the money is going to a great cause...or maybe it's not... I don't know. I'm just saying Revival does not pressure you or "encourage" you to give every meeting. They do it annually. That's all.

I had the pleasure of seeing my 3 mates come to know God! How awesome. We went to Geraldton Senior highschool together. I told them all how Jesus was real etc..and then told them Revival is the church to go to...All 3 got water baptised on the same night -the 28th of September 2000- (they cancelled my mate's 21st party at the pub- and instead got dunked.) Good on'm. You girl's are great! They were all then told to keep asking for the Holy Spirit- until they spoke in tongues- ( with my very enthusiastic encouragement too.) That night they all spoke in tongues- when they were by themselves. They then did not sleep for 3 days! funny!

They are all still at Revival- They are all married to Revivalite's too. They love God and want to serve Him. I've seen their lives fully change too- similar to mine. You go girls- !! I'm so happy for u all to have found God.

I guess I seem like I'm being really pro-Revival now. Well, I'm just trying to show that it's not all bad there. I don't believe that u need to speak in tongues to be saved- so I do think they are preaching a false message in that regard. There are a lot of good things about the church though. I dont want people to think that I'm all bitter and twisted up about something... because I'm not. If I really thought they taught the truth from God's word- I would definitely be there. But I dont.

Anyway, I also saw my brother come to the Lord. I sent him a bible to read- He started reading it and decided himself to follow God. I was in Perth and he was in Gero- so I know that God was calling him. Faith comes by hearing the word of God!! He got baptised at Revival- and then went to a different church. 6 months later he came to my house and I prayed with him to receive the "spirit" - speaking in tongues. We prayed for 20-30 minutes or so, then I felt this power thing in my stomach, and I stopped speaking in tongues to tell the others about it- at that same split second- my bro started speaking in tongues. He rekons that he just started copying a word that I said- and then he was off, rattling in tongues... mmmmm????????. He has left Revival again now- and he is still walking on with God! ( Yes Revivalites-who-don't-believe-this..someone definitely can walk on with God- quite well -in fact- after they have left Revival...) Just because some people that leave Revival stop believing and following Jesus doesn't mean that all do. Good on ya bro, keep it up! Just follow... follow... I will follow Jesus...anywhere, everyewhere, I will follow on... hahahaha

A lot of Revivalites rekon when u leave- it'll be 7 times worse. mmmmmm. There's a dodgy point if I ever saw one.

I also saw my Dad come to Jesus- He was a chronic alcoholic and God has helped him hugely!! Thankyou Jesus! My brother baptised him, and then we prayed with him for 2 hours to "receive the Spirit"- he eventually spoke in tongues. mmmm???????

Would all of our walks in the Lord be the same- if we never spoke in tongues?? I dont know.

Tiffany Roche Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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Re:Poll: Shining for Jesus' testimony..(again) From atheist- to believer, to revival- to trustin Jesus for salvation(not tongues)

Date Posted:20/04/2007 10:29 PMCopy HTML

    The many faces of Shining for Jesus...


Please don't put your rotten pickin' negative comments on this thread please! Make a new thread called" I hate "shining for Jesus/ so let's bag her and her comments..." (and post ya heart out there!! ok? but please don't corrupt my site with your negativities. Thanks.

This thread is for nice comments...   Thanks everyone.

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Re:Poll: Shining for Jesus' testimony..(again) From atheist- to believer, to revival- to trustin Jesus for salvation(not tongues)

Date Posted:21/04/2007 2:09 PMCopy HTML

Hey SFJ, finally got to read your testimony, well put together really enjoyed it.


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Re:Poll: Shining for Jesus' testimony..(again) From atheist- to believer, to revival- to trustin Jesus for salvation(not tongues)

Date Posted:21/04/2007 2:09 PMCopy HTML

opps clicked twice

Hey SFJ, finally got to read your testimony, well put together really enjoyed it.


light and dark Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #6
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Re:Poll: Shining for Jesus' testimony..(again) From atheist- to believer, to revival- to trustin Jesus for salvation(not tongues)

Date Posted:22/04/2007 11:43 AMCopy HTML

Reply to : Shining for Jesus

Hello readers!!!! If u liked or hated my testimony (or any other opinion in between)- please take my poll- "THE MEGA POLL" (It's in the poll section...( fancy that!)But 1st I have to figure out how to make a poll!!!!! ahahhaha (Moth's helping me I think)Don't put your rotten pickin negative comments on this thread please! Make a new thread called" I hate "shining for Jesus/ so let's bag her and her comments..."(and post ya heart out there!! ok? but please don't corrupt my site with your negativities. Thanks.

Hi Shining

I thought I would let you know that I really enjoyed your testimony.  I went to the Perth RC most of my life and left just before the split when they became the RF.  It has been ages since I have posted on this sight, but your words really spoke to me.  It appears that we just missed each other, I left in 1997 and you arrived in 1999 - we are around the same age so you probably know all my old friends who stopped speaking to me after I backslid.  It took me about 10 years to find a new Church home - I now attend Riverview (don't worry I understand how you feel about their asking for money - they definately do so much in and for the community so.... I think that it is worth it, but my friend is their accountant and believe me all the money goes where they say it does).  Anyway I am glad that you still love Jesus, I think that having such an amazing backstory / testimony makes it easier for you to hold on to God's love for you and the changes he has made in your life.  My story was a little backwards from yours in that after leaving the RC/RF I took a lot of drugs etc having felt betrayed and dissalussioned by my 'Church Family' (not the only reason but a major contribuiting factor).  God is so good he has completely changed my life since leaving the RC/RF which had taught me to lead a double life.  I now love God with all my being and follow him completely, my husband has been baptised and is becoming a wonderful spiritual leader (something I personally struggled with for a long time as I felt quite oppressed as an intelligent female at the RC/RF) and I know that all my experiences have led me closer to God.

It is wonderful to hear a person talk so freely about their love of God and belief in Jesus on this forum.


For you were once darkness,
Now you are the light in the LORD
Live as Children of Light.
Ephisians 5:8
Tiffany Roche Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #7
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Re:Poll: Shining for Jesus' testimony..(again) From atheist- to believer, to revival- to trustin Jesus for salvation(not tongues)

Date Posted:22/04/2007 7:39 PMCopy HTML

Hello Everyone! (this is the introduction to my testimony...)  The many faces of Shining for Jesus!


I'm always open to new ideas and comments. Im trying to write my testimony in an objective (haha) way.

And for all you Revivalites out there who think u know me- U probably do!- anyone can recognise me by this testimony. Please don't think that I've fallen away from God. I still believe in following His teachings. I now just think that the Revival teachers and members (this goes for United Pentecostal Church- and all other tongues- for- salvation preachers too)- are sincerely mistaken in their belief that ...unless one speaks in tongues one is not saved. I encourage you ALL to get on the internet and get some outside information (Yes- I know PK said not to!- If you guys at Revival really do have the "truth" then what are you worried about finding on the internet? )

As Ive previously told my Revivalite friends... I think that they (aswell as me obviously!) have been heavily shaped-(brainwashed) by people from Revival- in the way that they view the Bible. They think that they are really reading the Bible with the correct understanding ( that God has given them.) I wish that all Revivalites (and other different churches' members) would see that their views have been shaped by what they hear and read about the Bible from at Church- talks-sermons- chatting amongst other members- literature; books, pamphlets etc.

Once someone has told you what a particular Scripture "means" -that information totally impacts the way you will see it in the future. When someone tells you about various issues- and then uses scriptures to back them up- your mind is being shaped by that. If you are only hearing one-sided comments about the scriptures- no doubt you will develop a belief in what is being portayed. (Especially if you are hearing the same things on a regular basis!) I challenge you all- to stop just listening to that one-sided( Revival-sided- in this case-) view of Scriptures... and to start to listen to other's (other churches,and people's points of view on the doctrines that you hold so firmly. It's called thinking outside the box.

The Pastors don't want you to do this because they are sincerely worried that you will be shaken and fall away. I can see their point. However I believe that God knows who are His, and that He will firmly uphold His children- especially as they try to seek for truth and understanding. I also think that if someone is going to fall away because they read something on the internet- that the same person would probably fall away if it were spoken to him by a person in their everyday world. You cannot keep yourself -or others- wrapped up in cottonwool all your lives. If you're faith is placed rightly in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and you want to obey Him as best as u can- who will get in your way?

Now that I'm writing on this site, I know that PK and others will say that I am a Wolf !!! That really does sadden me. I don't want anyone to turn their back on Jesus Christ. On the contrary I want to encourage everyone to make sure that they have their faith placed in the Lord Jesus- and not in speaking in tongues.

Imagine for a moment -(you have to imagine this hypothetical scenario-ok? -please just humour me and play the game! ) Imagine if you couldnt speak in tongues anymore- if it just wouldnt come out- ...what would u do? would u question your salvation? would you be worried? or would you still be sure that Jesus is your Saviour -even though you don't speak in tongues anymore? Have a deep think about that...

Here's some ideas to get u started searching on the net. Subjects to study are, baptism views, Apostle's not being around today, Is the "gift" of prophecy valid today? ...and Revival's peripheral issues- Adam and Eve not being the 1st, British Israel, The great Pyramid, Bible numerics etc. Go for it! Study hard! Always hold onto the Bible as the authority in deciding your beliefs.

Tongues is the main subject I want to address at the moment. Check these up.

- non-Christians cults do this- and have been for years. (just type into google search- cult ,tongues etc- use your imagination!)

- practiced by people that do NOT and haven't ever believed in Jesus. It may very well be psychological. Check out ehenocha and delobulus-from U-tube... (there is links around this site somewhere!)

"Christian"-(Bible believing) cults such as the Mormons and the Catholic Charismatics do it. (look it up!-google it!)

tongues is practiced by extreme pentecostals. Linked with Azusa st (early 1900's), Slaying in the spirit, Animal noises, uncontrolled laughing, people claiming God is speaking to them- ( and check out the anti-scriptural comments they say that God said!-) extra biblical revelations, prosperity/$$$ message, and fit-like behaviour. (you can see a lot of strange, and chaotic clips of these things- google it!)

 Is tongues really a valid "gift" for today? Check out the cessationalists point of view.

 Just look into other people's opinions on the Scriptures that Revival uses to "prove" tongues salvation. Be open minded -there are many different ideas out there- I suggest reading a large number of these views to get a bigger sample of what ideas are out there- if u dont agree with a particular view- move on to something else- if you feel overwhelmed by the study- relax... have a rest, and just read the Bible for a while...then continue in your quest for truth!

-And most importantly 1 Corinthians 12 , proves that all don't speak in tongues. If that chapter really means that all christians don't/wont speak in tongues - then the tongues-for-salvation doctrine is wrong. That's why Revivalist's have to argue against that view- (or just change the subject.) Check out the articles on PleaseConsider if u havent already. And... If anyone has an interpretation of 1 corinthians 12 that proves it-really means that "yes all speak in tongues- but just not in the church service", - please let me know.

Also check out the thread in the Bible beliefs section on this site called "Is tongues for salvation? for and against..."


One more thing- I was worried about having people from the Revival fellowship knowing that this is *me* on here. I'm starting to think that it's not such a big deal. I just don't like the thought of them talking about me. I mean there's only a hundred or so Revivalites that may learn to know about this-and happen to know me- but there's more people that are going to benefit from "my testimony" on the internet. So I'm thinking it's worth it. It's very possible that I will probably say some things that I may want to take-back later. Well that's life. I am not perfect- very far from it-

My whole motive of writing on this site is to share with others what I have been through and what I am going through- in the hope that it will help others in their walks with God, and also help me in mine. I definitely don't want to be accused of being a back-biter/gossiper, or a slanderer- or of promoting disunity- or of speaking in a corrupt way. Please everyone hold me accountable if I divert from my main motive.

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Re:Poll: Shining for Jesus' testimony..(again) From atheist- to believer, to revival- to trustin Jesus for salvation(not tongues)

Date Posted:11/08/2007 12:06 AMCopy HTML

Reply to : Tiffany Roche

Hello Everyone! (this is the introduction to my testimony...)

I wonder in Shiner ever drops by to see if we're still talking about her?

Has she explored cuninglinguism yet?

Does she listen to Elton John music?

We may never know.

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