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Date Posted:09/12/2007 3:38 AMCopy HTML

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  • Register:05/04/2003 2:38 PM

Re:Official Rules and Doctrines

Date Posted:13/07/2008 1:28 AMCopy HTML

FELLOWSHIP RULES - one set of Church laws (there are others), penned by Longfield.

1. Fellowship and Communion are the same thing (Gr Koinonia). Therefore we fellowship in spirit (Phil 2:1) when we have communion (agreement) at a spiritual level with others who are in Christ.

2.Hence the scriptural warnings that fellowship means: common doctrine, Acts 2:42, one accord, one mind, Phil 2:1, walking in light of truth. 1 John 1:7. mutual respect in Christ, Gal 2:9.

3.It is totally dependant on acceptance and continuance in the gospel of Jesus Christ, 1 John 1:3.

4.It is not the same as friendship. That is we have fellowship with every other saint -- particularly in the Revival Centres -- that conforms with 2 above but we cannot be 1 "friend" of all ... Fellowship is instantly established when a person receives the Holy Spirit.

5.Because fellowship/communion is spiritually based there are spiritual standards required to maintain fellowship. See 2 above.

6. We cannot have fellowship with those who will not maintain these standards. Eph 5:11, 1 Cor 10:20. 11 Cor 6:14.

7. Also we should not break fellowship (stop talking to/communing with) with someone in our assembly who DOES hold to assembly standards for some other reason e.g. something they said about you.

8. Breaking fellowship in your heart with a brother/sister for whom Christ died is a dangerous thing. To avoid problems and maintain fellowship keep the following danger areas in mind:

a) Money: I Tim 6:10. Don't borrow money around the assembly. Rom 13:8. If you need help see the Pastor. If you lend don't expect a return. Luke 6:35. If you lose money don't lose your salvation as well.

b) Business: Fine Saints are not necessarily top tradesmen or businessmen. Conduct only business in a business like way. Don't be suprised if something goes wrong. Talk about it and sort it out.

c) Employment: Work for an employer as if for the Lord Col 3:22-25. Employer to give a fair wage Col 4:1. Be business like in negotiations.

d) The tongue. James 3. Always watch what you say but most important forgive what others say. If you feel you must (Prov 1 9:1 1), go and see a person who offends in a spirit of reconciliation. Matt 18:15-17, Don't discuss it with others first. If you are still dissatisfied see someone in the oversight. Accept his decision.

e) The law. Scripture virtually forbids saints going to court against each other -- 1 Cor 6. Go to pastor realising that his judgment will be spiritual not natural. Luke 12:13-15.

f) Treat opposite sex with all gravity. 1 Tim 5:1-3. Keep out of compromising situations. Don't let them be tempting even if you aren't.

9. Remember that you can't walk from the assembly or a brother because something goes wrong with someone. Jesus still fellowships with them. So must you. Forgive -- 1 Jn 1:7 and 2: 9·12


1. There are 3 ways to leave an assembly or break fellowship:

(a) To die or fall asleep in Christ or transfer to another assembly.

(b) To stop attending at the assembly and separate from its members.

(c) To be asked to leave by the oversight.

2. Those who leave of their own choice are in 2 categories:

(a) Those troubled or ensnared by personal difficulties or sins. Matt 13: 18-22. Some of these may be helped by wise counsel.

(b) Those who hold a grievance or difference with the assembly or some member. In fact this is never a reason to depart (see Fellowship article).

3. Those asked to leave (Matt 18:17-18) will be in the following groups:

(a) They are involved in immorality without repentance. I Cor 5:1-5, 11 These 3:6.

(b) They promote unsound doctrine or practices. I Tim 6:3-5, Titus 1:9-11.

(c) They create divisions and offences with brethren or the oversight often by tale-bearing or unreasonable accusations e.g. "not enough love", "who gets the money", "others should minister", etc. Rom 16:17-18, 1 Tim 5:11-18, Prov 22:10.

4. Since their activities trouble others the oversight must act to prevent a spread. II Tim 2:16-18, Heb 13:9 & 17, 42:15.

5. The attitude of assembly members toward people under 2b and 3 is much the same (Also a 2a often becomes a 2b). They must be "avoided" Rom 16:17, or "withdrawn from" I Tim 6:3-5, 11 Thess 3:6 & 14-15.

6. We may greet or acknowledge them in a friendly way but should refuse to discuss their problem area or have sustained fellowship. I Cor 5:11, 11 John 10-11. If they wish to return to fellowship, the oversight must be advised. Our attitude is as if a sheep has an infectious disease. No animosity much concern, but separation.

7. Scripture and experience show that those who leave find it hard to return. Beware of wasting excessive time on a problem the Lord says to stand apart from -- Matt 18:15-18, 1Cor 5:3-8 & 13, 11 Pet 2:1-3 & 19-22, Heb 10:25-31, 1 John 2:19.

8. Those who leave will often accuse or criticise the oversight. The Pastor will not publicly criticise him (Unless he is an elder, I Tim 5:19-20) to ease his return. If you listen you will hear one side of the story, hence the warning to "avoid" such people. If you are troubled see the Pastor privately. Don't discuss such accusations with friends. 1Tim 5:19. This spreads 'a root of bitterness" Heb 12:15.

9. Spirit-filled people from other churches are normally in category 3(b). The same rules apply. All these problems (see 3) are a threat to the well-being of the whole assembly. Much more so than private failings by members. Therefore if your Pastor has to act support him totally by maintaining scriptural separation.


1. This is the most subtle of our relationships, and probably the most important to get right. Jesus said we are "in the world but not of it" John 17:11,14. Most of our preaching explores this area.

2. We are pilgrims (wanderers) Heb 11:13 through an environment so hostile that it has already crucified Jesus. A successful passage into everlasting life with Jesus will require the use of every available resource.

3. What is "the world"! It is all the lifestyles, philosophies, standards, ideals, theologies plus the lawlessness and hatreds of the community we live in. It includes our own old identity. Even though we continue to live in the midst of these problems we know that "he that loves God cannot love the world" 1John 2:15 Matt 6:24.

4. When we see the problem, the natural tendency is to withdraw. However we then discover we are part of God's overwhelming compassion for a lost and suffering community. He wants us back in there with our message of deliverance and freedom. John 15:13-16 John 4:35 - 36.

5.Therefore He promises us complete victory Rom 8:35-39 John 16:33 and power over all the power of the enemy - sin, sickness, whatever. Luke 10: 17-20.

6.Those who withdraw from this battle are identified. The slothful "see a lion in the streets" Prov 26:13. The fearful "bury their talent" Matt 25:24 - 30. They shrink from each new horror, instead of boldly acting upon the greatness of God's provision Eph 1:17-23.

7.Really such believers fear themselves and their frailty not the world 1 John 4:18. They conceal their fear with self-righteous criticism of people still ensnared Rom 2:19-23.

8. Our attitude therefore is that while we "hate every spot" we constantly "build ourselves up in faith and the love of God so that we can move back into the world to offer the Bible experience of salvation. Jude 19-25 Mark 16:15-20.

9.The world becomes our farm from which we reap a harvest Matt 13, Gal 6:7. We see it full of potential. We boldly move in it. We rejoice and weep over it.

10. Our assembly becomes a haven, a watering-hole, from which we go forth re-equipped to do battle for Our Lord. We learn, pray, fast and fellowship in this environment to glorify God by our faithfulness in His battle for the souls of man.

11. Like Paul we understand that the principle reason for remaining in this physical world is that we might be a blessing to others and save souls. We want to use our talents to the uttermost. To hear Jesus say "well done".

12. Finally, only you know the nature of your Relationship with the world back into which the Lord has placed you. To embrace the world again and think its thoughts is the way of the adulterous, James 4:4. Be in the world - like the fireman rescuing souls from the fire. Be like the good Samaritan - don't pass by; if you do, you may die yourself. Matt 25, Luke 10:30-35.

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  • Rank:Poster Venti III
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  • Register:05/04/2003 2:38 PM

Re:Official Rules and Doctrines

Date Posted:13/07/2008 1:32 AMCopy HTML


Perhaps a statement concerning our beliefs in the fundamentals of Salvation could pave the way for answers to this question.

WE BELIEVE that the receiving, at baptism, of the Holy Spirit identifies the man with God. the church of God and the gospel of Salvation.

WE BELIEVE that there is ONE spirit to receive and that this ONE spirit is described in Romans 9 alone as "The Spirit - The Spirit of Life in Jesus Christ - The Spirit of God - The Spirit of Christ - The Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead - The Spirit of Adoption".

WE BELIEVE that there is one experience, that the promised "baptism of the Holy Spirit is also the Pentecostal experience of being "filled with the Holy Ghost" (Acts 2:4) again Paul speaks of the same experience "Have ye received the Holy Ghost..." (Acts 19)

WE BELIEVE "For by one spirit we are baptised into one body" - means that this experience embraces Salvation and our immediate entry into the body of Christ - the church.

WE BELIEVE Jesus told us of His saving abiding presence as embracing the pentecostal experience. "Now I tell you before it come, that when it is come to pass ye may believe that I am He. Verily verily I say unto you. He that receiveth whomsoever I send, receiveth Me and he that receiveth Me receiveth him that sent Me". (John 13:19-20). To receive the Holy Spirit is to receive Jesus Christ, Jesus said so! Before he went away. He warned us of the coming Pentecost. He said of the Holy Spirit, I am He!

WE BELIEVE that church unity is indeed provided by the receiving of the Holy Spirit, and that we are directed to ". ..Keep the unity (oneness - togetherness) of the spirit. hopefully, peacefully.

WE BELIEVE to preach less than the above experience as described is to preach another gospel. (Gal 1:9) and that innumerable scriptures identity that fact that the gospel of salvation is totally subject to the receiving of the pentecostal Holy Spirit. We are aware of many spirit-filled brothers and sisters who accept a gospel less than that of the Bible. Who directly or indirectly dispense a brand of salvation other than the one we describe.

WE BELIEVE that God has unified His church by the uniting experience of the Holy Spirit, that unity is spiritual as such and therefore there is no need of our presumptuous endeavors to improve the status quo.

WE BELIEVE We are in God-given unity with every spirit filled believer, but we read, "Now we command you brethren in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly and not after the tradition which he received of us". (II Thess 3:6). To those who are busily engaged in unifying the churches we say - don't be high minded. God has already provided the basis for unity but your provision of a lesser basis for unity is destroying the principle of the spirit.

WE BELIEVE that God is faithfully filling millions with the Holy Spirit thus providing the promised unity, but we note with sorrow that millions are " falling away'' from their first love and dispensing 'Salvation" other than by the spirit.

In answer to our original question. This is the main reason why we do not fellowship with other pentecostal groups - we offer advice - if it is wanted - we do not believe all pentecostals will necessarily get together physically or geographically. Indeed this is the work of the spirit which is not hindered by time or location.

WE BELIEVE that all spirit-filled people who have "Kept the faith by continuing to respect and uphold the plan of God for our day are continuing in the unity of the spirit. To them, wherever they be, we send our prayers and encouragement to "hold on" and refuse to be deceived by the compromises and false prophets who are deceiving millions by leading their people back into the apostate past. The apostle Paul warned "that after my departing shall grievous (savage) wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock ..." (Acts 20:29)

WE BELIEVE that along with this "falling away" has come a number of extravagances that have turned many away from the Lord and from "decent" conduct within the churches.

WE BELIEVE that the revival centers are privileged along with all spirit-filled believers to preach the truth as it was preached to us, and to faithfully hold fast to our beliefs as indicated. We exhort all spirit-filled believers to do likewise. The world is laughing at us - we claim spiritual unity - we have received spiritual unity but some settle for less - others think quantity at the expense of quality. Pentecostal churches now allow immorality - smoking, drinking, private interpretations extravagances. Unscriptural handling of "demons" dancing in the spirit, etc, etc.

There are many assemblies throughout the world who are managing quite well without the "extras". We propose, with God's help to do likewise!!

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