Title: Kuhlman gets tough | |
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Anonymous | |
Date Posted:20/01/2007 5:02 PMCopy HTML $%*'`[biggirl]%*'`@Seems to be a bit of a haemmorage at Woodcroft church in Adelaide. Lots of old families left in last week or so. A few Pastors 'put out' on east coast, and watch out for Canberra!
John Kuhlmans talk today at Woodcroft covered such issues as;
we have boundaries to keep you safe,
don't talk to ex-members,
we are too busy to fellowship with other Pentecostal people and churches,
Pentecostal churches now have too much psychology in them,
don't read any christian pamphlets , books, or watch christian tv programs,
"some people say our worship time is boring."
Fun and games
Uncoolman | Share to: #51 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:11/02/2007 6:38 AMCopy HTML hi Franklin64 Please pm re what happend at church ta
franks ghost | Share to: #52 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:16/02/2007 5:52 AMCopy HTML
Earth, I've thought about how to answer you. Over the last 2 years I've had a chance to ask some of the original members of this Church what it was like at the meetings. So when we go back 50 years which is what some of the members still can do, you hear a different story of what it was like before we became religious. One current brother and his wife told me about the power in the preaching and the incredible healing under the likes of Jack Clay (he wasn't a particularly good speaker it seems) but he had a healing ministry.These couple of oldies (65+) loved it. Anyway this couple described walking though the opening of his tent ministry set up and an experiencing an atmosphere that was so powerful and electric. I also got told by another 40 year vet that they used to run prayer a fasts at Jack's that would last 2-3 days , people sitting around mulling over the word,praying fasting, singing minimul talks, plenty of fellowship. the end result of which was the power of God moving on church and people alike. The funny thing was the one couple were comparing the power to what they had experienced at a couple of prayer meetings at the Sunshine Coast Chistmas 2005 ( run by what the church nick named the halalujah Brothers). This church has remained under the spotlight for now since. Anyway we have been putting a lot more time into prayer, yes we use the term worship more because we have introduced some great new songs and there's not a meeting that we don't have 4-6 new people coming and checking us out. So I guess last Sunday , when I say it cooked had a lot of those ingredients. The Praise and singing was electric and created an intense atmosphere, we had 2 powerful testimonies, Steve Matthews spoke about the Spirit of Antichrist in a relevant and challenging way, and we had 5 newies observing. This has been pretty consistant now for about 16 months (don't you love the way I say about 16 months) and considering we have been going for 28 years this style, this atmosphere has challenged some sleepy, religious bothers and sisters. The first few months we faced a few hurdles with some people. Change for some is challenging. I must say that 16 months ago our church had a visit from Rowdy and the boys (it was never the same) I learnt to pray like I never had before. So yeh the meeting cooked. Some don't , some a very ordinary but when you get a taste of what it is to see the Lord move in a meeting you continually wanting to give space for the Lord to move and fill every space with the words or program. Anyway we're having a go.
PS. seeing this is the JK thread ,JK is currently moving up along the East Coast, spent the last 2 days at Newcastle.
it is the glory of God to conceal a matter but the honour of kings to search it out.
Ex_Member | Share to: #53 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:17/02/2007 3:39 PMCopy HTML Hey Franklin64 thanks for your post, I also remember Jack Clay I was a young lad back then, he was a very large personality in the old days and i remember being in awe of this very colourfull (in a good way) man. Re times of worship new songs etc what type of songs are you guys getting into now? is there a freedom to raise your hands in worship if you feel you want to?
The funny thing was the one couple were comparing the power to what they had experienced at a couple of prayer meetings at the Sunshine Coast Chistmas 2005 ( run by what the church nick named the halalujah Brothers). This church has remained under the spotlight for now since. ? Who and what is this about? ie what church and who are the H brothers etc Who are Rowdy and the Boys???? So yeh the meeting cooked. Some don't , some a very ordinary but when you get a taste of what it is to see the Lord move in a meeting you continually wanting to give space for the Lord to move and fill every space with the words or program. Anyway we're having a go. Amen to that my friend. As JK moves up the coast what have you or anywas heard re where he has been??????
set free | Share to: #54 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:21/02/2007 6:50 AMCopy HTML When a child asked PJ last week about why so many people are leaving woodcroft to go to Edge church, he told them it was "because they want to drink and smoke".
Interesting thing about that is that NONE of the people who left recently are choosing to do either. Not knocking alcohol - just stating that i decided a long time ago not to, not coz someone told me it was wrong, but just because i dont want to have my judgement or my health impaired. http://www.myspace.com/theiheartrevolution
theiheartrevolution.com "THE REVOLUTIONARY EMPIRE OF GOD IS HERE - ADVANCING BY RECONCILIATION AND PEACE; EXPANDING BY FAITH; HOPE AND LOVE, BEGINNING WITH THE POOREST AND THE LEAST. IT"S TIME TO CHANGE YOUR THINKING - BE PART OF THE REVOLUTION... Brian D. McClaren (paraphresed) Heal my heart and make it clean Open up my eyes to the things unseen Show me how to love like You have loved me Break my heart for what breaks Yours Everything I am for Your Kingdom"s cause As I walk from earth into eternity |
no1home | Share to: #55 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:21/02/2007 7:51 AMCopy HTML Reply to : set free
Ah yes, good old fashioned character assassination... its typical of the RF reaction when people choose to leave, but to fill a child's head full of unfounded lies is just disgraceful. I'd love to ask him (a) what evidence he has of all this wanton drinking and smoking, and (b) his scriptural justification for lying to children in order to get them to think what you want them to think. He knows he probably wouldn't get away with saying this to an adult in case they dared to ask the above questions, but most kids wouldn't even think to question it and will happily accept it as gospel. Its the actions of a desperate man & it saddens me that he feels the need to sink to this level. |
set free | Share to: #56 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:21/02/2007 9:23 AMCopy HTML According to someone who went to the meeting at woodcroft last Sunday, PN said in his talk that a young sister had come up to him and said "my friend has started going to another group, is she still saved?" and that he had responded that "no she isn't because she's moved away from the truth".
The girl he was talking about was me - now I only wish I knew which one of my "friends" had asked that so I could correct them. http://www.myspace.com/theiheartrevolution
theiheartrevolution.com "THE REVOLUTIONARY EMPIRE OF GOD IS HERE - ADVANCING BY RECONCILIATION AND PEACE; EXPANDING BY FAITH; HOPE AND LOVE, BEGINNING WITH THE POOREST AND THE LEAST. IT"S TIME TO CHANGE YOUR THINKING - BE PART OF THE REVOLUTION... Brian D. McClaren (paraphresed) Heal my heart and make it clean Open up my eyes to the things unseen Show me how to love like You have loved me Break my heart for what breaks Yours Everything I am for Your Kingdom"s cause As I walk from earth into eternity |
no1home | Share to: #57 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:23/02/2007 10:28 PMCopy HTML Reply to : set free
The sad thing about that is that your friend probably wouldn't have been allowed to ask you herself! The oversight have such control over the way people think, the definitive word on everything has to come from them or it's not considered "valid". They can pass judgement on the lives of people they might hardly know and it's taken as gospel - and the rule of "no communication with ex members" makes it easy for them to get away with it. Seems so absurd when you look at it now and yet we've no doubt all done it before. I'm just grateful that I now know better - I certainly haven't got all the answers but I'm finally learning to trust my own judgment in seeking them out for myself. |
mover66 | Share to: #58 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:02/04/2007 1:16 PMCopy HTML Uhhhh the Rev centre, The "Pastors" only have power if you give it to them, Darryl Williams for one, I spent 3years in therapy with a wonderful councellor, after telling him about DW, his words to me where and I quote "Sexual Deviant" Mmmmmm how many marriages have been lost due to this man forcing them to marry for what? Good friends of ours where asked by DW to act out in front of him exactly what they did in the car ! I wonder what his intimate life is like with Beth? As for his kids getting divorced, well what do you expect with role models like they have had? Chris K, that is definetly a job for the boys. |
Tarquin the Magnificent | Share to: #59 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:02/04/2007 2:26 PMCopy HTML
Very, very true, and this is all part of the problem. Why is it that we handed over our minds in this way? I cannot name one RF pastor to whom I would look to for advice or view as an example to me and my family . They have taught me one important lesson though - how not to behave. |
micr0s0ft | Share to: #60 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:02/04/2007 6:31 PMCopy HTML
These are my thoughts: If you can't deal with a personal problem on your own behalf or with your partner, next step is to go to God with prayer and fasting. Scriptures tell us to do this. And fervent prayer and fasting. At the same time, talk with family and very close friends if you feel the need. If God can't fix a problem, i'm sure no one else is going to..
set free | Share to: #61 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:03/04/2007 1:00 PMCopy HTML Microsoft, whilst your opinion does sound all well and good - it's not the scriptural way of dealing with things - so if you don't mind I'll continue to do things God's way.
theiheartrevolution.com "THE REVOLUTIONARY EMPIRE OF GOD IS HERE - ADVANCING BY RECONCILIATION AND PEACE; EXPANDING BY FAITH; HOPE AND LOVE, BEGINNING WITH THE POOREST AND THE LEAST. IT"S TIME TO CHANGE YOUR THINKING - BE PART OF THE REVOLUTION... Brian D. McClaren (paraphresed) Heal my heart and make it clean Open up my eyes to the things unseen Show me how to love like You have loved me Break my heart for what breaks Yours Everything I am for Your Kingdom"s cause As I walk from earth into eternity |
xplod | Share to: #62 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:08/04/2007 6:22 PMCopy HTML Hi there from Hallelujah central. The 'Boys" as quoted are Rowan Liebke (ex rf Canberra) Jireh Luck (ex rf pastors son goulburn) Jared Luck (same) Jesse Zammit (moruya) Fabian Zammit (moruya) Julian Zammit (moruya) these boys were all backed from here in Moruya by P.S Atkin and Co. and were another reason we got crucifed down here. But by God I am happy to be out of this religious mess thank you Hallelujah boys. A scripture that comes to mind is "woe unto you scribes and Pharisees for you killed the Prophets" all these boys , on fire for God all were crucified for their fervor....by the R.F heirarchy yet they persevered and won our freedom... thanks boys... |
Ex_Member | Share to: #63 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:08/04/2007 8:49 PMCopy HTML hi xplode, sorry are you part of the hallaujah boys? or saying hi dont quite get the post, nice to hear from you though earth5 |
Nahum 1v7 | Share to: #64 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:08/04/2007 10:20 PMCopy HTML
Hi xplod, I must say I think your name must say it all - sudden boom, here now gone tomorrow! You can thank Hallelujah boys all you like, but I think JESUS was the only one crucified for our freedom!!! Never have I seen Rowan on a cross, they can all make noise but will they be a flash in the pan? A man made fire? You seem to worship the boys more than God. You wanna follow the crowd and these "brothers" that is up to you, personally, I beleive you should follow God. I have no problems with these guys, I know some of them well, but all I say is to ask yourselves who you follow or next thing you will be wearing a handkerchief around your neck, arm, leg wherever just to be "on fire" Sorry to those who don't understand this post, I am sure the relevant people will get. COME ON HOLY GHOST!!!! |
Chartdoctor | Share to: #65 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:09/04/2007 2:43 PMCopy HTML reply to Nahum, Explod, here today gone tomorrow, ??? It might be best to view explod, as one brother who is exploding for Jesus, if someone leaves the R/F you should still consider them your brother unless there is some good reason to think otherwise. This way you can avoid the judgement seat of Christ. The use of the word "Crucify" is hardly referring to Jesus on the cross but rather the meaning being "to severely discipline your body to severely punish your body as a form of self discipline." The group I am with left the R/F 12 years ago, and we are still here, with obvious blessings with overseas groups as well as our own group in Australia growing. So its likely from what I have seen of S/A and his group that they will succeed in what they do. regards |
Ex_Member | Share to: #66 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:09/04/2007 3:07 PMCopy HTML Reply to : Chartdoctor
Hi, Chartdoctor, Out of interest's sake, just what is the name of the group that you currently fellowship with? By my estimation, if your group left the RF twelve years ago, then it must have left pretty close to the actual forming of the RF. Blessings, Ian |
xplod | Share to: #67 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:09/04/2007 8:35 PMCopy HTML |
Ex_Member | Share to: #68 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:09/04/2007 8:58 PMCopy HTML to Sott1 charty goes to a group called cornerstone moved on from rf in hardline policies but very much into the old 123 of salvation, in some ways a sort of good half way house for revers who would find things to much in other places of worship, doing some good things though as a group earth5 |
chris7 | Share to: #69 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:10/04/2007 7:32 AMCopy HTML Good morning Earth5 Could i ask a couple of questions 1. What did you mean "but still very much into the old 1.2.3. of salvation" ? 2. Ditto above "A sort of good half way house for ex revers who would find things to much in other places of worship" 3. Have you been there Chris
Ex_Member | Share to: #70 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:10/04/2007 7:47 AMCopy HTML Reply to : earth5
'morning, E5. charty goes to a group called cornerstone moved on from rf in hardline policies but very much into the old 123 of salvation 'Cornerstone', huh? Hmmm...from what you've shared, it sounds a bit like Frank's Toowoomba RF: less in the way of sociological dysfunction than the average RCI or RF, but the same ol' heresy when it comes to what they preach in some ways a sort of good half way house for revers who would find things to much in other places of worship, doing some good things though as a group Okay, but I'd challenge you to question whether it's possible to be a partial heretic. If what Cornerstone preaches about salvation isn't the biblical gospel, which seems to be the case, then they're just as much on the 'outer' as are the Mormon's, the Jehovah's Witnesses or any other aberrant 'Bible-based' ism that you might be able to think of. In short, if what a group preaches isn't the Christian gospel, then it simply isn't Christian, irrespective of whether or not some of the people within the group may be. Blessings, Ian |
Nahum 1v7 | Share to: #71 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:10/04/2007 1:40 PMCopy HTML
Hey xplod, glad you got it off your chest before you did explode lol. Why does everyone say CULT when leaving RF? Just to let you know that I don't agree with there policies, and don't like how people get treated once leaving and I didn't want to come across like that but I was simply asking - who do you follow? I have seen many disciples of Rowan and David Hogan in RF - they dress the same, talk the same, drive the same cars etc but is it all just monkey see monkey do? Yes we need to provoke one another but that their gifts can come forward and their fruit may abide and remain. We can't all go preaching in the hills of mexico or png, nor has God called us to. Just for the record, I love Pastor Steve, Rowan, Jirah - don't know the other guys to well but I don't hate them and yes I know they are my brothers and I am very happy to call them that!!!! Joshua 24v15 |
Ex_Member | Share to: #72 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:10/04/2007 5:25 PMCopy HTML to SOTT1 no argument here brother.
To Nahum, Ive seen david Hogan, interesting ! not dimishing there minisrty at all, but as you said that is there call and we are all differnt parts of the body |
xplod | Share to: #73 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:11/04/2007 8:43 AMCopy HTML Hi Nahum. Sorry I was a bit explosive in the last post. We have had a few events here at ground zero that have been very distastefully handled by senior oversight and left me battered and bruised. I am quite disgusted at the treatment of loyal r.f people after years of dilligent service then being kicked in the gut for not toeing the party line. The separation policies of the administration are cultish by definition and not speaking to former members, crossing streets, etc. are all damaging and cultish practices. If you name the name of Christ then depart from iniquity my bible says and I greet all in the name of Jesus who do so. Yes, scooting off to foreign countries is not for all of us and there is so much need just outside my door that I will visit foreign lands but I wont migrate. Jesus is Lord and I will follow no other, though I be a very poor example of a Christian in both speech and behaviour. I have not discipled myself to Rowan or the boys, but though I am tempted to stick the 3 foot lettering in coloured contact on the side of MY Hilux I havent bought one yet!!!!! (still looking for the right truck) Just kidding. I do thank God for David Hogan, Rowdy etc. for using these seemingly crazy guys as a catalyst to provoke complacent old seat warmers like me to seek God harder, pray through, fast, and throw our self deception on the bonfire of the Holy Ghost. I personally found out I had built a lot of hay stubble and straw on Gods foundation. I have paid a price and am still stinging. Glory to God I would not trade this experience, truth, (in all it's brutal reality) does indeed set free. Looking back at my own time in the R.F. it has been a terrific experience and now that I have moved through it I have no regrets. I also do not regret leaving. Liberated, I now see so clearly what was hidden from me for those years and it began with the death of judgement. All the finger pointing at other organizations and bagging churches etc, (which was almost mandatory in R.F) robbed us of seeing the beauty in our brothers and sisters in other churches worldwide. Awesome teaching and ministry from other churches, worship like we had never experienced, a much, much broader view of the body of Christ and His ministry. I feel almost like I had my head in a bucket for twelve years! When judgement shrivels up and dies and a hunger for the things of God replaces it , growth like never before occurs. A friend of mine (not a Christian) loves to quote a graffiti she saw sprayed on a wall in Civic in the A.C.T it goes something like this.."When the power of love overcomes the love of power, there will be truth, justice and freedom for all." God bless you all.... |
Nahum 1v7 | Share to: #74 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:11/04/2007 9:18 PMCopy HTML
Nahum 1v7 | Share to: #75 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:11/04/2007 9:26 PMCopy HTML
Sorry, don't know what happened before. Xplod, very humbling message and I can see that you are humble and meek, something we all need to be. Continue to let that fire burn inside and it will burn brighter, never settle and feel that you have reached a point with God that is good enough. I too dislike judgement upon other churches - there is only 1 true church - Great to hear from you! Rowdy is a great brother, extreme - but that is who God made him. Some people dont like his ways for they are not extreme, but who cares. Just be who God wants you to be. Not sure what else to say, but I will say sorry if you felt as though I was judging you with my comments before. John 4v23 - seek the one who seeks you! God bless, Nahum |
Ex_Member | Share to: #76 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:12/04/2007 6:55 AMCopy HTML To Chris7 Good morning Earth5 Could i ask a couple of questions 1. What did you mean "but still very much into the old 1.2.3. of salvation" ? (repent be baptised filled with holy Ghost speak in tounges) 2. Ditto above "A sort of good half way house for ex revers who would find things to much in other places of worship" (Because for some people leaving the rev ctr this place is familier, ie same salvation message, however more freedom to worship and more grace to live there lives) 3. Have you been there (no, people I know WELL do though and i have regular contact with them) Chris Hope this is clearer for you and dont bother with you havnt been there how do yo uknow I just do thank you earth5 |
set free | Share to: #77 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:12/04/2007 9:26 AMCopy HTML And I second that! Not that i've been there either, but i know a lot of the people who go there too.
theiheartrevolution.com "THE REVOLUTIONARY EMPIRE OF GOD IS HERE - ADVANCING BY RECONCILIATION AND PEACE; EXPANDING BY FAITH; HOPE AND LOVE, BEGINNING WITH THE POOREST AND THE LEAST. IT"S TIME TO CHANGE YOUR THINKING - BE PART OF THE REVOLUTION... Brian D. McClaren (paraphresed) Heal my heart and make it clean Open up my eyes to the things unseen Show me how to love like You have loved me Break my heart for what breaks Yours Everything I am for Your Kingdom"s cause As I walk from earth into eternity |
Ex_Member | Share to: #78 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:12/04/2007 4:21 PMCopy HTML Thanks set free, Hows it all going ? anymore left woodcroft over the last few weeks? How is Pastor Dannys son going? |
xplod | Share to: #79 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:13/04/2007 7:44 AMCopy HTML all good bro, god bless ya. |
bindi | Share to: #80 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:29/04/2007 12:53 PMCopy HTML
A little bird told me today that John K also mentioned in his talk that Pentecostal churches are now into counselling and of course he was being critical. It's just as well that some groups do counsel people, as many who leave Revival Fellowship are often in desperate need of it.
Hi Marmalade... its been a while since I've posted. Thought it was time for some input again! lol Its a pity that RF think so little of councelling in Churches and don't step into the modern age! If there had been a councellor available in RF maybe there wouldn't be so many marriage breakdowns, mental breakdowns, people committing suicide ( yes, there were two suicides in our particular assembley in the space of a few months! How tragic! ) Its high time that RF realized there is a NATURAL life in us as well as SPIRITUAL! Not all problems can be solved simply by 'praying'. They need to get their ignorant, uneducated heads out of the sand and start living in the REAL world. Realize they are dealing with REAL human beings, not robots. " IF I COULD WISH FOR MY LIFE TO BE PERFECT, IT WOULD BE TEMPTING BUT I WOULD HAVE TO DECLINE, FOR LIFE WOULD NO LONGER TEACH ME ANYTHING."
Allyson Jones |
bindi | Share to: #81 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:29/04/2007 12:59 PMCopy HTML ... and to further add to that...John Kuhlmanns instruction to our pastor concerning mine and my husband marriage problems ( which I have gone into deeper in another post ) was to simply " Kick them out indefinately and let them sort it out on the outside. " Or words to that affect. " IF I COULD WISH FOR MY LIFE TO BE PERFECT, IT WOULD BE TEMPTING BUT I WOULD HAVE TO DECLINE, FOR LIFE WOULD NO LONGER TEACH ME ANYTHING."
Allyson Jones |
Sea Urchin | Share to: #82 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:29/04/2007 8:14 PMCopy HTML Reply to : bindi Hi bindi, the church I now attend (was RF for 24 yrs till few months ago) has an awesome counselling ministry and I personally knew of several RF people that actually use the counselling services here at the ' big pentecostal church down the road' (as it is described from the RF platform almost every Sunday). I guess it is because they can get no help from their own assembly - the usual answer for problems is ' go away and pray about it' . JK has actually said several months ago that he does not believe in counselling and will not have it in the RF! It's no wonder there are so many marriage breakdowns (a ' certain pastor's son' has just ended his 2nd marriage & is now looking for his next wife - but if it's a pastor's son, then it's covered up) Until RF admits that they haven't got it all right and that they're not perfect (shock, horror!) they will never move on and grow as a church. There are still people leaving and coming to our church on a weekly basis and others leaving and going to other churches. Of course we're all just backsliders according to them anyway. Praise God! Urchin Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the ocean depths.
Ex_Member | Share to: #83 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:29/04/2007 8:31 PMCopy HTML
interesting the whole thing on counseling, the pastor in toowoombah is into it and actualy lectures on it in a recognised institution also the brissy pastor has taken courses in counseling so thats got to be a good start I guess, will be interesting to see what happens with them as jk dosent agree with it all all. PS hi to Bindi nice to see ya back after such a long absence
earth5 |
old holborn | Share to: #84 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:30/04/2007 6:19 AMCopy HTML
Out of interest, the little church I now attend, has two elders, one is effectualy the Pastor, altho he dislikes titles. The other is his wife. They both minister the word, ie do the main preaching.at the sevices/meetings. Both are qualified councellors, She is a full time family councellor employd by the Gvt. Health Service. While he is among other things, a Magistrate., a full time Accountant for the Mental Health Authority. and an ex African missionary, with 10 years expierience. I realise that these attributes dont nesceserily ammount to much in the eyes of the Lord, but they sure inspire more confidence in me, than the bunch of ignoramuses I put up with for 18 yrs who were self taught in scripture, and for the most part barely literate in education. un read, and. mostly un-successful in the world. I can think of no other organisation where these men could have advanced to a position of authority.Not all of course, but too many by far. "But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord "
Sea Urchin | Share to: #85 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:30/04/2007 9:21 AMCopy HTML
Have to agree with you old h, the majority of house leaders, area leaders & pastors in RF were not selected because they were necessarily the best for the job but because they had the ability to be ' yes men ' - that seemed to be the criteria for the position more than anything. Sure, some have an understanding of people and the scriptures but unfortunately most do not. Where I am going now, the leaders speak straight from their hearts (don't stand and read from their 'notes' or even from the Bible, as they know what they are preaching and know the scriptures so well and have been through Bible college etc. Many of them are qualified counsellors and will help and assist anyone in the community, not just in the church. Your church sounds great with leaders that care and love the flock - true pastors. Have you ever read Ezekial 34 about the shepherds who do not 'pastor' their flocks? SUrch Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the ocean depths.
Ex_Member | Share to: #86 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:30/04/2007 9:55 AMCopy HTML
yea ezk 34, is a beauty, when we discovered it, it really blew us away so relational to what the "oversite" where/are like in the revers earth5 |
dogmafree | Share to: #87 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:30/04/2007 10:04 AMCopy HTML Have to agree with all you're saying their about selection criteria.
I recall my early days in the RCI/RF being 'full-on' and after a while being invited to do small talks in house meetings and such. As a mid-twenties young fella with scant experience, I recall the distinct feeling of being 'groomed' for the role of oversight. Thankfully, although I liked to give a talk here and there, I resisted this pull to be involved with the 'inner circle' of assembly life, and so avoided it. I can't say for sure why, but I guess it was a sort of instinctual thing. I guess I felt that there was a degree of hypocracy in my life, and my inner world was not in harmony with my professions. (I had doubts about stuff). So, to be in a position of leadership would carry a greater degree of responsibility and scrutiny, and that didn't seem like a great prospect. Whatever the reasons, I'm bloody pleased that I put the brakes on there and then, even if I didn't break away all together for many years after. Dog. "for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" Shakespeare (Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2)
no1home | Share to: #88 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:30/04/2007 11:39 AMCopy HTML good on you Dog for being honest with yourself back then. so many guys get swept up in the 'grooming' process and you can't blame them really, it must be a confidence-booster to be thought of by the powers that be as having 'leadership' qualities, although for some it is more of an ego thing.
a while back JK sent an email around to the Adelaide RF pastors/area leaders with a list of what he called "capable young men", younger guys who he had singled out as having oversight potential in certain areas. somehow I got to see it and most of the names on the list were genuinely nice guys, but from my point of view - and this is purely my opinion - the criteria appeared to be more about meeting attendance, conservatism and romantic history than qualities such as compassion, maturity and wisdom. from what I've seen, the guys who do take up the offer either end up changing for the worse, or becoming disillusioned with what goes on behind the scenes. |
set free | Share to: #89 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:30/04/2007 2:08 PMCopy HTML One of the things that I've observed is that (even though I had more male friends than female) there are VERY few guys that still talk to us, while a lot of the girls still do. I believe that this is a result of that grooming process, coz most of the guys I was friendly with were in some sort of position or at least were kept involved by being given the responsibility of organising YP's events sometimes etc. I've found that there is only one guy around my age who goes there (in body not in heart) who still totally accepts us (in fact he was one of the contributors in me leaving, he told me he'd rather see me full on and getting persecuted than lukewarm and fitting in) the other couple of guys that still talk to us only do so in the hope that we'll go back there one day. I know coz I've watched them try and "follow up" other people who have moved on. Girls on the other hand tend to be (or at least act) a lot more geniunely in their effort to remain friends. Another thing I've noticed is that younger people tend to be less mind-controlled than oldies. Quite a few of them that have contacted me (from other assemblies) oblivious to the fact that I've left have said "Your still our sister in Christ, we're not gonna stop talking to ya!" when I've told them I've left. http://www.myspace.com/theiheartrevolution
theiheartrevolution.com "THE REVOLUTIONARY EMPIRE OF GOD IS HERE - ADVANCING BY RECONCILIATION AND PEACE; EXPANDING BY FAITH; HOPE AND LOVE, BEGINNING WITH THE POOREST AND THE LEAST. IT"S TIME TO CHANGE YOUR THINKING - BE PART OF THE REVOLUTION... Brian D. McClaren (paraphresed) Heal my heart and make it clean Open up my eyes to the things unseen Show me how to love like You have loved me Break my heart for what breaks Yours Everything I am for Your Kingdom"s cause As I walk from earth into eternity |
bindi | Share to: #90 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:30/04/2007 3:30 PMCopy HTML
Hi to everyone! Thankyou for the warm welcome back Earth, Dog and Moth... Set free... Its nice to hear that the younger ones are not as dogmatic and steadfast in the 'old ways' and do tend to be a little more understanding and, dare I say it, human! I think and hope that as time goes on and the older 'dogmatic' ones start to fall off the perch that things will change for the better in these churches. The old school were brought up in a different era. I admit, I was one of the ones that would only acknowledge a person who had left or had been put out merely to encourage them to get back on the 'straight and narrow' and hopefully come back. (cringe) But now being on the receiving end, ( Well, I say on the receiving end, but its been a few years now since Ive been out and I couldn't care less if anyone talks to me or not now! Bitterness and hurt has gone ) and going through it all has made me realize I would never do that to anyone again! That is of course if I was back in there again or any church for that matter! There are always two sides to a story however, when your so intrenched in these kinds of institutions, you only see one way and thats the institutions! I'm so grateful that I had loving family and friends on the outside to be there for me but I know through reading statements made on these forums, that many had nobody! How tragic! T me, there is a BIG difference in having 'spiritual fellowship' with someone no longer attending, and just being just plain caring! I don't understand why people that many have spent a lifetime with could just 'cut' them off with out thought or feeling for that person and what they might be going through. Still, like I said, hopefully the younger ones as they grow up and take over the reins, they will change things for the better.
Allyson Jones |
set free | Share to: #91 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:30/04/2007 3:46 PMCopy HTML I hope so Bindi, I hope so. I guess it just depends on how much they get their wings clipped.
We can all only hope and pray that more and more people's eyes are opened. http://www.myspace.com/theiheartrevolution
theiheartrevolution.com "THE REVOLUTIONARY EMPIRE OF GOD IS HERE - ADVANCING BY RECONCILIATION AND PEACE; EXPANDING BY FAITH; HOPE AND LOVE, BEGINNING WITH THE POOREST AND THE LEAST. IT"S TIME TO CHANGE YOUR THINKING - BE PART OF THE REVOLUTION... Brian D. McClaren (paraphresed) Heal my heart and make it clean Open up my eyes to the things unseen Show me how to love like You have loved me Break my heart for what breaks Yours Everything I am for Your Kingdom"s cause As I walk from earth into eternity |
old holborn | Share to: #92 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:01/05/2007 5:30 AMCopy HTML
Hi, yee ess s, Ezek34 all hi- lited in my Bible. it describes so well so many of those so called sheperds, who have scattered their flocks, driving sick or nonconforming sheep away, into the very "dangers " of a "world" that they continualy warned us about returning to . A place where we would rapidly become depraved, and lose our salvation. Thats some wierd kind of love alright. It's a good job the Good Shepherd never abandons us And Praise the Lord, there ARE other flocks, with shepherds who lead, as you say, who are trained, and qualified, to nurture and heal us when we wander in, hurt and lost.. I feel as though I've been restored, sheered of all the weight of guilt layed on me over the years, and I'm skipping like a young lamb again. Well, metaphoricaly speaking that is. God bless "But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord "
set free | Share to: #93 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:01/05/2007 7:39 AMCopy HTML Yeah it is amazing to be treated properly isn't it. I still have to pinch myself sometimes, having been born into the RF it was my reality, now experiencing love and care from pastors blows me away. I sometimes wish I always had that, i look at the people who've grown up in the church i now attend and they've had it good - but at least I can fully appreciate how good i've got it now! As Chris Hill would put it "EX-dead men devour every morsel"
theiheartrevolution.com "THE REVOLUTIONARY EMPIRE OF GOD IS HERE - ADVANCING BY RECONCILIATION AND PEACE; EXPANDING BY FAITH; HOPE AND LOVE, BEGINNING WITH THE POOREST AND THE LEAST. IT"S TIME TO CHANGE YOUR THINKING - BE PART OF THE REVOLUTION... Brian D. McClaren (paraphresed) Heal my heart and make it clean Open up my eyes to the things unseen Show me how to love like You have loved me Break my heart for what breaks Yours Everything I am for Your Kingdom"s cause As I walk from earth into eternity |
bindi | Share to: #94 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:01/05/2007 10:45 PMCopy HTML
Hi sea urchin... the church I now attend (was RF for 24 yrs till few months ago) has an awesome counselling ministry and I personally knew of several RF people that actually use the counselling serviceshere at the ' big pentecostal church down the road' And good on them! Does the pastors of the RF church know??? They damn well should! Maybe it will make them realize just how 'behind the times' they are and change for the better! Remember being told that through scripture that "only a few will make it in the end"? And how pious their remarks would be?? They think they are the ONLY ones that preach the true gospel and the way they run their church was the only true way and that all others will be damned. Therefor, anyone attending another church was 'not right with God' in their eyes. I distinctly remember the feelings of utter condemnation for even 'thinking' about getting help elsewhere! How damaging. Yes.. I agree... as far as JK is concerned... His ideas and opinions are archaic and he needs to get with the program. Life is tougher in this day and age mentally and people need help. Hense the reason why their is such a high demand for councellors, psychologists etc in the health sector. Years of people falling apart at the seams has brought that realization about. IE: People that have gone through wars etc. There was never much of that kind of thing available years ago. But we learn over time what is needed. The RF is Sooooo way behind the times! " IF I COULD WISH FOR MY LIFE TO BE PERFECT, IT WOULD BE TEMPTING BUT I WOULD HAVE TO DECLINE, FOR LIFE WOULD NO LONGER TEACH ME ANYTHING."
Allyson Jones |
joshyv | Share to: #95 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:26/05/2007 2:38 AMCopy HTML I have no idea who all of you people are but love in Christ to yous I've had a quick read, and it seems that many of you want to know some solid facts about whats going down in Radelaide and anywhere else. You can quote me on the following information, and trust me, it's credible: On behalf of myself and parents, the VOIVODICH'S are outta there!! And we're loving it! We now are going to Edge and it is the most amazing family of God - Danny Guglielmucci's vision from God is continually cast into the church and it is bringing people to God - we now have 2 morning meeting just to accomodate for the number of people that wanna get into the house of God - and who can condemn that? There was always conditions about being able to attend a Revival meeting, but you know what? Who cares, let them in anyway say, cos I so wouldn't wanna have to explain to God why i stopped someone from entering the house and praising him, no matter who they are or what they've done. Paul, my father, was put out of fellowship early this year for visiting Edge church. He did not go back - was not even given a chance to anyway, it was 'put out indefinately'. Paul Nobel sealed the deal for my mum Danica by giving a talk that included the following statements (as recorded by her in the meeting): Quote "Are there any other saved churches out there? I don't think so!" and "If you leave Revival Fellowship for another church that does not align with this church (so same doctrine, which is all messed up btw, and same system) then I believe God takes away salvation" Unquote" Chris Kernahan has enjoyed putting Celia (my sister who is still at Revival Fellowship) out of fellowship for a month because she believes that Edge is a saved church. According to him she has 'changed her beliefs' and hence is now put out. The horror here is she may return to Woodcroft after the month is up. Quoting CK in converstion with Celia: CV: Well, although I'm out of fellowship, at least I'll have my parents and brother to fellowship with. CK: No, don't call that fellowship - that's not fellowship because they don't go to our church. Hello? We're still Christians! It brings to my mind somethign one of my old 'friends' said to me in a conversation after I'd left. He said that he can't see me because the bible tells him nto to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. He has quoted scripture, but I'm still a believer! Probably even more so now - I was dying in Revival Fellowship. That also brings forward a big point - there's this stigma that is attached to people that leave to go to another church - hello?!! I didn't leave because I want to rebel against the oh so godly, but just that I was dying in that church, and as selfish as it may be, I'm not ready to give up the call on my life, but that's all that was being promoted in Revival Fellowship. In regards to official numbers that have departed from Adelaide Revival Fellowship, I'm trying to do a quick count in my head. There is 25 including children who have left to attend Edge Church South (as to my knowledge), and there are some others that I can think of that have also left, but I'm not aware of their state of affairs. Janet Kuhlmann is currently life threateningly sick, so we should have her in our prayers. The only reason I joined this forum is to alert people of my current position because I'm not into going underground. I believe God has called me to Edge church and I have a wonderful family there that love God and love people and the community. I have no desire to go over old history and try to analyse this and that. I don't have time, I'm too busy with the new call that God has for my life at Edge, and it's not even about the church! It's about people - loving people! God bless, Josh Voivodich |
Ex_Member | Share to: #96 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:26/05/2007 10:51 AMCopy HTML
Hi Johsyv, Great to read your post very positive welcometo the forum, some of the other posters on here also go to The Edge, Set Free and Sea Urchin and 2 that I know of. Anyway Bro keep up the good fight your journey with freedom has only just begun my friend stay hungry for more of God and his manifest (sorry moth just gotta use the word sometimes) Glory. |
Ex_Member | Share to: #97 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:26/05/2007 10:53 AMCopy HTML Reply to : joshyv
Text to be italicized Paul Nobel sealed the deal for my mum by giving a talk that included the following statements (as recorded by her in the meeting): Quote "Are there any other saved churches out there? I don't think so!" and "If you leave Revival Fellowship for another church that does not align with this church (so same doctrine, which is all messed up btw, and same system) then I believe God takes away salvation" Unquote" Quoting CK in converstion with C: CV: Well, although I'm out of fellowship, at least I'll have my parents and brother to fellowship with. CK: No, don't call that fellowship - that's not fellowship because they don't go to our church. : Hi Josh, Good on you for posting this message! If the RF believes that, then so be it. As long as they are upfront about it and are willing to stand up for what they believe. However, I haven't yet met one rf member be able to say that openly, they always fudge it and say that they are not the only 'saved' church. If they don't agree with Kuhlman and Nobel, they shouldn't be in there. If they agree with them, they should be able to say it to our faces Please have the courage of your convictions, revival people. All power to you, Josh! |
Ex_Member | Share to: #98 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:26/05/2007 11:24 AMCopy HTML Thinking about this a bit more, i really think that the RF organization should have more transparency about their beliefs. There should be an information leaflet in the foyers, and a prominent section of their website should spell out their procedures. The 'new person' should be aware on their first visit that this is the only church that God sanctions. THey must be told that they are welcome to join, but when they leave they must sever all friendships made, and will have lost their salvation, even if they go to another church. Welcome to the Revival Centres. You can check in any time you like, but you can never leave |
dogmafree | Share to: #99 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:26/05/2007 1:04 PMCopy HTML Joshy,
My hat's off to ya bro.... Its just what many more should be doing when they leave or get put out. Standing upright and strong and stating things as they are. Your bold and open declaration reveal the covert practices and policies of the RF for what they are, and make them harder for them to hide behind. Far too many folk disappear quietly into the void, where RFers can numbly believe that 'another one bites the dust' and remove them from their lists. This is much too convenient for the RF heirarchy to maintain their smokescreen of bullshit. So all strength to ya! Dog. "for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" Shakespeare (Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2)
Deanoz | Share to: #100 |
Re:Kuhlman gets tough Date Posted:26/05/2007 4:57 PMCopy HTML
Perfectly said... Could you imagine the outreaching message if they actually SPOKE THE TRUTH: "Hi...would you like to repent, be baptised, speak in tongues and be in a control oriented group where you cannot kiss girls, ditch the TV and CDs, be exclusive and have to alienate family and friends?" madness... Deeeano.