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Date Posted:05/02/2005 3:27 PMCopy HTML

Is Your Revival Centre a 'Cult?'

Adapted from Identifying a Cult by Jan Groenveld - Compiled by Troy Waller

If you tell a Revivalist that their group is a cult, they often reply with something along the lines of, "The Church of the apostles' day was also called a cult!" or "Jesus was called a cult leader too!" Some have heard RCI and Geelong Revival Centre pastors say something along these lines numerous times. It seems that some Revivalists think that to call the Revival Centres a cult is to align them with Jesus and the early Church.

On the other hand, some Revivalists take great offence and get most upset when you call their church a cult. They think that we are accusing them of all sorts of crimes, simply by calling them a cult. So why do we get such varied reactions when we label the Revival Centres groups as cults?

It all has to do with definitions. You see, the word ?cult', as with a lot of English words today, has a few different meanings. The word can be used in various ways in various contexts. There are three major definitions.What is a Cult?1. The Secular DefinitionCULT- From the Latin "cultis" which denotes all that is involved in worship, ritual, emotion, liturgy and attitude. This definition is not concerned with specific doctrines or behaviours but actually denotes what we call denominations and sects.

By this definition, all religious movements are cults. This is the definition that can be applied to the early Church and Jesus as its leader. Obviously this website is not concerned with the Revival Centres as denominations or sects.

2. Christian DefinitionCULT- Any group which deviates from Biblical, orthodox, historical Christianity. That is they deny things such as the Trinity, or Deity of Christ. Some deny Jesus' physical resurrection; His personal and physical return to earth or salvation by FAITH alone. This definition is concerned with the beliefs of specific groups and not so much with behaviour. This definition only covers those groups which defined as cultsdoctrinallyfrom the perspective of the Christian Church. This includes the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. This term does not refer to other world religions such as Islam and Hinduism. We do define the Revival Centres as a cult from this perspective as they have a different view from historical Christianity on issues such as salvation and the Trinity.

3. The Modern DefinitionCULT- Any group which has a hierarchical authoritarian leadership structure with all teaching and guidance coming from the person/persons at the top. The group will claim to be the only way to God; Nirvana; Paradise; Ultimate Reality; Full Potential, Way to Happiness etc, and will use behavioural, information, thought and emotional control techniques to gain control and keep their members. This definition is concerned primarily with thebehaviourof the group in question. It covers cults within all major world religions, along with those cults which have noobviousreligious base such as commercial, educational and psychological cults. Different cults operate in different ways. For example, some are more prone to information control than emotional control or vice versa. Some cults are less extreme than others in some areas of control but these are still cults nonetheless.This website does present the RCI and its splinter groups as this kind of cult. Let's expand on this definition and see how the Revival Centres fit or don't fit this model.

Identification Marks of a Cult

(a) The group will have an elitist view of itself in relation to others, and a unique cause. (THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES RIGHT - everyone else is wrong. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES DOING GOD'S WILL - everyone else is in apostasy. )

(b) They will promote their cause actively, and in doing so, abuse God-given personal rights and freedoms. This abuse can be SPIRITUAL, SOCIAL & PSYCHOLOGICAL.They do this through the following means,Their leader/s may claim a special, exclusive ministry, revelation or position of authority given by God.The Revival Centres believe that the Church at large (Pentecostal or otherwise) has fallen into apostasy. They openly teach that the 'truth' about salvation was re-discovered by Lloyd Longfield or Noel Hollins, (depending on which Revival Centre group you belong to) just after the World War II.

They now believe that they promote the true formula for salvation (Acts2:38as they interpret it) and those that preach salvation by faith alone are apostate. They believe they are the only true church and take a critical stance regarding the Christian church while at the same time praising and exalting their own group, leader/s and work.The Revival Centres leaders will rarely come out and say that their church is the only true church. But this is very much implied and members know that to leave the Revival Centre is to lose your salvation. Much is said in talks from the platform and in official literature which denigrates and disparages other churches, even those that believe in speaking in tongues.

They will even question the salvation of those who leave one Revival Centre splinter group for another, even though they all preach the same salvation formula. The Geelong Revival Centre members are even told that other Revival Centre groups preach a different salvation message to them. This is a blatant lie, as they all teach the same salvation formula.They use intimidation or psychological manipulation to keep members loyal to their ranks. This could be in the form of threats of dire calamity sent by God if they leave; certain death at Armageddon; being shunned by their family and friends etc.As mentioned earlier, all Revival Centre members know that to leave the Revival Centres is to lose your salvation and go to hell. Even people who leave to attend other Pentecostal Churches are said to have 'fallen away'.

The Revival Centre preoccupation with Armageddon and nuclear devastation rivals only the Jehovah's Witnesses' use of the ?imminent return of Jesus and destruction of the world' as a means to promote fear and maintain members. Some ex-members of the Revival Centres report having had terrifying nightmares of nuclear holocaust while in the group and after leaving.

The Revival Centres spread half truths and lies about those who have left even saying ex-members fall gravely ill and die. One ex-member said that he heard a pastor pronounce this upon people who had just left the church. Stories of those who fall into addictions and immoral behaviour (true or not) upon leaving the group are also lauded in front of those still in the group.

Shunning is also a common experience for those who leave. Current members are expected to discontinue relationships with ex-members. Both the RCI and RF make their position clear,MARK THEM -identify those who cause divisions and offences. The most obvious are former members who left over personal grievances. Their doctrine and practice are not what we have learned from our Bibles. Identify them - don't be sentimental about old fellowships. (Separation- The Revival Fellowship)16. Any member who has been "disciplined" by the oversight should not be "comforted" by well-meaning friends. This can encourage rebellion and could result in disaster for those concerned. Any member who has been permanently or temporarily "de-barred" from fellowship should not be visited without permission from the oversight. It is most important that their "case" should not be discussed with them or with others. If and when such action is taken, the Assembly will be officially advised of the reason for such measures.

(RCI Assembly Guidelines) Many an ex-Revival Centre member can tell you stories of having to shun those who left before them and then being shunned when they themselves left. Some are even shunned by family members. One ex-member even reported being ex-communicated herself after a former member's car was seen in her driveway by a 'spying' member of the oversight.

Members will be expected to give substantial financial support to the group. This could be compulsory tithing (which is checked); signing over all their property on entering the group; coercive methods of instilling guilt on those who have not contributed; selling magazines, flowers or other goods for the group as part of their "ministry". At the same time bible-based cults may ridicule churches that take up free-will offerings by passing collection plates and/or sell literature and tapes. They usually brag that they don't do this. This gives outsiders the intimation that they are not interested in money. The Revival Centres are staunch tithers. However in fairness to them, they do not usually expect their members to contribute over and above this tithe except in some circumstances such as a fund raising drives for a new project (such as the RCI purchase of the Freshwater Creek Camp inVictoria). They do not force their members to sell books, etc. outside of the church, but there have been some reports of heavy handed tactics over money in the CAI.

There will be great emphasis on loyalty to the group and its teachings. The lives of members will be totally absorbed into the group's activities. They will have little or no time to think for themselves because of physical and emotional exhaustion. This is also a vital part of the thought control process.

In this way the Revival Centres are not as severe as groups like the Moonies or Hare Krishna. However, the RCI do expect people to attend 2 Sunday meetings, 1 weekly house meeting or mid-week meeting, weekly young people's meetings (if at an appropriate age or unmarried) and any outreaches or special events. Some Revival Centre groups have a heavier schedule again. These meetings are forced upon members and are not optional.

Unknown to most members, lower level RCI leaders even take a roll to check who is and is not in attendance. Missing members are then sometimes questioned as to why they are skipping meetings. Christmas and Easter camps are also usually compulsory unless an adequate reason for not being able to attend is given. This busy schedule leaves little time for meaningful relationships outside the group and brings members deeper into the group dynamic.There will be total control over almost all aspects of the private lives of members. This control can be direct through communal living, or constant and repetitious teaching on "how to be a true Christian" or "being obedient to leadership". Members will look to their leaders for guidance in everything they do.

The Revival Centres have a list of writtenAssembly Guidelines (i.e. RULES!) that members are expected to strictly adhere to. The preamble to the RCI list states,The following guidelines are for the protection of individuals and the assembly as a whole... ...All policies are international and are not subject to local change or variation.The list contains rules covering things such as private gatherings of members (not allowed without permission from leaders), marriage (again, permission is needed) and the repression of critical comments. The full list can be foundhere.A quick read of these rules demonstrates the invasiveness of the Revival Centres groups into the lives of their members. This behaviour by the groups undermines the individual's personal freedom and eventually their ability to make even simple decisions for themselves.

Bible-based cults may proclaim they have no clergy/laity distinction and no paid ministry class - that they are all equal.The Revival Centres members like to point the finger at the clergy/laity distinction of other churches, especially the Catholic Church, whilst claiming that their leaders are just ?normal people'. However, every single Revivalist knows that the 'oversight' are much more than ?normal members'. Members areforcedto address pastors as Pastor (e.g. Pastor Bill) and never by their first name alone and, as mentioned, have enormous power over regular members. They do pay some ministers a wage. Any dissent or questioning of the group's teachings is discouraged. Criticism in any form is seen as rebellion. There will be an emphasis on authority, unquestioning obedience and submission. This is vigilantly maintained.

Anyone who has been in the Revival Centres for even a few months knows that criticism and dissention is not tolerated in the slightest. Numerous stories have been reported by ex-members of the harsh and often emotionally damaging ways that the pastors and oversight have treated people who have crossed this line. The guidelines mentioned earlier make the Revival Centres position quite clear:

5. Members should not enter into any conversation criticising doctrines, practices or beliefs held by the assembly. Again, Pastors and Elders are ready to discuss any such problems that may arise.

10. Any case of disloyalty towards the Assembly or spreading of any discord whatsoever will be viewed as "divisionary" and dealt with severely.

24. Members must not enter into any controversy or criticisms of the beliefs or practices of other persons in other Assemblies. Any "different" teachings should be reported to the home Pastor who can communicate with other Pastors if necessary.You cannot question Revival Centre doctrine as a member.

If the Revival Centres have declared something as true then you must accept it wholeheartedly or be prepared to be 'dealt with severely'. Once the pastor or elder has discussed the matter with you then the matter is closed whether you accept their explanation or not.

Members are required to demonstrate their loyalty to the group in some way. This could be in the form of "dobbing" on fellow members (including family) under the guise of looking out for their "spiritual welfare". They may be required to deliberately lie (heavenly deception) or give up their lives by refusing some form of medical treatment.

Members of the Revival Centres are encouraged to report any violation of policy or practice by other members to the leaders immediately. This is under the guise of "caring for brothers and sisters". Husbands, wives and even children are encouraged to report on each other. We have had no reports of deliberate lying being encouraged, but I was present in a Young People's meeting where we were trained to give our public testimony. In this talk, the oversight member instructed us to leave out any undesirable information about church life such as ex-communication, people leaving to go to other churches or personal struggle with 'sin'.Attempts to leave or reveal embarrassing facts about the group may be met with threats. Some may have taken oaths of loyalty that involve their lives or have signed a "covenant" and feel threatened by this.

Refugees of the group are usually faced with confrontations by other members with coercion to get them to return to the group. Put simply, there is no good way to leave the Revival Centres. There is no valid reason to leave from the perspective of the leadership. When individuals leave they are disparaged, sometimes publicly, by leaders. Half-truths and rumours are spread amongst the members to discredit those who leave. The organisation is never at fault in minor or major parting of ways, it is always the fault of those who have left. Noel Hollins said that he parted ways with the RCI as they 'no longer wanted to follow the Lord' and Lloyd Longfield said that the 'Spirit is weak' in the Revival Fellowships. Members have reported a heavy handed approach from leaders who were attempting to deter them from leaving the group.


This article has not tried to manipulate the facts to make the Revival Centres fit the pattern of a destructive cult. It didn't need to. Anyone who has been involved with a Revival Centre for even a short while can testify to seeing many, if not all, of the things discussed here. Sure, not all these points will be found in every Revival Centre group. But all Revival Centre groups will have some, if not most of them, and these may vary to some degree. And pointing out these marks in other groups doesn't make the Revival Centres any less a cult. It only means there are other groups out there warranting a similar investigation. But most churches don't exhibit enough of these signs to be labelled a cult as we labelled the Revival Centres in this article.

So, is your Revival Centre a cult?

Copyright 2003. Troy Waller. Original article, 'Identifying a Cult'
Copyright 1985, 1995. Jan Groenveld.
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #101
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:02/09/2011 8:49 PMCopy HTML

no...smiley20 cult...thanks for asking... we are free to follow our saviour
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #102
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:03/09/2011 1:06 AMCopy HTML


Ian a fat ugly preacher who when cornered just argues the person and not the facts. 'Cornered', huh? Anyway I'm hardly fat (do the maths: 6'3" and 95kg makes me kind of lean); whether or not I'm ugly is much more of a subjective assessment. Second, I'd be really interested to see you introduce some facts into the discussions every now and then; your constant stream of fictions is far from being challenging or interesting.

But when you believe in a god and have to believe in a god to be someone you must be half stupid and the other half nuts. It's true that I draw my identity from God. Others don't quite see me that way though ;) And finally, if I'm 'half stupid' and the other 'half nuts', then what does this suggest to be the case with you?

Wow Dickhead you sound more and more like Noel each day. Obviously you didn't manage to get everything off your chest in your first response, hence the need for a second bite. Noel says the same thing each week. Don't listen to anyone else but me! Don't think for yourself! Never mind the truth the truth is what I tell you it is. I'd be ecstatic just to see you think. Whether you can do that for yourself is yet to be seen. And as for the 'truth', well my expectations for you don't run quite that high. What a Dickhead back assed preacher you are. Okay ;)

People who have just life the GRC and any other religion it's time to think for yourself. In the end you will die and not to go where ever they told you will if you are good. In the end it's just that THE END! The 'end' certainly will be final, however, it's the state of such finality for each and every person that's the issue


Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #103
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:03/09/2011 5:13 AMCopy HTML

If atheism is just disbelief in gods, then what is the difference between that and agnosticism?


Many people who adopt the label of agnostic reject the label of atheist — there is a common perception that agnosticism is a more “reasonable” position while atheism is more “dogmatic,” ultimately indistinguishable from theism except in the details. This is not a valid position to adopt because it misrepresents or misunderstands everything involved: atheism, theism, agnosticism, and the nature of belief itself. It also happens to reinforce popular prejudice against atheists.

Prejudice Against Atheism, Atheists

Agnostics may sincerely believe it and theists may sincerely reinforce it, but it relies upon more than one misunderstanding about both atheism and agnosticism. These misunderstandings are only exacerbated by continual social pressure and prejudice against atheism and atheists. People who are unafraid of stating that they indeed do not believe in any gods are still despised in many places, whereas “agnostic” is perceived as more respectable.

Atheists are thought to be closed-minded because they deny the existence of gods, whereas agnostics appear to be open-minded because they do not know for sure. This is a mistake because atheists do not necessarily deny any gods and may indeed be an atheist because they do not know for sure — in other words, they may be an agnostic as well.

Agnostic Atheism & Agnostic Theism

Once it is understood that atheism is merely the absence of belief in any gods, it becomes evident that agnosticism is not, as many assume, a “third way” between atheism and theism. The presence of a belief in a god and the absence of a belief in a god exhaust all of the possibilities. Agnosticism is not about belief in god but about knowledge — it was coined originally to describe the position of a person who could not claim to know for sure if any gods exist or not.

Thus, it is clear that agnosticism is compatible with both theism and atheism. A person can believe in a god (theism) without claiming to know for sure if that god exists; the result is agnostic theism. On the other hand, a person can disbelieve in gods (atheism) without claiming to know for sure that no gods can or do exist; the result is agnostic atheism.

It is also worth noting that there is a vicious double standard involved when theists claim that agnosticism is “better” than atheism because it is less dogmatic. If atheists are closed-minded because they are not agnostic, then so are theists. On the other hand, if theism can be open-minded then so can atheism.

In the end, the fact of the matter is a person isn’t faced with the necessity of only being either an atheist or an agnostic. Quite the contrary, not only can a person be both, but it is in fact common for people to be both agnostics and atheists. An agnostic atheist won’t claim to know for sure that nothing warranting the label “god” exists or that such cannot exist, but they also don’t actively believe that such an entity does indeed exist.
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #104
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:03/09/2011 6:50 AMCopy HTML

Here is a song that I think would sum up the GRC cult and what people sadly feel about it each day. Or at least those are questioning Noel


The sad part of posting this this here is that it will forever be linked to the dickhead.

So each time you hear this song think of the DICK!

For those of you who like a good fight . You can now fight for Jesus

I'm sure a few of these good christians in the GRC have punched it out.

And these fighters will work out well when it's time to toss out the bankers taking EVERYTHING!

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #105
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:04/09/2011 12:28 AMCopy HTML
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #106
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:04/09/2011 1:15 AMCopy HTML

Huh! what a load of s**t. I didn't know Gaga was a 'Revivalist'
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #107
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:04/09/2011 8:45 AMCopy HTML

RE:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult? The question should be Is your believe in global warming a cult? Or Is what you believe day in and day out cultish?

Global Warming Cult answered. But those who like to pay more taxes to give to large corporations who are run by friends of the government pleased don't read this article
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #108
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:07/09/2011 11:35 PMCopy HTML

We need a Martin Luther to nail the truth ("We're not gonna let a little thing like four harsh winters in a row and CERN's proof that the sun controls climate get in the way of such a fabulous money-making scheme, ya drongo!") about CO2 to the PM Julia Gillard's door.

The climate cult is working hard to keep simple people in the dark. That is when you can't afford to turn your lights on.
Simple people who will believe anything that they hear on the news or from someone in authority or someone whom they perceive as being smarter than themselves on a subject.

I don't want you to believe me I just want you to find the truth for yourselves. But keep testing the truth or you will end up in a position as the poor people in the GRC who do not nor are the allowed to test the truth about what is said.

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #109
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:07/09/2011 11:50 PMCopy HTML


So you moved on from fluoride to global warming now, huh?

Simple people who will believe anything that they hear on the news or from someone in authority or someone whom they perceive as being smarter than themselves on a subject. Heaven forbid that anyone might actually believe someone who knows more about a given subject than them, eh? ;)

I don't want you to believe me I just want you to find the truth for yourselves. No worries on that score. But keep testing the truth or you will end up in a position as the poor people in the GRC who do not nor are the allowed to test the truth about what is said. And precisely how do you suggest that one goes about 'testing' truth-claims?

I've asked before, but I'll repeat myself now: what's the relevance of your multiplied conspiracy theories to the purpose of this forum? Surely you'd be better suited lurking in one of those forae where all of the people wear tinfoil on their heads? You know? To prevent the NWO reading their thoughts through psychic channels?


Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #110
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:11/09/2011 5:51 AMCopy HTML

"Man needs myths to make out what is going on around him."

When a thunder storm sets in one can think that it's their god getting angry at them for something someone or the tribe did to anger him her it them. So they set out to please him her it them but any number of ways..
The might sing and dance, they might offer food and drink, they might even offer up a new born or virgin to the god by killing them in some horrible way. 

Or you can know about science and what makes thunder and lightning and pop some pop corn and watch the show.

And pray that you god is not angry and make the lightning burn your house down.

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #111
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:11/09/2011 6:46 AMCopy HTML

You wanna watch he, God, doesn't strike YOU down in a moment. 'Nut'.
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #112
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:12/09/2011 7:58 AMCopy HTML

 You wanna watch he, God, doesn't strike YOU down in a moment. 'Nut'.
Bring it on god!

The truth is best obtained by those who are not trying to sell you anything or has their own agenda

I have nothing to sell and I do not preach just getting the truth out. But it's the sad truth that the truth is different for everyone on to many things.
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #113
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:12/09/2011 8:18 AMCopy HTML

 This indeed must be the nutters thread !!!

Guest, if your looking for truth and want to obtain it then you better get serious and responsibly research your sources and data (evidence)

hoo roo

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #114
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:12/09/2011 9:50 AMCopy HTML

Reply to Mishnah

 This indeed must be the nutters thread !!!

Guest, if your looking for truth and want to obtain it then you better get serious and responsibly research your sources and data (evidence)

hoo roo


what happened to prayer and reading the word?
just like ian,full of head knowledge,no understanding. 

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #115
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:12/09/2011 11:34 AMCopy HTML


what happened to prayer and reading the word? just like ian,full of head knowledge,no understanding. And yet I do pray, and I do diligently study God's Word. In fact, my experience of these and similar spiritual disciplines over many years is that they nurture faith, and they enable one to be receptive to the gentle leading of God through his Spirit. However, inspiration is not an alternative to perspiration. One will never understand Scripture aright without both; God is largely responsible for providing the former, we are largely responsible for the latter.

So, might I ask: what excuses you from gaining the knowledge that results from careful, detailed, and comprehensive first-hand Bible study? Is it ? Or the over developed arrogance of Revivalism? Or perhaps it's just sheer laziness? In any case you clearly don't understand God, or his Word, one tenth as well as you think you do ;)


Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #116
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:12/09/2011 11:13 PMCopy HTML

Are they still burning Witches because the crops have failed?

Is it the preachers who believe the gods or the people who believe in them that are stupid enough to believe anything?

We can not just leave it up to the preachers who preach what they want in order to control the sheep that they will not complain when they are being fleeced or butchered in wars.

Find out the truth for yourselves. Don't believe anyone on anything but search the truth out from many sources.

Biblianut Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #117
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:13/09/2011 12:10 AMCopy HTML

Geez Guest, if the world followed your type of mindset, civilization would have terminated eons ago. Nut.
I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #118
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:13/09/2011 3:09 AMCopy HTML


Typing your drivel in CAPITALS doesn't imbue it with increased credibility. This forum is designed to discuss issues pertaining to Revivalism. The place you're apparently after is ;)


Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #119
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:13/09/2011 6:15 AMCopy HTML

Reply to Guest

Reply to Mishnah

 This indeed must be the nutters thread !!!

Guest, if your looking for truth and want to obtain it then you better get serious and responsibly research your sources and data (evidence)

hoo roo


what happened to prayer and reading the word? Indeed I pray continually and it would surprise you what an adventure of journey of discovery it is when God Himself takes you hand in hand and enlivens your research and teaches you how to read His word and show you the things and nuggets of understanding hidden away from revivalist understanding. Longfieldism, after all still believes in British Israel fairy tales and other such odious nonsense such as a big pyramid and of course there is numerics.. none of which mind you is found within the pages of Holy Writ. I have even had a current member of a revivalist group wanting to give me my horoscope reading.  

just like ian,full of head knowledge, well I take thank that as a compliment. Ian is quite an exemplar  !! Isn't he now :-p !!  no understanding. On the contrary - developing understanding !!



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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:13/09/2011 10:28 AMCopy HTML

Reply to Mishnah

Reply to Guest

Reply to Mishnah

 This indeed must be the nutters thread !!!

Guest, if your looking for truth and want to obtain it then you better get serious and responsibly research your sources and data (evidence)

hoo roo


what happened to prayer and reading the word? Indeed I pray continually and it would surprise you what an adventure of journey of discovery it is when God Himself takes you hand in hand and enlivens your research and teaches you how to read His word and show you the things and nuggets of understanding hidden away from revivalist understanding. Longfieldism, after all still believes in British Israel fairy tales and other such odious nonsense such as a big pyramid and of course there is numerics.. none of which mind you is found within the pages of Holy Writ. I have even had a current member of a revivalist group wanting to give me my horoscope reading.  

just like ian,full of head knowledge, well I take thank that as a compliment. Ian is quite an exemplar  !! Isn't he now :-p !!  no understanding. On the contrary - developing understanding !!



Isa 29:13  Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #121
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:13/09/2011 10:47 AMCopy HTML


1 Chronicles 26:18. 'At Parbar westward, four at the causeway, two at Parbar.' Do y'see? Doesn't it all make sense now? No?

My partial quoting of a contextually adrift proof-text from Chronicles is about as relevant to the current discussion as was your quote from Isaiah ;)


Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #122
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:13/09/2011 7:59 PMCopy HTML

Charles has often argued that the increase in population and the subsequent rise in consumerism were destroying the Earth and that religion was one of the main factors in the increasing birth rate. This is because of the inherent opposition that religion -- all of them (except for one) holds toward abortion and sterilization, two of the most popular methods of population reduction. In the recent past, Charles had admonished religion for holding back his Big Idea and called on it to transform itself so that it could, in fact, support the population reduction plans for the good of the Earth.

Now I want all you good Queen loving Christians to obey your leaders and stop having kids...hell just stop having sex just in case you time it wrong and make a kid.

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #123
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:14/09/2011 6:42 AMCopy HTML

Out of the frying pan and into...........another gilded frying pan

It would seem that some people will want to leave one cult and enter another cult. I don't know why but it's your life.

But I would like to compare just a couple of cult together. One that you might have been in....the Geelong Revival Centre cult.

And the other The Roman Catholic Church cult

What make the Geelong Revival Centre and the Roman Catholic Church the same type of cult? And what makes them different?

The both have a leader who believe that they have a divine right to rule over people.

They both believe that that what they preach is giving to them by god and will not be questioned.

They both have funny rights and rituals, Some funnier and stranger than others. Like wearing hair shirts and flagellation.

The both have splinter groups that disagree with a lot of what they once believed in.

They both pray to dead people. But one group prays to more than one dead person.

They both believe in angels. But one group's cult followers believe that some of them follow you and watch over you day in and day out all day long.

They both go to war with other cults in the world. Some just use their words whilst others let bombs and bullets do their talking.

They both groups kick out followers who challenge the leader or do something that is beyond god's grave. One groups stands you down for a period and the other excommunicates you. But one group will tell you that you are going to hell because you are a back slider whilst the other group demands that god make sure that you do not go to heaven and they will even kill you to give you a head start. Oh what they don't kill people anymore...suuuuurrrrrrrreee

They both have rules on what they can wear and not wear. Where the alters boys should wear nothing at all. That's their rules not mine.

They both believe that the rest of the world should hear about and follow what they believe where one will even kill or did even torture and kill you if you did not follow what they preach, Do I need to tell you which group that is?

They both like to control how many babies you should have.

They both tell you who you can marry and who you can not.

They both have church camps and want you to indoctrinate your kids as soon as they understand what fairy tale god is.

They both looooovvveeee money!!!!

They both sell books of what they believe in.

What are the differences between both cults?

One group cover up bad things that happen to children. Naa they both do.

One group has enough money to feed and shelter the world's hungry if they wished it.

One group has the power over live and death over a billion people and they other over thousands.

One group has been sued many time over doing bad things to kids.

One group controls ruler of the world and the other just want to be left alone.

One group prays to statues and idols.

One group leader gets driving around in bullet proof vehicles because god's grace is just not good enough.

That's just a start on the GRC cult and the RCC cult.

The more I think about it the more I think that one cult is worse than the other.

I could do this with all the cults in the world but I know most of you are smart enough to know that they are all cults whilst some of you are too stupid to see that so you will just go from one to the other with out taking time out to see who you are and why you need someone to tell you how to live.

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #124
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:14/09/2011 6:46 AMCopy HTML

My friend says it all in this clip
Biblianut Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #125
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:14/09/2011 8:03 AMCopy HTML


Tell me, are you Collin H that left GRC because Noel wouldn't let you get up and give the word  from the platform and now trying to "Pastor" on the internet?

Just curious.
I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
prezy Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #126
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:14/09/2011 8:16 AMCopy HTML

I spent many years in my younger life in the RCC, and 5 years in GRC in my 30's. There are some huge differences from my point of view. I have no regrets and only good memories of the RCC. The RCC taught me some good tools to use in my life, such as respect for women and forgiveness, as well as compassion. Can't say the same for the GRC, my memories from there, apart from time spent with some good people, are not fond memories! Hollins tried to teach me self righteousness and superiority as well as some very twisted ways of interpreting God's word. The world would be a much worse place without the RCC, and a much better one without the GRC. I have never heard of a RCC member ever being kicked out or disciplined further than saying a few "Our Fathers" or "Hail Mary's". I think your on the wrong track, although I would not choose to worship in a RCC mass, I am glad they exist.
¡uıɐƃɐ ʎɐqǝ ɯoɹɟ pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ƃuıʎnq ɹǝʌǝu
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:14/09/2011 3:39 PMCopy HTML

 "such as respect for women and forgiveness, as well as compassion"

There are things that you learn when you get older. Like 10 or for those who are a bit slow 12.
I hate to start replying like the dick does but I think you missed my point.

The same can be said about any cult. The main difference is number and power over people and governments. The GRC would be the end all and be all if it were larger and been around as long as the RCC has been.  People just except that the RCC is a religion and not a cult because more people have fallen for it. 
You can look at Mormonism and see what funny rule they have. Would you join them? Or are they to far off the path that you now believe? 
The old idiom Birds of a feather flock together come to mind. If you ever watch a group of people walking down the street together any where in the world most group will look similer. You don't see to many old men hanging out with young school girls. And you don't see to many priest hanging out with young boys......OH opps! ya the RCC you do.  Look at the tv shows all about weddings. I don't know how many you have there but here there are several shows that will tell you how people at weddings all look similar. The same religion or colour or work place that have few if any other people at the wedding.

The same thing applies to cults,big and small ones,powerful ones and powerless ones.

What were your reasons for joining the RCC or the GRC?  (if you were born into one of these or all the other cults as a good portion of people are this will not apply to you).

But why even teach you children you cult and not others?
Why say to your kids that you must go to this cult of that cult but the same cult as we do?
Why do these silly rituals in one cult to make sure that your kids of going to heaven or where ever you believe people go when they die?

Please tell me that it's not mandatory to have to go to a cult to learn to do the right thing?

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #128
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:14/09/2011 11:30 PMCopy HTML

I guess I also have to point out that I think that Noel is a self appointed prophet with his pants around his knees. He's a bombastic, self-absorbed, self-righteous, egomaniacal ,dangerous man

But so is the Pope and most if not all of the leaders of most if not all of the (religions/cults).

If you weren't that you wouldn't be able to control people. Most  people are sheep as it mentions in your bible. And they need and want a Shepard because they can not just except life and death being just that and not some sort of journey that you walk down waiting to figure out what your god wants from you to change the world.  This "I'm here for a reason" ego trip that people are on.

As the song says. "We're here for a good time not a long time., so have a good time cause the sun can't shine every day."

I can say that I learned thing in the GRC that I did not know before and am grateful to know. But it's still what another person want you to know to control you. This is why there are so many cult religions in the world.

So going from one to the other still another to find something that is not really there but is inside you all along but it just needs to be pointed out to you is not spiritual growth. And I use the word spiritual because this is how most people think about what their inner working are. Some sort of spirit.

Sure keep fighting against the GRC leaders

but love the followers as you would yourself. They are as lost a the little old lady going to confession each day because she had an evil thought against her husband for getting crumbs in the bed again and wanting to take it out on the cat.

The catholic cult is an easy target because it is so large and powerful but try saying what I just said about some other cults and you would be before the courts.  Too  much power in too few hand is always going to be a bad thing.

The ten commandments But which ones and who don't government who are controlled in the most part by people who believe in the (top ten list) follow them?

Biblianut Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #129
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:15/09/2011 12:14 AMCopy HTML



I hate to start replying like the dick does but I think you missed my point.


Way off the mark ‘bud’, your reply is nothing like what Ian, if that’s who your referring to, would say. His responses make much more sense and worthy of taking note of. Your opinions on the other hand are nothing more than instantiated hogwash.

I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #130
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:15/09/2011 1:11 AMCopy HTML


The question has to be asked, 'how dumb can a person be and still breathe'? ;) Anyway, you just keep taking your medication and I'm sure everything will be alright.

Goose? Twit? Idiot? (Which describes you best, I wonder?)

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #131
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:16/09/2011 6:08 AMCopy HTML

You are right about not being like the dick head
I didn't start out calling him names because he has no defense against what I say.

But you like to keep things simple and I will obliged.

Ian is a DICKHEAD who loves to read his own posts. I'm sure he records himself and listens to it just to hear someone who agrees with him. But what are you sheep who believe in this prophet really getting from this short fat and very ugly to the point of being troll like preacher? When he's wrong he calls people names when he right the information should be obvious but I would still double check it as it might not be raining or the sun is out.

He believes that his opinion is the only one that matters and that the other 7 billion people in the world are not only wrong but "FUCKING WRONG!"  Very Noel Hollins of him.

Now for people who need to read religious cult books like the bible in order to know how to live each day are simple 3 year olds who need a mummy and daddy to tell them to wipe their butts. Or they still need them to do it for them.

I just want people to think for themselves and not believe in fairy tales that have been proven to be wrong.
Like a world flood. Did it happen? No but that's simple and anyone who still believe that the whole world was flooded is a moron. But I don't want to call you names.

Imagine making the people pay a usurious tribute to the banks for the use of their own money! The biblical injunctions against usury have been flaunted in the most contemptuous manner. In Leviticus 25:35 to 37, God has commanded: "And if the brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee; then thou shalt relieve him: yea though he be a stranger, or a sojourner; that he may live with thee. Take thou no usury of him, or increase, but fear thy God; that thy brothers may live with thee. Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase."

Again learn about the cults all around you. The global warming cult with it's own saints. The RCC cult that rapes little kids and the Pope made sure they got away with it. And he's still trying to cover up those who get caught.

Everyone thinks that the GRC is a cult but other religions are not. Or that other  ways of controlling people are not cults but they are. You people are just too fucking stupid to see it.

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #132
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:16/09/2011 6:10 AMCopy HTML

You are right about not being like the dick head
I didn't start out calling him names because he has no defense against what I say.

But you like to keep things simple and I will obliged.

Ian is a DICKHEAD who loves to read his own posts. I'm sure he records himself and listens to it just to hear someone who agrees with him. But what are you sheep who believe in this prophet really getting from this short fat and very ugly to the point of being troll like preacher? When he's wrong he calls people names when he right the information should be obvious but I would still double check it as it might not be raining or the sun is out.

He believes that his opinion is the only one that matters and that the other 7 billion people in the world are not only wrong but "FUCKING WRONG!"  Very Noel Hollins of him.

Now for people who need to read religious cult books like the bible in order to know how to live each day are simple 3 year olds who need a mummy and daddy to tell them to wipe their butts. Or they still need them to do it for them.

I just want people to think for themselves and not believe in fairy tales that have been proven to be wrong.
Like a world flood. Did it happen? No but that's simple and anyone who still believe that the whole world was flooded is a moron. But I don't want to call you names.

Imagine making the people pay a usurious tribute to the banks for the use of their own money! The biblical injunctions against usury have been flaunted in the most contemptuous manner. In Leviticus 25:35 to 37, God has commanded: "And if the brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee; then thou shalt relieve him: yea though he be a stranger, or a sojourner; that he may live with thee. Take thou no usury of him, or increase, but fear thy God; that thy brothers may live with thee. Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase."

Again learn about the cults all around you. The global warming cult with it's own saints. The RCC cult that rapes little kids and the Pope made sure they got away with it. And he's still trying to cover up those who get caught.

Everyone thinks that the GRC is a cult but other religions are not. Or that other  ways of controlling people are not cults but they are. You people are just too fucking stupid to see it.

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #133
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:16/09/2011 6:10 AMCopy HTML

You are right about not being like the dick head
I didn't start out calling him names because he has no defense against what I say.

But you like to keep things simple and I will obliged.

Ian is a DICKHEAD who loves to read his own posts. I'm sure he records himself and listens to it just to hear someone who agrees with him. But what are you sheep who believe in this prophet really getting from this short fat and very ugly to the point of being troll like preacher? When he's wrong he calls people names when he right the information should be obvious but I would still double check it as it might not be raining or the sun is out.

He believes that his opinion is the only one that matters and that the other 7 billion people in the world are not only wrong but "FUCKING WRONG!"  Very Noel Hollins of him.

Now for people who need to read religious cult books like the bible in order to know how to live each day are simple 3 year olds who need a mummy and daddy to tell them to wipe their butts. Or they still need them to do it for them.

I just want people to think for themselves and not believe in fairy tales that have been proven to be wrong.
Like a world flood. Did it happen? No but that's simple and anyone who still believe that the whole world was flooded is a moron. But I don't want to call you names.

Imagine making the people pay a usurious tribute to the banks for the use of their own money! The biblical injunctions against usury have been flaunted in the most contemptuous manner. In Leviticus 25:35 to 37, God has commanded: "And if the brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee; then thou shalt relieve him: yea though he be a stranger, or a sojourner; that he may live with thee. Take thou no usury of him, or increase, but fear thy God; that thy brothers may live with thee. Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase."

Again learn about the cults all around you. The global warming cult with it's own saints. The RCC cult that rapes little kids and the Pope made sure they got away with it. And he's still trying to cover up those who get caught.

Everyone thinks that the GRC is a cult but other religions are not. Or that other  ways of controlling people are not cults but they are. You people are just too fucking stupid to see it.

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #134
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:16/09/2011 11:41 AMCopy HTML

G'day, Canuck.

You are right about not being like the dick head. I didn't start out calling him names because he has no defense against what I say. Seriously? You reckon I have no 'defence' to offer for your multiplied nonsenses? If so, then all that I can suggest is that someone clearly believes his own press. But you like to keep things simple and I will obliged. You 'will obliged', huh? :)

Ian is a DICKHEAD who loves to read his own posts. I'm sure he records himself and listens to it just to hear someone who agrees with him. But what are you sheep who believe in this prophet really getting from this short fat and very ugly to the point of being troll like preacher? When he's wrong he calls people names when he right the information should be obvious but I would still double check it as it might not be raining or the sun is out. Righto, let's review. (1) Do I enjoy reading my own posts? Sure, and why wouldn't I? They're witty, intelligent, often pithy and charming little gems of biblical and theological exposition. (2) Do I ever record myself, 'just to hear someone who agrees with' me? 'No', I don't. But sometimes others do. Go figure. In case you hadn't noticed, however, lots of people have agreed with me on this forum over the years. Again, go figure. Am I, (3) 'short, fat and very ugly'? Well I'm sure that description would probably fit some people currently walking this planet, but at 6'3 and 95kg I'm clearly neither short nor fat. Whether or not I'm ugly probably isn't for me to judge. Finally, let's briefly consider the me 'being wrong' and 'name calling' allegations. If I've been wrong in any of my statements here, then it certainly hasn't been successfully proven. Claiming is one thing, proving another. Of course it is true that I called you an idiot. I've pointed out that lot's of people who've posted here over the years are 'geese', but you really are the only idiot, all things considered :)

He believes that his opinion is the only one that matters and that the other 7 billion people in the world are not only wrong but "FUCKING WRONG!"  Very Noel Hollins of him. Excepting the fact that the other 7 billion people don't necessarily disagree with me, of course. Almost half of your quoted number confesses to more or less the same religious faith that I profess, so I guess one might question your numeracy as well as your literacy (whether biblical, theological, philosophical or general). Furthermore given that you and Noel both live in a world chock full of all manner of conspiracies, perhaps it's more the case that you share more in common with him than I do? Again, go figure.

Now for people who need to read religious cult books like the bible in order to know how to live each day are simple 3 year olds who need a mummy and daddy to tell them to wipe their butts. Or they still need them to do it for them. Yes. Apparently there are some people who, being unable to disprove what the Christian Bible purports to be, go and place much greater stock in websites that pander to their bent for the ridiculous. Websites operated by people named 'Melvin', dorks who likely as not wear hats made of tinfoil, and pocket protectors. So care to guess who I think has been acting like a three year old, 'tanties' and all? ;)

I just want people to think for themselves and not believe in fairy tales that have been proven to be wrong. Do you? Really? Then why do on earth do you get so bent-out-of-shape when people do think for themselves? Why does the anger compete with the paranoia when people reach the same conclusions about you that I have? You know? That you're an idiot ;) Like a world flood. Did it happen? No but that's simple and anyone who still believe that the whole world was flooded is a moron. I suppose anyone who believes what you do about water fluoridation, world banking, the NWO and Roman Catholicism is equally guilty of being labelled a moron, but I guess it's all just a matter of 'perspective', huh? But I don't want to call you names. Sure you don't, but why stop doing so now?

Imagine making the people pay a usurious tribute to the banks for the use of their own money! The biblical injunctions against usury have been flaunted in the most contemptuous manner. In Leviticus 25:35 to 37, God has commanded: "And if the brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee; then thou shalt relieve him: yea though he be a stranger, or a sojourner; that he may live with thee. Take thou no usury of him, or increase, but fear thy God; that thy brothers may live with thee. Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase." It didn't take you very long to mount that particular soapbox, did it? Still, given that you don't believe the Bible to be anything but a 'cult handbook', what's the point you were hoping to make via your proof-texting, again?

Again learn about the cults all around you. The global warming cult with it's own saints. The RCC cult that rapes little kids and the Pope made sure they got away with it. And he's still trying to cover up those who get caught. Everyone thinks that the GRC is a cult but other religions are not. Or that other  ways of controlling people are not cults but they are. You people are just too fucking stupid to see it. Lucky for us you're not name calling, huh? Anyway, someone clearly is stupid but I don't think it's 'us' ;)

Now, because I'm not an idiot I shall press 'enter' once so as to post a single copy of my rejoinder to this forum.


prezy Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #135
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:16/09/2011 10:15 PMCopy HTML

Reply to guest:
Whether or not I'm ugly probably isn't for me to judge.
I have never met Ian, and being a straight guy Im not much of a judge of mens looks (they dont matter to us straight guys) looking at Ian's picture on his posts, I think he looks a lot like Charlton Heston. :)
¡uıɐƃɐ ʎɐqǝ ɯoɹɟ pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ƃuıʎnq ɹǝʌǝu
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #136
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:17/09/2011 1:11 AMCopy HTML

 I'm sorry I have been wrong in adding to the Christians persecution. I am sorry that some people believe in a man in  the clouds who is willing to send them to hell with the burning and the pain when you tick him off.

I'm sorry that the world is against your cults to the point that governments are doing what ever they can to keep you down.

I'm sorry that  those who falsely call themselves Christians are going around the world killing them Mooslems! for their resources.

I don't want to add to your burden just wanting your cult to be the one only who knows the truth and is the path to ever lasting life. But it's just not in me to any longer believe in lies. I guess the GRC did more for me than I even imagined until now.  Now my eyes are open to you burden and I'm sorry

Please read and watch the following and see how I understand what you are going through.
I'm sorry

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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:17/09/2011 1:11 AMCopy HTML
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #138
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:17/09/2011 7:03 AMCopy HTML


Well, you've got a firm grasp of something anyhow ;)

By the way, what's a 'Mooslem'?


Biblianut Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #139
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:17/09/2011 10:57 PMCopy HTML



I’m sorry for you believing the Christians are being persecuted.


I’m sorry for you not believing in a merciful God that gives good gifts and gives peace to those that believe and live in Him.


I’m sorry for you believing the world is against Christians and our Governments aren’t Christian.


I’m sorry for you not believing that Christians go around the world helping nations more than any other.


I’m so sorry for you not having those chains lifted from you and am still heavy burdened as a result of your time in Revival.


And I’m extremely sorry for you for wasting your time believing in utter tripe.


May God have mercy on your soul.


PS. I am so thankful I am a Christian.

I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #140
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:17/09/2011 11:16 PMCopy HTML

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Reply to Mishnah

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Reply to Mishnah


what happened to prayer and reading the word? Indeed I pray continually and it would surprise you what an adventure of journey of discovery it is when God Himself takes you hand in hand and enlivens your research and teaches you how to read His word and show you the things and nuggets of understanding hidden away from revivalist understanding. Longfieldism, after all still believes in British Israel fairy tales and other such odious nonsense such as a big pyramid and of course there is numerics.. none of which mind you is found within the pages of Holy Writ. I have even had a current member of a revivalist group wanting to give me my horoscope reading.  

just like ian,full of head knowledge, well I take that as a compliment. Ian is quite an exemplar  !! Isn't he now :-p !!  no understanding. On the contrary - developing understanding !!



Isa 29:13  Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:

Now that you have copied and pasted your verse,how about interpreting the same starting with the no1 Golden Rule of Biblical Interpretation: Context Context Context

Go your hardest and don't spare the effort.

I eagerly await !!

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #141
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:18/09/2011 5:52 AMCopy HTML

When them MOOslims kill people they are terrorist.
When Christians kill people they are going gods work saving the world from them MOOslims.
So much for what the bible tells them about not killing people.
Here is a like that claims that MOOslims are part of a cult.

So the US government believe that they are a cult but what they believe is not a cult.  And be not speaking up other government in the world also believe it.

Life is short for party on!     ttp://
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #142
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:18/09/2011 6:08 AMCopy HTML

I know Christians want a new world war so your jesus will return but I'm not really into killing of billions of people just for a small number can get to heaven.
And the fact that it's going to be a religious war is just going to be proof that god is a dick who likes wars.

People have been killing in gods name for thousands of years and will if the world survives these new cult wars whom ever survives will start new religions and kill again.

But when the western religious cults do it it's for the betterment of the world. (not the people who die) but the rest of the world. They cults with the most balls and bullets wins. The cults with the most pull will be able to tell themselves that it's gods will. The cult leaders and followers will tell the people that they are not safer than yesterday. But still people will be told that they must give up their freedom because there is another boogie mans around the corner.

In gods name bang bang you MOOslims will die at the hands of the Christian and Jewish cults. And if you fight back your are a MOOslim cult terrorist.

In gods name
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #143
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:18/09/2011 8:02 AMCopy HTML


I reckon your brain needs not only a grease and oil change, but clearly a tuneup as well :)


Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #144
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:18/09/2011 8:53 AMCopy HTML

 G'day Ian,

In answer to your question about what is a Mooslem, I would add, is there an Islamic chapter of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks?


Old John

prezy Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #145
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:18/09/2011 11:22 PMCopy HTML

A mooslem is like a cathlick, diffrent god but!
¡uıɐƃɐ ʎɐqǝ ɯoɹɟ pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ƃuıʎnq ɹǝʌǝu
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #146
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:19/09/2011 11:00 PMCopy HTML

Good morning, John.

In answer to your question about what is a Mooslem, I would add, is there an Islamic chapter of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks? Ha, ha. Quite possibly. I was starting to wonder if there might be a 'fraternal' conspiracy to hand after all, especially given the recent comments of our sole contributer from the IOOF (Idiotic Order of Oafish Fellows). And yet we Christians are apparently the deluded ones. Go figure ;)

Good morning, Rob.

A mooslem is like a cathlick, diffrent god but! Dif'rent indeed. But our friend has proudly declared himself an atheist (misspelled, of course), so I doubt that he cares :)

Blessings to you both,

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #147
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:23/09/2011 7:43 AMCopy HTML

I know it's hard being Christians in these times. There are more and more powerful people who would love nothing more than to break down Christianity. They know the strength that Christians have over the world and want it for themselves. They want to take away the harmony between Christians and divide them. Get them fighting against one issue or another and in doing so force a schism. At one time being a Christian no matter what domination it was was better than being anything else. But they find holes in the preachers words and pry this open to to expose what they believe is the false teachings of that god.

I feel for you Christians. No really! I feel that family values that Christians preach are being attacked for nothing more than dividing people into smaller groups. And in doing so conquering.

If everyone lived by the teachings of their gods there would be little if any wars or hunger, little if any conflict between religions and little if any general disharmony between peoples. The only killings would be of the non-believers. As most religion hate them. It's better to believe in any god than no god.

But people who believe in this god or that god seem to need to change others. Well most of them do or want to. And they need to defend their believes over all challengers and will fight for this in god's name time and time and time again. It has happened since man created gods and it will happen until the last two gods and humans are dead.

We are after all just animals with knowledge of life and death and fear of both.

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #148
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:23/09/2011 12:58 PMCopy HTML

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I know it's hard being Christians in these times. There are more and more powerful people who would love nothing more than to break down Christianity. They know the strength that Christians have over the world and want it for themselves. They want to take away the harmony between Christians and divide them. Get them fighting against one issue or another and in doing so force a schism. At one time being a Christian no matter what domination it was was better than being anything else. But they find holes in the preachers words and pry this open to to expose what they believe is the false teachings of that god.

I feel for you Christians. No really! I feel that family values that Christians preach are being attacked for nothing more than dividing people into smaller groups. And in doing so conquering.

If everyone lived by the teachings of their gods there would be little if any wars or hunger, little if any conflict between religions and little if any general disharmony between peoples. The only killings would be of the non-believers. As most religion hate them. It's better to believe in any god than no god.

But people who believe in this god or that god seem to need to change others. Well most of them do or want to. And they need to defend their believes over all challengers and will fight for this in god's name time and time and time again. It has happened since man created gods and it will happen until the last two gods and humans are dead.

We are after all just animals with knowledge of life and death and fear of both.

Bullocks ...  it's time you found out about the Grace of God my friend and how the Grace of God APPLIES TO YOU PERSONALLY  !!!!


Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #149
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:24/09/2011 5:18 AMCopy HTML

Here is another example of how Christians are being persecuted by governments around the world.

It's sooooo sad that some people can not even pray in their own home with their friends with out the government being a part of it

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #150
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:26/09/2011 5:31 AMCopy HTML

The USA cult leader has done better than whet he said he would be by stopping the raise of ocean levels/
Let's all praise this great leader for doing what he said he would and with the help of god succeed.
RCI prophesies
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