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Date Posted:05/02/2005 3:27 PMCopy HTML

Is Your Revival Centre a 'Cult?'

Adapted from Identifying a Cult by Jan Groenveld - Compiled by Troy Waller

If you tell a Revivalist that their group is a cult, they often reply with something along the lines of, "The Church of the apostles' day was also called a cult!" or "Jesus was called a cult leader too!" Some have heard RCI and Geelong Revival Centre pastors say something along these lines numerous times. It seems that some Revivalists think that to call the Revival Centres a cult is to align them with Jesus and the early Church.

On the other hand, some Revivalists take great offence and get most upset when you call their church a cult. They think that we are accusing them of all sorts of crimes, simply by calling them a cult. So why do we get such varied reactions when we label the Revival Centres groups as cults?

It all has to do with definitions. You see, the word ?cult', as with a lot of English words today, has a few different meanings. The word can be used in various ways in various contexts. There are three major definitions.What is a Cult?1. The Secular DefinitionCULT- From the Latin "cultis" which denotes all that is involved in worship, ritual, emotion, liturgy and attitude. This definition is not concerned with specific doctrines or behaviours but actually denotes what we call denominations and sects.

By this definition, all religious movements are cults. This is the definition that can be applied to the early Church and Jesus as its leader. Obviously this website is not concerned with the Revival Centres as denominations or sects.

2. Christian DefinitionCULT- Any group which deviates from Biblical, orthodox, historical Christianity. That is they deny things such as the Trinity, or Deity of Christ. Some deny Jesus' physical resurrection; His personal and physical return to earth or salvation by FAITH alone. This definition is concerned with the beliefs of specific groups and not so much with behaviour. This definition only covers those groups which defined as cultsdoctrinallyfrom the perspective of the Christian Church. This includes the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. This term does not refer to other world religions such as Islam and Hinduism. We do define the Revival Centres as a cult from this perspective as they have a different view from historical Christianity on issues such as salvation and the Trinity.

3. The Modern DefinitionCULT- Any group which has a hierarchical authoritarian leadership structure with all teaching and guidance coming from the person/persons at the top. The group will claim to be the only way to God; Nirvana; Paradise; Ultimate Reality; Full Potential, Way to Happiness etc, and will use behavioural, information, thought and emotional control techniques to gain control and keep their members. This definition is concerned primarily with thebehaviourof the group in question. It covers cults within all major world religions, along with those cults which have noobviousreligious base such as commercial, educational and psychological cults. Different cults operate in different ways. For example, some are more prone to information control than emotional control or vice versa. Some cults are less extreme than others in some areas of control but these are still cults nonetheless.This website does present the RCI and its splinter groups as this kind of cult. Let's expand on this definition and see how the Revival Centres fit or don't fit this model.

Identification Marks of a Cult

(a) The group will have an elitist view of itself in relation to others, and a unique cause. (THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES RIGHT - everyone else is wrong. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES DOING GOD'S WILL - everyone else is in apostasy. )

(b) They will promote their cause actively, and in doing so, abuse God-given personal rights and freedoms. This abuse can be SPIRITUAL, SOCIAL & PSYCHOLOGICAL.They do this through the following means,Their leader/s may claim a special, exclusive ministry, revelation or position of authority given by God.The Revival Centres believe that the Church at large (Pentecostal or otherwise) has fallen into apostasy. They openly teach that the 'truth' about salvation was re-discovered by Lloyd Longfield or Noel Hollins, (depending on which Revival Centre group you belong to) just after the World War II.

They now believe that they promote the true formula for salvation (Acts2:38as they interpret it) and those that preach salvation by faith alone are apostate. They believe they are the only true church and take a critical stance regarding the Christian church while at the same time praising and exalting their own group, leader/s and work.The Revival Centres leaders will rarely come out and say that their church is the only true church. But this is very much implied and members know that to leave the Revival Centre is to lose your salvation. Much is said in talks from the platform and in official literature which denigrates and disparages other churches, even those that believe in speaking in tongues.

They will even question the salvation of those who leave one Revival Centre splinter group for another, even though they all preach the same salvation formula. The Geelong Revival Centre members are even told that other Revival Centre groups preach a different salvation message to them. This is a blatant lie, as they all teach the same salvation formula.They use intimidation or psychological manipulation to keep members loyal to their ranks. This could be in the form of threats of dire calamity sent by God if they leave; certain death at Armageddon; being shunned by their family and friends etc.As mentioned earlier, all Revival Centre members know that to leave the Revival Centres is to lose your salvation and go to hell. Even people who leave to attend other Pentecostal Churches are said to have 'fallen away'.

The Revival Centre preoccupation with Armageddon and nuclear devastation rivals only the Jehovah's Witnesses' use of the ?imminent return of Jesus and destruction of the world' as a means to promote fear and maintain members. Some ex-members of the Revival Centres report having had terrifying nightmares of nuclear holocaust while in the group and after leaving.

The Revival Centres spread half truths and lies about those who have left even saying ex-members fall gravely ill and die. One ex-member said that he heard a pastor pronounce this upon people who had just left the church. Stories of those who fall into addictions and immoral behaviour (true or not) upon leaving the group are also lauded in front of those still in the group.

Shunning is also a common experience for those who leave. Current members are expected to discontinue relationships with ex-members. Both the RCI and RF make their position clear,MARK THEM -identify those who cause divisions and offences. The most obvious are former members who left over personal grievances. Their doctrine and practice are not what we have learned from our Bibles. Identify them - don't be sentimental about old fellowships. (Separation- The Revival Fellowship)16. Any member who has been "disciplined" by the oversight should not be "comforted" by well-meaning friends. This can encourage rebellion and could result in disaster for those concerned. Any member who has been permanently or temporarily "de-barred" from fellowship should not be visited without permission from the oversight. It is most important that their "case" should not be discussed with them or with others. If and when such action is taken, the Assembly will be officially advised of the reason for such measures.

(RCI Assembly Guidelines) Many an ex-Revival Centre member can tell you stories of having to shun those who left before them and then being shunned when they themselves left. Some are even shunned by family members. One ex-member even reported being ex-communicated herself after a former member's car was seen in her driveway by a 'spying' member of the oversight.

Members will be expected to give substantial financial support to the group. This could be compulsory tithing (which is checked); signing over all their property on entering the group; coercive methods of instilling guilt on those who have not contributed; selling magazines, flowers or other goods for the group as part of their "ministry". At the same time bible-based cults may ridicule churches that take up free-will offerings by passing collection plates and/or sell literature and tapes. They usually brag that they don't do this. This gives outsiders the intimation that they are not interested in money. The Revival Centres are staunch tithers. However in fairness to them, they do not usually expect their members to contribute over and above this tithe except in some circumstances such as a fund raising drives for a new project (such as the RCI purchase of the Freshwater Creek Camp inVictoria). They do not force their members to sell books, etc. outside of the church, but there have been some reports of heavy handed tactics over money in the CAI.

There will be great emphasis on loyalty to the group and its teachings. The lives of members will be totally absorbed into the group's activities. They will have little or no time to think for themselves because of physical and emotional exhaustion. This is also a vital part of the thought control process.

In this way the Revival Centres are not as severe as groups like the Moonies or Hare Krishna. However, the RCI do expect people to attend 2 Sunday meetings, 1 weekly house meeting or mid-week meeting, weekly young people's meetings (if at an appropriate age or unmarried) and any outreaches or special events. Some Revival Centre groups have a heavier schedule again. These meetings are forced upon members and are not optional.

Unknown to most members, lower level RCI leaders even take a roll to check who is and is not in attendance. Missing members are then sometimes questioned as to why they are skipping meetings. Christmas and Easter camps are also usually compulsory unless an adequate reason for not being able to attend is given. This busy schedule leaves little time for meaningful relationships outside the group and brings members deeper into the group dynamic.There will be total control over almost all aspects of the private lives of members. This control can be direct through communal living, or constant and repetitious teaching on "how to be a true Christian" or "being obedient to leadership". Members will look to their leaders for guidance in everything they do.

The Revival Centres have a list of writtenAssembly Guidelines (i.e. RULES!) that members are expected to strictly adhere to. The preamble to the RCI list states,The following guidelines are for the protection of individuals and the assembly as a whole... ...All policies are international and are not subject to local change or variation.The list contains rules covering things such as private gatherings of members (not allowed without permission from leaders), marriage (again, permission is needed) and the repression of critical comments. The full list can be foundhere.A quick read of these rules demonstrates the invasiveness of the Revival Centres groups into the lives of their members. This behaviour by the groups undermines the individual's personal freedom and eventually their ability to make even simple decisions for themselves.

Bible-based cults may proclaim they have no clergy/laity distinction and no paid ministry class - that they are all equal.The Revival Centres members like to point the finger at the clergy/laity distinction of other churches, especially the Catholic Church, whilst claiming that their leaders are just ?normal people'. However, every single Revivalist knows that the 'oversight' are much more than ?normal members'. Members areforcedto address pastors as Pastor (e.g. Pastor Bill) and never by their first name alone and, as mentioned, have enormous power over regular members. They do pay some ministers a wage. Any dissent or questioning of the group's teachings is discouraged. Criticism in any form is seen as rebellion. There will be an emphasis on authority, unquestioning obedience and submission. This is vigilantly maintained.

Anyone who has been in the Revival Centres for even a few months knows that criticism and dissention is not tolerated in the slightest. Numerous stories have been reported by ex-members of the harsh and often emotionally damaging ways that the pastors and oversight have treated people who have crossed this line. The guidelines mentioned earlier make the Revival Centres position quite clear:

5. Members should not enter into any conversation criticising doctrines, practices or beliefs held by the assembly. Again, Pastors and Elders are ready to discuss any such problems that may arise.

10. Any case of disloyalty towards the Assembly or spreading of any discord whatsoever will be viewed as "divisionary" and dealt with severely.

24. Members must not enter into any controversy or criticisms of the beliefs or practices of other persons in other Assemblies. Any "different" teachings should be reported to the home Pastor who can communicate with other Pastors if necessary.You cannot question Revival Centre doctrine as a member.

If the Revival Centres have declared something as true then you must accept it wholeheartedly or be prepared to be 'dealt with severely'. Once the pastor or elder has discussed the matter with you then the matter is closed whether you accept their explanation or not.

Members are required to demonstrate their loyalty to the group in some way. This could be in the form of "dobbing" on fellow members (including family) under the guise of looking out for their "spiritual welfare". They may be required to deliberately lie (heavenly deception) or give up their lives by refusing some form of medical treatment.

Members of the Revival Centres are encouraged to report any violation of policy or practice by other members to the leaders immediately. This is under the guise of "caring for brothers and sisters". Husbands, wives and even children are encouraged to report on each other. We have had no reports of deliberate lying being encouraged, but I was present in a Young People's meeting where we were trained to give our public testimony. In this talk, the oversight member instructed us to leave out any undesirable information about church life such as ex-communication, people leaving to go to other churches or personal struggle with 'sin'.Attempts to leave or reveal embarrassing facts about the group may be met with threats. Some may have taken oaths of loyalty that involve their lives or have signed a "covenant" and feel threatened by this.

Refugees of the group are usually faced with confrontations by other members with coercion to get them to return to the group. Put simply, there is no good way to leave the Revival Centres. There is no valid reason to leave from the perspective of the leadership. When individuals leave they are disparaged, sometimes publicly, by leaders. Half-truths and rumours are spread amongst the members to discredit those who leave. The organisation is never at fault in minor or major parting of ways, it is always the fault of those who have left. Noel Hollins said that he parted ways with the RCI as they 'no longer wanted to follow the Lord' and Lloyd Longfield said that the 'Spirit is weak' in the Revival Fellowships. Members have reported a heavy handed approach from leaders who were attempting to deter them from leaving the group.


This article has not tried to manipulate the facts to make the Revival Centres fit the pattern of a destructive cult. It didn't need to. Anyone who has been involved with a Revival Centre for even a short while can testify to seeing many, if not all, of the things discussed here. Sure, not all these points will be found in every Revival Centre group. But all Revival Centre groups will have some, if not most of them, and these may vary to some degree. And pointing out these marks in other groups doesn't make the Revival Centres any less a cult. It only means there are other groups out there warranting a similar investigation. But most churches don't exhibit enough of these signs to be labelled a cult as we labelled the Revival Centres in this article.

So, is your Revival Centre a cult?

Copyright 2003. Troy Waller. Original article, 'Identifying a Cult'
Copyright 1985, 1995. Jan Groenveld.
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #51
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:17/02/2011 4:40 AMCopy HTML

Is the word of god coming to past right in front of our eyes?
Are the peoples of the world being lined up for the end on the world?
Will we see Jesus return soon?
Or is it just what has happened in the past 2000 years? 
And lets all give a great cheer for the Egyptian people for wanting to be free.....after 7000 years.
And lets give a great cheer for those in power who kept them under the thumb for 7000 years. A job well done.

And thank you god for moving the pawns upon the global chess board for the powers that be. Or is it the other way around?

Any way hugs to all who need them.
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #52
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:17/02/2011 4:42 AMCopy HTML

Here to the people of Egypt wanting their freedom. It only took 7000 years YAAAAAAA!
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #53
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:19/02/2011 9:31 AMCopy HTML

I decided to hit the forum today and have a  bit of Read, Its been 20 years or so since I left. I read the other day on one of the other Threads about a Guy that named himself, "Jay" if its the Jay that Im thinking then I know him from the GRC. Hadnt heard or seen him in a long time and would love to catch up, I remember him being a Cruzer with out worry. Does anyone know of his where abouts or if he still lives in Geelong.

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #54
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:27/02/2011 10:07 AMCopy HTML

I 'belonged' to a Revival centre group in Alice Springs Northern Territory about 17 years ago. The pastor at the time was a Mike Sandeman, what a sad, sad man.
The first meeting I went to, invited by an old friend, I clearly remember him standing in the living area of the house he and his family were looking after, he looked over at me, and as the light from above played over his features he looked like the devil, or what I believe a devilish person looks like. I should have grabbed my children and ran.
I went along to get togethers and meetings on and off for about three years before finally deciding to get baptised.
For awhile all was reasonably well, though I felt sad that 'not everybody was saved' How brain washed can you get???
I eventually married a man who'd been fellowshipping within RCI for many a year, he actually was giving talks on a Sunday and was very close to Mike Sandeman and his family.
Anyway the proverbial ended up hitting the fan, My so called partner did the totally wrong thing by me and my three children, when going to Sandeman for help he said I was a harlot [I was a single mum when first going to the church] and a liar, he said I was lieing to get out of the marriage, for a whole year I did what this man told me to do, against my better judgement and try to make this marriage work, if I didn't I would be dis-fellowshipped.
It came to the point, I feel, of almost having a nervous breakdown, I finally p****d my partner off, and I was promptly kicked out of the church, but my partner [who'd clearly done the wrong thing] was allowed to remain.
And so it goes-----my then young children missed their Sunday school friends and I felt all alone, BUT, I knew I'd done the right thing, looking back now it feels like this all happened to someone else, it's made me a lot stronger and a lot more understanding also.
At the time I was kicked out there was a break in RCI. People who'd avoided me because of Sandeman were then trying to get me to fellowship with the 'new' church, thoughtful of them but no thanks.
I hear Sandeman now has a small 'flock' somewhere in S.A.
Please, please,  please let your own gut feeling or intuition guide you, wrong is wrong, evil is evil, even when sugar coated by so called righteous people and cults, you have to be true to yourself and your family. Protect your children at all costs, and do what is simply right, you are never truly alone. 
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #55
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:28/02/2011 12:58 AMCopy HTML

 I Had a similar experience with the so called pastor from the adelaide franchise of the hollins group of companies.
One sunday I noticed the pastor staring at me from across the hall,and what ever was looking at me wasn't human,pretty scary really I couldnt understand how the so called annointed of God could look so evil.
I meant to ask hollins about this but now I know it was the" wolf in sheeps clothing" and they are all tared with the same brush.
MothandRust Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #56
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:28/02/2011 4:03 PMCopy HTML

 I don't regret my past, I just regret the time I've wasted with the wrong people. I'll be ok, live & learn.
Instagram and Twitter: @mothpete
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #57
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:01/03/2011 7:26 AMCopy HTML

Reply to MothandRust

 I don't regret my past, I just regret the time I've wasted with the wrong people. I'll be ok, live & learn.

And still hang around Thomason. Some lessons take a LONG time to learn.
MothandRust Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #58
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:01/03/2011 7:51 AMCopy HTML

 OH snap. Tool.
Instagram and Twitter: @mothpete
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #59
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:01/03/2011 12:39 PMCopy HTML

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Reply to MothandRust

 I don't regret my past, I just regret the time I've wasted with the wrong people. I'll be ok, live & learn.

And still hang around Thomason. Some lessons take a LONG time to learn.

You would do well if you did likewise !! I have hung around Thomason for nearly two decades and its the best two decades well spent ...


Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #60
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:02/03/2011 10:10 AMCopy HTML

Hello again, Goose.

M&R: I don't regret my past, I just regret the time I've wasted with the wrong people. I'll be ok, live & learn. And still hang around Thomason. Some lessons take a LONG time to learn. Not necessarily. All that Pete's choice indicates is that he's quicker to learn than are you.

Hoc est verum.

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #61
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:02/03/2011 4:58 PMCopy HTML

The major cult here is the Cult of Ianism. Fortunately it has only one member.
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #62
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:02/03/2011 9:39 PMCopy HTML

Reply to sardius

The major cult here is the Cult of Ianism. Fortunately it has only one member.

Actually it has several. Those who love to cling to their 1963 baptist view of the world also love the Ians of the world. They are too scared to think for themselves, and they still need an idiot who thinks they know everythng to do the hard yards. One of the things I learned in revival was that even though the pastor was usually an uneducated sociopath, he couldn't have done it without the enablers around him. Typical group behaviour. There is always an asshole, and always the followers and the doubters. This is why I no longer bother with groups.
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #63
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:03/03/2011 3:12 AMCopy HTML

Still at it, Galien?

The major cult here is the Cult of Ianism. Fortunately it has only one member. Actually it has several. Those who love to cling to their 1963 baptist view of the world also love the Ians of the world. They are too scared to think for themselves, and they still need an idiot who thinks they know everythng to do the hard yards. One of the things I learned in revival was that even though the pastor was usually an uneducated sociopath, he couldn't have done it without the enablers around him. Typical group behaviour. There is always an asshole, and always the followers and the doubters. This is why I no longer bother with groups. Bollocks. Your approach to 'individualism' has to do with your social dysfunction. Those who "don't play well with others" invariably make excuses, and invariably blame others for their personal failings. It's simply that you've turned such into an artform.


Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #64
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:03/03/2011 8:54 AMCopy HTML

Reply to Didaktikon

Good afternoon, Galien.

The major cult here is the Cult of Ianism. Fortunately it has only one member. Actually it has several. Those who love to cling to their 1963 baptist view of the world also love the Ians of the world. They are too scared to think for themselves, and they still need an idiot who thinks they know everythng to do the hard yards. One of the things I learned in revival was that even though the pastor was usually an uneducated sociopath, he couldn't have done it without the enablers around him. Typical group behaviour. There is always an asshole, and always the followers and the doubters. This is why I no longer bother with groups. But that's not the only reason, is it? I reckon your approach to life has to do with your social dysfunction; those who 'don't play well with others' invariably make excuses, and invariably blame others for their failings.



I don't have any problem playing with others, never have. I just tell the truth and people don't like it. As an obsessive introspector, my longterm difficulty has been NOT accepting too much responsibility regarding things that are not my fault, not the other way around. I'm sure though Ian you have your own theories concocted with the quarter of real information you have.

But keep on deflecting the real issues by throwing the spotlight on others. It is what you do best.
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #65
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:03/03/2011 9:52 AMCopy HTML


I don't have any problem playing with others, never have. Bollocks. You're renowned for it. I just tell the truth and people don't like it. Clearly we define the word 'truth' differently. Unlike you, I don't equate 'uninformed personal opinions' with absolutes. As an obsessive introspector, my longterm difficulty has been NOT accepting too much responsibility regarding things that are not my fault, not the other way around. 'Obsessive', huh? Would that be synonymous with the past participle 'fixated'? I'm sure though Ian you have your own theories concocted with the quarter of real information you have. Indeed I have. You are a well known entity around these parts, you see.

But keep on deflecting the real issues by throwing the spotlight on others. It is what you do best. *Ahem*. Perhaps you hadn't noticed, but it's you who constantly throws the spotlight on me, dearie.


Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #66
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:13/03/2011 1:46 AMCopy HTML

To all you people who whine about the Geelong Revival Centre and all the problems that you lived through please just consider it living like Job.  That time that you spend was just a test of your strength and faith in God. And if you fell away so be it,but if you survived in faith and carried on with God's love you win.

And remember God never promised you a rose garden.      Sing it Lynn!
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #67
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:13/03/2011 3:12 AMCopy HTML

Reply to Guest

To all you people who whine about the Geelong Revival Centre and all the problems that you lived through please just consider it living like Job.  That time that you spend was just a test of your strength and faith in God. And if you fell away so be it,but if you survived in faith and carried on with God's love you win.

And remember God never promised you a rose garden.      Sing it Lynn!

Are you saying that to survive after your strength has been tested within the GRC and then continue on with God's love aka Noel Hollins you win.

OR- that to have your strength tested with all the rubbish the GRC presents to you, then fall away from the GRC and Hollins and actually find God's truth and love is ALIVE and WELL and FLOURISHING in the many denominations that are out there in the real world, you win!!


Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #68
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:13/03/2011 12:56 PMCopy HTML

Reply to Guest

Reply to Guest

To all you people who whine about the Geelong Revival Centre and all the problems that you lived through please just consider it living like Job.  That time that you spend was just a test of your strength and faith in God. And if you fell away so be it,but if you survived in faith and carried on with God's love you win.

And remember God never promised you a rose garden.      Sing it Lynn!

Are you saying that to survive after your strength has been tested within the GRC and then continue on with God's love aka Noel Hollins you win.

OR- that to have your strength tested with all the rubbish the GRC presents to you, then fall away from the GRC and Hollins and actually find God's truth and love is ALIVE and WELL and FLOURISHING in the many denominations that are out there in the real world, you win!!


In fact there are many, many more options than only two.

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #69
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:21/04/2011 6:39 AMCopy HTML

It's sad that Ian had to block people from this site when they talk about him as if here were a dick.
But in time you will know the truth about what is going on and nothing will stop it except for your actions.

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #70
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:21/04/2011 10:34 AMCopy HTML


It's sad that Ian had to block people from this site when they talk about him as if here were a dick. Actually, the reason that people get 'canned' from here is because they refuse to abide by the rules. Such are people who wish to engage in personalised polemics, rather than addressing the substance of the discussions that are taking place. I've been quoting from the Judeo-Christian wisdom tradition of late. Given your approach to things, perhaps you should 'sit up' and 'take note'?

In closing I admit that I find it enjoyable responding to troglodytes, at least initially. After a while, however, it simply gets tedious (see Sirach 22:13-15). But in time you will know the truth about what is going on and nothing will stop it except for your actions. Seriously, are a few of you guys having a competition? You know, to see who can make the most banal and vacuous posts?



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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:22/04/2011 5:43 AMCopy HTML

All though out history we have peoples who are told to convert to this religion or that or die.

What kind of god is this that he must have control over life and death to the point that his ego would be hurt if someone worshiped the other gods?

Does having just one god even make sense? At least if you have more than one you can find some help with rain or fire or fish or what ever you need when you need it to survive with out having to rely upon the one god. Just think about it for a minute. If I pray to a singular god and he is pissed off with me to the point that he will let me starve or worse have some other group attack me and my family and kill me. There is a good chance that I will die. That is if this god who is against me wishes it.

Yet if I pray to several gods and one gets pissed I have a good chance of still getting fish from the water gods or fire from the god of fire or rain from the rain god and if I can't eat corn that year I can still eat fish. Or what ever the other gods whom wish me well allow. Even if I am being attacked at least I can pray for my god to help me knowing that their god is not my god.

Thank god I'm an atheist

P.S, Ian's a dick

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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:22/04/2011 5:51 AMCopy HTML


Thank god I'm an atheist. But not a particularly bright or consistent one, it seems.


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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:13/05/2011 1:48 AMCopy HTML

But the world will not come to an great and powerful GOD will bring about a great fire to cleans the world of it's wicked people end but it will come to an end when the free will be the slaves of the powerful.

And Ian will just be a voice for them in a church to keep the simple sheep in line.

Money as Debt


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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:13/05/2011 1:51 AMCopy HTML


You and Tony Barton aren't related by any chance, are you?


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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:09/08/2011 11:53 PMCopy HTML
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #76
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:09/08/2011 11:54 PMCopy HTML

what god is your god or is it do you MIND?
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:10/08/2011 2:36 AMCopy HTML

Reply to Guest

To prezy, casa,

I may be wrong here but a woman named Tamara was involved with Ted Owen. I believe she was from Adelaide. May or may not be the same person you are referring to. This Tammy ended up marrying Keith Turner and both now with RF in Ballarat.


I remember the great scandal that occured between Keith Turner,and Tammy.Apparantly Keith had
an affair with Tammy and ran off with her.Left behind his wife and kids.
  And the GRC just makes out they are so perfect.YEA RIGHT.
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:17/08/2011 8:52 AMCopy HTML

You are just a slave to the powers that be
Be it Noel or the Pope or the money power.

When you walk into the GRC you do so voluntarily or with your parents who would drag you along to what ever group of god followers the belong to . But when the powers that be come and force things on you this is far more dangerous than Noel. Noel just wants to control you life and take your money. And the money powers want to take you life and you money. When they can no longer fleece you they will eat you You are a sheep in the GRC and in life. Break from from one and you will see the light on the other.

Have a nice day
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #79
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:17/08/2011 8:56 AMCopy HTML


I see. So you've run out of 'puff' on fluoride in the drinking water, then?

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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:19/08/2011 9:38 AMCopy HTML

 I see you're still a dick Ian
most people like you end up in the nut house or running their own cult
I was just hoping Uncoolman would come to his senses and kick you out again.
But as this site has gone to the fanatics not much worth reading or help out any more.
Didn't some once say that dick was fat and ugly and old and sitting in his home with his cats and knubbed thumbs
playing god.

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #81
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:19/08/2011 9:43 AMCopy HTML

Dick here is a question for you  read this a tell you sheep if this is real on not
Or tell them if god will heal them from this or not

you can pray all you want but god aint going to stop this from effecting you and your family.

But who needs reality when you have dickhead
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #82
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:19/08/2011 11:40 AMCopy HTML


I see you're still a dick Ian. Okay. most people like you end up in the nut house or running their own cult. Or, it seems, helping people to exit such organisations. So I wonder: what do people like you end up doing? Is this as good as it gets for you? I was just hoping Uncoolman would come to his senses and kick you out again. 'Again'? Pray, when did Unkoolman kick me out before? But as this site has gone to the fanatics not much worth reading or help out any more. Sorry, but 'help out'? When have you ever 'helped out' anyone here? However, I suppose it's a case of better the informed 'fanatics' than the uninformed conspiracy theorists (surely you know the type, those who sit at home in front of their computers wearing tinfoil on their heads). Didn't some once say that dick was fat and ugly and old and sitting in his home with his cats and knubbed thumbs playing god. Well, given that you're the one with the potted history of spinning yarns, you tell me.

Dick here is a question for you read this a tell you sheep if this is real on not. Sorry, but was there a question lurking someone in that ungrammatical rant? Or tell them if god will heal them from this or not. Hmmm ... so where's the question again?

you can pray all you want but god aint going to stop this from effecting you and your family. 私は オーストラリア ではない 日本 に 住ん でいる (or, 'I live in Australia, not Japan'). But who needs reality when you have dickhead. Given your history here (e.g. the whole fluoride-in-the-water-is-a-government-conspiracy-to-render-you-impotent; the World-Bank-is-the-puppet-of-the-Freemasons; Barak-Obama-is-actually-a-Martian, etc), when did you start worrying yourself about reality? :)


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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:19/08/2011 11:41 AMCopy HTML


please get a stick and kill it before it spreads.smiley17

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #84
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:26/08/2011 2:30 AMCopy HTML

 Cult or not a cult it's all the same in the end. It's controlling the controllable

Mind control and cults. The difference between people being told what to think and do and doing what they think is best for themselves and their family
Be it Catholics or Pentecostals,Church of England or Church of Jim Jones there is little difference.  And what difference there is is extend of the people self delusion. A teacher or preacher it's all about control and the sheep willing to follow them. Do as I say and you will be fine. Do as you will and you will be punished.
The Geelong Revival Centre is less harmful than the major religions that most people think are the end all and be all or gods word.

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #85
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:26/08/2011 3:03 AMCopy HTML


The Geelong Revival Centre is less harmful than the major religions that most people think are the end all and be all or gods word. Better that you stick to peddling conspiracy theories about aliens and fluoride, as you're completely out of your depth when it comes to serious religious commentary.



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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:26/08/2011 10:49 PMCopy HTML

So remind me again how I, being the sort of guy who doesn't lie, cheat, steal, murder, rape, nor sexually molest small children, am supposed to give my money, attention, and Sunday mornings to these dirty old men in robes claiming they speak for the divine moral authority of the universe?
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:26/08/2011 11:34 PMCopy HTML


A good start would be to get above your own self-righteousness and look to the lord for forgiveness for your own sins and not be misjudgment of others.  smiley34

I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #88
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:27/08/2011 12:02 AMCopy HTML


So remind me again how I, being the sort of guy who doesn't lie, cheat, steal, murder, rape, nor sexually molest small children, am supposed to give my money, attention, and Sunday mornings to these dirty old men in robes claiming they speak for the divine moral authority of the universe? I could begin by pointing out that your self-righteousness doesn't extend to the very important issue of not bearing false witness, eh? There's statistically a far greater chance of your neighbour being a 'sexual molester of small children', than there is your local Christian minister be so predisposed.

The promotion of truth and/or the acceptance of reality has never been your strong suit, so back to the tin foil caps for you, twit.

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #89
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:28/08/2011 7:35 AMCopy HTML

If I remember Noel was an Adam and Eve preacher. Not to mention Noah and David, Solomon,Moses etc.

But here is some simple reading for those who did not get it in church
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:28/08/2011 8:21 AMCopy HTML


Instead of rubbing your hands with glee over debates between Dawkins and 'theological' lightweights, perhaps you should check out how he fared against the likes of Professors Alister McGrath and John Lennox instead? Furthermore the fact of Darwinian (macro) Evolution, as opposed to the theory, is apparently a far from settled affair even among the international guild of physical scientists. And the cadre of professional scientists who are prepared to speak out against the lack of academic freedom needed to criticise the obvious flaws in this theory, grows each year.

Given that you clearly aren't all that discerning when it comes to sources, I'd suggest that you read 'op ed' pieces less, and seek out serious works, more.


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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:30/08/2011 11:22 PMCopy HTML

God is a dick or acts like one
 But since god is all thing he must be a dick
Thank god I don't believe in him.
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #92
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:31/08/2011 12:52 AMCopy HTML


God is a dick or acts like one ... Why? Because he doesn't act as you think he should? But since god is all thing he must be a dick. Thank god I don't believe in him. Well, to point out the obvious to you again: if you don't believe in him then logically he can't be a d*ck, can he?



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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:02/09/2011 2:15 AMCopy HTML

One of the hard things to cope with when you leave a religion is thinking that this was and is the only way to heaven and eternal life.  That drop in the gut feeling that you get thinking that you are on a 's one way trip to hell. BOOOO!

Waking up in the middle of the night by a sudden noise or a bright light thinking that it's the END OF THE WORLD! and you are not in the right place to be saved. And you will be looking out the window watching your friends (GRC members should still be your friends even if they don't think they are your friend. Never give up on them) floating away and the NUCLEAR BOMBS falling out of the sky. (It would be just one bomb and you would not see it and depending on where you are you will have just second to kiss your butt good bye. Unless you are over the horizon and see the orange  fireball light us the night sky. Then you will have days or longer to live but you will not live that long as there will be more than one nuke going off and with all that radiation fall out and lack of clean water and food,etc you will most people will be dead with in a year.  So when you go to bed tonight give you kids a bigger hug and kiss as it might be their last night on earth. I'm sure "last night on earth is some sort of everyone off to heaven"
 don't want this to happen but some nut jobs are looking forward to it.  WHAT!  Ge thankx! But when you are not in the right place and not in the night mind and heart with god.......or at least you don't think you are you get all bend out of shape trying to find some place to go to fill that need to a ticket to heaven.
But where to go? Where to go?   All these places that you were taught were all wrong in what they preach and what you most likely still believe are the only option. Well not really but I will get back to that. Why do you think that these places were wrong? Did you learn this from Noel his minions and elders? Yes he does say (I will not use the word preach) that he is the only way to salvation. But he's wrong. Well I don't know and no body can know until the nuclear war breaks out and kill most of you. But you have to say he's wrong because that's what this site was suppose to be all about. So he's wrong and the pope is wrong. What you think the pope who covered up the fact that little kiddie were being raped is right???? So you can't go there. I KNOW! LETS START OUR OWN CULT/RELIGION!!! YAAAAAA!. This way we know that if we interpret the all the works of god from all the different religions in our own way we must be right and will get the golden ticker to heaven. Or at least thinking that.  There are a number of people who have left the GRC who have started their own religion and will turn out the same as all the rest. So in the end you are left with nothing but yourself. So trust in yourself and be very VERY careful in who you let tell you what they believe in.

have a nice day.
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:02/09/2011 2:27 AMCopy HTML

 Wow, what a mixed up little puppy you are?
The world isn't all that bad!!!!
There are still a lot of good people and good religions and religious organisations out there!!!
Trust in yourself OR to thine own self be true.............
Having a nice day.......but worried about the sanity of some.
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #95
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:02/09/2011 3:39 AMCopy HTML


Don't mind Canuck and his ranting; his grasp on reality is tenuous at best :)


Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #96
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:02/09/2011 6:59 AMCopy HTML

There are lot of religions and cult to be warned of and they don't all preach gods  If there is money involved there is someone who will try and take as much as they can get by selling lies. 
You think that Noel is rich from telling lies just look at Al Gore.

And it should be good news that humans are not causing the planets warming but it's just like what has happened for billions of years. Can you imagine if humans could change climates? The power that we would have at hand would make us like.....GODS

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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:02/09/2011 7:01 AMCopy HTML

Reply to Didaktikon


Don't mind Canuck and his ranting; his grasp on reality is tenuous at best :)



Ian a fat ugly preacher who when cornered just argues the person and not the facts.
But when you believe in a god and have to believe in a god to be someone you must be half stupid and the other half nuts. But I don't mind arguing the facts of the dick head. Both are wrong
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:02/09/2011 7:18 AMCopy HTML

Unlike you Canuck who resorts to "fat and ugly"? You left off the "nah nah nah nah". Is Bart Simpson your role model perchance?

One cannot argue the facts of. The facts with, the facts about, the facts pertaining to, the facts cited, but not the facts of. I am surprised you don't end every sentence with "but". I can imagine your English teacher's comment on your examination paper ...."5% effortlessly achieved"

Old John
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:02/09/2011 7:23 AMCopy HTML

Nashville suburb officially ends water fluoridation

Jonathan Benson

A few weeks ago NaturalNews reported that officials from Spring Hill, Tenn., a fast-growing suburb of Nashville, were considering ending the city's water fluoridation program. We are excited to report that, according to a recent report in The Tennessean, these same city leaders have officially and unanimously decided to stop fluoridating the city's public water supply beginning on November 1, a move that will save taxpayers more than $21,000 a year.

It all began when various individuals, including Spring Hill's water superintendent Caryl Giles, began questioning the city's Board of Mayor and Aldermen about the need to fluoridate water. This sparked Alderman Amy Wurth, along with several others, to help lead the charge in removing fluoride from Spring Hill's water supply, contending that because not everybody reacts the same way to its ingestion, forcing it on the entire population is wrong.

"I think we have to be responsible as parents and look at other options for fluoridation, but not put it in the water where it's not needed," said Alderman Keith Hudson, who supports Wurth and the others contentions that water fluoridation is outdated, expensive, and not even necessarily backed by sound science.

Reports indicate that fluoridation of Spring Hill's water will officially end on September 30, 2011, which is several months shy of officials' earlier estimates for its potential removal. Spring Hill's water department will also send out a public notice within 30 days of this date to its nearly 30,000 residents, notifying them of the change.

This historic move by a large metropolitan suburb to end water fluoridation is a significant one that could snowball into many other communities following its lead, particularly those in states like Tennessee that do not have statewide mandated fluoridation laws.
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Re:Is Your Revival Centre a Cult?

Date Posted:02/09/2011 8:12 AMCopy HTML

Reply to Didaktikon


Don't mind Canuck and his ranting; his grasp on reality is tenuous at best :)

Ian the dick
Wow Dickhead you sound more and more like Noel each day.

Noel says the same thing each week. Don't listen to anyone else but me! Don't think for yourself! Never mind the truth the truth is what I tell you it is.

What a Dickhead back assed preacher you are

People who have just life the GRC and any other religion it's time to think for yourself. In the end you will die and not to go where ever they told you will if you are good. In the end it's just that  THE END!

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