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Title: Current Court Proceedings | |
Revival_Centres_Discussion_Forums > Revival Churches > Christian Assemblies International (CAI) | Go to subcategory: |
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Date Posted:26/07/2011 12:27 PMCopy HTML Hello,Is there nobody out there who can give us a meaningful update on the supposed court proceedings against ASW?I must admit this makes me really frustrated. I cannot find anything on the internet referring to this court case and its progress (or not as the case may be). In the UK, court cases are freely reported and the public can also visit them. It is only in very rare circumstances that there is a total media blackout. As Australian law must have been based on UK law at some time, it seems astonishing that this court case, or the scheduling of it is not reported somewhere.There are many ex emembers of CAI around the wrold. I'm sure they are like me in finding that this is the only resource where they can find out any information about CAI and the court case. I do not have contact with any ex members in Coffs Harbour as this is impossible for me being on the other side of the globe.So, please please please, can someone in the know give us an indication of - 1) Is this court case real?2) When did it start?3) Is it happening in Coffs Harbour or elsewhere?4) Has it yet ended?5) When is it likely to end?6) Has ASW played his ill-health card again to get out of it?Many thanks. It is much appreciated.
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Re:Current Court Proceedings Date Posted:19/02/2012 12:09 AMCopy HTML Reply to Guest Why would having to pay compensation force selling of the properties? He owns nothing but the shirt on his back. - just my guess really. Is the guy rich? No, Williams sitting in a prison would probably not serve the public interest in any way but it might be seen as some kind of justice for the victims and not just those involved in the case as we all know there were countless more. However, I am intrigued as to where you have your information from. Knowing that he can barely stand, has no memory (although his memory was always selective at the best of times) and that the prosecution are finding it hard to find a doctor who can certify him fit enough to stand trial - such incredible insight could surely only be obtained from a CAI member. So just who are you in touch with and why do you find their testimony credible? - I am just a nosy person who overheard a conversation. They did not know that I overheard them so I assumed it was true. I'm not disputing it but having known Williams for years I would not put it past him at all to feign illness, memory loss, roll up in a wheelchair for sympathy and then in the privacy of his own home sit gorging himself in front of the TV and shouting at his wife as he has done for years. And I doubt he will lose much sleep about handing over the "running" of the "church" to some Germans, if that really is the case. These Germans were trained and moulded by him into his image. - then please excuse my shallow understanding, as I read elsewhere that he hated germans. Looking forward to your reply, Justine Hi "Justine" I overheard a chat between 2 persons. Not relly in touch with this group. Most of what I wrote |
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Re:Current Court Proceedings Date Posted:19/02/2012 12:26 AMCopy HTML Reply to Guest Goodness, I'm trying to breathe and not rage. A "few"forced handjobs? You stupid stupid person. A handjob or two- statistics say that a serial predator gets to the 75th victim before they get caught the first time - “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” In the public interest? Im sure that was what my husband was thinking when he swallowed. In my opinion if his conviction woke up one person in the shithole its all more than worth it. - he swallowed? OMG, that just shows his internal tendency, and I am very sorry that you married a homosexual Punishment handing over to the Germans? He still owns the fucking company. If you think this was ever about God or anyting other than sex and money think again. Guess which two cookie cutters are still the directors? - then please excuse my shallow understanding - my information was obtained by eavesdropping. And last of all- how dare you dishonor the victims and their right to justice. I pay good tax money in this country to put pieces of shit like that behind bars. - it was not my intention to dishonor anyone, most especially the victims. I though most of them were some sort of christian and were disposed towards forgiveness. Too sick? Life support didn't stop him, wtf drugs are you taking? DIAF. - Risperdal - DIAF - I had to look that up. My word, you are angry. Thats not a very christian way to speak is it? Perhaps realising that your husband is a cock sucker hurts you more than you know. |
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Re:Current Court Proceedings Date Posted:06/05/2012 3:31 PMCopy HTML Ian, you are one sanctimonious condescending fucking knob-jockey (and one without a life at that)!!
You don't help anyone with your sanctimonious drivel. Why don't you crawl under a rock and shut the XXX up for a while!! |
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Re:Current Court Proceedings Date Posted:27/07/2014 1:23 AMCopy HTML Hi CAI watchers,
This is my first post and I am navigating how to create entries. I am adding this to the "Court Proceedings" topic as I am still to work out the best place to put it. As far as I can tell the court case has stalled. However a recent development is below. This is an extract from the web entry at http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/stories/2014/07/24/4052971.htm The ABC is one of Australias main TV stations and Four Corners undertakes highly respected investigative journalism. The show airs next Monday on national TV in Australia. See below: Extract begins " Monday 28th July 2014 He is a self-styled evangelist who told his followers he was The Anointed One, chosen by God to convert the world to his beliefs. Anyone who didn't follow his word was told they would burn in hell, that he held the key to their salvation on judgement day. In reality, Scott Williams was a cult leader who used his own brand of religion to warp biblical scripture in the pursuit of sex, money and power. Scott Williams left Australia 38 years ago, converting hundreds of young people throughout Europe. On the outside, life appeared happy. But now, former cult members reveal to Four Corners a lifetime of secretive abuse, misplaced worship and horrifying punishments carried out under the guise of obedience to 'The Overseer', Scott Williams. Their stories are so shocking, their brainwashing so profound, it is almost unbelievable. As one former member explained: "It's not simple to walk out. No. I wish I could. I tried. I tried a few times. It's a curious web and it was like he's the spider and he's got you there and you can't get out of the bloody spider web." This week, reporter Caro Meldrum-Hanna investigates the rise of Scott Williams and his incredible path around the world and back to Australia, exposing how he created a hell on earth for many followers. Controlling almost everything they did, members say they were threatened, beaten, subjected to horrifying and bizarre sexual rituals - and even their children were taken away and given to others to raise for a time. All the while, Scott Williams amassed a fortune from his members. Finally, the police caught up with him - but would Scott Williams be brought to justice? And how can his Assembly still be operating in Australia? Following a four year investigation by Meldrum-Hanna, the story of Scott Williams can be told thanks to a group of courageous, key former members. Brutalised and abused, they eventually broke free from the cult. And now they break their silence publically for the first time and tell of their tormented years following the book according to Scott. CULT OF HORRORS, reported by Caro Meldrum-Hanna and presented by Kerry O'Brien, goes to air on Monday 28th July on ABC at 8.30 pm. It is repeated on Tuesday 29th July at 11.00 am and 11.35 pm. It can also be seen on ABC News 24 on Saturday at 8.00 pm, at ABC iview and at abc.net.au/4corners. |