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Date Posted:27/07/2014 1:34 AMCopy HTML

Hi CAI watchers,

I am a newbie to this forum and just worked out how to add a new topic - I also added it as a reply to previous topic earlier while learning how to use the site. 

I am adding this as I found this web article yesterday and some people will want to see the TV article next Monday.

Four Corners is a highly respected Australian TV show that uses investigative journalism.  The ABC is a national channel in Australia.

Start of extract from the link above "

Monday 28th July 2014

He is a self-styled evangelist who told his followers he was The Anointed One, chosen by God to convert the world to his beliefs.

Anyone who didn't follow his word was told they would burn in hell, that he held the key to their salvation on judgement day.

In reality, Scott Williams was a cult leader who used his own brand of religion to warp biblical scripture in the pursuit of sex, money and power.

Scott Williams left Australia 38 years ago, converting hundreds of young people throughout Europe. On the outside, life appeared happy. But now, former cult members reveal to Four Corners a lifetime of secretive abuse, misplaced worship and horrifying punishments carried out under the guise of obedience to 'The Overseer', Scott Williams. Their stories are so shocking, their brainwashing so profound, it is almost unbelievable. As one former member explained:

"It's not simple to walk out. No. I wish I could. I tried. I tried a few times. It's a curious web and it was like he's the spider and he's got you there and you can't get out of the bloody spider web."

This week, reporter Caro Meldrum-Hanna investigates the rise of Scott Williams and his incredible path around the world and back to Australia, exposing how he created a hell on earth for many followers. Controlling almost everything they did, members say they were threatened, beaten, subjected to horrifying and bizarre sexual rituals - and even their children were taken away and given to others to raise for a time.

All the while, Scott Williams amassed a fortune from his members.

Finally, the police caught up with him - but would Scott Williams be brought to justice? And how can his Assembly still be operating in Australia?

Following a four year investigation by Meldrum-Hanna, the story of Scott Williams can be told thanks to a group of courageous, key former members. Brutalised and abused, they eventually broke free from the cult. And now they break their silence publically for the first time and tell of their tormented years following the book according to Scott.

CULT OF HORRORS, reported by Caro Meldrum-Hanna and presented by Kerry O'Brien, goes to air on Monday 28th July on ABC at 8.30 pm. It is repeated on Tuesday 29th July at 11.00 am and 11.35 pm. It can also be seen on ABC News 24 on Saturday at 8.00 pm, at ABC iview and at

" End of extract

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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Re:Cult of Horrors TV Article

Date Posted:28/07/2014 2:31 PMCopy HTML

I'm so sorry to hear of all the abuse the victims of Scott Williams have endured.
I'm so sorry. 
Exprc Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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Re:Cult of Horrors TV Article

Date Posted:29/07/2014 11:48 AMCopy HTML

Biblianut Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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Re:Cult of Horrors TV Article

Date Posted:29/07/2014 10:26 PMCopy HTML

Geez, I thought Hollin's power hungry bastardy was extreme! You poor people. Justice will be served someday.

Grace and peace.

I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
anon1 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #4
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Re:Cult of Horrors TV Article

Date Posted:09/08/2014 8:53 AMCopy HTML

Ha ! 

Surreal ..   odd world this... met an aquaintence this evening,  who happened to have let me know of similar experience (different religion!)   but it brought back  memories for me ....  so  I logged into the  old forum.   I hadn't considered / thought for some time about particular fat Austraaalien men and their odd wives...

Wow -  even more surreal ..... 
- time and distance really make a difference. 
- very surreal  trip down 'memory lane'  and may be a good thing. 

As even  the  CAI  often quote in the Autumn  'Lest We Forget'  

I had thought (having heard horror  stories of folks in 'extreme  and/or  abusive cults')   that, well actually I got off lightly  that CAI  wasn't that bad. But no,  it was/is !!!  it's a total  cynical and  sinister affair. 

thank you for  original  poster ---  gee, national  TV investigative program.
- lots of interesting information
-  some of the old teaching sheets - they bring back some very strange memories and  those news  articles ... 

the CAI  is so fzxked --  I can't figure  how they're going to  explain this one to their members. now, that I'd like to see !

Bastards .... 

Come  on Andrew/ Donald/others  ...  the game's up  ...  how can you defend this monster called Scott. ....  you guys are totally  FXXXed.   Come lads, get a  grip ... the CAI is finished  close it down and stop perpetuating your false doctrines.  go and do something useful  of what's left of your lives ... there's  hope for you  (some, may be not very much )...
It"s never too late to leave. Even if yon"ve been in the Assembly a long time.
viking1 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #5
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Re:Cult of Horrors TV Article

Date Posted:14/08/2014 3:38 PMCopy HTML

 "Lest we forget" is an attribution respecting our heros who died in the 2nd world war to protect our rights of freedom and anti-facism. For what it's worth Scott has always put this teaching through. He may not be perfect but he has at least made sure that everyone knows exactly what history tells us and also exactly what the Bible says. He has put Christ's teachings through to the best of his ability (regardless of his own personal shortcomings) and no-one who joins the assembly is required to do anything but study their Bible and pray, pray, pray. How dare you point the finger at genuine born again Christians and say they are deceived. Perhaps YOU were deceived into following someone you thought was a pope or otherwise self acclaimed saint. That isn't who he is and it certainly isn't what a person should follow. 
Aye right
viking1 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #6
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Re:Cult of Horrors TV Article

Date Posted:14/08/2014 3:53 PMCopy HTML

 My own personal experience of CAI is - good music, good fellowship (without alcohol, smoking), compassion, love, care for my welfare and most importantly, friendship. I know that at any given time my friends would be there for me. Anyone who isn't overcoming a life of addiction may not know just how precious and valuable these attributes are, but those who are battling addiction know how good it feels to have someone who loves you put their arms around you and tell you that you will make it. Especially when that person points you to the Bible and tells you you are an overcomer. Tell me that is a lie!!!
Aye right
Biblianut Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #7
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Re:Cult of Horrors TV Article

Date Posted:14/08/2014 9:32 PMCopy HTML

Anyone who follows the false doctrine of the CAI, aka Revival Centres, makes for themselves a bed in Hell.
I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
anon1 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #8
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Re:Cult of Horrors TV Article

Date Posted:17/08/2014 11:57 PMCopy HTML

Hello Viking1

thanks for posting,  great to have  your contribution

I don' t know your status -if you've left CAI (recently or otherwise) or not.
..  hopefully you`ve  made the dash for the  border (or are thinking about leaving or areat least open minded to question a few things) … well done if

A) you have left, 

B)  can think about leaving or question things.

C)  ...if you haven`t, hopefully  in the nearfuture you`ll be slightly more open – we are extraordinarily narrow-minded in the CAI.  


I believe the  CAI  has been  beneficial to  people (but in  very limited way) – there are several  members ( may be yourself too)  who have  battled addiction or  similar, and havefound  hope and deliverance via the CAI.

This is  a genuine  experience. 

The circumstances in thesepeoples’  lives led them to the CAI, but also creates  a very real  and strong bond tothe  CAI.

I knew a few in theassembly  who similarly  were set free from drugs  or other addictions.

I  thinks these were/are inspirational good-newsstories  (unfortunately they give the CAI  credibility)


 I hope these people ( may be  yourself included) can  continue withoutfalling on old ways.


The thing here is to  separate very personal  experience from thecollective  experience and  the motivations of the CAI and it’sleader(s).

Especially if you’ve hada   massive deliverance from addiction,it’s extremely hard to be objective about CAI and Scott.


Scott is  truly an charismatic and inspirationalleader.

But he`s fundamentally flawed  - putting it nicely.


The other thing is,  CAI does not  have a  monopoly on deliverance  from drugs etc-  actually  many faiths and non-religious  organisations also  have success.

Other people  achieve deliverance /freedom  for apersonal experience – not necessarily religious.

..  to  thebenefit of the CAI,  it happens that somepeople come our way -  making  for great testimony.


I AM  not  belittling your own experience and wish you good health….  But it is not unique.

YOUR EXPERIENCE  IS GENIUNE  ..  although there may be  different ways to  understand how thisoccurred

It is true there are moments the fellowship can be good, even the music - theseare often things that keep people in CAI .
For me this  probably delayed mydeparture for a couple of  years –through the fellowship we invest in relationships in the CAI it`s hard to make a break or think independently.  We`re emotionally  committed to the CAI and our CAI friends.

I  too had  great  moments of fellowship and  loved the music  (though a little limited in style).

oddly looking  back - some (fairly) good memories ! 

Even after leaving,  I too  for a  long time was of the  opinion Scott`s  `just  a  misguided` but well intentioned  Leader.

It  didn`t occur to me Scott was  massively wrong,  nor even something more sinister.

  I suspect I thought of him much  like how you think at the moment.


But, Scott is a wileyfox.....     he is a deceitful  hypocrite.

He  smiles and laughs a lot,  he is very good at connecting to  people.

He is believable.
He is  someone  you can  believe in.
... he is  unrepentant  and  decidedly  so.

...  he  is deceitful  and blatently   so  on  many levels (scriptural, financial, personal).

I  was in  awe of him when in the CAI.  

When in his presence,  everything seems to make  perfect sense.There`s  clarity  and conviction. 

He says  something though not necessarily  scripture,but  sure sounds fabulous and deep.

We  hang on every  sentence  he utters or writes. 

We will do  anything he asks. 

We are not  objective free thinkers in his presence.

He becomes our conscience !


But,  Scott isn`t a  mis-lead  agent of the Lord. 

Watch the  documentary…  there are some  very very  serious accusations  against  Scott from the most senior members of theCAI. (now ex-members)

The folks  in the documentary  were the inner circle of the CAI…  these aren`t  just  normal members in a small  back-waters cell group. 

Scott  hasn`t come to  court to  clear his name – rather  done his best to  avoid  court.    WHY ?! 


Scott and the  CAI

-         Are motivated bypower and money and possibly  particulartype of sexual  stimulus

-         This may be hardto  believe, but it`s true….  I could n`t believe this for a long time.

-         The CAI isabout  controlling all  aspects of member`s   lives, coercing believe to  accept   and obey `teaching`  


You are perfectly right,  Scott   `puts through the teaching` (his  teaching, with veryselective scriptures) 

LEST  WE FORGET … wasn`t  so much  a reference to  Scott`s teaching of WWI  WWII,  rather, least we forget  our  experiences of the CAI  (LEST WE FORGET  in the CAI ...  is all about  remembering the CAI teaching  `putting  through the teaching and the  will of the overseer`).

-         This documentary  is a timely reminder, things aren`t all rosy and wonderful at the CAI, but there rather a lot that stinks

-         There is a lot ofbad things


Members are 

-         Financially  stripped of their  savings   and forced to pay  heavy `offerings`  and fines

-         Almost allare  psychologically &  verbally bullied   

-         Sexual  abuse also occurred.

-         Some are  physically beaten

-         Forced to  take on huge /  onerous  tasks  

-         Forced to attendmeetings  (sometimes  summoned to other  countries)

-         Forced to movecountries and  give up their livelihoods

-         Separated fromfamilies  (inside and  outside of the CAI)

-         Alienated &discouraged to spend time with families  and friends

-         `admonished`   -  Threatenedfrequently

-         Financially  punished.  -  fines  / offerings

-         Monitored  

-         We are  sexually compromised -   how can a  leader of a anti-homosexual  church encourage  men sleeping together and  message nights.

-         Plus more…   


The  CAI is a genuine CULT  .

-         We fundamentally  do not  accept  salvation message as taught by mainstream

-        Do not  preach the holy trinity  (A51   or A53 for ref to  oneness church of God)

-         We have  lots of laws  (bible or otherwise)

-         We  have many unusual  teaching  - particularly the whole  British Isrealthing

-         Little  understanding about  atonement,  forgiveness, sin)

-         Very keen on  preaching hell-fire and  repentence

-         Separatist  - exclusive ….  Little fellowship  with other Christians

-         We  edit teaching material from  original  sources to make it  conform to  CAI teaching.



Viking1  if you re still in the CAI ,   I hopeyou`ll  be able to make your  way out.  It`s possible  but  can be hard.

It will take time tore-assess the  CAI.

The people in the documentaryare  genuine – they are  witness to many wrong things that occurredand were themselves victims of Scott.   

Please  take the  time when you can  and  watch again this documentary.
It`s been the best thing that`s happened for the CAI in a long time.

it may  take  much  thought and questioning  to  be able to  change your  point of reference.
 - some of the claims  may sound  `fantastic`   but  they are geniune   unfortunately

all the best !!  :-)


It"s never too late to leave. Even if yon"ve been in the Assembly a long time.
TwikieB Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #9
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Re:Cult of Horrors TV Article

Date Posted:02/12/2015 10:55 AMCopy HTML

 Dear all reading this,

After some time out now, I can just confirm how great it is to follow Jesus according to the New Covenant that we are to live under.

The books published under have been an incredible help.

I read them in this order:
1. Should the Church teach Tithing.... this helped to get my eyes open to the New Covenant, and paved the way out.
2. So You Don't Want to Go to Church Anymore. Very interesting indeed, and quite revealing as to how those in leadership suppress those who only want to find out the truth.
3. When The Church Leaves tbe Building. Interesting.
4. Who are the Clergy. This one blew my mind... this was it.... I just knew that I would never, never, never again join any "establish church built according to the Old Testament pattern". A person near me stated that after page 10, that was the day of salvation for that person.
5. The Great Ecclesiastical Conspiracy. Very, very revealing... the 2nd best after "Who are the Clergy".
(6. I have just started reading "The Naked Church".)

To all of you out there still suffering, having lost your faith: Jesus loves you! And He always will.

He is standing knocking gently at the door or your heart (Rev 3:20, YLT:  "lo, I have stood at the door, and I knock; if any one may hear my voice, and may open the door, I will come in unto him, and will sup with him, and he with me. "). If you dare open the door to Him, and Him alone, a healing and restoration will take place that you did not believe was possible.
TwikieB Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #10
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Re:Cult of Horrors TV Article

Date Posted:02/12/2015 10:58 AMCopy HTML

 I forgot something: Should you not have the patience to read, please watch the Romans series:

And then if you have more time, check out the other series as well.

Clue: We are living under the New Covenant... Jesus has already done it all for us. But we are not saved unless we receive that gift by faith in Jesus, and let ourselves be transformed from within....
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #11
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Re:Cult of Horrors TV Article

Date Posted:14/12/2015 11:25 PMCopy HTML

Hello, TwinkieB.

I think you place far more confidence in the books you recommended from the "Truth for Free" website than is warranted.

Anti-church (a la, "let's-return-to-the-supposedly-primitive-Christian-pattern") movements abound, especially in the USA. However, my browsing of the website, and of several of the e-books available therein, simply reinforced my first impressions: the various author(s) are ignorant of not only the contexts underpinning the 1st century church, but of church history more generally, the Greek language, and historic Christian teaching across a range of subjects.

Sadly, the very first error Revivalists tend towards making when they leave the particular sect they were deceived by is attempting to go it alone, separated from the so-called "institutional church". Unfortunately, this is precisely the WRONG course of action to take. Doing so is guaranteed to reinforce incorrect doctrinal assumptions, it will compound existing theological errors, and the result will be stunted spiritual growth / maturity. Incidentally, the second error is almost as grievous as the first: blindly jumping into another Pentecostal denomination! Far better instead to seek out a fellowship of believers where solid teaching is provided by well trained men and women; where biblical principles, values and behaviours are modeled and promoted; where integrity and transparency are the order of the day.

Jesus Christ gave us the church ('yes', that's right the church) for a reason. The apostle Paul spilled more ink writing about the church and its functions than he did any other topic for a reason. You might want to prayerfully reflect on this.



TwikieB Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #12
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Re:Cult of Horrors TV Article

Date Posted:15/12/2015 9:05 AMCopy HTML

 Dear Ian,

Thanks for your message. Interesting thoughts. I am not embracing all doctrins on "Truth for Free". However, since it did help me get out, it is natural and logical that I am very grateful for that effect at least.

One question back to you: Have you read "The Great Eccelsiastical Conspiracy"? You make several statements and claims with little backup/sources/references. The Greek word "ecclesia" did certainly not mean church as we know it... just to give one little example. Another interesting source on the matter is Torben Sondergaard ( and his video series (The Pioneer School) as well as his books. Not sure if our dialogue should continue in this forum though.

Blessings, TwikieB

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #13
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Re:Cult of Horrors TV Article

Date Posted:19/12/2015 3:35 AMCopy HTML

Hello, TwinkieB.

Thanks for your message. You're welcome. Interesting thoughts. Indeed. I am not embracing all doctrins on "Truth for Free". However, since it did help me get out, it is natural and logical that I am very grateful for that effect at least. Of course. It's a pity you didn't stop by this site sooner, given the material here is tailored more towards the Revivalist heresy. Consequently, you may have exited from the CAI sooner, and with a much improved level of spiritual discernment.

One question back to you: Have you read "The Great Eccelsiastical Conspiracy"? I have not. My general reading time is limited, so I tend to devote myself more towards substantial works of non-fiction. You make several statements and claims with little backup/sources/references. This is hardly surprising given it wasn't my intention to write a literature review on the previously discussed material. My aim was much simpler, to voice caution about the newly separated Revivalist's tendency towards over-enthusiastically "swallowing" new "food" before learning how to "chew" and "taste" it first. The Greek word "ecclesia" did certainly not mean church as we know it... just to give one little example. Really? According to whom? Another interesting source on the matter is Torben Sondergaard ( and his video series (The Pioneer School) as well as his books. Interesting? Doubtless. Reliable? Doubtful. Mr Sondergaard seems to have as good a grasp of what Acts 2:38 teaches as did Lloyd Longfield and Scott Williams.

Not sure if our dialogue should continue in this forum though. It seems as good a place as any, given you've been promoting the material here.



flatearth Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #14
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Re:Cult of Horrors TV Article

Date Posted:06/01/2016 6:22 PMCopy HTML

Reply to TwikieB

[quote] One question back to you: Have you read "The Great Eccelsiastical Conspiracy"? 

You make several statements and claims with little backup/sources/references. [\quote]

Give him a chance - goodness, does not sound like you have left behind your cai mentality. Sounds like you were one of their "officers"

[quote]The Greek word "ecclesia" did certainly not mean church as we know it... [\quote]

Wow, what a revelation that is. You really have done your homework.

anonOne Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #15
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Re:Cult of Horrors TV Article

Date Posted:07/01/2016 7:46 AMCopy HTML

 Hi All

if you are leaving (have left) the cult -  get professional counselling.

Covenants and doctrines, faith/convictions etc,  may be something you wish to follow, certainly I did this for several years after my departure from CAI.

I would like to point out - Christianity (what ever favour)  does not / may not have all the answers and may not be the final place you'll end up on the end out of CAI. Be aware of this possibility even if it seems an unlikely  path for you. For instance,  I  myself am now  healthily sceptical and  have little desire to commit my life 'to the Lord'

....DO get help - talk to a trained professional, this applies to those who did not suffer sexual abuse....  the psychological support will help ... and a proper counsellor will help you move at your own pace - it can be for some quite painful and difficult at first opening up.  Take care of yourself - you're  worth it :-)    

anonOne Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #16
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Re:Cult of Horrors TV Article

Date Posted:09/01/2016 2:17 PMCopy HTML

 an  un-biased , trained counsellor will help you   work through  your  past  experiences and deal with your  immediate future.

Please  seek  help

 - this does not mean you are compromising your  faith (asking for psychological help)

TwikieB Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #17
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Re:Cult of Horrors TV Article

Date Posted:17/03/2016 2:54 AMCopy HTML

 Hi Ian & Flatearth,

Ian: Thanks for your comments above. I would like to answer briefly.

1. No need to look back, since I can't change the course of events. I had a very good journey out, based on starting to read The Word while several times "re-setting" my mind (with help of others).

2. We seem to have come to different conclusions regarding what "church" is, and I respect that. Regarding the word church: A use of the ISA (interlinear scripture analyzer) as well as understanding the context, it becomes fairly clear. David Yeubanks comes to the same conclusion in "Who Are the Clergy" as does the author of  "The Great Ecclesiastical Conspiracy".

3. I am also moving away from Torben's theology.

Flatearth: I may still have much CAI mentality in me, and see that as natural. I Think it is coming out of me step by step though. Yes, I was one of the "officers". I do find sources important though, as do most people who are open minded and investigative.


Funker Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #18
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Re:Cult of Horrors TV Article

Date Posted:26/05/2016 12:11 AMCopy HTML

 Hi folks ...
I was in he PEB/RCI in the early years and I can say thanks to the LORD that I was not in the view of the ASW in that point like Gunther and others ... I was not a very good swimmer at all.
I have seen the interview with Gunther and the others. Now I can explain some situations at the HV in Reutte. I want to talk with he pastors but I was stopped in the first floor by the KG members. "The pastors have no time yet, You have to do something to clear he problem by yourself ...." and some other textes.
I had some problemes with the audio amplifier and sound boxes in the meeting room. Well, my solutions for the meeting eems to be bad for the officials.
I s insite 1982 to 1986, someone will know me from my job inside: cassette duplication and sending to the KG members, Installing and buying the CB Radio Equipment, singer in the choire .... and other jobs.
I was looking on the CAI webside and I am unable to found any information about the died of ASW.
But I have seen aome pictures form the time including me ...
Regards from Funker Tom

1. Korinther 13 Vers 13: (1.Cor 13/13) Für jetzt bleiben Glaube, Hoffnung, Liebe, diese drei, doch am groessten unter ihnen ist die Liebe !!!! "Funker" -> Amateur Radio Operator (HAM)
RCI prophesies
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