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Date Posted:02/06/2010 5:50 AMCopy HTML

This concerns (“head in the clouds”) Christians as well:  Subject: Fw: One Journalist's tirade ! This is worth reading in its entirety and carefully. This is quite a read and it should be on every journalist’s desk so it can appear in every newspaper in the country.  Where are you 4 Corners!!!!!!               Woeful Rudd an inept PM·       Andrew Bolt          ·       From: Herald Sun         ·       April 13, 2010 7:57PMKEVIN Rudd spent his first two years in power smashing stuff.Now, in this election year, he's spending up to $1 billion of your money to fix the damage.That's right: Rudd is spending at least $1 billion to fix the havoc he's unleashed by handing out free insulation, splurging on overpriced school buildings, relaxing boat people laws, letting in an unsustainable 300,000 people a year and more.Oh, I know. You think I'm far too hard on a Prime Minister with the air of a particularly methodical Christian dentist. But one disillusioned day you will hear from many who now work with him that how Rudd seems is bizarrely different to how he is.I don't just mean that this publicly prissy churchgoer is privately a foul-mouthed, arrogant, paranoid and abusive control freak, but that many of his brightest ideas swiftly flop.The truth is his uncanny skill at spinning has so far saved Rudd's reputation as a manager.But check the substance rather than the image and you find he already qualifies as possibly the most incompetent prime minister since World War II. And, no, I haven't forgotten Whitlam.Take Monday's announcement that his Government will now spend another $14 million on a taskforce to tackle the massive rorting of its $16.2 billion school stimulus scheme.This so-called "Building the Education Revolution" spendathon was always destined to be a colossal waste.To spend so much so fast on school halls, shade-cloths and a few classrooms and libraries was to blow a fortune on fripperies that had little to do with making children smarter or more civilised.But even I couldn't predict the scandalous rorting which followed. In NSW, for instance, builders have charged at least $800,000 a time for more than 40 covered outdoor learning areas which official state government costings say should cost just $250,000.From Perth to Sydney, schools have complained of receiving trash for your cash - useless canteens at half the size for twice the price, libraries with no shelves or with heating that would kill if the windows were closed; single classrooms costing double what you'd pay for a package home; and fire-fighting tanks that weren't asked for.In Victoria, even a dying school with just two children was given $150,000, and from everywhere came complaints that BER developers were charging "management fees" of up to 21 per cent.That's all your money, folks. Blown in what some now call the Builders' Early Retirement fund.Now the Government is spending even more of your money - $14 million - on a taskforce to stop the looting of what's left of our $16.2 billion. Or to seem to.Why did Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard only now announce this "safeguard" when it's been clear for months that your taxes were being wasted like never before in our history?Three reasons, all squalid. First, Channel 7 last weekend mainstreamed this scandal, running a devastating report on its Sunday Night current affairs show.Second, it's election year, and setting up a taskforce makes it seem like you're dealing with a problem, at least for now.And, thirdly, although Gillard refuses to admit it she has got an advance report on this BER racket from the Auditor General that is likely to be devastating, and it's a fair bet she set up her taskforce to short-circuit the criticism she'll get when it's released.This BER rorting is the biggest waste by Rudd so far, with anything up to $8 billion thrown away. But the more graphic symbol of his incompetence - of having to spend millions to fix what he caused by spending billions - is his free insulation scheme.Again, it didn't make sense from the start for Rudd to spend $2.5 billion of your money to install free insulation in the homes of people who thought it wasn't worth doing with their own cash.It's even crazier now we know Rudd barged ahead even after his own department was warned in writing a year ago that rushing out these freebies could attract shysters, burn down houses and kill people.It all happened, just as Rudd was warned, with four installers now dead, 120 homes set on fire and more than 300,000 houses fitted with potentially lethal, incomplete or near-useless junk.TO fix the disaster and compensate the losers, the Government may now have to spend anything up to $1 billion, with the National Electrical Contractors Association estimating repairs alone could cost $450 million.It also means taxpayers must pay millions to take out insulation that Rudd made them pay millions to put in. It couldn't get crazier.Correction. It already has. See, Rudd meant this giveaway to "stimulate" the economy and put people in jobs.But the day before Easter (a good time to bury bad news) his Government announced, in effect, that his insulation scheme had killed off the very industry he'd meant it to help.The Government said it would now give insulation manufacturers $15 million to help them stockpile all the batts and foil they can no longer sell, now that Rudd's scheme has stuck the stuff in a million more ceilings.Those stockpiles of unsaleable batts are a clear sign that these once healthy businesses have been poleaxed.Indeed, an industry which once predicted Rudd's free insulation plan would create 4000 jobs now says its collapse has cost the jobs of 6000.Or even 8000, says Dandenong's Fletcher Insulation, which warns that every insulation manufacturer may shut this year, at least temporarily.That's why Rudd has spent another $41 million of your money to help retrain the people sacked from an industry he spent billions to "stimulate".And still this lunatic incompetence doesn't end. To fix this mess before the election, Rudd has switched his entire emissions trading team on to it.Remember them? They're the 154 public servants Rudd originally hired to work on what until this year he called "the greatest moral, economic and social challenge of our time" - the man-made global warming he told us his great new green tax on everything would help stop.But that tax is now blocked in the Senate, and public support for it is falling like a bat   out of hell, so Rudd has put "the greatest moral, economic and social challenge of our time" on the backburner, and set his $57 million-a-year team of planet-savers to work on insulation instead.And still this comedy is not done.Rudd last weekend froze the processing of refugee applications from Sri Lanka and Afghanistan to stop the tide of boats he unleashed by weakening our boat people laws two years ago.Boat people were a problem John Howard had fixed, cutting arrivals to just 18 boats over six years. Rudd unfixed that problem by going soft, so he's now luring in more than 10 boats a month.THE Christmas Island detention centre is filled to bursting, and fixing this will cost hundreds of millions more of your dollars, with the 2000 people who've arrived just this year costing some $80,000 each to process.Then there's the whole new "Department of Population" Rudd abruptly created this month to hose down the alarm he'd raised by not only letting in a record 300,000 immigrants last year, but by then happily endorsing predictions that our population will explode to 36 million by 2050.And we still don't know how much in total we must pay for all Rudd's other failures - FuelWatch, Grocery Watch, the scrapped tender of his first broadband scheme, the lobbying for his new pan-Asian body, the botched Green Loans plan, the rorted solar hot water scheme, the "Ideas Summit" fiasco and the new nuclear disarmament body. Still, more amazing than this waste is that Rudd retains the air of a man who knows just what he's doing, and is across every detail.Watch him now sell his latest multi-billion-dollar plan - a health shakeup that Ken Baxter, former head of the premier's department in Victoria and NSW, warns will create a bureaucratic monster that will eat money.But look at Rudd. See how assured and competent he seems, even as his last schemes still fall around his ears?Amazing gift, that, and you're paying billions for it.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...and guess what.....his 'spin' will elect him again at the next election.....unless other media journalists also remind the public & expose the litany of failures by this pompous man. Which part of mismanagement, waste & wholesale debt creation do people not understand ?        UNBELIEVABLE !   If you are genuinely concerned about how you are governed - pass this on.
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Re:A Reality of Life

Date Posted:08/12/2010 6:32 PMCopy HTML

Charging for Suicide Hotline Calls

It's comforting to know that when you're going through some kind of crisis, there are an assortment of free services just a phone call away to help you get the help you need. If you live in Australia, though, you should probably set some money aside for those unforeseen suicidal meltdowns, because Australian phone companies

"If you can't afford the call, maybe you really don't have much to live for."

To be fair, Australian crisis organizations such as Lifeline and Kids Helpline are and always have been free to call ... from a landline. But this is the age of the cell phone, where ever-increasing numbers of people are opting for pay-as-you-use prepaid cells over those obsolete tied-to-the-wall things you can't even use to bother people at the movies.

The plus side is that more people have personal access to a phone no matter where they are, but if you're calling Lifeline on a cell from a trash bin with rags for blankets, prepare to be slugged a dollar per minute. Shit, for that price you might as well call a phone sex operator. At least they're actually prepared to do anything to make you happy.

Oh yeah, baby, nothing turns me on more than guys who decide to not kill themselves and discuss their problems with trained professionals.

Considering that the number of calls placed to crisis hotlines is expected to rise 50 percent by this time next year, and a typical session can last anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes, the phone sex option may even be a cheaper bet. Predictably, this policy often causes people to be disconnected mid-call, because (surprise) folks who spend their off-time swimming in money and cocaine don't usually call suicide hotlines.

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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Re:A Reality of Life

Date Posted:09/12/2010 12:03 AMCopy HTML


You write some of the daftest things.


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Re:A Reality of Life

Date Posted:10/12/2010 3:42 AMCopy HTML

you will be smarter than 95% of the almost 7 billion people in the world.

And if you don't watch it like Ian you will just be a slave and nothing will help you children and grand-children
Help yourself for we all know god's not helping any one.

money as debt


also watch
Biblianut Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #4
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Re:A Reality of Life

Date Posted:10/12/2010 4:04 AMCopy HTML

What in the world are you talking about or is it just me than doesn't get it?
I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
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Re:A Reality of Life

Date Posted:10/12/2010 4:21 AMCopy HTML

No your not the only one....conspiracy theories are a waste of time.

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #6
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Re:A Reality of Life

Date Posted:10/12/2010 4:40 AMCopy HTML

'Intelligent Conspiracy Nut',

you will be smarter than 95% of the almost 7 billion people in the world. Not if you're the litmus of what defines 'smart'. And if you don't watch it like Ian you will just be a slave and nothing will help you children and grand-children. Or you could 'watch it like Ian', acknowledge it for the nonsense that it is, and move on to more productive uses of one's time. Help yourself for we all know god's not helping any one. Do we now?



Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #7
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Re:A Reality of Life

Date Posted:10/12/2010 4:43 AMCopy HTML


No your not the only one....conspiracy theories are a waste of time. Now that is a remarkable admission, given that very recently you were engaging in the precisely the same nonsense with respect to the Roman Catholic Church.

RCI prophesies
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