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Date Posted:10/09/2005 5:34 PMCopy HTML

$%*'`[Partially Free]%*'`@Hi.I am in the process of leaving the revival fellowship in Perth.I have spent the last 7 days studying the new testament to see if there is a definite connection between tongues and salvation, and I am simply not convinced.The 'Revival Centres Verse by Verse' was very helpful. I still believe that they may be right about the tongues needed for salvation, but overall I think it is unlikely.Things I hate most about the RF include (but not limited to):False Teachings about-The Great Pyramid, British Israel, Not allowed to drink alcohol, Thief on the cross sent to hell, Racist Adam and Eve account, etc.
dogmafree Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #51
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Re:in the process of escaping the revival fellowship

Date Posted:05/12/2006 8:04 AMCopy HTML

Hi Luderitzguy,
Look out for my PM too. Still not sure who you may be!

Anyways, I can report that the (justified) comments about D Hounslow show how much water may be under the bridge... The guy apparently has chilled out BIG time, and has seriously recovered from his 'little-man's-disease'! My partner still goes, and from what I understand, D is a pretty decent guy these days. Very sincere and a good listener, still part of the RF cult, but a lot more human.

So there have been positive changes, but there's still no way I'll be going back there!

"for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" Shakespeare (Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2)
Deanoz Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #52
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Re:in the process of escaping the revival fellowship

Date Posted:05/12/2006 9:53 AMCopy HTML

Hey Luderitz guy...I do remember you and Dogmafreee well!

Its great to hear you are both going well too.

Don't get me wrong, there were elements to Darryl and Pastor Alan that I liked, however the fact they now as a group seem to have mellowed out is even more of an inditement on how the fellowship handled matters in the past.

Who is going to go around and apologise all those shattered people that have left the group over the years due to their past actions?

Those actions are irreversible. Pure and simple.

There are so many areas where this group fall down (twisting and contorting chapter and verse in a way that houdini would be proud of) and maybe its the way that this group was and maybe still IS that has me now personally as an agnostic at best.

Religion and the fervour of a belief system in something supposedly exclusively better than any other is undoubtedly one of the main causes of hate, war and strife in this world we live in.

I am not a wrap on muslims either due to their frothing racist and exclusive attitudes (particularly after living in Sydney for five years) and I put the Revival Fellowship/Centres in precisely the same bucket.

I often think John Lennon nailed it best in his song 'Imagine' far better than any preacher from a platform could ever annunciate.

Treat people nice, live a full and rewarding life - right here and right now. My heads spins in how much my family and I have enjoyed and achieved since leaving the Revival Fellowship. Its been the making of me.

...and I havent fellowshipped anywhere since departing this cult in 1997. No house leader sermons anywhere! :-P

This church needs to take the scriptures about whited sepulchres on board for themselves. It appears they may have toned down their act, however I am sure the old habits of exclusivity and physical appearance issues (the short hair cuts, no ear rings on guys etc etc) make them as dodgy as the Mormons in my book.

All show, show, show.


Deeeano. :-)
outaegypt Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #53
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Re:in the process of escaping the revival fellowship

Date Posted:05/12/2006 9:46 PMCopy HTML

Hi, Have enjoyed your comments madey earlier in this thread, you said you finally found a church group to settle in, can I ask what sort of church/ demonination? we are in that church hopping experimental phase and am very interested in your experience's and challenges you faced on your journey. Im very keen to fast track the whole get over it and on with it phase. PM me if you like, I would be interested to know what state your in, thats state as in Nationally ... Not state of mind!! Although I think we're all a little damaged around the edges!
As I hear it, I'll repeat it, Its up to you if you believe it! Allegation big and small, soon revealed before us all. outa here- Outa Egypt!
outaegypt Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #54
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Re:in the process of escaping the revival fellowship

Date Posted:03/01/2007 7:53 PMCopy HTML

Reply to : MothandRust

I can see Lloyd Longfields mindset and how controlling he was, but over the past few years in the RF the focus has changed. It's about being the good samaritan, going out and associating with "worldly people", because after all that's your best opportunity to let your testimony shine and preach the gospel.

RCI are also loosening the reigns under the leadership of Simon Longfield, now some may think positively that maybe under a new leadership maybe some of the militant control maybe changing to actually allowing people to be responcible for their own walk with the Lord.
Well yes that is the motivation, but dont be fooled. Simon wants to aleviate himself from being responsible for souls and any possible legal claims againts RCI due to breaching the duty of care that he being senior Pastor is responsible for.
All the Glory, all the Power and no Responsibility.
As I hear it, I'll repeat it, Its up to you if you believe it! Allegation big and small, soon revealed before us all. outa here- Outa Egypt!
set free Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #55
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Re:in the process of escaping the revival fellowship

Date Posted:05/02/2007 10:49 AMCopy HTML

Reply to : Pastor Venger

pastor K, if that is KQ - in my opinion is a good guy. i grew up with him. spent my first two church years at fiona street morley. and last i heard, he was having trouble with his son leaving... one of those things which force some pastors to either mess-up their families or become really open minded and reasonable. so i'm not surprised to hear about him being cool and encouraging.

My now-husband and I went to pastor Kevin when we made a mistake and YELLED at us that fornicators go to hell, and that if we did it again we would go to hell.

He also said the same thing to a couple that had just started going out and hadn't done anything wrong! He told them that if they did they would burn in hell.

He doesn't strike me as being cool and encouraging. He didn't even pray for us, he told us we couldn't get married on church property and that we couldn't have more than 30 people there because we'd shamed the church, our families, ourselves and god. He then didn't ring us for 2 months and then called up one day and demanded to know why we hadn't called him.

good guy???


Brian D. McClaren (paraphresed)

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am for Your Kingdom"s cause
As I walk from earth into eternity
Sigue Sigue Sprout Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #56
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Re:in the process of escaping the revival fellowship

Date Posted:05/02/2007 11:32 AMCopy HTML

Reply to : set free

Reply to : Pastor Vengerpastor K, if that is KQ - in my opinion is a good guy. i grew up with him. spent my first two church years at fiona street morley. and last i heard, he was having trouble with his son leaving... one of those things which force some pastors to either mess-up their families or become really open minded and reasonable. so i'm not surprised to hear about him being cool and encouraging.My now-husband and I went to pastor Kevin when we made a mistake and YELLED at us that fornicators go to hell, and that if we did it again we would go to hell.He also said the same thing to a couple that had just started going out and hadn't done anything wrong! He told them that if they did they would burn in hell.He doesn't strike me as being c


sounds like this guys understanding of scripture is about zero. hang in there SET FREE

franks ghost Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #57
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Re:in the process of escaping the revival fellowship

Date Posted:05/02/2007 12:01 PMCopy HTML

Understanding scripture is one thing, remember Satan understands scripture better than most. What we need to see is Leaders & Pastors with SHEPHERDS hearts (few and far between). King David got into so much strife, but in the end the Lord knew he had a SHEPHERDS HEART. Anyone can LOrd it over the sheep. Just look at the tragedies spread across every level of this forum. Good people suffering crap from LEADERS!!!!! what a joke. How about a servant or 2. These guys are proving to wreck more works than they'll ever build. You know when someone starts to get it right you'll see some fruit, and the LORD will add daily. We haven't   seen that for years

it is the glory of God to conceal a matter but the honour of kings to search it out.
prezy Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #58
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Re:in the process of escaping the revival fellowship

Date Posted:06/02/2007 12:42 PMCopy HTML

my family left the grc last year because we became disillusioned by both the behaviour of the assembly that held themseles above all others. And the teachings of the pastor. We often found inconsistancies and teachings that are of his own. We found a lack of love and lack of understanding of Christ's message. We took a while to leave through fear generated by brainwashing and regret of loosing friends who some of which are greatly missed. we had prayed for an answer and it was clearly given and we have found some true christians close to home where there is real love real understanding of the Lord and no man made judgements. We did witness miracles in the assembly but many false claims. The ilness is gone but the symptoms are still present, that are only a lie of satan! Get real lets be thankfull for the few real miracles and not make up fairytales to fit in with the pastors version of the bible. One of the first things we were taught at the grc was how wrong the catholics are having the pope as there head, I cant see any difference other than at least the pope was voted in. Not that I support him either, I believe from my own expierience with Jesus that ministries are there to help and support, not to rule over and judge. It was a tough and emotional experience to leave but Christ does dwell in those who love him . Anyone lost or disheartened because of bad experiences by man please don't blame God but the true author of confussion. Don't give satan the victory of another soul. Remember to love even your enemies and don,t be shy of good works. Contrary to NH teachings James ch2 v20 But whilt thou know, o vain man, that faith without works is dead? I would love to have contact with those that left while we were there or after we left or for that matter those still attending that wish to be our friends. We attended from 2001  until early last year and have a 4 year old son. If we can be of help to any one we are very willing and don,t wish to force our religious views unless they are welcomed. I was lucky to have kept my old friendships from before grc and they are not all christian.
¡uıɐƃɐ ʎɐqǝ ɯoɹɟ pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ƃuıʎnq ɹǝʌǝu
Tiffany Roche Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #59
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Re:in the process of escaping the revival fellowship

Date Posted:23/04/2007 1:18 PMCopy HTML

Hi I just wanted to say that "partially free" who started this thread is my brother.  He did leave Revival for a short while back when he was writing those posts.  I was upset to see those brothers that he lived with- kick him out and act so extreme- he came and lived with me for a few months.  He moved to Bunbury for work. He came across some literature about the Holy Spirit etc- from a pentecostal source(not Revival)-  and along with me encouraging him to go back to Revival- he did.

I hunted on the internet with my limited connection- to find any churches that believed in tongues for salvation- because PK basically said that there is none. ( I later found out there is actually a few- and that he did know about them- but just didn't tell us..)

I then  found some information about the United Pentecostal Church-(UPC)-(By the way they also believe that tongues is for salvation.) and saw from the Scriptures that when people did get baptised it was in the name of Jesus- (Not Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Later I found out that they think that if you haven't been baptised in the name of Jesus- your baptism is invalid.   ??

 So I went along there- they have a church in Malaga- and another one in Yangebup-Beeliar (Within a few kilometres of Revival's Yangebup meeting!) You can see there sign every sunday on Beeliar Rd.

I was also interested in their Jesus only pov-the modalistic view on the Godhead. Later I find out that they rekon people that believe in the trinity idea are worshipping multiple god's.        ??

Similar to Revival- they sit you down and "prove" there views of Scripture are 'right'.   So I started agreeing with the idea. It only lasted a few weeks though!

I got baptised again and then encouraged my brother too aswell!!!  When Pator Kevin heard from someone that I got baptised again- he apparently said "that's not on" and told my husband I was 'out of fellowship'...and if I wanted to return there I'd have to call PK first. Anyway... So my brother came along there too- and was getting into it... Though it wasn't long before we realised they had  many things happening that we didn't agree with.

We studied more- and talked for hours about the Godhead....and baptism. (at this stage we didn't question at all about the tongues-for-salvation doctrine- because we still believed it. I couldn't think outside the box then.

When I first  discovered that they had rules about women not cutting there hair, and not wearing trousers/jeans, and not wearing make-up...etc I thought that was cool... but when I saw it in action... I realised that it wasn't.

It seemed that you could 'measure' a womans godliness by the length of her if!!!  I also saw women with expensive hair clips in...and I started thinking whats the diffence between a fancy hairclip and some jewellery?

As for wearing pants- Pants are made for women these days- they look more feminine normally... it's not like women really wear men's jeans!!! 

I just thought all this stuff was so outward and  external- and it doesnt show what is in your heart necessarily -at all! -it just seems to lead to being judgemental about stuff that is not really important.

I watched a video of a woman preaching who freaked me right out with her loudness- and fierceness- she was scary.

In the end I just didn't agree that the words said at someone's baptism had the power to make it valid or invalid.

 I think that when a believer in Jesus is getting baptised- what matters is their heart- if they are getting baptised because they want to follow and obey Jesus.... ( obviously they are getting baptised in His name-(whether it is said out loud or not)- and when people are baptised in the name of the "Father, Son and Holy spirit"- Jesus is the Son! - so they are obviously mentioning the Lord Jesus- the only Son of God.

We also realised that we didn't fully believe in their modalistic view- a lot of things just did not add up. We know that Jesus is the Son of God- and Scripture also says that He is also the image of the invisible God. It starts getting really messy when you start trying to understand exactly who or what God is. I just don't think that our limited brains can understand Him properly.

So we got over that (UPC)  pretty quickly.


So we left there- within a month or so- I returned to Revival.  Later on my brother returned their too.

Life went on for another8-9 months... until...

About 3 months ago- (when I got broadband!)  We started searching for more information on the internet about our beliefs. He is in Japan teaching English. I talk to him regularly on messenger. We have great chats about the Lord, and the Bible and churches!  He also left Revival again... (well he was only getting 'talks' emailed to him!- there's no Revival Fellowship in Japan. 


We left because we started really seeing that there is a lot of Scripture that doesn't add up with the tongues fro salvation message. 1 Corinthians 12 came alive to me again...and I saw other peoples opinions on  the Scriptures that Revival use  to back up their salvation message-  we had never  hardly any access to these different points of view- and we were definitely discouraged from seeking any. I was told by a lot of people that I was a "silly girl" for reading information about the Bible- from other sources.... -other than information written by Revival Fellowsip people of course.

When I used to search for information- it was with my preconceived idea that tongues is for today. So I was pro pentecostal/charismatic in my belief. I actually thought outside the box for a moment -and considered the idea that the gifts had actually ceased...  I still don't know what to make of tongues...but I'm pretty sure you dont actually have to speak in tongues to be saved.  I haven't spoken in tongues now for about 3 months ( except for a couple of times- for a split second- when I got freaked out about some incidents- but as soon as i did it -I caught myself and stopped.) My brother has stopped too.  We don't know if our tongues- or any of the "tongues" around today- is really the same as the "tongues" talked about in the Bible. Is it psychological? can it be from satan? ???

 ( If you've got some ideas  have a look at the "Is tongues for salvation...etc" thread and comment...)

I'm glad that God gave me an enquiring mind. I think it's wrong for churches to discourage people from seeking alternative ideas. It's like mind control. I'm happy to have an internet connection that allows me to find information on any topic- from sources in the whole world. The internet is great if used in the right way- eg; for good things...not for evil.

I know that my brother loves the Lord. 

 I know that we haven't fallen away.

We want to serve God and obey Him as much as we ever did.

We are still seeking to meet with other believers with similar faith to us. So you'll all be happy to note that "partially free"/ my brother is safe -and well -and happy- out of Revival fellowship.  Amen.


Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #60
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Re:in the process of escaping the revival fellowship

Date Posted:24/04/2007 10:36 AMCopy HTML

Glad to hear that you and you bro are all good



Healed888 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #61
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Re:in the process of escaping the revival fellowship

Date Posted:12/04/2014 2:08 AMCopy HTML

 My short experience with the people here was all good.
Blessed with a healing and finding no issue with the people.Take care that the enemy does not influence you to cause trouble that harms the faith of others.
All have have fallen short of the glory of God and this includes church leaders at different times in their lives.
God loves and forgives us so we all need to pass this on.
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #62
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Re:in the process of escaping the revival fellowship

Date Posted:12/04/2014 3:06 AMCopy HTML

Hi, 'Healed'.

My short experience with the people here was all good. Sure, but I believe your comment warrants some reflection. Your experience of this sect was, by your own admission, short. However, there are thousands of people whose experiences over very many years have been the polar opposite to yours. Perhaps, therefore, your particular view of the RF isn't quite as informed of the facts as it could be?

Blessed with a healing and finding no issue with the people. Give it time :) Take care that the enemy does not influence you to cause trouble that harms the faith of others. My response to this well intended, albeit thoroughly naive piece of advice, is this: when the faith of certain others is built on a completely unbiblical, even antibiblical foundation, the enemy already has secured a foothold. It's then left to those Christians who are both properly informed, and spiritually mature, "... to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints" (so Jude 1:3, KJV). Then, and only then, will the wrongly informed be presented with the opportunity to "know the truth, and the truth will set [them] free" (see John 8:32 KJV). 

All have have fallen short of the glory of God and this includes church leaders at different times in their lives. Indeed. But in noting this fact Paul explicitly stated, "If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received [from me], let him be accursed" (Galatians 1:9b, ESV). This pretty much sums up the issue vis the Revivalist heresy. God loves and forgives us so we all need to pass this on. Forgiveness is but part of the story. What about matters of justice? ;)



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