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Date Posted:16/07/2008 4:17 AMCopy HTML

Hello All,

It seems that everone has a different spin on the mark of the beast 666 on the right hand or the forehead.

One extreme says that the central banks are going to microchip us all in the right hand or forehead, and that we will not be able to buy or sell without an implant, others say it is a simily of not walking in the Spirit, others have yet more ideas.

I find that the more one goes off on tangents with this issue, the less peace there is, and the less importance that you place on this issue, the more ignorance there is.   I almost-but-not-quite prefer ignorance......

Seeing how everyone has a different spin on this, I thought it would lead to some interesting and maybe entertaining discussion!

So - what is your spin on this? 

What do you beleive is the mark of the beast?


Mr K.
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Re:The Mark of the Beast

Date Posted:16/07/2008 5:39 AMCopy HTML

Hi, Paul.

It seems that everone has a different spin on the mark of the beast 666 on the right hand or the forehead.

Here we go: from the sublime to the ridiculous! Most Revivalists (and former Revivalists) seem to struggle with basic stuff like: what does baptism do? What does it mean to "repent"? et cetera, nevermind reaching into the one area where sheer lunacy tends to reign supreme: interpretations of parts of the Apocalypse of John!

One extreme says that the central banks are going to microchip us all in the right hand or forehead, and that we will not be able to buy or sell without an implant, others say it is a simily of not walking in the Spirit, others have yet more ideas.

'Yep', and the one thing they all have in common is this: they all failed to ask the most basic of questions, "what did this or that mean to the original audience?" The last time I checked, there were no such things as microchips in 1st/2nd century Asia Minor!

I find that the more one goes off on tangents with this issue, the less peace there is, and the less importance that you place on this issue, the more ignorance there is.  I almost-but-not-quite prefer ignorance......

Agreed! (to your first clause, anyway)

Seeing how everyone has a different spin on this, I thought it would lead to some interesting and maybe entertaining discussion!

Probably. But I wonder if very many people would actually point us to what John actually meant. After all, why is it that Christians are preared to counternance all sorts of nonsense on this biblical book, but not on any other?!

So - what is your spin on this?What do you beleive is the mark of the beast?

Maybe later. For now I'll end with the following. There once was a very intelligent Roman Catholic chap named G.K. Chesterton, who died early last century. He was a literary man, a Christian apologist, and the man most credited with influencing C.S. Lewis towards accepting Christianity. Anyway, Chesterton once wrote about Revelation: "Saint John saw many strange things in his Revelation, but nothing as strange as his interpreters!"




Good morning, NJA.

"The media here in England keep saying that the bible says the devil was born on this date."

No doubt.

"It's like some people in the media are deliberately spreading this mis-information."

Yes, just as some people in certain groups continue to deliberately spread misinformation of precisely the same sort but about a particular denomination ;o)

"*Here is wisdom*:- Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is *the number of a man*; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.'"

First, given that the word 'man' in the Greek text of the passage is anathrous, another way to translate the verse would be, ' is the number of man', (i.e. without the 'a'), as the lack of the article infers that the word 'anthropos' should be understood as qualitative. This is why the NIV renders the passage: "This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is MAN'S number."
Your fellowship's take on just who is 'The Beast' misses the mark grammatically (never mind theologically), and can be dismissed outright. The noun 'man' in verse 18 appears in the genitive case and singular number, and NOT in the nominative case and plural number. Put simply, if we are to infer that it's number refers to an INDIVIDUAL human being, then it can only refer to ONE individual, and not to EVERY individual who may fill the certain religious office that you no doubt had in mind. In other words, find an individual pope and name HIM. The grammar of the Greek text doesn't afford you the luxury of making a sweeping reference to the entire papal OFFICE ;oP

"If you read Revelation 13 and know any history you will know what man's name / titles have the value 666 and you will know what people have known for centuries that those that refuse to worship with this religious system will be persecuted when the beast is in power. Which religious organisation is pushing for a European Union and political power elsewhere in the world?"

Right, and you will no doubt reach the conclusion that you infer when you read Revelation 13 through the Revivalist's illegitimate and tendentious (or if you prefer, 'idiosyncratic'?) interpretative lens, coupled as it is with a less-than-complete understanding of Western Church history. But if you actually understood just what the passage meant to the Christians of Asia Minor during John's day (those to whom it was directly written), and if you actually understood precisely how Jewish Apocalyptic was interpreted, and if you had an adequate understanding of Church history in all it's glory; then it's certain that you wouldn't find 'hidden' references to the Pope and the Roman Catholic system hiding behind every arcane reference in this particular book.

"Spiritual wickedness in high places".

To be certain. Perhaps the only thing that's just as bad is biblical ignorance in low places.

God bless,


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