Title: So this is Christmas | |
Revival_Centres_Discussion_Forums > Revival Churches > RCI Discussion | Go to subcategory: |
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D-T-M | |
Date Posted:28/12/2009 4:35 AMCopy HTML So this is Christmas.
The service on 20 December was advertised as a short communion service at 5 PM, finishing at 5.45PM then clearing the best seats for the visitors to the carol service at 6 PM.
Unfortunately Simon omitted to tell the punters that there would not be any of the usual dreary choruses so at 5PM very few of the faithful were present as most appear to take a pass on the optional choruses. At 5.15PM Simon bit the bullet and started the service with the account of the birth of Christ from the Gospel of St Mathew. Then he quoted from the Catholic Encyclopaedia of 1916 which said the (One Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic) Church did not celebrate the birth of Christ until the second century. Presumably this supports the present practice of RCI not doing so. He endorsed the usual all denominational criticism of Christmas now being a secular holiday, said that the shepherds were bad guys at that time and people tended to lock up their daughters when they came into town.
He said that they had just over 600 visitors to the Follow the Star and would be happy if just six of those stayed and were baptised. Due to the late start some of the invitees for the carol concert were arriving at 5.50PM while the ecstatic utterances were taking place and seemed suitably confused. The carols concert was as usual well rehearsed and presented by a group of talented musicians and singers.
The supper was excellent but the Mole did hear one of the guests ask an RCI spruiker what time the service would be on Christmas Day. There was a rather unconvincing response about everybody being away at camp which the Mole doubts as he is sure that nobody would want to head off to camp on Christmas day and not share the turkey etc with their nearest and dearest.
D-T-M | Share to: #1 |
Re:So this is Christmas Date Posted:17/12/2010 8:13 AMCopy HTML A year later.
Mrs Mole advises that there will not be a "concert"aka carols service this year bur there will be a "übermeeting" on Sunday 19 December,followed by afternoon tea to which the congregation have been invited to bring sandwiches and cakes to share. The Mole understands that an Ubermeeting consists of extra choruses, extra testimonies and a longer homily. On the subject of testimonies these always remind The Mole of those given at Amway meetings -"Ï used to be a neurosurgeon before I found Amway and now I have half the phone book in my downline and i earn a squillion dollars a year in commissions." Cheers till next year. Mole |
D-T-M | Share to: #2 |
Re:So this is Christmas Date Posted:27/12/2013 4:47 AMCopy HTML 2013 - same as before - carols instead of choruses, testimonies included one from Pastor Pask delivered in a monotone without any passion whatever like he really did not want to share his life in the Lord, if he actually has one, this bloke should be retired immediately. Lots of Isaiah from Simon but no mention of Luke 2 1-7.
Obviously time to increase the distance between the rows of chairs by another 500mm over the quiet period and stack the spare chairs in the upper room with the rest of the unused furniture. The Mole also picked up a reference under the coming events section to the Biennial Melbourne Convention. Cheers till next time. Mole |
Biblianut | Share to: #3 |
Re:So this is Christmas Date Posted:27/12/2013 8:01 AMCopy HTML http://revivalcentres.org/talk-the-glory-of-god/
They haven't changed one bit. If they had the right salvation message it wouldn't be so deceptive. I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
Didaktikon | Share to: #4 |
Re:So this is Christmas Date Posted:28/12/2013 2:45 AMCopy HTML Ralph,
If they got the Gospel right they'd be a part of the Christian Church, and spiritual deception wouldn't be an issue. Blessings, Ian email: didaktikon@gmail.com
Biblianut | Share to: #5 |
Re:So this is Christmas Date Posted:28/12/2013 10:43 PMCopy HTML Ian, that is so true.
Having put up with listening to John's talk, one can see Jesus is treated as 'subordinate' to their way of thinking. Once again tongues are more important to them than the 'cross' Ralph I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
D-T-M | Share to: #6 |
Re:So this is Christmas Date Posted:06/12/2016 3:17 AMCopy HTML Well we have hit the five or six year cycle again depending on the number of intervening leap years (Simon thinks it is a seven year cycle) and it has been advised that the church at Box Hill will not be open on either Christmas or what appears to be a new departure, New Years Day.
Mole |