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Date Posted:19/01/2006 9:09 AMCopy HTML

$%*'`[Deep Throat Mole]%*'`@"Pastor Simon" is alleged to have said (words to the effect that) "when people leave RCI they frequently bag individual pastors/house leaders but they are unable to criticise the doctrine" (presumably because it is 100% correct)Not so sure about BI myself!.Deep
D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #151
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:23/04/2009 3:16 AMCopy HTML

Simon didn't say it but The Mole understands that the Adelaide Assembly lacks a Pastor and supply preaching is being provided from Melbourne on a fly in fly out basis.

The Mole assumes that  prospective candidates for the vacancy are being subjected to rigorous background checks to ensure that they are not involved in the property development business!

D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #152
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:03/05/2009 11:26 PMCopy HTML

3 May 2009. The whisper going around the Box Hill assembly is that Simon has received a death threat and the wallopers have been advised.

outaegypt Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #153
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:06/05/2009 10:09 AMCopy HTML

Reply to D-T-M (03/05/2009 17:26:15)

3 May 2009. The whisper going around the Box Hill assembly is that Simon has received a death threat and the wallopers have been advised.


Have you heard if it was in association to anything Duker connected?
As I hear it, I'll repeat it, Its up to you if you believe it! Allegation big and small, soon revealed before us all. outa here- Outa Egypt!
D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #154
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:08/05/2009 1:58 AMCopy HTML

Outaegypt wrote:

Have you heard if it was in association to anything Duker connected?

As I hear it, I'll repeat it,
Its up to you if you believe it!
Allegation big and small,
soon revealed before us all.
outa here- Outa Egypt!


Not specifically mentioned but that would have to be high on the list!


cultevasion Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #155
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:08/05/2009 11:25 AMCopy HTML

 When will Simon be held accountable for his part in the Duker rip off scheme? 
cultivation leads to cultevasion -
don"t reap what they sow!
D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #156
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:11/05/2009 5:17 AMCopy HTML

Sunday 10 May 2009. It is alleged that Simon was demoted to leading the choruses and Pr Hume gave the homily. It is further alleged that next Sunday there will be a "Uber Meeting" for the three Melbourne assemblies.
The meeting will be "slightly" longer than usual and there will not be a second meeting. The faithful are urged to bring their picnic baskets and fellowship till late.

The Mole's tip is that the punters who usually lash after the first meeting will continue to do so next week and if there is no second meeting to hang around for the numbers of those staying for fellowship will not be great.


D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #157
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:18/05/2009 11:21 PMCopy HTML

On 15 May 2009 Simon is alleged to have said that 2009 may be the last time that Convention will be held at the World Trade Centre because the building has been sold.

The Mole speculates that falling tithes due in part to the world economic crisis and fewer bums on seats may also be a contributing factor.

If a recent bankrupt had been tithing based on his alleged income level his contribution will be sorely missed.

Jimmi_Jack Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #158
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:20/05/2009 2:31 AMCopy HTML

Wow this forum has such negativity about it... You seem to be able to pick all the flaws with, well, everything! Pastor Simon is an inspiration and has so much to give. If all you look for is flaws, what do you think you're going to find? Whats the real reason behind this topic?  We all know that no one is perfect so why don't you look for some of the good in what "simon says??"

The feeling I get from this forum is one of bitterness and anger, its sad really...
I'd rather try and fail, than not try at all....
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #159
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:20/05/2009 3:04 AMCopy HTML

Good afternoon, JJ.

Perhaps it's simply the case that some people have found the scion of the Longfield family to be much less of an 'inspiration' than has been your experience, and that what they're seeking is a little more in the way of transparency, accountability and honesty from him than has apparently been forthcoming to date?



tommo Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #160
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:20/05/2009 4:41 AMCopy HTML


Explain in a few sentences why Simon Longfield is inspirational. He inherited the business from his old man and has spent the last X number of years dwindling down the numbers. Surely, even by the bizarre standards to which RCI cling, this is not inspiring.

As you are obviously an RCI member you might be able to explain to me how you can defend/explain the following:

1. Abused women being instructed to go back to their abusive husbands (I could but won't name names)
2. The failure rate of RCI imposed shotgun marriages
3. The massive number of unsavoury sexual goings on between members (names withheld)
4. The oversight's infatuation with the sexual proclivities of the youth
5. The adherence to the tongues = salvation bolony in spite of overwhelming scriptural evidence to the contrary
6. The blind eye turning on the Duker issue

 I could go on all day, but it bores me to even think about it all..... bitter you say, hardly... ask yourself this, why are trolling the internet looking for people talking about your church?

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #161
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:20/05/2009 5:35 PMCopy HTML

Hey Jimmi_Jack,

Hard to take when the boot's on the other foot is it?  RCI should be able to take as much as they give - and they've given plenty - never being backward in their ridicule and criticism of other churches/church leaders.  Just consider how badly the Pope's fared at the hands of RCI pastors over the years where numerous entire meetings have solely dealt with the Pope as the beast (666) of Revelation and the Catholic Church as the antichrist.

Unlike the profound ignorance of many Revivalist pastors in their criticisms of other religious groups, the discussions here are from people who have experienced Revivalism and have knowledge of what they're talking about.

We do all know that no-one is perfect.  The best way to improve is by admitting our faults - something Revivalist pastors seem to have some difficulty in doing.

God Bless


Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #162
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:29/05/2009 6:00 AMCopy HTML

The tide of criticism towards other churches and their leaders has finally turned within.
Many Pastors and members are questioning their own Pastors honesty, ethics and acceptance of ungodly attitudes and behaviours which have clearly been allowed to grow and fester within the church under Simon's protection.
They are not satisfied  or convinced with the honesty of the answers and explanations they are receiving.
It has been said  if you are going to divert from the truth you have to: 
firstly be smarter than those you are trying to fool,
secondly have a very good long memory and
thirdly be sure nothing or no one exists to prove your version of events false.

The misplaced Loyalty towards Lloyd has tolerated and overlooked a multitude of sins, in the perverted hope that Simon may have grown to somehow fill his fathers shoes, but it is past the point where that card has been overplayed and will no longer be tolerated to protect Simon.

People are thinking, questioning and leaving.


tommo Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #163
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:29/05/2009 11:58 PMCopy HTML

 Really? I havent heard of that many people leaving. Fact is - people talk, but most RCI-ers arent going anywhere, they will overlook the rampant nepotism and corruption because they find the four walls of revivalism safe and sound (we are right and they are wrong is a great platform for people with self esteem issues). Whilst we  would all like to see the place disintergrate I dont see it happening anytime soon, its been going on for years.
D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #164
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:30/05/2009 12:17 AMCopy HTML

I tend to agree with Tommo. Revivalists are nicely cocooned with their miracles and don't have to face the hard stuff  like social justice issues and the Mathew 25 verses 31 to about 41 or so stuff. (We leave that sort of thing to the Salvos and St Vinnies, all we have to do to be saved is to "pray in tongues")

In the main stream Christian Churches these matters are addressed from the pulpits but whether the punters take them up or not is of course a different matter.


D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #165
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:01/06/2009 9:03 AMCopy HTML

On  31 May 2009 Simon is alleged to have said:

This is the last time that Melbourne Convention will be held at the World Trade Centre.

The place is being redeveloped and the current hire charge for the weekend is $30,000.

There will be less emphasis on the missions for the rest of this year and more emphasis on local operations.

The Mole repeats his previous assumption that tithes must be quite a bit down. 

tommo Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #166
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:02/06/2009 1:51 AMCopy HTML

 $30 000, Simon would have that in the ashtray of his car. The  Forum theatre sold in 1995 at an "RCI" published price of 5 million... the Regent theatre (on collins st) sold 12 months later for a publicly announced price of 15 million.. either Lloyd got striped badly or there is something amiss..
Talmid Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #167
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:02/06/2009 3:26 AMCopy HTML


Perhaps you've got a good insight into their balance sheet, but there's a difference between fixed and liquid assets. Besides, would the attendance figures be adequately catered for in their existing halls, and thus also avoid the setup hassles? It seems like a perfectly reasonable, perhaps overdue decision from where I sit.
The evidence for Mann-made global warming is unequivocal.
tommo Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #168
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:02/06/2009 3:45 AMCopy HTML

 Hi Talmid, 

I was using D-T-M's post as a springboard to get stuck into the apparent misappropriation of funds and to raise the Forum Theatre sale as a discussion point rather than dealing with specifics of where they hold "convention". I agree, it is folly to continue hiring the WTC with the RCI's dwindling numbers.

Talmid Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #169
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:02/06/2009 5:44 AMCopy HTML

Yo Tommo

OK. Personally I don't think anyone should make a judgement that funds have been 'apparently' anything without access to the books since (as far as I'm aware) outsiders have no accurate idea of income (eg forget tithes, what about estates that may have been gifted or property rentals) or expenses (eg what support has been offered from Melbourne to other RCI's).

Such a lack of public accountability is of course lamentable and dangerous for all involved, even though trusts do (I believe) provide a certain level of security.
The evidence for Mann-made global warming is unequivocal.
D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #170
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:02/06/2009 5:48 AMCopy HTML

Convention numbers.

Mrs Mole overheard a pastor's wife speculating on the size of the Queensland contingent and whether there would be one at all.

D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #171
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:02/06/2009 5:58 AMCopy HTML


Talmid wrote

OK. Personally I don't think anyone should make a judgement that funds have been 'apparently' anything without access to the books since (as far as I'm aware) outsiders have no accurate idea of income (eg forget tithes, what about estates that may have been gifted or property rentals)

or expenses (eg what support has been offered from Melbourne to other RCI's).

I don't think that other RCIs have particularly large memberships so there should not be much forthcoming from that area.

Such a lack of public accountability is of course lamentable and dangerous for all involved, even though trusts do (I believe) provide a certain level of security. For whom?

If anyone has the ability to perform a property search say starting in Victoria I would be looking at the Simon Longfield Family Trust for starters.



Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #172
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:02/06/2009 7:12 AMCopy HTML

Convention numbers.

"Mrs Mole overheard a pastor's wife speculating on the size of the Queensland contingent and whether there would be one at all."


With Victoria being Swine Flu capital of Australia, and all the flooding up north Id say folk have better things to do and more personal issues to deal with then come down here, and then only to risk returning sick.
I’ve already had the Ambos out once with a suspected Swine flu case with one of my kids, fortunately it was a false alarm, but one is very much taking this issue seriously down here and not taking any chances at all. 


outaegypt Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #173
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:02/06/2009 2:07 PMCopy HTML

 $30 000, Simon would have that in the ashtray of his car.
Good then he should be able to pay back funds borrowed from an Assembly that he never paid back, instead justifying a non accountable donation to the mission fund.

I don't think anyone should make a judgement that funds have been 'apparently' anything without access to the books 
Well thats just the thing, there are no books to access. Requests have been made, now all of a sudden there is no more mission fund, how convenient.

 There will be less emphasis on the missions for the rest of this year and more emphasis on local operations.
And for good reason, now  it has been questioned  and it is a non existent black hole in the hands of BFF samoilenko -so of course we dont want any one to focus on that. Duh!

 Really? I havent heard of that many people leaving. Fact is - people talk, but most RCI-ers arent going anywhere.
Yes, really. Agreed most RCIers might not be going anywhere but there are a lot that have and more to follow. 
Most people only know what directly effects them and are unaware of anything else.
People will only know what Simon wants them to know, unless their brain is actively engaged and questioning and reasoning the facts...fact is RCI isnt what it use to be- now it's worse and even further away from Godliness.
Leadership of arrogance and lies.. 
The shifting of emphasis and diverting people from the truth is evident in his support of the Dukers. 
Without the Media attention how many of us would have had any idea that was going on and that so many Pastors were involved and had knowledge. 

As I hear it, I'll repeat it, Its up to you if you believe it! Allegation big and small, soon revealed before us all. outa here- Outa Egypt!
D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #174
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:21/06/2009 11:20 PMCopy HTML

On 21 June 2009 Simon is alleged to have said that he had booked the Melbourne Town Hall as a venue for Convention for the next three years.

He said that it was cheaper than the previous venue.

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #175
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:27/06/2009 12:03 PMCopy HTML

and ......................... this is ground breaking earth shatteringly important because........................... ahh yes because you didnt have anything else to bring to the table guess mrs mole was snoozing during meeting that day ahahahaha get a life sheesh
D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #176
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:10/02/2010 8:56 AMCopy HTML

On Sunday 7 February Beggsy is alleged to have said (Simon being AWOL) that Convention 2010 will now be held at the Box Hill Hall.

It would appear that Simon no longer has $30 gorillas in loose change in the ashtray of his car (as suggested by Thommo in a previous post below) to spend on an upmarket venue


Re:Simon Says
(Date Posted:01/06/2009 19:51:21)

 $30 000, Simon would have that in the ashtray of his car. The  Forum theatre sold in 1995 at an "RCI" published price of 5 million... the Regent theatre (on collins st) sold 12 months later for a publicly announced price of 15 million.. either Lloyd got striped badly or there is something amiss..
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #177
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:10/02/2010 9:12 AMCopy HTML

Hi, Mole.

And hasn't Geoff come a long way? Former "back-blocks" pastor with a following one could count on one's hands and toes, to Simon's right-hand-man in Melbourne. Who would've thought, eh?



Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #178
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:10/02/2010 11:20 AMCopy HTML

It sounds like they are trying to kill convention off, by devaluing the emphasis of it to all the visitors. Visitors from interstate like going to the city, they enjoy the city accommodation, the ease of transport, and ability to easily get to the venue, they like the cafes, places to eat to catch up, the energy of Melbourne City. Now they get to spend a fun filled time in riveting Box Hill and visiting the near by Bunnings store, and going to the local corner shop for sumptuous lunch of pies and hard pastry with artificial cream. 

BoxHill Hall could not cope; the car park is full during normal meeting times. Let alone cope during the monthly combined meeting between the three Melbourne centres.

Sounds like they really are trying to save money for possible forth coming court cases with Glenn.  That's a pretty strong cut back and will make folk wonder "What is really going on"

Thank God Im_Out ;

D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #179
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:12/02/2010 6:12 AMCopy HTML

 Mrs Mole did say that there was some spruiking of the restaurants cafes, etc around the Box Hill Hall.

Mrs Mole has not mentioned any problems with car parking at the combined meetings.

Mole's thoughts are:

a) Cash flow problem, possibly due to some poor property investment decisions, and

b) drop in membership

D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #180
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:25/06/2010 6:21 AMCopy HTML

 Last Sunday Simon is alleged to have said that the GRC has threatened to exclude two of its members who are having some success on a TV talent show.

Simon appeared to be in favour of the said exclusion.

MothandRust Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #181
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:25/06/2010 6:46 AMCopy HTML

The GRC and RCI aren't 'Apples and Oranges'... they're just all bad apples from the same barrel. 

Simon's a tool
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prezy Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #182
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:25/06/2010 7:21 AMCopy HTML

Reply to MothandRust

The GRC and RCI aren't 'Apples and Oranges'... they're just all bad apples from the same barrel. 
Simon's a tool

Its been an eye opener for me reading stuff on here about RCI (Im ex GRC) and I have had some dealings with Bruce Branch from Bellarine RCI and how amazingly similar the two are. When I was in GRC the "Back slidin" bellarine group according to NH were low enough to parachute from a snakes rectum. The picture he had formed was so different to reality, the two groups are so much alike its amazing, yet they hate each other. In normal Christianity which I belong we fellowship and have speakers from many denominations. As long as our basic belief in the reurection of Christ and Grace by Faith etc we all get along very well and ignore our differences. To me this is the same as say the Corinthians and Ephisians communing with each other. We see the The Church as the Body of Christ incorperating all those who believe in Jesus.
¡uıɐƃɐ ʎɐqǝ ɯoɹɟ pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ƃuıʎnq ɹǝʌǝu
TELLMETRUTH Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #183
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:25/06/2010 7:22 AMCopy HTML

Reply to D-T-M

Simon appeared to be in favour of the said exclusion.


Wrong, untrue.
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #184
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:25/06/2010 8:17 AMCopy HTML

Reply to MothandRust

The GRC and RCI aren't 'Apples and Oranges'... they're just all bad apples from the same barrel. 
Simon's a tool

Yes, I agree. They're all the same. They just outdo one another from time to time.
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #185
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:15/11/2010 6:31 AMCopy HTML

14/11/2010 Simon said that he would be in PNG for a couple of weeks. One of the local assemblies has witnessed to another village and Simon is being dropped in by helicopter to keep an eye on the 100 or so baptisms and then will have to walk out because the helicopter cannot land to pick him up.

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #186
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:27/12/2010 8:31 AMCopy HTML

 At the ubermeeting on 19 December 2010 whenever Simon said "and the people said" the chorus of Amens was barely audible. After about the fourth call Simon spat the dummy and said "say amen if you can" but the increase in volume was not that great.

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #187
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:28/12/2010 12:22 AMCopy HTML

Good morning, Mole.

At the ubermeeting on 19 December 2010 whenever Simon said "and the people said" the chorus of Amens was barely audible. After about the fourth call Simon spat the dummy and said "say amen if you can" but the increase in volume was not that great. And neither should it be. Simon's well out of line if he thinks he can bully people into giving a verbal assent to issues about which they obviously disagree. 'Church' isn't a case of 'Simon says'; clearly Longfield has forgotten this, and the biblical mandate outlined in James 5:12.


Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #188
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:28/12/2010 12:23 AMCopy HTML

Reply to Guest

 At the ubermeeting on 19 December 2010 whenever Simon said "and the people said" the chorus of Amens was barely audible. After about the fourth call Simon spat the dummy and said "say amen if you can" but the increase in volume was not that great.


I wonder of those who choose to go to rev meetings, do really have the desire to go and be part of such a gathering. The rev group that I was part of many years ago ( now nearly two decades since I got up and walked out ), originally stated with 10 people composing young families and singles in 1980 in a hired. Thirty years later, one property purchase, one meeting hall and one hall extension later and the numbers are 12 people on a lucky Sunday. A hall extension, mind you that could easily seat a 150 folk. And if they get a very lucky Sunday such as a wedding coming on with family members who are not part of the "gathering" and extending to 16 people attending, they think they are having revival.. So the net growth in numbers of people attending in 30 years as a rev group is zero...

And I wonder what the numbers are really like down in Melbourne Town rev groups and how they survive.

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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:28/12/2010 2:46 AMCopy HTML

"Thirty years later, one property purchase, one meeting hall and one hall extension later and the numbers are 12 people on a lucky Sunday."

Hi Eric,

At some stage during that time there must have been considerable church growth to finance their own hall and later extend to seat 150 people.  Whatever happened?  There must have been a rise and then a dramatic fall.  Those remaining must be steadfastly holding on to that old Revism when numbers drop that "there'll be a falling away but God will supply the increase" then the second coming will happen to gather up the sealed saints attending Revival. 

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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:28/12/2010 3:08 AMCopy HTML

And I wonder what the numbers are really like down in Melbourne Town rev groups and how they survive.


Yes, it would be interesting to know how they're faring numbers-wise down in Melbourne Town - the 'hub' of Revival.  Does anybody know?

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #191
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:28/12/2010 5:02 AMCopy HTML

Reply to Epios

"Thirty years later, one property purchase, one meeting hall and one hall extension later and the numbers are 12 people on a lucky Sunday."

Hi Eric,

At some stage during that time there must have been considerable church growth to finance their own hall and later extend to seat 150 people.  Whatever happened?  There must have been a rise and then a dramatic fall.  Those remaining must be steadfastly holding on to that old Revism when numbers drop that "there'll be a falling away but God will supply the increase" then the second coming will happen to gather up the sealed saints attending Revival. 


Hi Epios,
I have been told that "shunning" is no longer practiced and the incumbent members refer to "shunning" as the "old way" ... I wonder again..


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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:28/12/2010 5:11 AMCopy HTML

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Reply to Epios

"Thirty years later, one property purchase, one meeting hall and one hall extension later and the numbers are 12 people on a lucky Sunday."

Hi Eric,

At some stage during that time there must have been considerable church growth to finance their own hall and later extend to seat 150 people.  Whatever happened?  There must have been a rise and then a dramatic fall.  Those remaining must be steadfastly holding on to that old Revism when numbers drop that "there'll be a falling away but God will supply the increase" then the second coming will happen to gather up the sealed saints attending Revival. 


Hi Epios,
I have been told that "shunning" is no longer practiced and the incumbent members refer to "shunning" as the "old way" ... I wonder again..


 But in answer to your question, Epi.... back in the early - mid eighties, land property was cheap..

But honestly Epi. The ones attending now are only a remnant of the originals with their kids and babies now grown up and having their own babies.. Must be sad to attend a big empty hall occupied by only a handful of seats every Sunday.. Revivalism fwiw is really just an enclosed sect and nothing more..



Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #193
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:28/12/2010 11:55 PMCopy HTML

Eric et Epi,

Most Revivalist assemblies are in decline, serious decline. The insular approach they foster within their local communities renders them socially irrelevant, and their unbiblical 'gospel' renders them impotent, and, therefore, spiritually irrelevant.
For example: in my former community of about 50,000 people, the RCI, RF and GRC were all represented. The combined number of people 'in fellowship' within these three Revivalist sects was less than the number of people who met weekly in my local house group! In point of fact, there are less people in fellowship in these three groups PLUS the CAI in the entire United Kingdom, than are currently in fellowship at my local church!


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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:29/12/2010 12:11 AMCopy HTML

 re bums on seats.

Even with the ubermeeting it was not necessary to open the curtains to the mezzanine section. The hall seemed fairly full but there was plenty of space between the rows of chairs.

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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:29/12/2010 7:41 AMCopy HTML

Epi    Regarding Central, Again I’m hearing further news that Bridge St AOG a very large well equipped place (formerly named Richmond AOG) is experienced further unprecedented growth. They have quiet a  large contingent of ex-rciers.  Hill$ong beats Jehova Jire and the Old Old story any day. (there early stuff that is).

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #196
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:31/12/2010 12:13 AMCopy HTML

Good morning, 'Out'.

Again I’m hearing further news that Bridge St AOG a very large well equipped place (formerly named Richmond AOG) is experienced further unprecedented growth. One needs to be 'large' and 'well equipped' in order to put on light entertainment for the masses, I suppose. They have quiet a  large contingent of ex-rciers. No doubt. This fact alone speaks volumes, don't you think? Hill$ong beats Jehova Jire and the Old Old story any day. (there early stuff that is). In what way? Banality?

D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #197
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:24/01/2011 5:44 AMCopy HTML

Mrs Mole reports that Simon said in regards to 2011:

The choruses will continue;
Box Hill sing the same choruses as all the other Pentecostal Churches;
however there is nothing to stop the introduction of some new songs/hymns if the punters want them;
homily, communion, "tongues"to continue;
after "tongues" there will be an instructional segment for half an hour or so then yibbida yibbida.

Late lunch/afternoon tea and fellowship.

No second meeting.

The obligatory comment about end times not being far away.


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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:06/09/2011 9:21 AMCopy HTML

Hello DTM,

Simon obviously doesn't get out much!

D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #199
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:15/12/2011 10:35 PMCopy HTML

Simon (Titanic deckchair re-arranger ) is alleged to have said for 2012 that the meetings will start at 2PM.

Not sure where that leaves the fellowship lunch - prior to the meeting perhaps?

The Mole tips that this will result in even fewer present at the lunches.

The Mole is unaware of any large carol service this year.

The Mole is unaware of any service on Sunday 25 December 2011.

The Mole will be attending Midnight Mass at St Elsewhere's

D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #200
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:19/12/2011 8:30 AMCopy HTML

On 18/12/2011 Simon is alleged to have said that as there will not be a service on Sunday 25 December (also known as Christmas Day to non RCI people) could everyone please give double offerings as the church had bills to pay.

Good luck with that one, Simon.
perhaps you should issue audited financial statements each year to enable the people in the pews to decide how much to give to keep the place going.
RCI prophesies
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