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Date Posted:19/01/2006 9:09 AMCopy HTML

$%*'`[Deep Throat Mole]%*'`@"Pastor Simon" is alleged to have said (words to the effect that) "when people leave RCI they frequently bag individual pastors/house leaders but they are unable to criticise the doctrine" (presumably because it is 100% correct)Not so sure about BI myself!.Deep
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:19/01/2006 2:02 PMCopy HTML

That's because they refuse to listen to anyone who bags the doctrine.  In fact, if you ask too many questions then they give you the right foot of fellowship quick smart.

Ah Simon, I know you nurse your doubts about the whole game. 

Fled Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:19/01/2006 3:38 PMCopy HTML

Simon has also said that if the Lord did not return by 2005 then  he thought many people would leave the RCI. I suppose they will  now radically modify  their doctrine on the Lord's return and hope the people will swallow it. They have dropped Bible numerics as well as the talks on the pyramid. My oh my ,they are not the perfect  A grade church after all.
mf doom Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:21/01/2006 11:41 PMCopy HTML

Reply to : Fled

Simon has also said that if the Lord did not returnby 2005then he thought many people would leave the RCI.I suppose they will nowradically modify their doctrine on the Lord's return and hope the people will swallow it. They have dropped Bible numerics as well as the talks on the pyramid. My oh my ,they are notthe perfect A grade church after all.

ahh, and let me guess, by 2006, even more?

geez, clever people...

accepting the information age and all... the magic is going... finally the bible is being recognised as literature and 'history'

wasn't it old lloydy who used to talk about a text without a context being a pretext?

anyhow... always fun to hear stuff about my old home...
if it gives you joy, enjoy! life aint pretty without it
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:05/02/2006 10:12 AMCopy HTML

$%*'`[Deep Throat Mole]%*'`@

?Pastor Simon" said or is alleged to have said during his talk on marriage (words to the effect that) "the Bible says that there is no place for male chauvinist pigs."

 fficeffice" />

This seems to contradict the fact that no female is allowed to preach, teach or hold any opinion in the RCI despite what happens in the mainstream Protestant churches and in fact even the dreaded Catholics allow women to do everything except administer the Sacraments.


It was noticed also that Mrs Pastor Simon was elegantly coiffed and attired to support her man in proper American political campaigning style.


And where would we be without the mandatory diatribe against fornication?


?Pastor Simon" said or is alleged to have said during his talk on marriage (words to the effect that) "fornication is the only sin that defile the body" which then segued into also defiling the body of the church (RCI)

mf doom Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #5
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:06/02/2006 4:49 AMCopy HTML

just 'clever' word usage, as usual. sounds really politically correct. obviously and overly so.

his wife never looked happy. appearances can be decieving, though. anyway, sounds like they've bought into amway now.

the fornication. they will forever have keep justifying the split. that's just karma. word has it that he was one of the original 'defilers'.

but hey, 'there's no need for a witch-hunt, hey dad?'

na, good luck to them. imagine being trapped in that world/role for the rest of your life!
if it gives you joy, enjoy! life aint pretty without it
Lahad Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #6
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:05/03/2006 10:30 AMCopy HTML

Ha ha ROFL

Obey them ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that have the rule over you ... ^^^^^

not anymore they don't

Macho Man

Warrick 007 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #7
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:08/03/2006 2:59 PMCopy HTML

Reply to : Macho Man

Ha ha ROFLObey them ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that have the rule over you ... ^^^^^not anymore they don'tMacho Man

Thats is so sad! Whats with all the showmanship, sitting on veiw like some show piece.
I thought the heart of a sheepard was ment to be meek, lowly, humble?

The GRC pastars did the same thing at the end of year camps.

Why do they do it?

Why do they need to be on veiw to every one?

To me its nothing but a joke!
A man died and went to heaven. He was met by Jesus and Jesus began to show him around. As they walked they saw some amazing things. Some too beautiful and amazing to describe. Eventually they came to a huge wall and the man heard the sound of music, laughing and what basically sounded like a party coming from behind the wall. Curious, the man asked Jesus what was going on behind the wall. Jesus answered, "Shhhh!!! Not too loud. That"s the GRC. They think they"re the only ones here!!!"
exReadBiblist Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #8
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:06/04/2006 8:21 AMCopy HTML

Reply to : Macho Man

Ha ha ROFLObey them ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that have the rule over you ... ^^^^^not anymore they don'tMacho Man
exReadBiblist Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #9
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:06/04/2006 8:22 AMCopy HTML

Reply to : exReadBiblist

Reply to : Macho ManHa ha ROFLObey them ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that have the rule over you ... ^^^^^not anymore they don'tMacho Man

Did they ever have the rule over us OR did we ALLOW them to rule over us?


Fled Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #10
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:04/05/2006 1:23 PMCopy HTML

 Predicting the Lord's Return is not that easy. But it look's like the RCI got it wrong and heaven forbid that any members should start questioning the oversight about being false teachers.   The following extract, in italics is taken from the Voice of Revival 2004 where they in typical RCI fashion put the blame back on the individual and  try to white wash their clangers.

The Lord will return.Do you ever wonder why the Lord has not already returned?   Well I know we are not supposed to use our brain and think but I clearly recall  oversight repeatedly saying in their  mind numbing talks it would be around the year 2000 and it is now 2006. The maths just doesn't add up.  Do you feel disheartened or impatient?  According to God's Plan, shouldn't He come back at any time? Maybe He should be back already. According to the RCI plan he should be back already. Will they ever admit they got it wrong? Haven't we been encouraged to believe that God's Great Week is nearing, or even has passed, the end of the sixth ?day'? Encouraged  to believe ...what a joke,  programmed to  believe  would be a better way of putting it. He hasn't returned yet, and so we wait and wonder. The Lord is coming soon ? it could be at any moment. Live as though He is going to return tomorrow ? even today. How much longer will it be? The answer is, it doesn't matter. The Lord will return.The way to retain the excitement and zeal about salvation is to be immersed in the work of the Lord. The work of the Lord  has got nothing to do with being a dutiful sheep in the RCI flock. If the current members throw themselves into those time wasting unproductive  RCI activities and be part of the usual rent a crowd then they won't have time to think about or dare to question the oversight's mistakes, false teachings, endless gossiping and hypocrisy.After all Simon enjoys being head honcho and he does not want to see the  lucrative Longfield empire crumble at the seams.
MothandRust Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #11
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:04/05/2006 2:37 PMCopy HTML

Reply to : Fled

Predicting the Lord's Return is not that easy. But it look's like the RCI got it wrong and heaven forbid that any members should start questioning the oversight about being false teachers.The following extract initalicsis taken from the Voice of Revival 2004 where they in typical RCI fashion put the blame back on the individual andtry to white wash their clangers.

I miss those campfire chats where we used to play with math to predict the great return. Here's some of it. Great fun!

According to 'God's Great Week', which put the time of Adam's birth 3996 years before Jesus' (666x6) the first four days or thousand years was the world under law. The 5th day was the millenium of grace and the dispensing of the holy spirit (5 meaning grace). The 6th day was the mark of the dark ages (6 meaning sin). The 7th day that we are in now, according to the great week, is going to be a period of perfecting (7 meaning perfection). That theory puts us at approximately day 6010 from Adam's creation. Some argue Jesus was actually born at 4 or 8 B.C.

A thousand years is to one day. Lazarus was dead 4 days... depicting the time the world struggled without Christ's atonement. The good Samaritan (Jesus) paid the inn-keeper 2 pennies for 2 days (or two thousand years). With that theory we should set our watches to 2000 years after pentecost (2030ish).

Another favourite was that the generation that saw 1917 and etc will see the return. A full gen (at 3 score and ten plus ten at strength) gave us 1997. A review by RF pastors found that a generation at the time of writing was more likely 120 years. That theory puts the return at 2037.

I love this one. The history of the world is halving with each age: 8000 years of man-made religion; 4000 years of law; 2000 years of grace; 1000 years of christ's reign; then pop... the new age of ages.

The mysterious Mayan calenders seem to stop sometime after 2000 but I wouldn't take out another mortgage on the home if I were you. I'm siding with the preterists. The futurists are all nutters, and the historists are all pretentious.

Instagram and Twitter: @mothpete
Anonymous Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #12
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:04/05/2006 6:33 PMCopy HTML

who is that a photo of??? Meg
wavy gravy Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #13
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:05/05/2006 11:35 AMCopy HTML

I am out of the loop here in America, which is good in some ways, so I don't always know what is going on in Oz. What is the status of Lloyd? Is he still alive and ticking? hiding out with Osama somewhere? or fading away?
I thought that someone of his stature who has made (up) such an institution like he has would be around, but apparently not.
Any ideas where he is? just curious.
Fled Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #14
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:06/05/2006 12:16 PMCopy HTML

fficeffice" />ffice:word" />In the late 90's Lloyd had become quite old and forgetful and he was unable to keep a tight hand on all assemblies. A big split occurred in 1995 which we were led to believe was over fornication issues, but it was also a power struggle. His leadership was challenged over the new stance on fornication and like any true dictator he called the shots and did not see the need to consult anyone pastors on any changes he made to policies or doctrines.  After the big split there was a reshuffle of many oversight positions to replace all those that had left. With the new morals stance most of the oversight became far more oppressive and insidious. The Sunday School's new program also reflected the new hardline approach and the essence of all the lessons  was to obey God and the oversight. Since the split they were never able to regain the steady numbers of new baptisms despite trying many different approaches to outreaches.   The only way they keep their numbers now is through the families with children.  Lloyd retired in the late 90's and appointed his son Simon as his successor.   Lloyd sold his place in Hawthorn  and bought a place in Research ( I wonder if he misses his red room.) He has aged considerably and he does not drive anymore.



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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:06/05/2006 9:06 PMCopy HTML

Funny that , how he has aged isn't it.  I think I would have too if I were 86
Anonymous Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #16
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:15/05/2006 1:42 PMCopy HTML

$%*'`[A kick up the backslide]%*'`@

Funny that , how he has aged isn't it. I think I would have too if I were 86

Shhhhh, don't tell the disgruntled ex that. I mean, why put ageing down to normal physical decline, when you can put it down to God's judgement of the "wicked"?
Anonymous Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #17
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:25/06/2006 6:51 PMCopy HTML

$%*'`[Deep Throat Mole]%*'`@

The informant tells me that many of the pastors are saying that maybe, perhaps, we are not really sure but, the world will end in the next five years due to the situation in the middle east, and fuel crisis.

Meetings at HQ are now being videotaped and they are talking about internet streaming of the meetings because "we are getting 30,000 hits a month on our website" so stop accessing it you blokes!


The Mole

D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #18
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:06/09/2006 11:04 AMCopy HTML

Simon Says (well actually Pastor Alf said)

I am informed that Pastor Alf recently gave a talk with slide show and video about the "Italian Camp"

This is held in Italy as the name suggests but is for the whole of Europe.

You may visualise thousands in attendance but but in fact  there were only 30 Revivalists in atttendance including the Pom contingent.

He further advised that the London congregation was now nine members and there were a further five some where in Dorset.



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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:06/09/2006 12:18 PMCopy HTML

Reply to : D-T-M

He further advised that the London congregation was now nine members and there were a further five some where in Dorset.

The super gospel, going into every land and taking the world by storm!



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D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #20
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:28/09/2006 6:05 PMCopy HTML

Simon says: (or is alleged to have said) that

 fficeffice" />

On one of his recent trips to convert the heathen he was taken to see a woman who was bed ridden on account of the Witch Doctors' diagnosis of "you're gonna die"


Naturally Simon "preyed in tongues" (not sure if anyone was able to translate into the local language) and the woman deciding that the tongues speak would beat the witch doctor's incantations on a break took up her bed and walked.


Another "miracle" for the RCI.

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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:28/09/2006 7:11 PMCopy HTML

Reply to : D-T-M

Right.  The power of belief.  Nothing miraculous there.

D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #22
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:07/01/2007 9:41 AMCopy HTML

Long time readers of the forum will recall that about a year ago I advised that the order of Sunday meetings would change with the Instructional meeting first, lunch and fellowship and the Communion meeting at 4PM. Attendance at the communion meeting for 2006 was not as good as anticipated so:-

for 2007 its back to Communion meeting at 1PM, a shorter lunch break and the instructional meeting at 3.30PM so that the faithful can get home a bit earlier.




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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:13/04/2007 10:27 AMCopy HTML

Having never been invovled with the Revival group, it is hard to understand what you guys are talking about through this thread.

However it has to be said you guys sound like a bunch of spooners.

Get over it, you are so rapped up in this organisation that even after you have stopped attending their group you get on web sites like this..



Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #24
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:13/04/2007 8:15 PMCopy HTML

to spooner, we come here to heal, sometimes to be able to speak about things without the fear of rejection is a good thing and that is why this forum is here, so if you dont like it dont look as its obviously not here for you


D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #25
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:16/07/2007 8:10 AMCopy HTML

Actually it wasn't Simon but, according to my source a "Pastor Bruce" who told the faithful last Sunday that the reference tp paradise in Luke 22:43 when Jesus says to the "good" thief, today you will be with me in paradise actually means a garden.

According to the NIV Study Bible Paradise is designated as a garden on the Old Testament but in the NT "it refers to a place of bliss and rest between death and ressurection".

More poor research by a RCI "Pastor"?



D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #26
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:09/10/2007 7:50 PMCopy HTML

On 7/10/07 Simon is alleged to have said that "some people who leave blame it on certain members (guess who?) and then they go and join HillSong (shock, horror)
franks ghost Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #27
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:10/10/2007 6:06 AMCopy HTML

Reply to : D-T-M

Actually it wasn't Simon but, according to my source a "Pastor Bruce" who told the faithful last Sunday that the reference tp paradise in Luke 22:43 when Jesus says to the "good" thief, today you will be with me in paradise actually means a garden.According to the NIV Study Bible Paradise is designated as a garden on the Old Testament but in the NT "it refers to a place of bliss and rest between death and ressurection".More poor research by a RCI "Pastor"?DTM
So what has your research shown up D-T-M ?
it is the glory of God to conceal a matter but the honour of kings to search it out.
franks ghost Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #28
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:10/10/2007 6:08 AMCopy HTML

Reply to : D-T-M

On 7/10/07 Simon is alleged to have said that "some people who leave blame it on certain members (guess who?) and then they go and join HillSong (shock, horror)
And your point is ?
it is the glory of God to conceal a matter but the honour of kings to search it out.
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #29
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:10/10/2007 7:35 AMCopy HTML

Reply to : franks ghost


The truth be told, I'm rather interested in learning what you believe concerning the fate of the rebel on the cross, and the issue of what was implied by the expression 'Paradise'.



franks ghost Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #30
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:10/10/2007 2:52 PMCopy HTML

Reply to : Didaktikon

Reply to : franks ghostFrankie,The truth be told, I'm rather interested in learning whatyoubelieve concerning the fate of the rebel on the cross, and the issue of what was implied by the expression 'Paradise'Blessings,Ian

Ok I have always thought that the thief was under the 'old covenant' because jesus had yet to be glorified, going to the right hand of the Father (commencing & issueing in the New) and yes in fact he would simply go to the grave on that occassion.

Thats it for me and I'm happy to stand corrected.


it is the glory of God to conceal a matter but the honour of kings to search it out.
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #31
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:10/10/2007 3:35 PMCopy HTML

Reply to : franks ghost


Perhaps you should prepare yourself for the possibility of standing corrected.

Ok I have always thought that the thief was under the 'old covenant' because jesus had yet to be glorified, going to the right hand of the Father (commencing & issueing in the New) and yes in fact he would simply go to the grave on that occassion.

For starters, I think you (in common with Revivalists generally) make waaay to much of the supposed discontinuity between the Old and New Covenants, as if one was supposedly all 'law' and the other supposedly all 'grace' (and with a clearly defined line-in-the-sand separating the two)! Jesus' baptism, and with it the commencement of his ministry preaching the reality of the intruding Kingdom of God, is what really ushered in the NT covenant. Pentecost 30 AD simply served to confirm as much (sort of like an opening of the 'flood gates'), much as the giving of the Law at Sinai (which also took place at Pentecost) confirmed the covenant entered into by God with Abraham.

To develop this point a little further, can I take it that you've read Luke 10:20? This being so, precisely how do you reconcile the fact that Jesus' followers, pre-Pentecost, as they were, had their "...names written in heaven?" as a present reality and not a future one? Building on this, how do you understand the multiplied occurrences in the gospels wherein Jesus pronounced people saved (again as a current reality) by virtue of their faith? These, too, taking place well before his 'glorification'.

Thats it for me and I'm happy to stand corrected.

Cool. Might I ask whether you've read my essay on 'Paradise' at If you haven't, then perhaps you should. We will then be in a position to take this conversation further, given that you're currently conflating two quite distinct issues: the first being the timing and the nature of the New Covenant, with the second being the nature of the intermediate state (the specific application in this instance being how such was impacted by Christ's promise to the crucified rebel at Calvary).



Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #32
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:10/10/2007 11:08 PMCopy HTML

Reply to : Didaktikon

Reply to : franks ghostFrank,Perhaps you should prepare yourself for the possibility of standing correctedOk I have always thought that the thief was under the 'old covenant' because jesus had yet to be glorified, going to the right hand of the Father (commencing & issueing in the New) and yes in fact he would simply go to the grave on that occassion.For starters, I think you (in common with Revivalists generally) makewaaayto much of the supposed discontinuity between the Old and New Covenants, as if one was supposedly all 'law' and the other supposedly all 'grace' (and with a clearly defined line-in-the-sand separating the two)! Jesus' baptism, and with it the commencement of his ministry preaching the reality of the intruding Kingdom of God, i .......

Galatians chapter 3 talks about the very issue we have here. The covenant God made is because of the faith of Abraham in believing Him. It is the same covenant now. The Holy Spirit was given to us, not by keeping (obeying) the law, which is a mere human effort, but by believing the message we heard about Christ so putting our faith in God. The agreement God made with Abraham could not be cancelled 430 years later when God gave the law to Moses. God would be breaking His promise. The law was given to show people how guilty they are, but this system of law was to last only until the coming of the seed of Abraham, which was Christ, to whom the promise was made. The only way to receive Gods promise is to believe in Christ.

I found also in the Old Testament many references to those that have their names written in heaven because of their belief in God. ?Selah'


franks ghost Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #33
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:11/10/2007 9:13 AMCopy HTML

Reply to : Didaktikon

Reply to : franks ghostFrank,Perhaps you should prepare yourself for the possibility of standing correctedOk I have always thought that the thief was under the 'old covenant' because jesus had yet to be glorified, going to the right hand of the Father (commencing & issueing in the New) and yes in fact he would simply go to the grave on that occassion.For starters, I think you (in common with Revivalists generally) makewaaayto much of the supposed discontinuity between the Old and New Covenants, as if one was supposedly all 'law' and the other supposedly all 'grace' (and with a clearly defined line-in-the-sand separating the two)! Jesus' baptism, and with it the commencement of his ministry preaching the reality of the intruding Kingdom of God, i

Didi , I'll re read Luke & I'll read your article.

ps I read your article on Grammer and I'll need to spend some time here, I was hopless at English as a kid, I can see how that has held back my comprehension not just in reading period but also in understanding argument. Enough of the excuses.

As I said I'll read again and we can talk soon....


it is the glory of God to conceal a matter but the honour of kings to search it out.
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #34
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:13/12/2007 4:47 AMCopy HTML

Dunno where Simon was last Sunday but Geoff Beggs although not mentioning them by name bagged the Catholics three or four times. It is interesting that the management never refer to other religions that they bag by name, merely referring to their practices.They are going to go ballistic next year when B16 visits Sydney and pulls a crowd of 100,000 at Randwick Racecourse. Of course such a venue would be the devils territory as far as RCI is concerned being a gambling venue..

Then at the Communion service Pr Bruce Judkins from Ballarat used the bit from Luke 22 verses 23 onwards that the dreaded Catholics use every Sunday in the Mass which as a practicing left footer I found ironic.

One of the congregation was heard to claim that her six year old "had received" and spoke in tongues"




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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:19/12/2007 9:59 PMCopy HTML


Simon said:

We must have more bums on seats so we are going to repeat last year's "Follow the Star" and the Carols.

Firstly House leaders were instructed to hose down the concerns of older members about adopting Papist practices

like a Nativity scene and Carols as these were merely the bait on the hook and once the fish were landed they would be quickly educated about desisting from such practices.  

Follow the Star is aimed at the parents with ankle biters market and contained a number of Nativity related items, Shepherds, models of what Bethlehem might have looked like at the time, The Gifts of the Magi and of course a nativity scene. This was followed by optional colouring of religious pictures for the young and coffee for the parents during which time the hard sell could be applied.

Now the carols. This was a slick concert, probably aimed at the teen/young adult market with modern versions of the carols and some new ones which the Mole, who is an old timer had never heard of. They have a lot of talented singers and musicians. Audience participation in the carols was not encouraged and Simon said that there were no song sheets handed out, neither was the overhead used to supply the words.

Any punter signing up on the basis of the carols concert will have a rude awakening when they find out that the first 25 minutes of the Sunday service consists of "choruses" interposed by a couple of "Testimonies" (It is my observation that the singing seems to be by rote and is somewhat lacking in fervour, mind you 25 minutes does seem interminable when I have to attend.)

The Mole

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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:21/12/2007 7:03 AMCopy HTML

My how times have changed . In the 90's we were allowed to sing a coupke of traditional carols from the redemptional hymnal and that was only on Christmas day or the Sunday before it.  Now a very reliabe source tells me they even sing the Rolf Harris song Six White Boomers on their carols night.

They are desperate for new baptisms so I guess they will use any  bait to lure people in.

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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:21/12/2007 2:28 PMCopy HTML

Trying so hard to look and sound like a real church that they're going to pretend they adore baby Jesus more than babbling jaws. Silent night and god rest ye merry gentlemen? In Revival? It smacks of deception and desperation, and that's exactly what it is. I noticed the carol advertisement on their website some time back and was gobsmacked... as was a close friend who has ties with RCI. I don't think she'd have believed me unless she saw for herself.

Sleazy Santa Simon (hahaha... uh huh -wink wink-) wants bums on seats, and he'll kiss as many Xmas asses as he can to suck the life out of them and get them following the bah-humbug Revival way. Just like don't knock Noah, and all other theatre restaurant tactics they've used in recent years, they want to look normal and mainstream, and deep down, just want to be loved. Sigh... frak that pathetic ruse. They're not interested in sharing the Bethehem story, they just want to trick naive souls into visiting other non-christmassy meetings where the gospel message of Jesus will be contorted into a mess of comvoluted salvation criteria, endless rules and laws, and non-forgiveness of natural human weakness. Where peace on earth becomes guilt and condemnation to all the merry gentlemen... and the girls can shut up and be silent.

Christmas is used by the marketing gurus of the modern world to sell products. They sell christmas cheer and plastic goodwill to move Bratz dolls and Playstations. Religion and Revival do the same. Blow the dust off the Santa dolls and nativity scene and jingles those bells... since when did Simon start caring about Jesus, or anything Jesus really had to say.

Coming soon to a Revival centre... Easter services? Bahmitzvahs?

MothandRust Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #38
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:21/12/2007 2:47 PMCopy HTML

Trying so hard to look and sound like a real church that they're going to pretend they adore baby Jesus more than babbling jaws. Silent night and god rest ye merry gentlemen? In Revival? It smacks of deception and desperation, and that's exactly what it is. I noticed the carol advertisement on their website some time back and was gobsmacked... as was a close friend who has ties with RCI. I don't think she'd have believed me unless she saw for herself.

Sleazy Santa Simon (hahaha... uh huh -wink wink-) wants bums on seats, and he'll kiss as many Xmas asses as he can to suck the life out of them and get them following the bah-humbug Revival way. Just like don't knock Noah, and all other theatre restaurant tactics they've used in recent years, they want to look normal and mainstream, and deep down, just want to be loved. Sigh... frak that pathetic ruse. They're not interested in sharing the Bethehem story, they just want to trick naive souls into visiting other non-christmassy meetings where the gospel message of Jesus will be contorted into a mess of comvoluted salvation criteria, endless rules and laws, and non-forgiveness of natural human weakness. Where peace on earth becomes guilt and condemnation to all the merry gentlemen... and the girls can shut up and be silent.

Christmas is used by the marketing gurus of the modern world to sell products. They sell christmas cheer and plastic goodwill to move Bratz dolls and Playstations. Religion and Revival do the same. Blow the dust off the Santa dolls and nativity scene and jingles those bells... since when did Simon start caring about Jesus, or anything Jesus really had to say.

Coming soon to a Revival centre... Easter services? Bahmitzvahs?

Instagram and Twitter: @mothpete
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:23/12/2007 9:19 PMCopy HTML



AFAICR Six White Boomers was on the list at the Carols Concerts.

Now on the fourth Sunday of Advent either by accident or Divine Intervention every member of the choir was wearing a purple garment of some description, either skirt, trousers, upper garment but I don't suppose most of you good folk subscribe to that Papist stuff anyway.

However Fled you will be pleased to know that after the usual interminable choruses interposed by no less than four "Testimonies" they finished with a token "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" Simon could hardly wait until the conclusion of the fifth or sixth verse to rush up onto the podium to point out the line about Born to give then second birth.

BTW those at Fish Creek Camp can look forward to at least two indoctrine free days, being Friday and Tuesday and I understand each Tuesday and Friday thay they remain in the Stalag.

At the close of play Simon once again alluded to the fact that Carols and Follow the Star were necessary evils and stated that it would be business as normal and bigger than better than before in the new year.

A final thought about testimonies - why is it that if "The Bible" says than the only way to go for baptism is by full immersion every testimony that I have heard specifically mentions that "I was baptised by full immersion" Is this not in the words of Basil Fawlty to his long suffering wife "stating the bleeding obvious."?

Now praise the Lord, the Mole can plead a prior sporting engagement each Sunday until Easter so the only reports that I may post until then will be hearsay ones.




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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:28/12/2007 5:58 AMCopy HTML

Please refer to the following disclaimer from the RCI website, particularly the second para. Note the very slight disclaimer re miracles!

The Mole

"Testimonials contained in this website and other RCI publications have been faithfully recorded as presented by members of the RCI with some minor grammatical changes.

Claims made by individuals containing medical terminologies and outcomes are presented in good faith. (i.e.  we are not really sure that a miracle took place!)

Personal accounts relating to previous experiences should be viewed as historical and not critical of any group, nation or sect".


The Mole

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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:03/01/2008 8:45 AMCopy HTML

The Mole understands that one of the young blokes wrote a very nice letter to Simon suggesting that RCI move into the 21st Century and start using the NIV Bible. Simon knows obviously that in the Study Edition of NIV there are a number of footnotes which suggest that "tongues" mean foreign languages so Simon hit that delivery out of the ground and told the young bloke to go and sin no more.



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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:22/01/2008 9:13 AMCopy HTML

Simon told the congregation last week that he did not mind if they read NIV Bibles but all preaching in his outfit would be from King James version only.

The Mole
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:11/02/2008 9:22 AMCopy HTML

Simon said on Sunday 10 Feb 2008 they they are going to appoint younger House Leaders (going for the youth market), appoint Elders and have a monthly Super High Intensity Training meeting for all pastors and officers to ensure that everybody is singing from the same song sheet.

Deep Throat Mole
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:11/02/2008 11:57 AMCopy HTML

".....Training meeting for all pastors and officers to ensure that everybody is singing from the same song sheet."

What is different about it?  they have been doing that for years.:nuts:
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:06/04/2008 11:48 PMCopy HTML

My informant says that there are problems with the youth section.

(1) Simon does not approve of members seeking approbation ("friends") on Facebook, Utube etc blogs.

(2) Simon is concerned that youth members are lashing/absconding from the hall between the two meetings and in many instances fail to return for the Second meeting. He has come up with an innovative solution which is to install some new shiny chrome cafe type high tables and matching bar stools in the lunch room to try and induce the younger members to remain at the hall between the two meetings!



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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:29/08/2008 9:23 AMCopy HTML


Simon said last Sunday that he had just returned from a (presumably tithe payer funded) junket to Europe where he attended the Italian Camp which incorporated all the European Assemblies. Total attendance was 30, same as reported by the former Pastor Alf last year so not much growth in Europe.

He also visited a number of the old Catholic Cathederals to gather information with with to give them a serve - made some comment about the high altars elevating the status of the priests putting them above the ordinary members whereas  an RCI pastors is simply one of the boys and equal in stature to ordinary members of the assembly. Yeah, right.


PS What is the horse and rider words at the top instead of the logo?

Has Simon slapped a copyright writ onto the owners of the site?

outaegypt Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #47
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:31/08/2008 6:47 AMCopy HTML

peply to DTM :Simon said last Sunday that he had just returned from a (presumably tithe payer funded) junket to Europe.

Lucky those 'Mission Fund' tins get shoved and re shoved in your face at house meetings till they are full.
Love to see some accounting on that big questionable black hole. 
Ss father apparently claimed visits  to O/S Assemblies, it would be attend a meeting and then stay no where near an Assembly, in Pent house style accommodation and have a great holiday. 
S is quietly said by those closest to him for doing similar styled trips but likes to catch all the Theatre Productions. At least Lloyd took his family, S seems to prefer the single life.  
As I hear it, I'll repeat it, Its up to you if you believe it! Allegation big and small, soon revealed before us all. outa here- Outa Egypt!
D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #48
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:02/09/2008 10:05 AMCopy HTML

I thought there were no mods on this board.

What happened to all the posts about the logos and copyright and the photo of Loyd and the other dude?

Yhe Mole
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:09/09/2008 10:06 AMCopy HTML

On 7 September 2008 Simon said or is alleged to have said "we are experiencing a drought of baptisms both here in Oz and also in NZ. Of course we are having baptisms in peoples homes and at house meetings."

"Pastor Bruce" said or is alleged to have said "we used to have 400 baptisms a year in the past..............Most assemblies outside of Box Hill are not more than 30 members (the magic Italian camp number!) but you can still have good worship/fellowship with 30 people.

General spruiking for everyone to front up to house meetings and also the 12.15PM prayer meeting at Box Hill.

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #50
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Re:Simon Says

Date Posted:10/09/2008 12:15 AMCopy HTML

Good morning, Mole.

I've personally visited a number of RCI assemblies where there have been considerably fewer than 30 "folk" in attendance. And the same is true with respect to the RF groups of my acquaintance, too. But I would caution against making assumptions that are based solely on numbers. Consider, the church at Corinth that Paul wrote two rather long and important letters to, was comprised of between 50 and 70 people in total. Not a particularly large number. The church at Philippi had about 30 members. The church at Ephesus comprised approximately 80 members. All of these churches were very, very small by western standards! In point of fact, there was no single fellowship that comprised more than 100 members during the first 250-300 years of the Church's history, the same period of time when Christianity basically "exploded" throughout the Roman Empire!

Personally, I've always been most comfortable in fellowships of about 120 people at "max", as this number best accommodates intimacy and "complete-Body-ministry" (my current church has around 700 people, but meh). So, as far as I'm concerned, larger isn't necessarily better.



P.S. However, when one extrapolates the data across the Revivalist denominations as a whole, it then becomes clear that they're not making much of an impact upon the fabric of society.

RCI prophesies
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