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Date Posted:20/08/2009 2:59 AMCopy HTML

At Moth’s request, some banter for the forum proper instead of the chatbox for a change.


I guess there's always plenty of exciting banter ready to be released from my brain these days. That is, exciting in contrast to the hopelessness I felt only 9 months ago when we were still trapped within RF, had expressed to pastors we were not being fed from the word, and were told it was merely the fault of our bad attitude, which had me stumped as I was always such a devout and enthusiastic Revivalite.

Although, after only being preached the same recycled jargon for 20 years (because talk topics are finite when the doctrine is a shallow made up one, with no contextual teaching due to no formal studies of scripture, in its rightful context) there's a problem if you're not smelling a fish (a really big whopping stenchy dead one!).

The only reason I believe people don't smell such stinky fish is the same reason that people living near toilet paper factories can't smell the stinky smoke anymore.


It is not until such people take a break from the area, that they can actually smell that stench again –I’m talking about people I know of course who have lived near the one in the South East.

Another example is many years ago, I visited some revival fellowshippers in the then Belfast fellowship, who couldn’t smell the stench of the fertilizers in the paddocks near their house, because their noses had grown accustomed to it.

So, when I first arrived there and stepped out of the car and exclaimed “Phwwoooooooooooorrrr what is that SMELL??!!”

They quite simply replied “what are you talking about?”.

Of course their poor snozzes had grown so accustomed to the stench, unbeknownst to them, that it was as if the bad smell didn’t even exist, and they’d forgotten all about the toxic fertilizers they were inhaling everyday: Revivalists, take heed.

Ah, there’s lessons to be learned everywhere you go.
The more time you spend in a place the less noticeable the dodgy things become.

Lucky for us, the tumultuous time we had with the birth of 2 little ones spaced not too far apart gave us ample thinking and objective time away from meetings, and also time to do some of our own independent study and research as well.
So, when we began to up the attendance again, it is then that we could really smell the stinky fish afresh, whereas before it had just been the odd wiff at the start and then not so much, as all the doubts are explained away with scripture twisting and then put behind you so you can relax in the false knowledge that you have it all right, and the rest of the world is wrong.
Then, just like our friend Luke, we must get on with informing the masses of their error, feeding them stinky dead fish, disguised as some fancy foreign dish, that no one will ever guess the ingredients of, because afterall, he continues to feed it to himself, and has been eating it so long, he can’t taste how toxic it is anymore. 
So, he/ Revivalists want to share their exotic yet poisonous dish of false doctrine and wonder why some people (ie. those who have already had food poisoning from it previously and Christians who already know the taste of "good food") grimace when they serve it up.  


Thank you God for revealing the lies to me, when I felt something was really amiss and prayed to Jesus to show me what it was.

Jesus is true to his believers, when they humble themselves before him, and are willing to accept, that maybe, just maybe, they have got it all wrong.


God bless you all.


Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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Date Posted:20/08/2009 8:44 AMCopy HTML

Hiya, girlie.

"Fishy-wife" smiley9



Sea Urchin Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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Date Posted:20/08/2009 12:39 PMCopy HTML

Thank you God for revealing the lies to me, when I felt something was really amiss and prayed to Jesus to show me what it was.

Jesus is true to his believers, when they humble themselves before him, and are willing to accept, that maybe, just maybe, they have got it all wrong.

Thanks RD for reminding us (and expressing it so vividly) where we came from and of God's love for His precious children. My prayer is that current revivalists read your post, throw themselves on God's mercy and ask Him to reveal Himself to them. When one asks that of our heavenly Father, He comes running - just like the father of the prodigal who lifted up his garment so he could run to his lost son.  Oh how precious is the love of Jesus!

Thanks again RD

Urch x x

Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the ocean depths.
RevivalDemeritPoints Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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Date Posted:24/08/2009 2:27 AMCopy HTML

Hiya, girlie.

"Fishy-wife" smiley9



... no stinky fish smells coming from this wife's kitchen, just heavenly aromas

and Urch, thanks for your message, I really hope so too.

Bizarrely, yesterday I had a certain pastor on my mind when I was listening to another excellent sermon at the Holy Trinity, with recently removed ex revivalist family members too (!), for their first time.
I was
thinking wow, if only he could hear this, he could plainly see how off the mark he is with his old testament 'talks'.
Just an
hour or so afterwards, we were all strolling along in an inner city suburb when bang! There he and his wife were, shaking our hands and saying how great it was to see us! (funny that, seeming that it was he who advised a revival friend of ours to univite us from their wedding quite recently).
My husband then told me how he had also had this pastor on his mind a few times in the last week, that he
would really like to talk to him about things. So, a sign perhaps?
Our prayers for Revivalists are not going out void.

God bless,




Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #4
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Date Posted:24/08/2009 2:43 AMCopy HTML

Hiya, RDP.

Sounds like a certain Revivalist pastor is in for a heap o' trouble!

Blessings, girlie.


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