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Date Posted:08/06/2008 5:17 AMCopy HTML

See "the age" - 'preacher who preyed on his flock' article.

The whole thing is very sad really, i sort of feel for Glen too, i mean read Simon L comments " he will be kicked out if found guilty" where is the love of God in that, i mean yea sure he needs to be dealt with, but for "the Church" to punish him further is horrendous, this is up to the laws of the land, the church should be there to council him and his family ( not to say what they should be doing for those burnt by this whole horrible thing) but no push them away let it not tarnish there precious reputation, what a joke and a sad indictment on the christian church as a whole.

To those that have been burnt by this whole thing I am so sorry that you  have gone through this and i pray that you have restitution.
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #251
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Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

Date Posted:01/10/2009 12:28 AMCopy HTML


Sure, there have been some changes made to 'business' over the years, but RCI apologists like Rob overstep the mark by a long way when they make the sorts of claims that they do. I've personally found that it helps to have a more 'global' perspective of the fellowship than simply a strictly local or regional view, such as that held by Rob. Such tends to provide one with what is a more "full-orbed" perspective of matters.



Xracer2 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #252
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Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

Date Posted:01/10/2009 2:04 AMCopy HTML

Ian and Tommo,

Thanks for the replies,

Tommo so that you understand and I know Ian does too. I Don't know what goes on in all Rci assemblies, I never said I have. I only go by what has happened to me or near me.

Yes things were different a while back, times change I am sure you are aware of that. They let women in army to fight now, they never use to. Black people were never allowed to vote, Women weren't allowed to be at the bar, You were allowed to smoke in resturants etc..etc.. So times do change and so do rules/laws. I would hope that people understand that. Forgiveness ring a bell. If I was to turn my back on all the people that offended me over the years I wouldn't be much of a christian (even thou Ian would strongly disagree?), But you get my meaning.
There are many other churches in that boat including your traditional churches, I am sure you are aware of that!
I am not interested in dredging up peoples past or greveances, and I know there are some horrible stories that have happened to people. There is also a lot of hatered out there because situations that happened...not good. I am quite confident God knows what is going on and HE will deal with it accordingly in the end. God Rules!
Anyway the whole point of me posting here was to see some proof behind all of the accusations that have been made, not just hearsay.

Since you spoke to PS and he said the "umpire", who is he referring to? I am also glad that YOU would ask him yourself.

I guess it is as Ian says, "Watch this space", It will be interesting to see what happens.


tommo Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #253
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Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

Date Posted:01/10/2009 11:28 PMCopy HTML

 Hi Rob

Thanks for your dissertation on modern life and how things have changed in the world - good stuff. However, I dont see how changes to government legislation on the subjects of smoking in restaurants, voting or women's rights has to do with RCI policy.

As for forgiveness, you are asking people whose lives were ripped apart by despotic revivalist pastors who, in many cases, broke the law by forcing underage couples to leave the church until they were old enough to marry, forced abused and battered women back into the relationships they had fled to be "right with the lord". Now I know all you revivalists are well adjusted and have a huge capacity for forgiveness but Rob, how do you think you would cope if this was your son or daughter or loved one.

Out of interest Rob, where are you based and who is your Pastor?
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #254
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Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

Date Posted:02/10/2009 12:38 AMCopy HTML

Good morning, Thommo.

Rob fellowships in the Brisbane RCI, so Darcy Ryan is his pastor



Xracer2 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #255
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Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

Date Posted:02/10/2009 3:07 AMCopy HTML

Hi Tommo and Ian,

As Ian says, I can answer for myself thou, but thanks Ian anyway.

The bit about coping if it was son or daughter (or whatever family member) is always a cracker question. If you want my personal answer it is "I don't really know", Simply because I have not experienced that. I have had friends in that boat. I can also see the things arise from these situations. None of it is fun, it's very heart breaking, I am sure you will agree. I also see that everyone's walk is between them and the Lord. Sure I  see things (good or bad) by peoples action, but I really don't really know what is going on with their heart and the Lord.

I know that you also understand the reason why people are asked to marry so there is no point in me saying it all over again.

Now also I gave examples of how times change as well, I was not comparing Political and Religious views as you think I might have been, sorry if I gave you that impression. If you want to put it more biblical, people don't rent there clothes anymore, or do you? Do we stone people? Do we pile ash one our head? Did they have mobile phones ringing in the synagog in the year 30 AD when there was a speaker talking (maybe something else), if so how did they deal with them? (you get my drift). Please don't tkae it the wrong way I am not trying to be a smart pants.
With RCI and ANY church for that matter, they change over time. EG, the RCI use to see merit in Numerics, but really you can do anything with numerics so what is the point? Numerics, from what I gather also really has nothing to do with salvation, or maybe you can correct me on that? If there is a church or religious system that has always been the same from the year dot, I would be surprised. Humans change, not God. Churches are run by man are they not? so one would come to the conclusion that they can change, maybe I am wrong?

I also find what you say about "Forcing " people to marry rather interesting. I have never ever in my time seen anyone being forced to marry. I know one or two that were advised to marry but never forced. If a couple did not want to get married it is thier choice. I know of people who didn't. It is the same as it is your choice to believe in what you believe or go go to wherever you want to, I am sure you know that. It is a god given right that "we" as human beings "believe" in what "we" want to. To believe in what God believes is a different matter. But it is still our right as an individual. So if a person did not want to get married, here in Australia, NO one can "force " them too, it is as simple as that. I am sure you are quite aware of that.

Sorry I have to cut it short,

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Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

Date Posted:02/10/2009 3:36 AMCopy HTML

Reply to Xracer2

I also find what you say about "Forcing " people to marry rather interesting. I have never ever in my time seen anyone being forced to marry. I know one or two that were advised to marry but never forced. If a couple did not want to get married it is thier choice. I know of people who didn't. It is the same as it is your choice to believe in what you believe or go go to wherever you want to, I am sure you know that. It is a god given right that "we" as human beings "believe" in what "we" want to. To believe in what God believes is a different matter. But it is still our right as an individual. So if a person did not want to get married, here in Australia, NO one can "force " them too, it is as simple as that. I am sure you are quite aware of that.

Sorry I have to cut it short,

I have known many a young or courting couple being given the "choice" and told to marry or leave !!!

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #257
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Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

Date Posted:02/10/2009 3:43 AMCopy HTML

Hi, Rob.

Given your response, perhaps you would be so kind as to provide me with Scriptural support for the RCI's take on the whole "morality-fornication-marriage" thing? You know, examples where Scripture mandates that sexual sins should result in permanent disfellowshipping? Or that marriage is the solution for acts of fornication? Those sorts of things

Finally, I think you've confused the issue of cultural applicability (e.g. rending one's clothing in grief) with doctrinal "flip-flopping" (i.e. the whole Numerics nonsense), in your attempt at defending RCI policies and practices. The latter doesn't follow from the former.



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Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

Date Posted:04/10/2009 11:03 PMCopy HTML

Reply to Xracer2


Filthy greed and no remorse


The Bailiff turned up with the Summons to be served just after G had left. 

His address was secured this time.
There is another Solicitor (Debt Collector) who has  collected over $100,000 of dollars  Glenn owed to  people that have NO affiliation with RCI. 
We only hear these RCI involved situations due to our association and  family in  RCI, we have heard only a small portion of what the Ds in their dismal and unethical business have  allegedly done to people for many years. 
People from the Ds past are claiming information of dubious business practices that have continued for years and are just the norm wether legal or ethical doesn’t seem to be a consideration. 
The D’s Business practices could be compared to an open vein, the bleeding out of others money is of no concern as there has been an open slather of transfusions available, the family fortune is said to have tipped in Millions over the years, his facade as a trust worthy man of God assured assembly and non assembly folk the safety of some one honorable who had their best interests at heart, and the assembly member who was also an employee who foolishly gave G help when G portrayed himself as a Pastor/brother in desperate need of financial assistance of short term loans.
When the dates to return funds and release their names from debts, out came the man who is now being revealed  before the Courts, very different to the  Pastor that convincingly begged for their help with such sincerity and humble  thanks. 
Similar situation to the poor Pensioner/Widow who G is said to have sincerely assured he was fighting this ATO debt on her behalf, a debt left jointly in her name with RVP (Alleged GST Credits claimed and kept by RVP without her knowledge) during the same week he was knowingly liquidating his company, knowingly lying to  her leaving her responsible to pay the  debt of ill gotten gains.
There are too few words to describe the depth of filthy greed of these people, no moral conscience and still not even after being revealed has any remorse been shown.
Total psychopathic blindness to  wrongs, and the delusion further justified by the support of PSL and VS on behalf of RCI.
The Church is the perfect feeding ground, full of trusting vulnerable people, who like to see the good in people, who would give the shirt off their back to some one in distress or need, blindly obedient, told not to judge, not to speak ill of someone to another brother and with that cloak of silence guaranteed - church folk are like sheep that can be picked off one by one if nobody cries WOLF!
There are sheep that have been bitten by this wolf and they sit, some have lied, others just too gutless to stand up and cry wolf – the blood of others are on their hands.
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Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

Date Posted:12/10/2009 4:10 AMCopy HTML

Bankruptcy reform needs reform

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June 26, 2009

It's high time that stakeholders had their say.

THE bankruptcy reform agenda of the Federal Government needs a thorough overhaul. Reform may be desirable, possibly even necessary given the growing number of bankruptcies, but the Government's proposals do not tackle the real needs.

There may be a case for reducing the statutory period for bankruptcy from three years to one, but only for individuals with relatively small debts. Between 1992 and 2003, the Bankruptcy Act contained provisions whereby a bankrupt with debts not exceeding 150 per cent of income could be discharged after six months.

Reintroducing a similar provision would streamline the process where there is no benefit to creditors or the bankrupt in maintaining the bankruptcy and would allow the trustee the discretion to retain the bankruptcy if it is believed a better outcome might ensue for creditors or to facilitate further investigations.

In larger cases, obviously a one-year period of bankruptcy is inappropriate. Take this example.

I am currently the trustee in the bankruptcy of Glenn Phillip Duker, who owes his personal creditors a large sum, $34.5 million. His business affairs involve 36 companies, including a family investment company. The inter-connectedness of these businesses is staggeringly complex.

Duker was previously a solicitor turned Pentecostal preacher and several of his congregation are listed in the 22 pages of creditors against his personal estate. (Surprisingly, not a single creditor is prepared to underwrite the costs of further research into his affairs and I have been forced therefore to take the extraordinary step of applying to the Insolvency Trustee Service of Australia for the necessary funding.)

There is no possibility of disentangling this bankruptcy in 12 months. I also believe that Duker's creditors, whose financial lives have been destroyed by his bankruptcy, will not be satisfied if he were to be discharged after 12 months.

Attorney-General Robert McClelland must also consider the position of the banks and the Tax Office. Banks or statutory authorities do not act precipitously or capriciously in seeking a bankruptcy order. On the contrary, they go to considerable lengths to avoid it. It is only when the debt delinquency is insoluble and all efforts of compromise have failed that the bank or authority considers bankruptcy as a last resort.

If in such circumstances the debtor can then walk away after 12 months — whether or not they comply with the demands of the trustee — bankruptcy loses its usefulness as a credible sanction.

Although the proposed changes include provision for the payment of compulsory contributions for a period of three years (that is, two years after automatic discharge), payment of contributions will be almost impossible to enforce without incurring legal costs if the bankrupt has been discharged.

At present a trustee may use the coercive powers in the "objection to automatic discharge" provisions. Objection to discharge is not intended to be a punitive process but an inducement to comply with a requirement. It is a very effective instrument in maintaining the

co-operation of otherwise delinquent bankrupts, especially where a bankrupt defaults in payment of compulsory contributions.

It is proposed to increase the debt threshold at which a creditor can bring bankruptcy proceedings from $2000 to $10,000, a fourfold increase. In my view an increase to $4000 or $5000 may be justified and this threshold could be indexed.

But under the proposed changes, where a creditor's claim is less than $10,000, they will be obliged to seek other recovery processes or abandon the claim. This may create a situation where the bailiff is required to seize goods under a warrant — household goods that may be exempt property in a bankruptcy.

Another aspect of these proposals also needs to be challenged — that names and details of bankrupts be omitted from public register after a certain period.

This suggestion seems to fly in the face of the Government's own mantra of improved transparency.

Commercial credit bureau operators already remove credit history after seven years.

A search of the government register is usually conducted only when parties have need for specific information regarding a potential bankruptcy history. Surely investors and other interested parties should have the right to investigate the background of people with whom they may be doing business.

The Attorney-General says changes to bankruptcy administration will be made in consultation with the industry and I believe the Insolvency Practitioners Association will be making a submission. But I believe it would have been appropriate to approach directly all stakeholders to facilitate the best outcome for debtors, creditors and the administrators of the legislation.

Dennis Turner is a registered trustee in bankruptcy and partner specialising in insolvency and reconstruction with PKF Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers, Melbourne.

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Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

Date Posted:02/11/2009 5:12 AMCopy HTML

Pastor Glenn Duker's $60 million debt

THE trail of debts left in the wake of Gold Coast Pentecostal pastor Glenn Duker and his wife Lorilea has grown to more almost $60 million as creditors desperately pick over the bones of their collapsed housing empire.

The massive debt could make the pair the biggest bankrupts in Australian history.

Glenn Duker was a leader of the Gold Coast branch of the Christian fundamentalist sect Revival Centres International, but he had another side -- buying and selling houses -- often with money borrowed from his flock.

Now, it seems, some of the flock have been fleeced.

A feature of RCI is that it believes salvation comes from speaking in tongues; some Duker followers say he spoke to them with a forked tongue.

Since fleeing the Gold Coast for the anonymity of Melbourne Duker and his wife have been examined by the Supreme Court for the first time since news of their extra-clerical activities astonished the Gold Coast last year -- and both have since filed for bankruptcy.

However, getting to the bottom of the Duker empire has proved difficult for investigators.

Although the Dukers are reportedly living the high life in Melbourne, still protected by their church, in his notification of bankruptcy Glenn duker listed debts totalling $34,287,411. His wife Lorilea listed assets of just $32 in cash, $767 superannuation, a Camp Hill house worth $650,000 on which $750,000 was still owed and a $675,000 West End flat on which $900,000 was owed. Her liabilities were estimated at $10 million.

Liquidators are still trying to sift through the tangled and intricate web of companies that the Dukers operated in their many schemes.

An initial liquidator's report said Mr Duker mainly utilised what are called 'joint venture agreements' (JVAs). A characteristic of such a scheme is that the 'partner' who sells his house, for instance, would remain -- often without precise knowledge -- the registered proprietor of the 'sold' property and at the same time the principle borrower on a mortgage, hence liable if for any reason the mortgage is not paid.


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    The 'owner' might also be liable for GST -- making them a debtor to the ATO.

    In many instances people entering such agreements with Mr Duker did not obtain independent legal and financial advice before signing agreements -- with members of his church saying this is because they did not believe their shepherd would lead them astray.

    According to Scott Bennison -- a chartered accountant acting for a group of Duker's former congregation who may lose their homes in the aftermath of the collapse of the Duker paper empire -- the pair formed joint venture partnerships with members of Duker's church to buy houses for resale.

    "A unique feature of the joint venture partnerships is that there is joint and several liability, and so these unsophisticated investors have been left with tax debts Duker ran up.

    "These tax debts are a result of Mr Duker and his associates establishing partnerships for tax purposes without the knowledge or consent of the investors."

    Mr Bennison said that at no stage did Duker's 'partners' understand they were liable to pay GST on the deals Duker conducted.

    They claim Duker misled them after they trusted him to do the right thing because he was their minister.

    According to Mr Bennison, part of the case against Duker is that he abused his position by acting as both solicitor and pastor for some of the victims. In legal precedent dating back to 1860 the relationship between a religious leader and disciples is said to be 'one of even greater influence than parent and child, guardian and ward or solicitor and client'.

    "He used this church network to promote his business against church policy," said Mr Bennison.

    "The senior pastors of the church were aware of his activities but did not stop him because some of them became involved, thereby concealing the breach of church policy and his abuse of position."

    According to a liquidator's report by Bruce Gleeson, of Jones Partners Chartered Accountants, there may be grounds for more serious legal action against Mr Duker, his wife Lorilea and his former company auditor, Allan Walker.

    Mr Gleeson's examination of the Dukers' affairs suggest they were trading while insolvent as far back as 2005 and that 'there are grounds to establish a case against the company directors'.

    The Revival church, which sprang up in Melbourne and has since spread overseas, says on its website: "We are a church of people who have come together following an amazing personal experience of the power and presence of God. Each individual church member has received the Holy Spirit with the same conclusive evidence accepted in Bible days -- we speak in other tongues."

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    Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #261
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:02/11/2009 11:45 AMCopy HTML

    Well, I wonder if Simon is ready to apologise to those hurt by this scandal yet?



    outaegypt Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #262
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:03/11/2009 12:32 AMCopy HTML

    To apologise would require Longfield to admit fault.
    Simon denied his knowledge of the Duker's activities in the Supreme Court, although Simon was informed of difficulties as early as 2000 by Ian Paske who could not get his funds returned and a list of others followed over the years.
    Simon having no 'said knowledge' would then be denying  approaching Glenn Duker on behalf of investor and RCI member Richard Gaurenstrom on numerous occasions, even though there are witnesses to the contrary who are prepared to testify in court.
    Richard Gaurenstrom is said to not want to contradict Simon. He has 'allegedly' said to the Williams he wont say anything unless he is forced by subpoena to speak the truth in Court and only then will he speak the truth about Simon's assistance in forcing Glenn to release him  (Gaurenstrom) from an investment property.
    Wouldn't that be the action of preferring the sins of the wicked in covering another mans sin?
    When did these people start putting lies before truth and Man before God.
    I don't know how God tolerates the sight of Man at times, when there is such disregard for his truth, their blatant lies so easily exposed but still no  repentance or admission ever lone an apology!
    Only arrogance and the love of men can be seen, made even more intolerable from those that claim to have received an experience from the Holy Spirit in their lives.
    I suppose that's where the Lord will say "I KNOW YOU NOT"
    As I hear it, I'll repeat it, Its up to you if you believe it! Allegation big and small, soon revealed before us all. outa here- Outa Egypt!
    Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #263
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:03/11/2009 4:07 AMCopy HTML

    Hi, OoE.

    Indeed. Simon used to make great mileage from the statement, "I'll wait until the umpire makes his decision"; shorthand for, "I don't want to get involved"! Reactive rather than proactive shepherding. Reactive rather than proactive leadership. And now it seems that "pastor" Duker's investment "strategies" have made him quite possibly the largest bankrupt in Australian history! $60,000,000! That's a significant chunk of other people's change that he's squandered in financing his lifestyle!

    I'm thankful that the media hasn't been backwards in very clearly identifying Duker's associations with the RCI. After all, one can't separate the two, and shouldn't separate the two.


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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:07/11/2009 10:07 AMCopy HTML

    I suppose the courts could ultimately seize the personal assets of both Victor and Simon ??   Which could well happen if both persons are clearly implicated by the facts and found guilty of involvement in the scandal.... lets wait and see how the umpire blows his whistle. 


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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:12/11/2009 6:09 AMCopy HTML

     The ASIC boundary umpire has indeed blown his whistle and Duker's "independent" auditor has been ruled out of bounds:

    "For the reasons set out above, we have decided to exercise our powers under s1292 of the Corporations Act and we order that the registration of Alan Gregory Walker as an auditor be cancelled .." (section 22 Audtors amd Liquidators Disciplinary Board 22:12:2008)

    outaegypt Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #266
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:15/11/2009 12:54 PMCopy HTML <!--StartFragment-->

    Glimmer of hope for Gold Coast preacher's prey


    November 15, 2009 - 6:08AM

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    Sue and Craig Williams of Runaway Bay ... $150,000 out of pocket. Photo: Michelle Smith

    Creditors of former Gold Coast solicitor and preacher Glenn Phillip Duker have a glimmer of hope of recouping some funds after his accountant and auditor was struck off last week.

    The Companies Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board (CALDB) cancelled the auditor registration of Allan Gregory Walker following an application by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

    Mr Walker, of Melbourne, worked as auditor for Mr Duker’s failed Gold Coast property development company, RVP Group Limited. The company went into liquidation last year owing 63 creditors more than $40 million.

    Mr Walker also worked as accountant for Mr Duker and his wife, Lorilea also a bankrupt.

    A damning ASIC report released last week found Mr Walker failed to carry out his duties in relation to the audit of RVP’s financial reports for the 2005 and 2006.

    The report said Mr Walker was: "an incompetent auditor who has demonstrated ignorance of or indifference to important statutory requirements and a lack of understanding of or indifference to rudimentary professional requirements," the report said.

    "ASIC submits that the protection of the public requires the cancellation of Mr Walker’s registration."

    Mr Walker had blamed investors who had lost their money of being ‘‘stupid’’. Many investors were also members of the Christian fundamenatlist church, Revival Centres International of which Mr Duker was a pastor.

    Accountant Scott Bennison who is also a member of the church took up the cause for some creditors, claiming Mr Walker had a conflict of interest.

    ASIC’s report agreed with Mr Bennison: "Mr Walker does not have an adequate understanding of or is indifferent to important standards of professional conduct relating, in particular, to independence and conflict of interests.  We believe Mr Walker is not a competent auditor and he should not be allowed to continue auditing."

    Mr Bennison said the findings meant the company’s liquidator was in a stronger position to claim against Mr Walker’s insurance.

    "This means that creditors have a greater chance of receiving some money back," he said.

    Former church members and creditors, Sue and Craig Williams of Runaway Bay on the Gold Coast had been ostracised by the church for trying to get their $150,000 back.

    Mrs Williams said "the saga" continued to put emotional stress on her family.

    "Both Glenn Duker and Allan Walker tried to blame Craig (her husband) for the troubles with the company,’" she said.

    "The ASIC report is further confirmation that we have spoken the truth and eventually we hope people will be held accountable for their actions."

    Mr Walker could not be reached for comment. Mr Duker is reportedly working as a solicitor in Victoria.

    Source: The Sun-Herald


    As I hear it, I'll repeat it, Its up to you if you believe it! Allegation big and small, soon revealed before us all. outa here- Outa Egypt!
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:15/11/2009 8:03 PMCopy HTML

    cultevasion Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #268
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:20/11/2009 10:28 AMCopy HTML

     Matthew Ch 5
    25Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee (Dukers, A. Walker, S. Longfield & V. Samoilenko) to the judge (Supreme Court), and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison.

       26Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.

    cultivation leads to cultevasion -
    don"t reap what they sow!
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:05/01/2010 5:08 AMCopy HTML

     THOU SHALT NOT PROBE by Ken Vernon Gold Coast Bulletin 05/01/10<!--StartFragment-->

    Church shuns Gold Coast member over financial investigations.

    A MEMBER of the same Pentecostal church as disgraced Gold Coast pastor Glen Duker has been excommunicated for daring to question the business dealings of other pastors.

    Scott Bennison said he was called out of a service at the Sydney Assembly of Revival Centres International on Sunday and told he had 'gone too far' in his probe of alleged crooked deals by at least six RCI pastors linked to Duker's shady deals.

    But he says he was also told that if he stopped his investigations he would be welcomed back to the fold.

    Mr Bennison, an accountant, has spent the past five years investigating the complex web of deals he says Duker and other RCI pastors made with members of their flocks.

    The trail of debts left by pastor Glenn Duker and his wife Lorilea has grown to almost $60 million. The massive debt could make the pair the biggest bankrupts in Australian history.

    Mr Bennison said he represented 12 members of RCI congregations fleeced by Duker who stood to lose their houses as a result of being duped.

    "Duker went into partnerships with these members, telling them it was for tax and GST," he said.

    "He applied for and received GST refunds, but did not pass the money on and the first the victims heard was when the Government threatened to take their homes or garnishee their salaries."

    Mr Bennison said he believed he was excommunicated because he had subpoenaed six RCI pastors to appear before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal of the Australian Tax Office to force them to reveal their business dealings with Duker and with members of their flocks.

    "It is against church policy for pastors to do business with church members," he said.

    "Obviously there is a conflict of interest if a pastor recommends a business deal to a person when he is guiding that person's life."

    Mr Bennison said dozens of RCI members had been forced out of the church after complaining about being caught up in the Duker web, but as far as he knew he was the first to be excommunicated.

    "I am spiritually devastated -- I have been a member of the church for 27 years," he said.

    "All of the relationships in my life centred on the church and now no one will communicate with me in any way because in our church members strictly adhere to what the pastors tell them."

    Despite his ordeal, Mr Bennison said he would continue to probe and expose the dealings of RCI pastors.

    "Sadly the leaders of my church have lost their way," he said.

    "Their rules and regulations have become their morals so I really have no alternative."

    Pastor Ian McGregor -- the man Mr Bennison said told him he had been excommunicated -- refused to comment, saying it was 'none of your business' and accusing The Bulletin of trying to 'rake up dirt'.

    Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #270
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:09/01/2010 1:34 PMCopy HTML

    Glenn behind bars

    So much for the Senior Pastors standing up for Truth and righteousness and defending those so wrongly treated.
    At least Mr. Bennison can have a clear conscious before the Lord. This whole thing stinks of a cover up just to protect the establishment at all costs.

    (Mat 10:26 NIV)  "So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.



    Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #271
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:10/01/2010 1:24 PMCopy HTML

    All the Age articals can be also found at:

    Whistleblower thrown out of Revival church
    <!-- cT-storyDetails -->
    January 9, 2010

    THE man who blew the whistle on the fundamentalist church pastor who lost millions of dollars of his flock's money has been excommunicated from the church he attended for 27 years.

    Scott Bennison, a Sydney accountant who took up the case of his fellow church members, victims of Melbourne-based former pastor Glenn Duker, was thrown out last weekend for ''sowing discord'' in the church.

    The Melbourne-based church, Revival Centres International, enforces a policy of excommunication under which Mr Bennison will no longer attend services or have contact with any of his church friends.

    If they are seen socialising with him, they too can be excommunicated.

    Mr Bennison's actions on behalf of a number of clients inside and outside the church has exposed the disappearance of about $60 million of investors' funds, with a liquidation and two bankruptcies.

    It has resulted in Glenn Duker's auditor and friend Allan Walker being struck off for incompetence and ignorance of statutory requirements.

    Mr Duker, his brother Matthew and wife, Lorilea, had a property investment company that went into liquidation in 2008 owing up to $10 million. Mr and Mrs Duker have also gone into personal bankruptcy, owing $51 million between them, putting them among the country's biggest bankrupts.

    Both Glenn and Matthew Duker were defrocked by the church when the investment scandal came to light.

    But Mr Bennison said he had been tapped on the shoulder after church last week by his pastor, Ian McGregor, and told: ''You've gone too far'' and ''You are either with us or against us.''

    Mr Bennison said he was also accused of being ''divisionary'' - sowing divisions in the church.

    When The Sunday Age contacted Mr McGregor to ask why Mr Bennison had been excommunicated, he said: ''It's none of your business,'' and hung up.

    As part of the ongoing investigations into the tax implications of the collapse of the Dukers' property development company, Mr Bennison has subpoenaed six church pastors to appear at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

    He told The Sunday Age the church had known all along about Mr Duker's activities, and its pastors had stood by, turning a blind eye. They had instead blamed the victims and ignored their own rules that parishioners should not do business with one another.

    The rules regard the preachers as having enormous influence over their flock, and say this influence can lead to ''affinity fraud'', where rational people sometimes commit certain irrational acts because they trust the person in a position of authority over them.

    Mr Duker allegedly discouraged investors from seeking independent legal or financial advice, urging them to trust him.

    Revival Centres International has its headquarters in Melbourne and is run by Pastor Simon Longfield, the son of founder Lloyd Longfield.

    The church describes itself as being a ''world-wide fellowship of Spirit-filled believers,'' but its detractors say it is an insular environment that is strict and hierarchical, and which puts an emphasis on the end of the world, which will happen ''in this general time period''.

    Adherents also speak in tongues, which is described as ''conclusive evidence accepted in Bible days'' of the presence of the Spirit.

    Pastors of the church are called ''the Oversight''.

    The church's policy towards members who have been excommunicated was laid out in 2008 in a talk by Pastor Anthony Johnston, who said that when a friend leaves the church, ''you have to cut the connection''.

    ''Doesn't just mean the meetings, you know … it's hanging out with them - Facebook, MSN, whatever. We've got to draw the line,'' he said.

    <!-- articleBody -->

    Source: The Age

    Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #272
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:11/01/2010 3:03 AMCopy HTML

    Reply to Im_out

    So much for the Senior Pastors standing up for Truth and righteousness and defending those so wrongly treated.
    At least Mr. Bennison can have a clear conscious before the Lord. This whole thing stinks of a cover up just to protect the establishment at all costs.

    (Mat 10:26 NIV)  "So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.



    But of course Victor Samoilenko will stand up before his gullible Townsville gathering at their little meeting hall and state: "It is not as the papers have said - it is not like that at all.." thus enhancing the lie even further. It appears more obvious as time goes by that the RCI leadership are merely the den of thieves, lyers, and robbers of men of their money and hope.

    Hopefully now the non gullible among the RCI membership may make the move to get remove themselves away from this disgraceful RCI pentecostal cult altogether and seek a more orthodox setting and at last discover the faith found in the Bible.


    Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #273
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:11/01/2010 2:20 PMCopy HTML

    But of course Victor Samoilenko will stand up before his gullible Townsville gathering at their little meeting hall and state:

    I found this on Youtube of Victor talking at the 08 rally for those who

    don't remember him or want to put face to name

    Revival Centres the Exclusive brethren of the Pentecostal world

    Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #274
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:11/01/2010 3:47 PMCopy HTML

    Yes but all we have to do is now patiently sit back and allow justice to take its determined course. I don't think this will be any skin of Scott Bennison's nose though. I'm confident Scott will do fine...



    outaegypt Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #275
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:23/01/2010 2:25 PMCopy HTML

    Court Action continues in February Against Pastor Mathew Duker as a Director of  RVP, co Directed by Bankruptcies Lorilea Duker and former Pastor Glenn Duker. 
    MatthewDuker has been found in breach of his duties as a director, profiting from an insolvent company, failure to do this and that,  etc etc etc and is being sued for $10Mil+

    Wonder if this will get paid by the 'unknown person' who paid Pastor Craig Fox's GST Debt???

    As I hear it, I'll repeat it, Its up to you if you believe it! Allegation big and small, soon revealed before us all. outa here- Outa Egypt!
    Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #276
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:24/01/2010 9:18 AMCopy HTML

    I found this on the 2007 ASX investment expo handout,  a bit ironic Glenn giving a talk like this, I wondered if he warned folk about doing business with "himself" and the costly mistakes he has cost them !!!!!!!

    11.15am – Glenn Duker, Principal, Settle It Legal

    What to look for in conveyancing solicitors – Information

    you must know and costly mistakes others have made

    Why it is important to choose the right conveyancing solicitor; What solicitors do for

    you; What is conveyancing; Pitfalls of purchasing and sales.

    Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #277
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:26/01/2010 7:35 AMCopy HTML

    Reply to Im_out

    I found this on the 2007 ASX investment expo handout,  a bit ironic Glenn giving a talk like this, I wondered if he warned folk about doing business with "himself" and the costly mistakes he has cost them !!!!!!!

    11.15am – Glenn Duker, Principal, Settle It Legal

    What to look for in conveyancing solicitors – Information

    you must know and costly mistakes others have made

    Why it is important to choose the right conveyancing solicitor; What solicitors do for

    you; What is conveyancing; Pitfalls of purchasing and sales.

    Once GD is behind bars, he will probably lose his licencing rights to practice as solicitor altogether.. Will make an interesting position for him to be in since with a criminal record with an indictable offence, he can forget about ever becoming called to the Bar to be a practicing barrister so his career ambitions are in a shatter permanently... 

    time will tell I guess. We will have to sit back and allow ourselves the room and time with patience.(No doubt GD's maker and ultimate Judge will have something to say..)

    blessings I'm out


    Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #278
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:28/01/2010 8:13 PMCopy HTML

    Australian Securities and Investment commission  Allan Walker & RVP Glenn Duker  for 22 Dec 08

    I just found this that appears to be a recent release on the Web 
    (Yahoo / Glenn Duker) in PDF format  its 72 pages long and to big to put up here but provides more insight into proceedings$file/WALKER-Decision%20&%20Reasons-1296(1)(a)%20(FINAL%20221208).pdf

    Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #279
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:31/01/2010 2:48 AMCopy HTML

    I'm informed that ASIC is going to lift its game & be empowered to give stiffer penalties.

    It could not have come at a better time,  Lets see them all talk their way out of this one
    Dosk Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #280
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:31/01/2010 8:49 AMCopy HTML

    Hi all,

    Just wondering if anyone has read this article.  Apparently the former footballer who appeared on the A Current Affair rendition of "The Preacher who preyed for gain" hired a private detective to follow him around!  I don't know whether it's just sensationlist media activity or whether Mr. Duker does actually pay $1700p/w for a decoy home so that no-one knows here he actually lives.
    I wish i was where i used to be when i wanted to be what i am now.
    Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #281
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:31/01/2010 9:07 PMCopy HTML

    Hi Dosk I hadn't read that one, here it is for the others:  The more information folk receive the more chance of them being released from the Rules / policies (the chains) that bind them and control them. There is so much control in that place. I have spoken to a number of Brethren Pastors inadvertently by mistake in my search for a new church (they disguise them self's under the title of Community churches on the Web), There is not much difference, with RCI.either.
    RCI speak in tongues and the brethren don't or some do but they don't push it. There are still controlling rules & policies that control the faithful which both churches have in common.
    Every now an then something happens in our new church and you realise you were looking at things through your RCI eyes, you then adjust your thinking and another chain falls from you. I really didn't realise how much control they had over folk, it's sickening.

    Former AFL star says ASIC failed him

    Former AFL player Craig O’Brien, a prominent victim of alleged fraudulent property and investment scams by preying ex-Gold Coaster Glenn Duker has told Crikey he’s been financially ruined by the swindle and that it’s cost him two Coast homes.

    A furious O’Brien remains incredulous at how “the system” failed him in the aftermath of being deceived by the former high living solicitor turned pastor, who’s left scores of victims scattered around Australia as a result of alleged fraudulent activities going back at least six years from 2008. But O’Brien, who played 102 games at three AFL clubs between 1989-97 and now coaches in the local senior league, has told Crikey that as much as he’s upset at being duped by the “shonky” Duker, he’s even more upset at the way corporate watchdog ASIC and legal advice has failed him.

    Some estimates put the overall alleged swindles engineered by the disgraced former head pastor at the Gold Coast chapter of Melbourne-based Pentecostal Revival Centres International (RCI) church at Mermaid Beach at somewhere between $30-$40 million. It’s alleged the high-flying pastor lived a life of extravagant luxury while based on the Coast and continued to do so even after being stood down from his post.

    Church leadership out of Melbourne continues to defend Duker as an innocent victim of the GFC. But although ASIC is now investigating him and his business associates, with civil litigation also pending against him and others from various third parties, O’Brien says this has come too late for him. In fact he is scathing of an earlier ASIC intervention that failed to shut Duker down following complaints made to it in 2006.

    What’s happened has been real hard for me,” O’Brien explains.

    Between what I’ve lost off him and what I’ve had to get rid of to make ends meet, I’m about $900,000 out of pocket. I originally met him through a real estate agent who told me he had someone who was interested in buying my home which was for sale. He (Duker) had a consultant who looked at it and said that they loved the property, and then explained what they did.

    I would get $940,000 on the contract price of $1.35 million and we agreed he owed me $45,000 a year on interest with the balance to be paid off in two years. So I gave him debtor finance where he paid me 70% of the purchase price and I agreed for him to pay the other 30% at 10% interest. But it was going to be $380,000 paid in the first year and another $48,000 to be paid in the second year plus interest.

    At the time I said I wasn’t too familiar with this sort of deal and I needed to go to a solicitor who was familiar with this. He (Duker) recommended I go to a [legal firm] here on the Coast where he had done deals before. We then checked him out with a fine tooth comb which cost me $5000 to do all the searches. But then after agreeing the deal in July 2007, I started to get alarmed because he was meant to pay me three months in advance, but I never got the first payment on the balance.

    I was making calls to him and he kept saying how he wanted to catch up with me, but he was stalling all the time. Then three months into the agreement he now owes me two lots of interest which was more than $20,000 and still not returning calls. Then I accidentally ran into him at the airport and I put the hard word on him and said: ‘Listen mate start paying me what you owe’’ Then he paid me $20,000 and I got nothing after that.

    What made it so concerning was then when I rang my lawyer to help get this sorted out; he said it didn’t surprise him as he owed him money too. And I said: ‘Well why did you let me go ahead with the deal if he owes you money?’”

    To which O’Brien told Crikey, the lawyer did not respond.

    I had sought legal advice because it was unfamiliar to me because I’m a builder where I buy and renovate houses and then sell them. Normally I can carry that sort of (financial) weight for 12 months. I had borrowed $200,000 from an in-law to buy my next house. But once I realised Duker was going bad; because I had used his money to cover the mortgage, I then had to sell my property for $200,000 under market value just to get out.”

    I couldn’t afford the repayments and didn’t want to default on that because I buy and sell property. I do one property a year on my own and also carry out work on other people’s properties. I’ve still got a $60,000 mortgage on that.”

    O’Brien has now got together with other victims including a Gold Coast woman who having lost her home to Duker, was forced to live in her car with no means of support.

    There are four of us here who’ve got together with similar situations where we’re all doing it as hard as each other. He’s wiped my real estate right out and I’ve been left with a big debt where I’m struggling to make ends meet with work real quiet too. I’m defaulting with things here and there and I’m just trying to keep my head above water. I’m now living day to day with no money and every time I do get money it goes straight out to debtors.

    He’s very smart the way that he’s done it  — it’s dead set fraud,” O’Brien claimed to Crikey.

    There’s no doubt he was a smooth talker and I’ve got to give him credit  — he’s a genuine con man. It’s only looking back now I can see how everything he told me was all bullsh-t. I only met him once and the rest of our conversations were on the phone chasing him for money.

    But what disappoints me more than anything is where was my protection from this sort of thing? A big government body like ASIC should have stopped him back in 2006 when it investigated him when he was trading insolvent. If they had enforced what they’re there to do then he wouldn’t have got people like me because he wouldn’t have been able to be a director of a company or able to borrow any more money. But I think a lot of people from his church told them he had done nothing wrong.

    I don’t give a sh-t about the church, but I’ve lost everything I’ve ever worked for and now I’ve got a huge debt, because they didn’t stop him.”

    O’Brien and his victim group employed a private detective in 2008 to follow Duker and his wife for more than a week in Melbourne, where he is believed to continue to practice as a solicitor.

    We wanted to find out what he was up to and discovered he was paying $1700 a week for a decoy house, which they don’t live in. He pays rent but doesn’t live there so people don’t know where he does live. I tell you he’s a smart man  — no one can normally find him. His kids go to a private school and his wife was driving a nice BMW,” an unimpressed O’Brien alleged.

    Perhaps some alert Crikey reader can fill us in if they have current knowledge as to the whereabouts and employment of Glenn Duker? Email

    Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #282
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:06/02/2010 7:32 PMCopy HTML

    Hi Just found this link, MMMM not sure,  it says nothing about the missing 60 Million,  theres a comments area at the bottom, for friendly enlightening words of praise to Glenn !!!!!!!

    Glenn Duker Total Conveyancing

    <!-- end header -->

    January 28, 2010



    Glenn Duker was the founder of Total Conveyancing. Many happy clients had the following to say:

    “Total Conveyancing was one of my great finds over the last 3 years.  Professional and very pleasant to work with.  Reliably contactable and commercially a bonanza in savings! Keep up the good work”.

    Dr Don K., Medical Practitioner

    “… professional prompt and friendly at all times.  Completely confident she will look after our interests.  Shown same qualities to those we have referred”.

    Peter J., Broker

    “We have been very pleased with the level of service provided by … Total Conveyancing.  Returning phone calls promptly and putting the customer’s needs as high priority.  Great customer service.Also, very friendly people”.

    Mary T,  National Customer Service Manager

    “I found Total Conveyancing in the local newspaper.  I found the staff very efficient and friendly.  If  I had to do it all again I wouldn’t hesitate to give them a call”.

    Dianna J., Bank Officer

    “We are very happy with the swift, personal treatment we received.  (They) always had time to explain things we didn’t understand, with patience…We’ve used Total Conveyancing twice before, and will do so again for our next move”.

    Peter C., Contracts Clerk

    “We’ve been with Total Conveyancing for many years and done quite a few deals, like buying and selling blocks of lands, houses and now businesses.  They’ve showed a lot of understanding, been quick to respond to all our needs.  They have provided us with expert advice on all matters.  We’ve been very satisfied with all jobs they provided for us”.

    Sabina Z., Self Employed

    “I have used Total Conveyancing on numerous occasions and have been pleased with their service and attention to detail”.

    Harry H., Builder

    “My husband and I dealt with Total Conveyancing when we sold our Dingley residence and again when we purchased our home in Leongatha.  They were extremely helpful with all our queries and nothing was too much trouble for them during the most stressful times”.

    Jill W., Administration Officer

    “Total Conveyancing has provided me with excellent service at a very reasonable price.  They handled my settlement in a professional and efficient manner.  I would happily recommend my friends to this firm”.

    Maria A., Secretary

    “Total Conveyancing provides an efficient, competitive service along with friendly staff”.

    If you are looking for a professional company to deal with your conveyancing needs, then the company created by Glenn Duker definitely is a good choice.

    1 Comment »

    1. I agree – Glenn Duker definitely delivers on his promises.

    Fled Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #283
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:07/02/2010 4:46 AMCopy HTML

    It looks like Glenn  has been very busy on the internet and is  back in business. I can't wait for his next enlightening advice  on  Becoming A Pastor who was allowed to play darts!!!!!!! What about a blog on how to pay your debts?

    Total Conveyancing is a property company founded by Glenn Duker. As a child, Glenn attended Mentone Grammar, and was one of only three students (out of almost two hundred) to score a perfect 100% in a subject. Later, he attended Trinity College, and managed to do very well. He decided to study law and property. His law career as a solicitor helped him to create Total Conveyancing as he had a very high knowledge of laws and procedures surrounding conveyancing. This lead to Total Conveyancing becoming a very successful company. In his spare time, Glenn Duker wrote about playing darts, as well as job interviews.

    Becoming a solicitor

    Becoming a solicitor or a lawyer is going to take a lot of hard work, but if you are good at it, then it can often become a lucrative career. Such was the case for Glenn Duker - after getting good marks at school he became a solicitor for some time, before founding Total Conveyancing in NSW. A knowledge of law will naturally be very helpful in business. However, while studying law is often seen as 'prestigious', most people won't enjoy it much, and you need to be the right type of person. A good law school can also be tremendously expensive.

    Glenn Duker

    Glenn Duker has written a book titled “Job Interviews In The 21st Century”, which is highly recommended reading for anyone looking for long term employment. Glenn has a long history of success. He initially did well in school and was able to become a solicitor, specializing in property. After also being a pastor, he used his talents in property to develop Total Conveyancing, which had many satisfied clients. In his spare time Glenn also enjoys playing darts.


    Fled Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #284
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:07/02/2010 5:59 AMCopy HTML

    My intention was  not promote him but   to ensure that  people  are aware of what he is up to now. What we  all need to do now is  write to the people who run these websites with the relevant negative  media links  or post  comments or links on the websites.
    Here are some more of his purile self promotions.

    Glenn Duker is an Australian that enjoys going to church. Glenn is a successful pastor and has assisted thousands of people.

    Glenn Duker is a professional who has an interest in darts. Glenn was a successful businessman and has helped thousands of people.

    Darts is a very popular pastime in America and especially Australia, kind of like snooker. It’s a game that is enjoyed mostly in bars and pubs but can easily be played at home. But just like pool, it takes a lot of skill to get good, and the first time you try you’re most likely going to be hopeless. One person who enjoys playing darts in their spare time is Glenn Duker, who previously had a book available on playing darts. What many people don’t realize is that, like with other sports, there are actually competitive darts competitions – and the best players in the world are unbelievably good.
    Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #285
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:07/02/2010 1:05 PMCopy HTML

    Hi Brolga forgive my dry sarcastic sense of humour, I put that up there for reasons that Fled has alluded to, also for my pure disgust and sarcastic contempt at the "nice fluffy" comments written about him, which only reveal futher how deep the hypocrisy goes




    Revival Centres the exclusive brethren of the Pentecostal world



    outaegypt Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #286
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:10/02/2010 2:09 AMCopy HTML

    ""He decided to study law and property. His law career as a solicitor helped him to create Total Conveyancing as he had a very high knowledge of laws""
    With this high knowledge confirmed here it makes the breaking of them and his ploys far more cunning and conniving done with full knowledge and intent.
    In light of what he has done it is a damning admit-al.

    ""Glenn is a successful pastor and has assisted thousands of people"" -
     Interesting, how is success as a Pastor measured and by who exactly was this mis informed guff written by- his Mum and Dad? 

     It's More likely written by Glenn himself,  when in full belief of your own  lies it's easy to convince others.. a man with no conscience gives no hint of doubt as he is personally convinced every word he speaks is true.

    The only people he has assisted is himself and his immediate family to millions of dollars of others lively hoods and hard earned money.

    I would love to know if any of these "happy clients" even ever exist, cause there are  a lot of Un happy clients that definitely exist. 

    1. After also being a pastor, 
    2. Glenn is a successful pastor 
    Funny how there are several references to Glenns Pastorship used in his self gratifying promotion but Longfield has continuously claimed to the assembly and in news reports, how Glenn never said to any one "do business with me you can trust me I'm a Pastor" (The Age)
    But yet they are the very words he used to many victims,  he refers to his pastorship often, it does nothing to enhance his specialty in law or property only to give the illusion of being a person worthy of trust as a man of God.
    Using Gods name to assist his rip off's- God won't be mocked.

    As I hear it, I'll repeat it, Its up to you if you believe it! Allegation big and small, soon revealed before us all. outa here- Outa Egypt!
    cultevasion Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #287
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:12/02/2010 2:09 AMCopy HTML

    1 Thes 4:6 - That no man (Glenn Duker) go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified. There is a message here for Simon and Victor also!
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    D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #288
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:12/02/2010 6:25 AMCopy HTML

     Is Ex Pastor Duker still a member in good standing of the Law Society of Victoria or New South Wales?

    I know that any Chartered Accountant who files for bankruptcy is automatically struck off the membership register but the lawyers may be more easy going in these instances.

    If he is ever charged and convicted for fraud then even the lawyers will have to strike him off.

    Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #289
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:08/03/2010 8:36 AMCopy HTML

    Well, well, well.

    I'm currently reading through the transcript of Victor Samoilenko's Supreme Court appearance re: the "Duker Debacle" (dated 4 Nov 2008). I'm amazed at many, many things, not least being Victor's apparently "spotty" memory with respect to the recalling of dates, facts, figures and statements! I wonder what my impression will be when I turn to Simon's transcript, currently at my elbow?

    Curious, very curious.


    P.S. I've now read Simon's transcript. Personally, I had hoped the "principal pastor" of a so-called Christian denomination would have been capable of demonstrating greater care for his "parishoners" than seems to have been the case; a more developed spinal column than seems to have been the case; and a more forthcoming demeanor than seems to have been the case. I suppose I really shouldn't have been surprised given the man listed his occupation as "pastor/businessman".

    As that great fourth century Roman Catholic theologian and biblical scholar Jerome once quipped: "flee with great haste from the man of God who is also a man of business!" It seems there's a "trinity" of such characters in this instance.

    Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #290
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:08/03/2010 9:20 AMCopy HTML

    Reply to Didaktikon

    Well, well, well.

    I'm currently reading through the transcript of Victor Samoilenko's Supreme Court appearance re: the "Duker Debacle" (dated 4 Nov 2008). I'm amazed at many, many things, not least being Victor's apparently "spotty" memory with respect to the recalling of dates, facts, figures and statements! I wonder what my impression will be when I turn to Simon's transcript, currently at my elbow?

    Curious, very curious.


    Yes I have been reading the same too.. After all the self pride of being "2IC" of the Rev Centres Int.' Victor can only manage a "I'm not qualified to do that." when the Williams called him for help in the dire predicament when that "wolf in sheeps clothing"  known as "Glen Duker" had led them down the road to financial ruin ... goes to show that VS is very partial against the "parishoners" as the Marshall referred to the general membership of the RCI..

    I will read Simon's transcript tomorrow.. As for Victor (and his wife who is also implicated in Victor's transcript), they would be advised to hire a very good expensive lawyer I would think !!!

    ... and also this transcript highly contradicts his stated public position to his Townsville "church". Fibber - he knew all along what was going on..


    ps - just for an exercise. tomorrow after I read Simon's transcript, I will place his side by side of Victor's and see if I find anything unusual or contradictory between the two men.

    Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #291
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:17/03/2010 11:57 PMCopy HTML

    Reply to Metanoian

     I received an email from the Williams family and honestly the amount of corruption that appears to be very rife among the senior pastors of RCI is very disturbing. Although I have been given permission to quote from either the transcripts and the Williams family email, nevertheless we have to tread carefully here as there are perjury charges pending and it would be dangerous to undermine delicate court proceedings. However the fact that the Williams family were being bullied in the way they were subjected to, crosses the line of atrocity to say the least. Both transcripts from Simon and Victor are full of contradictory denial. But the transcripts cannot be quoted in their entirety on the forum while court proceedings are still continuing.

    Here is a small quote from the Williams family email:


    Pastor Stephen McCauley came up to me (outside school- picking up kids)and repeated what Simon had said to us about squandering money at that meeting, I also spoke to Pastor Ian McGregor and he also confirmed Simon had made the same statement to him and at the Pastors meeting and passed out the document supplied by Dukers ( I use the term 'Pastor' loosely!!) Ian McGregor has had quite a part in all of this he has witnessed and admitted Victor lying to him first hand but yet he had bent to them and also attacked us and Scott. I have emails where Ian is telling me how Victor swears he didnt have business ventures with Glenn but Victor paid him a spotters fee for finding him a property.

    Pastor Ian Paske is another who tried to encourage Scott our accountant to drop us and turn his back on all of it even though Scott as an Audited accountant was telling them what Glenn was doing was illegal. he also proves Simons knowledge of Glenns activities in the church as he had been involved with Ian Paske's issues with Glenn back in 2000."


    Yet both Victor and Simon completely deny anything or any involvement at all.


    Note this quote here:


    Glenn admitted to Victor he had tried to trick us into signing joint venture agreements , we  would be classified legally as  a debt partner by name because we lent him money but by making us a joint venture was far more  beneficial to him It would have made us responsible for his debt and meant he could use our name to claim GST credits like he did to others leaving us also once it was discovered liable for those debts as well.. 

    Why doesn't Victor mention these truths that Glenn is the monster that so many others have been ripped off by?


    but even more telling is this:


    "The day Craig and I were called to the Mermaid unit with Victor and Simon, we were devastated they had come full circle and we're attacking us. I had already been berated by Simon for not keeping 

    victor informed although Victor would not return any of my phonecalls and deleted emails unread that I had sent him trying to tell him Glenn had defaulted on all the agreements Victor had tried to help us put in place. (Talk about overkill in the examinations us saying how awesome Victor is honestly!!!!)."


    What dishonest men these "pastors" of the RCI are showing themselves to be. For example read this quote:


    "Victor and Simon that day  also blamed us for bringing this into the church although Craig was only an employee and Glenn had been doing business back in the late 90's with Pastors and members- we hadn't even met Glenn till about 2003 - It was well and truly in the church we just exposed the fact!!"


    In seems very obvious to me the innocence of the Williams family and the RCI have a reproach to bear which will not go away at all and I await the justice that will befall the RCI "pastors" for their despicable behaviour.





    Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #292
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:09/04/2010 9:12 AMCopy HTML

    I wonder if this is why this whole sordid episode has happened and why the Senior Pastors have treated the victims so wrongly,  All those things many of us has found in RCI.

    "I have often wondered why God put these two things together as the vital evidence of whether I am a child of God or a child of the devil. 

    Holiness and Love.
    And as the years went by, I came to I watched people's lives.Holiness without love is
    ugliness. It is ugliness. It's rigid. Separationalist. Judmentary. But
    love makes holiness beautiful.
    Love makes holiness Christ-like-ness. A holy life governed by love is the mightiest weapon God
    could ever have at His disposal on this earth. A Holy life governed
    by love is a saved soul."
    - From the sermon "Examine Yourselves" by Keith Daniel.

    Im_Out            Rci the Exclusive Brethern the Penticostal world (quote from Paul Longfield)

    cultevasion Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #293
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:13/05/2010 10:04 AMCopy HTML

    Ephesians 5:3* ¶ But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness (Glenn, Lorilea & Matthew Duker), let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;

     4* Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.

     5* For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man (Victor Samoilenko), who is an idolater, hath any inheritance (Glenn Duker, Victor Samoilenko & Simon Longfield) in the kingdom of Christ and of God.

     6* Let no man (Simon Longfield) deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children (Glenn Duker, Victor Samoilenko & Simon Longfield) of disobedience.

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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:23/05/2010 12:38 AMCopy HTML


    A famous quote: …”Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely!” 

    Smart Investor March 2010 p.95

                An academic study delving into the psychology of the elite offers a potentially useful insight into the minds of those perched at the top of any corporate ladder: the more entitled a person feels to their power, the more likely they are to abuse it.

    The notion that power inspires hypocrisy is generally accepted.

    After all we read about it all the time – moralising politicians caught out having extramarital affairs, chief executives of major financial institutions accepting massive bonuses while simultaneously begging governments for taxpayer money.

    But to add some scientific rigour to the anecdotal, social psychologists Joris Lammers, of Tilburg University in the Netherlands, and Adam Galinsky, of Northwestern University of Chicago, conducted a series of experiments with contrasting groups of people, some of whom had been primed to feel powerful, and some powerless.

    The authors found that across a set of simulations – for example, cheating at dice, keeping a stolen bike, dodging taxes – the powerful judged moral transgressions in others more harshly than themselves, while the reverse was true for their powerless peers. And although they were quick to adopt the high moral ground, the powerful groups were also more likely to cheat.

    Crucially, the two academics also found that the moral hypocrisy reached it apogee among those who felt entitled to their power.

    I cannot help but feel that there is a lot of truth in this article. Simon, Victor and Glenn are examples of an abuse of power. Our Lord taught the opposite humility, love and compassion. If you want to be first you have to become one of the least. 

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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:29/05/2010 1:41 PMCopy HTML

    This Released today (29/05/10) at the following Link

    ASIC bungle let Duker off hook

    AN amazing slip-up by Australia's companies watchdog allowed rogue Gold Coast pastor Glenn Duker to continue fleecing parishioners and friends to the tune of almost $30 million.

    The on-going Bulletin investigation into Duker's house-of-cards real estate empire has uncovered that the Australian Securities and Investment Commission investigated him in 2006-07 and found his schemes were, in all probability, illegal and that his companies had traded while insolvent.

    Duker was the Gold Coast pastor of Revival Churches International, a pentecostal church, but he was also a disciple of a different sort -- of discredited property guru Henry Kaye's schemes and drew many into dubious Kaye-style deals.

    Most lost a great deal of money and only later have some realised they should have been 'saved', not by their church, but by ASIC.


    Following its investigation, ASIC drew up an 'Enforceable Undertaking', a contract demanding the pastor agree not to undertake any further irregular transactions and requiring him to repay victims.

    But ASIC never asked Duker to sign the document, leaving him free to carry on his activities. The revelation has angered and disgusted the victims who question why ASIC left them to their fate.

    When first asked why it had let the crooked pastor off the hook, the securities watchdog said the enforceable undertaking was not an 'official' ASIC document.

    However the Bulletin uncovered correspondence between ASIC and Duker's lawyers negotiating the terms of the document. Other letters between ASIC and Duker's victims makes it clear ASIC believed he could be prosecuted.

    In August 2006, ASIC investigator Kevin Foo wrote to one victim saying: "It is envisaged that an affidavit will be needed from you once our investigation is complete and the matter moves into litigation phase. We will contact you once the time arrives."

    But the time never arrived.

    Pressed for an answer, ASIC changed its tune, saying: "We don't comment on operational matters."

    Asked if that meant that Duker was still being investigated, the ASIC's Catch-22 type response was simply: "We don't comment on operational matters."

    If ASIC is investigating Duker's failed empire it is keeping it to itself, according the man who is doing its job and pursuing Australia's top conman and trying to help his victims, former RCI church member Scott Bennison.

    According to Mr Bennison, ASIC's fundamental mistake added substantially to the number of Duker's victims and eventual financial cost.

    "If ASIC had done its job properly in 2006 it could have prevented so many lives from being destroyed by this man" he said.

    "By the same token, if the church had taken action when Duker's activities were brought to its attention in 2002-03, nearly all the damage could have been avoided."

    Instead, RCI took action against Mr Bennison, tossing the investigator out of the church in 2010, for 'being a trouble-maker'.

    Craig Williams, who worked with Duker before becoming one of his victims, said he had calculated that if ASIC had enforced its action against Duker, the cost of his schemes would have been cut by about 80 per cent, limiting the damage to about $10 million.

    He said he spoke to the head of the church, Simon Longfield, on the Gold Coast about Duker's illegal and unethical schemes in about 2003, but not only received no help, he and his wife had been shunned by RCI for speaking out.

    This week, RCI leader Pastor Longfield, told the Bulletin he had never supported Glenn Duker 'or anyone else' in the matter.

    "I'm not on anyone's side and neither is the church. We're a church, we don't control what our members do in business. I have no control over that -- if I did I would be a cult leader, not a pastor."

    "As far as Glenn Duker is concerned, my position is that if he has broken the law he needs to be put on trial and if he's guilty he needs to go to jail -- simple."

    He said he would be interested to know why ASIC did not pursue Duker.

    As far as Mr Bennison's exclusion from RCI was concerned, he said as far as he knew, that was a 'local matter' that had nothing to do with the accountant's investigations into the Duker schemes.

    The news of Duker's amazing ASIC escape comes as his brother Matthew, who was involved in real estate schemes, has been served with papers suing him for almost $10 million.

    Duker family accountant and auditor Alan Walker is also being sued after having been struck off as an auditor because of his professional failures in connection with the Duker schemes.

    Last year Duker filed for bankruptcy owing $34.3 million. His wife and co-director Lorilea also filed for bankruptcy protection owing $12.7 million while their holding company RVP owes creditors a further $9 million -- together an Australian record bankruptcy of $56 million.

    <script src=" Coast News" type=text/javascript></script>

    cultevasion Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #296
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:29/05/2010 10:51 PMCopy HTML

    Simon stood up at the 2006 June Rally confessing his support for the Dukers so much so that he invited Matt to pray and conduct the Communion service (thereby affirming his support for them). Some assembly folk walked out in disgust and never returned to RCI. Simon has always supported them right up to the very last minute. He admitted Glenn had lied to him twice in 2005 and that he could not find any dirt on the Williams family but he still believed Duker! Go figure that one out?
    Even Victor supported the Dukers having said in a Townsville talk, which was recorded (and the recording is available), that the only mistake Glenn made was doing business with people who could not handle it. Strange how the Dukers have accumulated about $60 million in debt. So the NAB, Commonwealth, ANZ Banks, GE Finance cannot handle doing business with him either. What about, Energex, Ausstar, Brisbane City Council, Builders, Architects, etc all of whom are on the Creditors List. Can they not handle Duker as well?
    Even the ATO and ASIC cannot handle doing business with him.
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:29/05/2010 10:55 PMCopy HTML

    Scott Bennison was not put out for a "local matter" but rather for trying to assist those members of RCI would had been defrauded by Duker and for trying to get to the bottom of a web of deceit from Simon, Victor, Ian Pask, Ian MacGregor, Glenn, Lorilea and Matt.
    cultivation leads to cultevasion -
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    Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #298
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:30/05/2010 6:43 PMCopy HTML

    Reply to Guest

    Reply to cultevasion

    Scott Bennison was not put out for a "local matter" but rather for trying to assist those members of RCI would had been defrauded by Duker and for trying to get to the bottom of a web of deceit from Simon, Victor, Ian Pask, Ian MacGregor, Glenn, Lorilea and Matt.

    Too bad if Simon and Victor get their fingers burnt  ... serves them jolly well right !!


    I also think Ian MacGregor was simply doing as he was told by Simon and Victor, by putting Bennison out.  Its a pity a man so educated with many achievements in his professional life,  being so easily manipulated by these two. 
    Had Simon been the true Shepard the scriptures talk of . IE that of protecting the sheep from the wolves, he would not have victimised, the victims and put them out, instead he justified and defended the perpetrators. 
    I'm sorry guys I was in the cult for 30 years remind me,  Revival Centres is a christian organisation here isn't it, ?? or are we all missing something here. "he says shaking his head"  Maybe there is merit in sending preachers and potential oversight to Bible college, (the ones I'm familiar with)  be it Harvest (AOG) or Rhema (word & faith, Kenneth Hagins college) that I'm currently involved with now. just to understand the basics of the role of a Shepard.
    This whole thing sickens me, we were almost caught up in this many years ago, but fortunately I listened to that still small voice that the Holy spirit guides us with, (the internal witness) and it just didn't seem right.
    Simon appears very much to have done a huge back flip in his dealing with the matter and no doubt the courts have seen this.
    Time will tell.

    Revival Centres the exclusive brethren of the pentecostal world
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:31/05/2010 1:07 AMCopy HTML

     Oh! what a tangled web we weave: When first we practise to deceive! ...
    "Try not to burn the toast"
    Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #300
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    Re:Rci pastor has been uncovered

    Date Posted:04/06/2010 6:16 AMCopy HTML

    The caption next to the picture of Simon Longfield on p. 13 reads:

    Simon Longfield: Current leader of Revival Centres International, the church founded in 1948 by his father, Lloyd.

    This is an error.

    Lloyd joined Tom Foster's National Revival Crusade (NRC), Melbourne in 1948 as a member only, not as a leader of any kind.

    Lloyd later broke away from Tom Harris with a small group of members in 1952 and was forced to change the name to Commonwealth Revival Crusade (CRC), Melbourne. Lloyd's group remained loyal to Leo Harris and the CRC was always under the leadership of Lloyd never founded any work in Melbourne! 

    He then broke away from the CRC to form the Revival Centres in 1959.

    I raise this because they celebrated a 50th Anniversary of the Revival Centres in 1998, when the Revival Centres were actually only 39 years old (circ. 1959) or at best 46 years old (circ. 1952).

    Did they think no one would notice?  Nongs.

    RCI prophesies
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