Title: Propositional question | |
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Date Posted:06/09/2011 11:02 AMCopy HTML To revivalists,I have a propositional question for you:One sunday two women were baptised. Julie and Penny. They both believed with all their hearts that Jesus is real, that He was born of the virgin Mary, that He Died, and that God raised Him from the dead. They both believed that He died for their sins and are thrilled to be committing their lives to Jesus and the Gospel.Julie was baptised first, and spoke in tongues in the baptismal tank, and went home with a joy that filled and thrilled her through and through.Penny was baptised second, then duly went and sought with all her heart for the gift of tongues, but did not, as much as she earnestry wanted to. But she was still thrilled and filled with joy that she had committed her life to Jesus, and was truly joyfull.The next day, Jesus returns with all His glory, to collect the Saints. Who is saved? Just Julie? Both Penny and Julie? Why? Please let me know of your opinion.Mr K
Ex_Member | Share to: #1 |
Re:Propositional question Date Posted:06/09/2011 11:45 AMCopy HTML To collect the saints? Sounds like a recycling truck. They got baptised on a Sunday. What time? Was it in running water? Full immersion? At the beach? In a river? What words were used? Was it done by an elder? Were they all in white robes? Did they tithe?
Ex_Member | Share to: #2 |
Re:Propositional question Date Posted:06/09/2011 11:46 AMCopy HTML How many chucks did a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck did chuck wood?
Ex_Member | Share to: #3 |
Re:Propositional question Date Posted:15/09/2011 10:00 AMCopy HTML Ugghhh,
Obviously that was too much? Sorry about that, I thought that revivilists were actuacly capable of thought. My bad, MrK |
Ex_Member | Share to: #4 |
Re:Propositional question Date Posted:18/09/2011 7:19 AMCopy HTML well actually Jesus doesnt return to "collect anyone" the scripture itself says the dead in christ will rise first and then the saints will also, God doesnt deal in if buts and maybes and hypotheticals what happens to Penny is up to God she has just been baptised she is seeking the holy spirit her heart is totally in the right place so she is as they say "sweet"
Ex_Member | Share to: #5 |
Re:Propositional question Date Posted:18/09/2011 7:21 AMCopy HTML from an as you are implying "revivalist who isnt capable of thinking". judgemental much mr k?
Didaktikon | Share to: #6 |
Re:Propositional question Date Posted:18/09/2011 8:08 AMCopy HTML Hello, Teeej.
well actually Jesus doesnt return to "collect anyone" the scripture itself says the dead in christ will rise first and then the saints will also. Well, you might want to quickly check out what Matthew 24:3 teaches. God doesnt deal in if buts and maybes and hypotheticals what happens to Penny is up to God she has just been baptised she is seeking the holy spirit her heart is totally in the right place so she is as they say "sweet". For interest's sake, can you provide any biblical support for the Longfieldian idea of 'seeking (for) the Holy Spirit'? Search as I might, I just can't find that concept taught in Scripture. Blessings, Ian email: didaktikon@gmail.com
Ex_Member | Share to: #7 |
Re:Propositional question Date Posted:26/09/2011 9:58 AMCopy HTML One assumes of course that prior to baptism they have been feeding the hungry, visiting the sick and imprisoned, clothing the naked etc.