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Date Posted:03/12/2011 6:01 AMCopy HTML

.. Sadly we learned today of the ALP position of allowing Gay Marriages. One of my well meaning acquaintances made this statement on his facebook page:

  " Australia is NOT a same sex marriage nation but a nation who honors the Biblical truths of marriage; the way God intended it to be. Thats what Im speaking into my atmosphere. Watch your words Australia. "

  ....  But  where is "speaking into my atmosphere" to be found in the Bible ??? Hmm I don't know ?? maybe Ian is right about pentes going a bit loopy.

blessings all


Biblianut Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:03/12/2011 9:31 AMCopy HTML

There was mention of a news item recently to the effect that a lesbian couple bringing up a boy child that the boy wanted to have his penis removed to be just like his “Parents”
There is some talk of allowing this to take place and are administering hormone treatment to effect change to female.
What sort of a role model is this for kids that same sex marriages are allowed?

Poor kids won’t know which way to turn when they grow up (pun intended)

I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:04/12/2011 5:10 AMCopy HTML


And were you expecting something different from the Gillard government?! C'mon, the socio-political agenda is largely set by Bob Brown, one or two 'Independents' and the Labour left; consequently, I wasn't in the least surprised.


Biblianut Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:04/12/2011 6:04 AMCopy HTML

Hi Ian,


Does not surprise me either, this Government doesn’t seem to be answerable to any one these days
they just go ahead and get what they want no matter the right or wrong of it.


I did my own small survey here in Geelong asking people whether they approved of same sex marriage. Out of the eighty I asked,
only four agreed and five didn’t care.


Where is the 57% in favour of it, according to these lobbyists?


I know it may not be much of an indication but one would have thought a higher number for it out of
the eighty.

Maybe I should ask in other Cities and Towns.



I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
dogmafree Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #4
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:04/12/2011 7:01 AMCopy HTML

Ralph, what was your reason for conducting this survey?  How did you frame the question?  And how did you choose/find the demographic in which to conduct your survey?

"for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" Shakespeare (Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2)
Biblianut Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #5
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:04/12/2011 9:26 AMCopy HTML

Hi Dog


Ralph, what was your reason for conducting this survey? Just a personal exercise out of my own interest 


How did you frame the question? In the light of the publicity on the subject I just ask the question; “How do you feel about Gay marriage?”  


And how did you choose/find the demographic in which to conduct your survey? I asked people from all walks, on the streets and in the cafés


Not such a big deal, hey?


Be well,




PS I was surprised Geelong must be pretty straight. Lol.

I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:05/12/2011 12:01 AMCopy HTML

.... Hi Ralph,

        It would be of interest to note the FULL legal implications of the proposed amendments to the definition of marriage as the Labor/Green coalition are attempting to do. Personally my opinion is that such matters that personally affect individual Australians on such a sensitive moral area should be placed in the category of constitutional boundary which can only be amended by national referendum.

       There is the bizarre possibility that ordained clergy are at risk of  discrimination should such clergy refuse to marry two persons of the same sex. In which case what we are now entertaining is the possibility of government interference into the rights of individual Australians being allowed to practice religious observance according to their own personal conscience ... a tragic sad state this country is fast becoming.

blessings Ralph

.. Eric  
Biblianut Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #7
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:09/12/2011 2:51 AMCopy HTML

There have been discussions before on this forum, about homosexuality, fornication, adultery etc. (from the Churches’ POV) and a question comes to mind at what point does one actually become ‘party’ to these offences.

A conversation with an acquaintance, at a coffee shop a couple of days ago, on the current issue of ‘gay marriage’, led to him jumping out of his chair and leaving in anger.

Heaven knows, I must have hit a nerve when I suggested that homosexuality, like any thing we do, is of our own choosing and/or decision.

His reply was that one is ‘born’ homosexual and it is nobody else’s business.

Refuting this, I quoted, “that one could say then pedophiles, criminals etc are born that way” (or similar). Oops! I sure was talking to a wrong person on this subject.


As has been discussed, fornication etc is not such until a physical act has taken place; can two people of the same sex still have the same desires and cares, and live together in a “marriage” situation but refrain from penetration (male) and not be considered as homosexual etc.?

And of females; at what point be considered as such?

I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
dogmafree Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #8
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:09/12/2011 4:09 AMCopy HTML


Not so much talking to the "wrong person" as with the wrong attitude! smiley6

Here's some food for thought, if you will....

Amazing how many people who profess Christian faith miss Jesus' teaching of non-judgement, and yet seem to always use their belief system to judge!

"for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" Shakespeare (Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2)
dogmafree Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #9
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:09/12/2011 4:22 AMCopy HTML

Reply to Biblianut

  can two people of the same sex still have the same desires and cares, and live together in a “marriage” situation but refrain from penetration (male) and not be considered as homosexual etc.?

Basically Ralph... I'd suggest what they do is none of our business.  Why do you feel the need to "consider" them one way or another, other than a fellow human being, like you and me?

"for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" Shakespeare (Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2)
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #10
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:09/12/2011 4:59 AMCopy HTML


Contrary to what Dog apparently promotes, I believe the issue is everyone's business given that the gay lobby is seeking to redefine what marriage involves. It is, then, as much a (practical) social issue as it is a (theoretical) theological one.

From a strictly practical standpoint, should the current Australian government pander to the Greens further and broaden the definition of 'marriage' to bring homosexual unions into the pale, I doubt I'd lose a wink's sleep. After all abortion on demand has been a fact of life in this country for years, so why not homosexual marriage? From a theological perspective, homosexuality is clearly numbered among Scripture's taboo acts. Therein it is described as something that runs contrary to (a) God's plan for humankind, and (b) his established natural order. As such, homosexual marriage can never be the practice of Christians, despite the fact that it may be socially accepted (or even legal) in the wider community. The moral and ethical standards that apply to followers of Christ have always been higher than that which applies to society more generally.

Dog made a very valid point in his rejoinder to you, and I thank him for doing so. Christians often seem to be predisposed towards judging others, and then by standards that simply don't apply to non-Christians! Consider, Jesus hung out with the socially dispossessed and marginalised. He ate with prostitutes, drunkards and the ritually 'unclean' of his day. Consequently, I reckon that were he still physically walking the earth now, he'd likely as not be ministering to those the 'religious' of our time denigrate, including homosexuals! This begs the obvious question: why don't more of the people who claim to be following in his footsteps do the same?!

Moving on ...

As I've opined elsewhere on this forum, homosexuality involves a physical act. It's the physical act which is expressly condemned, and so homosexuality should be distinguished from homophilia (i.e. same sex attraction). The former is sinful, the latter isn't. Practically, a homosexual can't enter into God's covenant of marriage if his/her partner is of the same sex; consequently, such a person must be prepared for a life of celibacy should he or she wish to follow Christ. In this respect a homosexual is no different to an unmarried heterosexual. When a homosexual seeks to be numbered in Christian community, his/her sexuality becomes the business of the Church just as it does for the heterosexual. Equality for all :)



Biblianut Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #11
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:09/12/2011 5:40 AMCopy HTML



OK, firstly I wasn’t judging anyone. The word is quite explicit that homosexuals, fornicators, adulterers, unbelievers… will not enter the kingdom of God. I didn’t write the bible, regardless of what you and I might think the truth doesn’t change. I didn’t say anything about anyone being right or wrong, that is judging. . Everyone has a choice to believe or not to believe. Jesus teaching of ‘non-judgment’ is quite clear as is the teaching of right and wrong in God’s eyes.


The changing of the idea of morals in society is much more prevalent than what they were years ago and is becoming so removed from what the word of God wills for us. 

I believe we all at some stage in our walk on this earth do see “what its like” to live the world through their windows by our own experiences but no, we do not have to judge others based on our own experiences but by the word of God.


The chap in question chose to ‘chide’ our conversation when I touched on the point he obviously had personal issues with.


Basically Ralph... I'd suggest what they do is none of our business.  Why do you feel the need to "consider" them one way or another, other than a fellow human being, like you and me?I believe it is our business, when the very idea of well proven fundamentals of marriage and good morals etc that shape our society are seriously threatened by misinformed and ignorant people.

I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
dogmafree Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #12
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:09/12/2011 4:09 PMCopy HTML

Reply to Biblianut

<!--?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /--> 


OK, firstly I wasn’t judging anyone. The word is quite explicit that homosexuals, fornicators, adulterers, unbelievers… will not enter the <!--?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /-->kingdom of God. I didn’t write the bible, regardless of what you and I might think the truth doesn’t change. I didn’t say anything about anyone being right or wrong, that is judging. . Everyone has a choice to believe or not to believe. Jesus teaching of ‘non-judgment’ is quite clear as is the teaching of right and wrong in God’s eyes.


Ralph, there's something about the preoccupation that many have in referring to people as fornicators, adulterers, unbelievers etc that I find quite unfortunate.  It's as though those words define the person.  I don't think it does!  Let's take a person who has 'fornicated'.  So this person has performed an act that some would say is 'wrong' and argue that it is a sin in God's eyes.  So?  It is one act that they may have done once or a hundred times, but it is still a small part of their totality.  It does not even begin to define him/her!  Its really quite absurd to define people by their acts or preferences or habits etc, or their beliefs.  I actually find the term 'unbeliever' completely preposterous!   Its highly arrogant for someone to call another 'unbeliever' just because they don't hold to your own particular set of beliefs.  Have you forgotten the lowest common denominator?..... we are ALL less than perfect.  What's with all this splitting of straws, and carrying on about what supposed 'sins' people have or have not committed?? 

You say its not judging, but when you label people like that, you do two things.... you suggest that they are unacceptable to God based upon your perception of the person, (who's heart you don't know) and you by implication try to distance yourself from that person, as though you are morally superior (which is nonsense, since we are not 'saved by works').  This kind of discrimination is quite unhealthy, and it seems to me to indicate a lack of understanding of GRACE that is supposed to underpin the Christian faith.  When a person truly sees through the eyes of grace, the lens focuses on what connects us all, we forgive and are compassionate for each other, knowing that just as we hurt and struggle and fail and yearn, so do we all (together).  'Others' are no different from the 'sense of self' that we have of our self.  So  then, the faults of others are something we no longer see as relevent.  If we dislike or are repulsed by something in or about someone else, that is not so much their problem as it is our problem.  Time to realise that we are no better than that person, and they are just as worthy of respect and compassion and love (and forgiveness) as any other. 


"for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" Shakespeare (Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2)
Talmid Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #13
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:09/12/2011 8:59 PMCopy HTML

 Yo Dog

You're being somewhat disingenuous in your references to the Xian concept of grace. I'd suggest you have a look at the following books of the bible as somewhat of a primer ... James' letter, Paul's letter to the Romans, John's first letter. (I realise of course that over the years you have been pointed to this material before.)

PS You write as if you were a Xian e.g. "we are not 'saved by works'". Is that a rhetorical device, or is that truly how you perceive yourself?

The evidence for Mann-made global warming is unequivocal.
Biblianut Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #14
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:09/12/2011 11:55 PMCopy HTML



You seem to be portraying me as some sort of self righteous twitt. Far be it from me to think I am better than anybody else.


Read my original post, the question was ‘at what point does one become ………..?’ 


Ian provided a reasonable answer on the matter.


I go along with what you are saying, howbeit, as Talmid said, “you seem to be ‘disingenuous’ in your concept of grace”.


Let’s not forget, God gave the Law to mankind to reveal that which is contrary to his plan of creation. A ‘school master’, if you like, to show man he is a sinner and sin will only lead to trouble and death.

Jesus and the cross of course is the only hope now for mankind.

By pointing out to people what is and isn’t according to scripture is not judging or putting a person down, but ensuring they have a chance for a better life and future. What ever their choice is, so be it.


Back to Gay Marriage, I have a right to speak up and object. I don’t wish to have people in government pushing their personal agendas into legislation. Next thing the schools will have to be promoting this as part of the curriculum.

Isn’t it enough what is being taught to kids today, things that are detrimental and destroying the true and good values that this society was built on. This just adds to the weight of parents and families that do care.

I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #15
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:11/12/2011 2:11 AMCopy HTML

Good afternoon, Dog.

To reinforce what Talmid's already pointed out, given what you've written I really don't think you properly understand what's at the heart of the Christian concept of grace. Furthermore, you may have forgotten that God himself labels people, and then divides them into one of two broad camps: (1) those who are righteous; and, (2) those who are unrighteous. You've added a third category into the mix, but it's one which you skate perilously close to the edge of y'self: the self-righteous ;)



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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:11/12/2011 4:12 AMCopy HTML


Considering the whole of this conversation, bottom line then; it is ok to allow for non-Christian Gays to marry as long as they accept it cannot be an ordinance of God.  Hope this government realises that.


I’m glad I am a Christian.

I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
prezy Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #17
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:27/08/2013 9:48 PMCopy HTML

The issue of homosexual marriage, and some mainstream Christian churches supporting it, is a stumbling block for some considering leaving revival. Revival pastors use it as a tool to discredit such churches. I personally wont attend a church that accepts homosexuality. Im not saying homosexuals shouldn't be welcome in church, but allowing them to marry? Its no different to having all those who have a weakness for adultery and asking them to throw their car keys in a bowl. Church leaders should be able to recognise sin and not be encouraging church members to fall in to it. That's the way I see it anyway.
¡uıɐƃɐ ʎɐqǝ ɯoɹɟ pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ƃuıʎnq ɹǝʌǝu
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:04/09/2013 11:54 PMCopy HTML

may be  a  visit to the CAI is required.

Gay marriage apparently  doesn't  conflict with their  doctrines and practices.

Seriously, the CAI believes before a  man and woman are married, a man should have a man 'friend'.
This relationship  is blessed before the Lord. (level 1,2,3 or  similar ... it's a bit masonic).
This relationship is your number2 relationship - the Lord (that'd in their case be Scott/Michy/Holy Ghost) are first, and your  wife she comes in at 3rd.
The men were  regularly  encouraged to sleep with their 'male friends'
 - this occurred frequently  (fact)
 - women(wives) would have to  go  elsewhere (spare room/friends/couch).
You weren't allowed to be married to women if you didn't have a  man-friend.

This friendship (level 3), pretty much equals marriage,  but the consummation part wasn't clarified in the friendship teachings,  though some of the CAI Pastors/elders  may have, so they'd be a great party to  bring to the debate...  but they are not quite out of the closet yet. You'd have to promise to be nice and not make fun of them,  so don't invite me.

There were regular occasions where rooms full of almost naked men massaged one another. Private massages did occur with Scott on special occasions... but I guessed you 'd have to be in the inner circle or .... selected.

Apparently  this was just what  Jesus  did  after the last  super with the  disciples... there's a scripture where  someone lays their head on his belly.  Really -  it's  all greek to me.... the scripture but the practice also....  Athenian soldiers were similarly encouraged to have  homosexual activity with their fellow soldiers, so it's all quite normal/common practice.  We modern folks are  all still suffering from  Victorian  repression.

Especially if you 're at level 3 with your man-friend relationship, you were allowed to wear matching clothes -  Scott and Michy have been  pictured in the past with matching 'gold-coloured'  waist coats and other clothes....  gold chains around wrist / neck also adorned.   Indeed particularly if you're Bavarian,  leather Shorts were  Favoured.  kinky shlinky!  .... may be that's why Scott went to Bavarian (army camp) to  start up the cult.

The CAI also have a book on men-friends, so  apparently being gay and revivalist is fine.

I am  not Gay. I have friends who are and  I  think  the quicker we remove barriers to equality the  better.  Institutional Repression is such an  evil sin.
It breaks my heart  how repressed and brutal the CAI is.
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:05/09/2013 12:22 AMCopy HTML

  Gay  people  should have the same  political/social rights to services/law as others.
 - see European debates on the matter.
 - this is hugely important to  Gay couples when it comes in inheritance, pension, social-services, law, tax issues.

The  debate is about  respect for other humans.
Being Gay isn't a disease
Gay  folks are  as good/bad as the rest of us and also capable of commitment to a life long relationship

Gay 'marriage' in a  church  .... REALLY  FOLKS .... it's a theological  discussion and rightly so.....   BUT THISdebate is about CIVIL marriage/partnership....   a legally binding relationship that recognizes a  union/commitment between to people (no matter if they're L or B  or G or even T) , not a 'religious/spiritual' ceremony, involving a deity.
It"s never too late to leave. Even if yon"ve been in the Assembly a long time.
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:06/09/2013 3:25 AMCopy HTML

 hi  Ian  - I like  your  answers.   thanks/appreciated.   Law in Australia seems much fairer for gay folks then than in certain European countries.  Ireland it's a big issue,  but they only introduced divorce 10years ago/or so ... so are still a little behind.

I stand corrected on scope of debate. thanks
It"s never too late to leave. Even if yon"ve been in the Assembly a long time.
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:06/09/2013 3:38 AMCopy HTML

oh  ... here's the CAI 's official  teaching on being Gay etc..

....  mmm  ....  it certainly doesn't apply to certain  pastors/elders ....
This cult (though I  make fun/ slightly flippant) is dangerous, and has quite a lot of homo-sexual/erotic  undertones in it's  culture (see above).
It is extremely  sexually repressive, despite the official  teaching indicated  above (and the 'nice' glossy image on their  website).

It"s never too late to leave. Even if yon"ve been in the Assembly a long time.
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:29/09/2013 10:57 AMCopy HTML


I do like your last sentence ..... You don't think we're supposed to do the whole 'salt' and 'light' bit? 

Standing up and being counted even and especially in times of persecution?


Biblianut Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #23
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:30/09/2013 1:41 PMCopy HTML


Keep studying – ethics and sound doctrine imprint the spirit when God speaks to the heart rather than reading many many theological books.  Thanks goodness or simple people like me wouldn’t have a hope of ‘feeling’ that joy and assurance.

Christian love is not mere sentiment, it is rooted in knowledge and understanding.

Philippians 1: 9,10.

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.

I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
Arielle50 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #24
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:02/10/2013 12:32 PMCopy HTML

Reply to Biblianut


Keep studying – ethics and sound doctrine imprint the spirit when God speaks to the heart rather than reading many many theological books.  Thanks goodness or simple people like me wouldn’t have a hope of ‘feeling’ that joy and assurance.

Christian love is not mere sentiment, it is rooted in knowledge and understanding.

Philippians 1: 9,10.

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.

That's very true (understanding being the key word) and I love the commentary below and reflecting on how blessed christians are under the new covenant that we can ask God direct if we have a question.  It is sad that some people though study study study and become puffed up in their own self knowledge but never come to the truth within their spirit and so lose the simplicity of caring for otheres in a compassionate way but rather feel compelled to beat others around the heard so to speak putting their insistence at 'being right' above plain good old fashioned tolerance and genuine authenticity as a gentle  human being.  

here is an extract

"Some Christians use the Bible as a law library and delve into the Word to prove a point or show how wise they are. Some fill their heads with Scripture believing that increased knowledge will create a relationship with God. These believers are like the doctor on the TV series “House.” Dr. House is a brilliant diagnostic physician who treats his patients with as little relationship with them as possible. He finds out everything about his patients but he really doesn’t know them. 

The Bible should be read as a love letter from a loved one who is separated by thousands of miles and is desperately waiting to be reunited. Whenever, the reader has any confusion, question or concern about what the letter means, they can ask God directly."

It's sad for me to reflect I have family members still in the 'cult' who are just like Dr House - hard as nails to anyone who has left and don't really know the meaning of christian love and tolerance towards others who don't meet their benchmark.

Thankfully Jesus is pleased with childlike trusting faith moreso than head knowledge.  We are not all called to be close to perfect praise God.

Biblianut Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #25
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:08/08/2017 12:08 PMCopy HTML

About not judging.

The Bible says that Christians should not judge the morality nor the behaviour of others”.

This always comes from those supporting things like same-sex marriage.

Luke 6:37 is often quoted.

This is true, but taken out of context.

If we look further, we find Jesus did not relieve us of the need for discerning right and wrong.

Christians are not to judge hypocritically or self-righteously (Matt 7:1-5) but it does not preclude another person's basic character and we evaluate between good and bad people (sexual immorality in this case). Not a case of judging but pointing out the wrong and showing which direction to go. for ones own good.

Teaching about the Kingdom, of course, should be given in accordance with the learners spiritual capacity (V6).

Sadly,people don't realise that God is 'sovereign' and it is he that judges good and evil.

The bible is written and instruction is given for our own good, in this life and that to come.


I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:10/09/2017 11:46 AMCopy HTML

 The question should be via the postal vote, Do you want freedom of choice/ belief/ speech,, I think 95% of Australians would say yes, so automaticlly if Homosexuals want to form a bond it has nothing to with those who don,t like it.

Second question on the postal vote should be,  Is the word marriage to be used for a man- woman only, again most Aussies would vote yes.

So now a gay couple can be joined together, under not marriage but let then come up with their own word, for the Male- female here's your Marriage certificate, for the gays here's your Civil bond/ civil Union/ Gay bondship, certificate or what ever word the gay want to use, except the word marriage, SO the question asking do you want gay marriage, will force a lot of christians to vote No, God gave humans the choice my way or no eternal life, I can not find a quote where God said be angry and despise Gays and those who don't live their life God's way.

Love you fellow man woman as your own child.
Godspeed Apprentice Spirit searcher
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:18/09/2017 11:24 PMCopy HTML

 As a responsible Christian, it is comforting to note Churches confirm their commitment to the God given institution of marriage between a man and a women only. Those that don't have lost the plot completely.
I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:01/10/2017 5:56 AMCopy HTML

There are 6 Scriptures about homosexuality in the Bible. Here's what they really say.

The Story of Sodom & Gomorrah (Genesis 19)

This story in Genesis 19 is probably the most popular passage used to condemn homosexuality. Here is how Vines explains it:

"God sends two angels disguised as men into the City of Sodom where the men of Sodom threatened to rape them. The angels blind the men, and God destroys the city. For centuries, this story was interpreted as God's judgment on same-sex relations, but the only form of same-sex behavior described is a threatened gang rape. "

So gang rape = not good (also not the same thing as homosexuality). But the recap of Sodom & Gomorrah found in Ezekial 16:49 highlights what Vines believes is the real point of the story:

"Now, this was the sin of your sister, Sodom. She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed, and unconcerned, they did not help the poor and needy."

In other words, everyone using this story as evidence of the sin of homosexuality, might be missing the point entirely.

When God calls homosexuality an abomination 
(Leviticus 18:22) (Leviticus 20:13)

Yep. We've all heard that Leviticus is where the Bible straight-up says that homosexual behavior is an abomination. And yes, it does. It also says that homosexuals should receive the death penalty (!!!). It also says the same thing about eating pork or shellfish, charging interest on loans, and a whole bunch of other restrictions that were a part of the Old Testament Law Code. But for Christians, the Old Testament doesn't (dare I say "shouldn't?") settle any issue because Romans 10:4 says that Christ is the end of the law. Which is probably why most Christians today eat meat, use credit cards, wear makeup, and support equality for women. Because, as Hebrews 8:13 says, the old law is obsolete and aging.

When people turn away from God (Romans 1:26-27)

"Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones; in the same way, men committed shameful acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their error."

This is where Vines really digs in on the the cultural context angle. In Biblical times, same-sex behavior was primarily seen as happening between adult men and adolescent boys (masters and servants — yikes), via prostitution, and by men who were married to women. In all of those cases, we can see why it would have been viewed as sinful, excessive, lustful, and against God's law. But he makes no mention of love, commitment, faithfulness, or the type of same-sex relationships that are at question in the debate around marriage. (By the way, Paul also says that men having long hair is "unnatural" and that women shouldn't speak in church, so it's clear Paul himself may have had some issues of his own.)

Uses of the Greek works "Malakoi" and "Arsenokoitai" 
(1 Corinthians 6:9-10) (1 Timothy 1:10)

These words are included in the New Testament's lists of people who will not inherit God's kingdom. And there has been much debate over their original meaning. (Translating ancient words is hard, guys.) Some believe them to mean homosexuality and sodomy, whereas others have said that the closest modern translation would be "dirty old men." Ha! Here's how Vines explains it:

Many modern translators have rendered these terms as sweeping statements about gay people, but the concept of sexual orientation didn't even exist in the ancient world. Yes, Paul did not take a positive view of same-sex relations (nor did he support women speaking in church...), but the context he was writing in is worlds apart from gay people in committed, monogamous relationships. The Bible never addresses the issues of sexual orientation or same-sex marriage, so there's no reason why faithful Christians can't support their gay brothers and sisters.

Fascinating, right?

If you'd like to learn more and hear Matthew Vines' story, check out the video above and his book "God and the Gay Christian."

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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:02/10/2017 12:12 AMCopy HTML

Hi Mothy,

I don't know what is your point here, whether they are homosexual or not?

If one wishes to express their sexuality outside of marriage (ie one man and one women only) by having a sexual relationship, be it same-sex, adultery, another's spouse or whatever, is a SIN and will not go away unpunished.

What is written and my own experience, there is always a negative response having gone against that law set down by God, whether it is immediate or in time, there is always a reaction to it.

Old testament law, if broken, had an immediate punishment dished out to those that sinned.

In the New Testament that law is no longer imputed toward those that believe in Christ and repent of their actions. The “law is written in their hearts by the Holy Spirit” and do not continue in sin.

This does not apply to those of unbelief and continue in their activities as those that “Live by the law, will be judged by the law” and held in store at final judgement. Notwithstanding the negative impact of it now.

I see the whole narrative of the bible is showing us God put down the law(moral) for our own well being and good, in this life and that to come.

Going against it we reap the consequences.

Grace and peace


PS God puts much importance on sexual immorality: Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body........ 1Corinthians 6:12-18 

I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:06/10/2017 5:16 AMCopy HTML

What's 'my' point? I haven't really shared my point. I did however find this article interesting for Christians to read. I don't believe the bible is written by a god to people so my perspective is different, of course.
All your other hooha about 'sin' is ridiculous though. I'll come back and make my point about that at some point.
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:07/10/2017 7:21 AMCopy HTML

All your other hooha about 'sin' is ridiculous though. I'll come back and make my point about that at some point.

Looking forward to YOUR point of view on why there is 'morality' and 'immorality' on earth.
I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
Biblianut Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #32
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:22/10/2017 11:07 AMCopy HTML

 Not only does the biblical story of Sodom & Gomorrah show the homosexuality of the men but also the selfishness and self-gratification of the women also. It's history reveals the corruption and crime, that the people had become. Our nation/s are becoming just that, They are turning their backs on our Creator and giving over to their own selfish lusts which will lead to troubles and destruction. We as a people are becoming nothing more than, 'heathen'. God help us.
I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
MothandRust Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #33
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:07/11/2017 12:39 PMCopy HTML

Reply to Biblianut

All your other hooha about 'sin' is ridiculous though. I'll come back and make my point about that at some point.

Looking forward to YOUR point of view on why there is 'morality' and 'immorality' on earth.

Sounds like an exercise in futility... 
But I could start the argument by asking you if you think slavery is moral or immoral? There lies an interesting rabbit hole jaunt.

I'm certainly not going to argue scriptures with Ian. 

Children died gruesome deaths today when a car ran into a classroom. There is no god, and if there is his passiveness is 'evil'.
Instagram and Twitter: @mothpete
Biblianut Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #34
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Re:Gay Marriages

Date Posted:08/11/2017 12:37 PMCopy HTML

Hi Mothy,

Slavery is an interesting topic. Simple answer from me, I believe is immoral in oppressing fellow mankind. The other side of the coin is of course ”slavery to Christ” and how Christianity justified it in the past. Lots of reading to do on that. Thank God slavery is illegal today.

Let me say my of point of view (Noetic structure “recognises the differing degrees of certainty, firmness, and conviction w/ which people hold their beliefs”), comes from reading, listening and excepting those that have done much more research and learning in languages (eg Ian's knowledge of the Kione creek), philosophy, different themes of bible studies and so forth, notwithstanding my own experiences on my religious journey.

There is much mystery in this life that is beyond human comprehension and understanding, we can only accept it, or not, by reason and logic.

We can define 'sin' as really as breaking of a rule set down by our creator. God gave ‘Adam and Eve’ only one rule and that was not to eat of the tree of good and evil (whatever that means) but they broke that rule, thus sin and evil comes into the picture. Mankind became separated from having a relationship with God.

It is a tragedy what happened today with the school event, brings us to morals, sin and evil. All three interact.

We question why there are tragedies and disasters. God seems to get the blame any way.

Two types of evil exist; moral evil, the troubles that man brings upon himself by wrongful deeds and natural evil (gratuitous evil), disasters like earth quakes, weather patterns, tsunamis, etc., which sometimes termed “acts of God.”

One can easily determine what is the moral evil that is brought about by man’s wrongful actions himself and suffers the consequence, but the question of natural evil why it happens or for what good reason does it happen is much more complex.

From a Christian POV, God allows these things to happen to bring about either a greater good or destroy a greater evil.

I believe only from the bible (Sola Scriptura) can a satisfactory conclusion be decided, but one has to believe first.


(sourced from N T Wright, Bill Mounce and bible) 

I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S.Lewis.
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