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Date Posted:16/07/2009 10:52 PMCopy HTML

Good morning, Tony.

I'd like to provide you with an opportunity to to publicly (and openly) present your "critiques" of my various exegetical essays. Here's a thread which you can fill with your evaluations to your heart's content


Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #201
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Re:For 'Luke', an opportunity.

Date Posted:11/02/2010 9:25 PMCopy HTML


Just one example of this approach is:  John 3:8 says that the Spirit will be identifiable via an audible voice. Please explain! You're quite the dogmatic Revivalist aren't you? I've previously demonstrated to you on this forum, beyond any shadow of doubt, and then from the grammar and syntax of the Greek text, why your "audible voice" nonsense with respect to John 3:8 is completely illegitimate. The fact that you would raise this disproven Revivalist claim again clearly indicates that you're neither teachable, nor open, to being corrected from God's Word. Good luck with that.

So let's sum up your demonstrated character, shall we? (1) Ignorant, (2) arrogant, (3) dogmatic, (4) untruthful, (5) hypocritical, (6) unteachable, (7) spiteful, (8) dishonest, and (9) malicious. Superimpose the fact that you're also obnoxious, and I think I have more than adequate grounds for banning of you from this site. If you would care to dispute my taking this action, then you should take up the matter with our uber Moderator, Unkoolman.

It's time for you to face up to the fact that noone here is interested in buying the "pup" you seem so keen to sell. And given the complete lack of engagement at your own excuse for a forum, noone there seems over keen either.

In closing, you've set your sights too high; you really do need to find a much less discerning crowd to harangue with your unbiblical nonsense.



Talmid Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #202
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Re:For 'Luke', an opportunity.

Date Posted:11/02/2010 11:01 PMCopy HTML

Yo Luke

For the record, again, after 30 odd years of being convinced that the RCI/RF salvation message was correct, I came to the conclusion after working through scripture that it was wrong, and then left. I was invited to stay by my pastor, even after telling him that it was wrong, and did in fact stay for the best part of a year before choosing to part company. I even went camping with a number of my former RF co-religionists over the last Australia Day long weekend, which was over a year after leaving.

In answer to your question, then, "the change" was a result of studying scripture (enlivened by the Spirit who opened my understanding) not any bad treatment from RCI/RF leaders.
The evidence for Mann-made global warming is unequivocal.
Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #203
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Re:For 'Luke', an opportunity.

Date Posted:21/02/2010 12:07 PMCopy HTML

Hi Ianos, et all... It might be possible to ban Lukie from posting on these boards but at the same time allow him to come in and still be allowed to be able to read any posting he happens to come across. ( just like as if if he visited a genuine church where he would take his seat, sit down, shut up, listen and learn - that is if he is capable of learning anything..)   Just a thought !



Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #204
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Re:For 'Luke', an opportunity.

Date Posted:21/02/2010 8:25 PMCopy HTML

 Just noticed that Luke the Goose has altered his "Ian Thomason" discussion forum room to this:

"Ian Thomason is a disgruntled former member of the Revival Centres International that has committed a great deal of time to arguing against the Holy Ghost Baptism. He has a website called “Please Consider” where he uses eloquence of speech to support his twisted views. He is basically a modern day Pharisee, highly narcissistic and intolerant of any view but his own. Ian Thomason has somewhat of a cult following among other disgruntled former Revival Members and this accounts for most (if not all) his following. He is one among a number of "Cyber Cult Leaders".

---- POOP !!!

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #205
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Re:For 'Luke', an opportunity.

Date Posted:22/02/2010 2:58 AMCopy HTML

Hi, John.

Thank you for pointing out the fact that I don't oppose baptism in/with the Holy Spirit at all, I simply oppose Revivalism's/Pentecostalism's mistaken assumption of what such actually entails. Anyway, Tony's commentary that: (1) I'm a modern day Pharisee (which is impossible given that I'm neither Jewish nor Talmudic in my beliefs); (2) that I'm highly narcissistic and intolerant of others' views (he almost makes me sound like a Revivalist there!); and (3) that I have something of a "cult" following among former Revivalists (which sounds remarkably like jealousy on his part) has really made my day. Perhaps I should follow his lead and (1) start my own "church"; (2) call myself "pastor"; and (3) rant long and hard on the internet on subjects about which I haven't the foggiest clue?

He really is a goose, hey?



prezy Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #206
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Re:For 'Luke', an opportunity.

Date Posted:22/02/2010 4:43 AMCopy HTML

Yes, our highly regarded cult he is among other things a goose. Reminds of grc talks where I couldn't help thinking that many of things that other people, in particular mainstream Christians, were being acused of were in fact a perfect desription of the acuser! Still amazed at the similarities between all the different "revival heretic groups". Wasnt the impression we were given while still "in". Bit like the Nazi party, same or very similar ideas in their groups, but leaders all wanted to kill each other.
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Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #207
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Re:For 'Luke', an opportunity.

Date Posted:22/02/2010 5:11 AMCopy HTML

Reply to prezy

Yes, our highly regarded cult he is among other things a goose. Reminds of grc talks where I couldn't help thinking that many of things that other people, in particular mainstream Christians, were being acused of were in fact a perfect desription of the acuser! Still amazed at the similarities between all the different "revival heretic groups". Wasnt the impression we were given while still "in". Bit like the Nazi party, same or very similar ideas in their groups, but leaders all wanted to kill each other.

Afternoon Prezy,

Amen to that - indeed.. All goose is doing is shouting accusation - too right !!



MothandRust Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #208
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Re:For 'Luke', an opportunity.

Date Posted:22/02/2010 9:14 AMCopy HTML


Funnily enough, if you look up the word 'goose' on Urban dictionary you get the name 'Luke' in the example.!&defid=3812663

Pretty dang funny :P
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Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #209
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Re:For 'Luke', an opportunity.

Date Posted:23/02/2010 11:59 AMCopy HTML

Well, well,well.

Tony Barton (aka 'Luke735', et al), self-appointed pastor of HisWay Family Church, and author of a score or more anti-Ian Aimoo forae, just PM-ed the following: Hi Ian Couldn't help yourself could you! Hmmm. In spite of your obvious (pride driven) opinion, Jesus is returning soon and the light of his coming will reveal all. Hope you are prepared for the dreaded statement "Depart from me you who work iniquity". That is what awaits if you do not repent today of your heresy.

BTW: Why are you so afraid to allow me to place your essays in context on "Please Re-Consider"? If I am so incapable of exposing you? Hmmmm

You are a con man and Jesus will reveal as much to your disciples in the light of his coming. Its just a shame that its too late to fix it then.


I'm sure he means well, but I can always rely on this fellow to give just cause for a chuckle!



Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #210
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Re:For 'Luke', an opportunity.

Date Posted:23/02/2010 2:43 PMCopy HTML

Thanks for the little glimpse into the mind of madness Ian.

It is more than tempting to give the boy some more rope to see what else he comes up with, before he hangs himself with it, even moreso. But it's my opinion that entertaining him anymore will only feed his delusions and therefore be more damaging to himself. That there is one seared off heart, with an axe to grind who seems to take huge pleasure in making vendettas. A thoroughly unlikeable chap who needs to know it.

For his own sake, and for the sanity of anyone following the thread, Luke is permanently banned from the forum. I won't actually activate the forum's ban features against him, because I hope he rereads the thread and lets the penny drop. However, any further posts from the poor fool will be deleted.

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #211
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Re:For 'Luke', an opportunity.

Date Posted:24/02/2010 2:44 AMCopy HTML

G'day, Progmodstigator.

I agree with you completely. However, I'd already banned the goose so there's little worry about him re-offending under (yet) another alias. Anyway, and although it may sound a bit weird, I'm thankful that he has all his little hate sites on Aimoo. They (1) provide a perfect and public object-lesson example of the insanity that is Revivalism, and its effects on the weak-minded. (2) They cause literally hours of enjoyment and mirth for well-read, thinking and spiritually discerning people. And (3) they constantly remind me of the fact that, "...there but for the grace of God (and some simple education, the capacity for reason, an objective outlook and a smattering of personality), go I."



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