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Date Posted:29/06/2008 5:42 AMCopy HTML

This is a post for those who love the people in RCI and who want RCI to continue and grow and change for the positive.  This is NOT a post for negative comments, but for encouraging Simon Longfield to get on with the massive task he has ahead of him if he is to properly administer the RCI and re-ignite and re-enliven it.


I have met with you on many occasions, and I know that you are an intelligent and caring person, and I am convinced that you are as honest as the rest of us, and sincerely care for the RCI and it's members.

Since leaving the RCI, I have been opened up to the wider church community and the Ex-Revival community and let me assure you that a lot of the negative comments in this website and elsewhere are also coupled with fond memories and goodwill also.  We are very concerned with the current condition of RCI, and you are the only one who can turn this around. 

I can only pray for you and encourage you to be brave and visionary and make some positive changes to RCI, because if you do not, the flame might go out altogether.

I encourage you to please update the music.  Those choruses are really awful once you have experienced the better theology and sound of Hillsong, Nikki Chiswell and other really good worship music that most of the rest of Australia have moved on to.  Those choruses are really cringe-worthy.

I encourage you to seperate the Longfield Trust and other venture from RCI, and start making available openly and transparently the church financial records, not begrudgingly or by appointment or by having to ask someone to see them, but make them available in the airlock for all to take home a copy at all times, and also make copies available at the yearly accounting periods.  The congregation should not have to ask, they should not be left wondering, they should be able to take copies whenever they want to without having to ask for it, or be in any fear of ramifications for wanting to see the chuches records.

I encourage you to make better application of confession in the RCI.  There are so many folk in RCI that are racked with guilt that they just should not be.  There are older members of the church who are carrying the burden of guilt for silly things that they did 20 years ago - stupid things like flashing brown-eyes and things they did when they were young, and they do not have a clear conscience before God..  How on earth can the revival flame keep burning when the congregation have a burden of guilt on their shoulders?  They should not have to tell a house leader or Pastor any confession in order to have a clear concience to God.  They should be able to on a weekly basis be able to confess to God all things on their conscience and have their concience sprinkled clean.  In the 14 years in Revival I did not experience the cleansing of my conscience until I left and went to another church.  I had in that 14 years in RCI hear from people every week of their conscience being burdened. 

I encourage you to ease up on the strictness of the RCI guidelines.  Many of them are just uneccesarry.  Guidelines should be exactly that - guidelines, not strict enforcable rules that need to be enforced by threats and such.  Many RCI folk have replaced thier own rational volition and excerise of self control to the legalism of guidelines.  It took me 18 months after leaving RCI in order to excercise self control in all areas of my life when I became no longer subject to the legalism of the guidelines. 

I encourage you to put Brittish Isreal to the back-burner just as you did with numerics.  I also encourage you to open up the bookshop with more soundly structured materials, and encourage the congregation to grow and learn and be guided by the Holy Spirit, rather than being fettered with the guideline of not having any material outside the bookshop.

I encourage you do this quickly before things get worse.

Yours sincerely and in the love of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit,

Paul Miles.

Anyone else who wishes to positively encourage Simon Longfield, please post here.

Please show the love of Jesus when doing this in this post, and leave bitter arguments to other threads and posts.

I invite you Simon, to answer if you want to. 
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Re:A message for Simon Longfield

Date Posted:22/10/2008 5:57 AMCopy HTML

Wow.  So much to add yet so little further time I am willing to waste.  Hmmm, should I waste my breath?  Maybe one last time for good measure.  I will part ways by saying a few final things.... again, for what it’s worth.

Firstly to Ian, in all seriousness I don’t think you are reading from the same book as I am – maybe we just have a very different interpretation of the same scriptures.  Your version of Scripture however, sounds very much like something derived from the Wonderful World of Disney; looks good, sounds good, a crowd-pleaser, warms the cockles of your heart, but is nothing more than make-believe.  We are just going to have to agree to disagree – a cop-out I know, but I can’t see there is any other way to ‘resolve’ our differences.  I, for one, have better things to do than continue to fuel your ego.  I have already invested way too much of my valuable time wading through this cesspool – time I could have better spent watching paint dry.

To outaegypt, if Ian was actually my “brother” in the Spirit, you would be justified in sending me a warning from Matthew 5:22.  I thank you for this message anyway.  A pertinent reminder that we all need pay attention to during those times when we feel ourselves getting a little hot under the collar (passionate) about things.  I have taken this on board and will take care in future.  Perhaps your friend Ian could also take heed of this message – I don’t think referring to someone as “swine” is any better than calling them a fool, do you?

For those of you who have happened upon this website looking for the Truth; turn back, go and look into His Word for yourself, seeking the Lord’s guidance along the way.  Don’t take another man’s interpretation of the scriptures as ’gospel’.  The Lord knows your heart and if you truly seek the Truth, he will reveal it to you.  If you seek salvation, ask the Lord for it and you will receive.  How will you know that you have received?  Well, that’s the ‘million dollar’ question – whilst I know the answer to that question, let’s just say the Lord will answer that for you Himself with signs following.  All I will say is that what you receive you will not be able to deny!

Allow me to refer to a very small but powerful passage written in Paul’s letter to the Phillipians (Chapter 4:8 - NIV):

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praise worthy – think about such things.

It’s a shame there is precious little of these praise-worthy characteristics to be found in this website.

A warning for all those visiting this website, I refer to 2 Peter 2:1-3 (NIV),

But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you.  They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them – bringing swift destruction on themselves.  Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.  In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories.  Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping...

And for those on this website who shall remain nameless, a scripture for you to consider whether this applies to you:  2 Peter chapter 2 continues... (verses 12 – 14)

... But these people blaspheme in matters they do not understand.  They are like unreasoning animals, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed, and like animals they too will perish.  They will be paid back with harm for the harm they have done.  Their idea of pleasure is to carouse in broad daylight.  They are blots and blemishes, revelling in their pleasures while they feast with you.  With eyes full of adultery, they never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed – an accursed brood!

Food for thought perhaps?  Anyway, as I said, I have wasted too much time as it is with you people.  My work is done here.  I bid thee farewell.

Blessings, (wink, wink)


Talmid Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #52
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Re:A message for Simon Longfield

Date Posted:22/10/2008 8:04 AMCopy HTML


Just on the off-chance that you might be curious about responses to your post ...

In a nutshell, IMO, you've plied us with platitudes and regaled us with irrationality. You've accused Ian of teaching false doctrine, yet refused to take the opportunity to specify what it is you take umbrage to, 'though I'm guessing it's that you think speaking in tongues is a sign that universally accompanies receiving the Spirit. Similarly, you've refused to demonstrate that any of the doctrine in Ian's posts is non-Scriptural.

I refused to directly engage the points made by Ian for around 6 years. I hope you don't wait that long.

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MothandRust Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #53
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Re:A message for Simon Longfield

Date Posted:22/10/2008 8:28 AMCopy HTML

What an anti-climax! And here I was thinking that someone with a bit of 'wit' about them (unlike GWM) was going to put their Revival doctrine to a bit of old time bible scrutiny to see if it floated. Pity he doesn't have time for that... obviously he usually charges by the hour.

I bet this is the fella that claimed to read through Ian's recent document on 'Revivalist dogma and the book of Acts', but was unable to actually respond to anything in it directly. 

The sad part is that he seems one of those types that actually had the 'balls' to leave the Revival circle of churches,(maybe because he's sharp enough to see it as the cold controlling organisation it is, or whatever) but then get stuck in a frustrated rut because they're so indoctrinated with Lloyd's doctrine to actually see the simplicity in the mainstream Christianity that has been rolling on before, during and after their 'Revival'.
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fordka Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #54
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Re:A message for Simon Longfield

Date Posted:22/10/2008 12:52 PMCopy HTML

This will show you blokes that RCI are not the only ones that preach Acts 2 38 salvation doctrine, RCI dosent have the monopoly on this. I think there needs to be another area on this forumn set up for Folk wanting to leave rci and needing help without coping interigation on their personal beliefs.

Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #55
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Re:A message for Simon Longfield

Date Posted:22/10/2008 10:04 PMCopy HTML

Good morning, Fordka.

There are two points to consider with respect to what you've suggested. First, what the Revivalists preach isn't, in fact, what Acts 2:38 actually states. Consequently, their's isn't an "Acts 2:38 salvation message" at all. Properly speaking, what the Revivalists propose is an aberration of Peter's summary to the Jews at Pentecost. Second, you are perfectly correct in stating that Revivalists aren't the only ones to preach the "repent, be baptised and speak-in-'tongues'" nonsense. The United Pentecostal Church beat Llongfield to this "punch" by about 20 years! There are also a myriad of groups similarly as small as the three, principle Revivalist fellowships. However, what all of these groups have in a common is a "message" that never, at any time, existed in the history of the world (never mind the Christian Church) prior to about 1930! In other words, it's rubbish!

Revivalists do need to have their beliefs "interrogated" (as you put matters). They do need to be confronted with the fact that not only is what they believe thoroughly unbiblical, it's also thoroughly novel. In short, Revivalists need to be confronted with the truth. What they don't need; however, is to be falsely led into thinking that what they've always accepted is "fact". That they can simply move from one doctrinally dysfunctional group into another.

Revivalists need to be directly, intentionally and unambiguously confronted with their heresy, and given the opportunity to recant of it, and repent from it.

Then, and only then, can they approach Christ so as to be saved



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Re:A message for Simon Longfield

Date Posted:22/10/2008 10:22 PMCopy HTML


Reply to fordka
This will show you blokes that RCI are not the only ones that preach Acts 2 38 salvation doctrine, RCI dosent have the monopoly on this. I think there needs to be another area on this forumn set up for Folk wanting to leave rci and needing help without coping interigation on their personal beliefs.


Hmmmm.  Acts 2 38 salvation doctrine?  Also known as a message.  But ultimately we are talking GOSPEL aren't we?

There seems to be 2 gospels here.  The mainstream orthodox gospel, and "Acts 2:38" gospel.  They are clearly not the same thing.  One of them is the true gospel, and the other is a false one.  So before we go to interpreting the bible from Hebrew and Greek, with all the training needed to do this correctly, let us get the gospel right to start with.  It is the gospel that is simple to share with others, and unfolding the scriptures to be done with study.

So - if your gospel isn't correct, then any unfolding of scripture is going to be just as incorrect as it will be based on the incorrect gospel.

So - What is your gospel?

fordka Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #57
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Re:A message for Simon Longfield

Date Posted:23/10/2008 6:10 AMCopy HTML

“The United Pentecostal Church beat Llongfield to this "punch" by about 20 years!”

Excellent Ian, thanks for that Ill look them up, I also hear the AOGs believe that to live a good and holy life that you should receive the Holy Spirit, with the initial evidence that you will speak in tongues. and get Baptised by full emersion,  So Ill look them up as well

Excellent guidance brothers Job well done  (nice try Mr K)  :)

Talmid Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #58
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Re:A message for Simon Longfield

Date Posted:23/10/2008 6:51 AMCopy HTML

Hi fordka

You're naiivity is showing :-(

The UPC and fellow oneness pentecostals split from the AOG's b/c of fundamental differences over their views re s.i.t. amongst various other matters. So, just how will you decide which is for you?

Personally, I'd recommend the apostles' doctrine as preserved in Scripture. Now if that *does* guide your thoughts, you'd be well advised to "interigate" whether *either* of those groups understands s.i.t. in the same way as the apostles did.

Of course if you fancy yourself as a snake-handler the choice is clear ...
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Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #59
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Re:A message for Simon Longfield

Date Posted:23/10/2008 7:05 AMCopy HTML

Hi, Fordka.

I think you need to re-read my response, specifically my comments regarding the UPC. It wasn't a recommendation (I sort of have this private rule about not recommending heresy).


outaegypt Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #60
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Re:A message for Simon Longfield

Date Posted:26/10/2008 5:00 AMCopy HTML

Reply to ClearVision
  if Ian was actually my “brother” in the Spirit, you would be justified in sending me a warning from Matthew 5:22.
Perhaps your friend Ian could also take heed of this message – I don’t think referring to someone as “swine” is any better than calling them a fool, do you?

 Anyway, as I said, I have wasted too much time as it is with you people.  My work is done here.  I bid thee farewell.

Blessings, (wink, wink)


I wasn't going to bother to ever...... 

Once some bodies attitude has set to nasty, words are of little use. 
And as you say you've wasted enough time and sent your parting farwells. 
Your judgmental arrogance  of thinking you have made valid points will bring you back- they always come back-even if just for a secret peek!!
I wasn't actually defending 'my Friend Ian', I don't know him therefore I'm not willing to judge him unlike yourself.
The point was directed at your attitude and willingness to chance being BBQed just to indulge yourself of a dummy spit. 
I suppose the biggest difference between 'swine' and 'fool' is scripture, (small thing- I know) although from your comment obviously the weight of scripture is optional, interchangeable and an idle threat to be ignored unless of course it serves your purpose at the time.

Fair thee well....... Not that you will  return to read any response of course!
As I hear it, I'll repeat it, Its up to you if you believe it! Allegation big and small, soon revealed before us all. outa here- Outa Egypt!
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Re:A message for Simon Longfield

Date Posted:15/12/2008 2:02 PMCopy HTML

Reply to Episkopeo (29/06/2008 22:28:14)
 I think when one guides themselves there is no longer need for guidelines.

Reply to Sir-Loin,

I think the RCI world leader, deputy world leader and other pastors are having trouble guiding themselves.  They flew in the face of their own guidelines with the recent Duker affair.


and all the people said:
D-T-M Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #62
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Re:A message for Simon Longfield

Date Posted:19/03/2009 9:54 PMCopy HTML


The Duker situation is not going to go away.

maybe you could get him to give his "testimony" on Sunday saying that he used to be a big bad property developer and he lost  a lot of other people's money including a large number of RCI members but now he has been "saved" and is truly repentant and it won't happen again blah blah blah.

I am sure that you and your fellow pastors, all highly intelligent men, will be able to rationalise the small matter of he allegedly being saved during the time he was implementing his poor investment decisions.

Maybe his baptism was invalid because he may not have been fully immersed or whatever.

I am sure that you get the idea.

Uncoolman Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #63
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Re:A message for Simon Longfield

Date Posted:23/04/2012 8:05 AMCopy HTML

 what  a total waste of space!
Didaktikon Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #64
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Re:A message for Simon Longfield

Date Posted:23/04/2012 8:17 AMCopy HTML

Hello, Guest.

what  a total waste of space! The fact that this thread reached 70-odd individual posts would suggest otherwise :P

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